House inspections

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015

The town/city where I live has decided that they can do inspections on rental properties and even private homes to "ensure safety", demand upgrades (due to the slum lords), and as a house reappraisal. Now they're sending "people" they've hired for the task around door to door to inspect those homes. One showed up at my door last night and when he asked if he could come in I looked at him and said "NO" which took him somewhat aback. He would have found that if he had tried the "I have the authority thingee" I would told him to go get a frakking search warrant. So instead he asked if he could ask some questions about the house, as he stood out in the cold wind, and being sadistic I said sure and answered the what questions I felt like answering. Personally I thought it was none of his damn business the city had the opportunity to look the house over when I bought it. If I've made upgrades they can find out about them when I sell or if its something obvious as they drive by the house.

It's my frakking castle and I'm no longer in the frakking military and I don't have to allow anyone to inspect my property without a search warrant damn it!!!


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On a side note the county is also doing it in the outlying small towns. Someone was posing as a house inspector and got arrested for stealing prescription drugs they took while doing the inspection.

On a side side note perhaps the police and sheriffs departments had better keep and eye on the various apartment complexes that cater to people that have special needs. A bogus inspector would make quite a haul on prescription meds there.


View attachment 560743

On a side note the county is also doing it in the outlying small towns. Someone was posing as a house inspector and got arrested for stealing prescription drugs they took while doing the inspection.

On a side side note perhaps the police and sheriffs departments had better keep and eye on the various apartment complexes that cater to people that have special needs. A bogus inspector would make quite a haul on prescription meds there.



They can't drive up my drive unless they have a tall vehicle that can take ruts and washouts and walking is too far since they can't see the house from the road and it's all uphill...
View attachment 560742

The town/city where I live has decided that they can do inspections on rental properties and even private homes to "ensure safety", demand upgrades (due to the slum lords), and as a house reappraisal. Now they're sending "people" they've hired for the task around door to door to inspect those homes. One showed up at my door last night and when he asked if he could come in I looked at him and said "NO" which took him somewhat aback. He would have found that if he had tried the "I have the authority thingee" I would told him to go get a frakking search warrant. So instead he asked if he could ask some questions about the house, as he stood out in the cold wind, and being sadistic I said sure and answered the what questions I felt like answering. Personally I thought it was none of his damn business the city had the opportunity to look the house over when I bought it. If I've made upgrades they can find out about them when I sell or if its something obvious as they drive by the house.

It's my frakking castle and I'm no longer in the frakking military and I don't have to allow anyone to inspect my property without a search warrant damn it!!!



My city started doing this with all rental houses in basically poorer areas of town. The results were 1) A lot of owners just kicked out the tenants and made it not a "rental" and 2) A great many of those houses are or are on their way to becoming blighted properties. The two problems are 1) the city charges several hundred dollars for these once every two year inspections and 2) If they find anything, which they will, they force the owners to undertake major renovations that would not be required if if were a single family residence. The state has a landlord-tenant act that applies if you have more than 10 units (a house is a unit). They have increased requirements for rentals. The city will force these properties to comply with those requirements even if they are exempt from the landlord tenant act at the state level.
My city started doing this with all rental houses in basically poorer areas of town. The results were 1) A lot of owners just kicked out the tenants and made it not a "rental" and 2) A great many of those houses are or are on their way to becoming blighted properties. The two problems are 1) the city charges several hundred dollars for these once every two year inspections and 2) If they find anything, which they will, they force the owners to undertake major renovations that would not be required if if were a single family residence. The state has a landlord-tenant act that applies if you have more than 10 units (a house is a unit). They have increased requirements for rentals. The city will force these properties to comply with those requirements even if they are exempt from the landlord tenant act at the state level.


There's a reason there are slum lords and if they don't exist the homeless population will increase.

I asked a police officer I'm friends with if the city hired more cops after they implemented this. He asked why and my response was they'll start needing to inspect storage units to see if people are living there and most likely someone will get shot if they start kicking people out of all the low budget rental houses.


View attachment 560764

There's a reason there are slum lords and if they don't exist the homeless population will increase.

I asked a police officer I'm friends with if the city hired more cops after they implemented this. He asked why and my response was they'll start needing to inspect storage units to see if people are living there and most likely someone will get shot if they start kicking people out of all the low budget rental houses.



Well in my city its effects is to encourage crack houses and drug dealers to set up shop in working class neighborhoods on the fringes of the slums which will, in turn, turn them into slums in due course.

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