House Leadership Suggests New Threshold For Impeachment....

Combined with Papa Bush it was closer to 5 billion in loan guarantees for Saddam. Nothing illegal about the president using those loan guarantees to further US foreign policy. Nothing illegal about Obama using them too.
1. Bush/Saddam has nothing to do with the Biden's selling influence schemes. Stay on topic.
2. The president (Obama) did NOT initiate the firing of Shokin. There was no EO, no letter to Ukraine, no calling their ambassador to the WH, etc.
3. Joe Biden was bribed to get Shokin fired so Burisma could issue its IPO and go public.
1. Bush/Saddam has nothing to do with the Biden's selling influence schemes. Stay on topic.
2. The president (Obama) did NOT initiate the firing of Shokin. There was no EO, no letter to Ukraine, no calling their ambassador to the WH, etc.
3. Joe Biden was bribed to get Shokin fired so Burisma could issue its IPO and go public.
The loan guarantees are administered by the President, not the Vice President. There is no evidence of a selling influence scheme, just rehashed accusations and innuendoes.
The loan guarantees are administered by the President, not the Vice President. There is no evidence of a selling influence scheme, just rehashed accusations and innuendoes.
There is no evidence that Obama wanted Shokin fired, just Burisma cash going to the Bidens, and Biden getting Shokin fired. Watch the video.
Hunter has been involved in international business for decades.
Setting up international deals, arranging financing, introducing players
Hunter never made a deal with the Chinese Government

You have no indication anything was illegal.
Shell companies are perfectly legal.
So then In Your far less than esteemed Opinion.
Knowing what we know about Hunter.He ain't
guilty of the exact same thing { To The Letter }
That Paul Manafort was hunted down and then Imprissoned
for.A FARA Violation.
Foreign Agents Registration Act.
The Judge TS Ellis { Judges don't make the sentence } Prosecutors
do.Manafort's prosecutors said he deserved between 19 and 25
years in prison.
Judge Ellis said he believed the sentencing recommendation
was " excessive ".Adding he believed Manafort " lived an otherwirse
blameless life. "
Monumental difference between the scumbag,vile life of
drug-addled,drunken proud nekkid promiscuous flaunter
Hunter Biden.
What Manafort was recommended for hardly compares to this
Hunter Piece of shit.
It's Manafortly Proveable.
There is no evidence that Obama wanted Shokin fired, just Burisma cash going to the Bidens, and Biden getting Shokin fired. Watch the video.

Envoys pushed to oust Ukraine prosecutor before Biden | Financial Times

European and US officials pressed Ukraine to sack Viktor Shokin, the country’s former prosecutor-general, months before Joe Biden, the former US vice-president, personally intervened to force his removal, people involved in the talks said. Mr Biden did not act unilaterally nor did he instigate the push against Mr Shokin, despite suggestions to the contrary by supporters of US president Donald Trump, people familiar with the matter said.
Republicans say if they don’t move forward with an impeachment inquiry now, it will create the impression that House Republicans have essentially cleared Biden of any wrongdoing over his ties to his son Hunter Biden’s business entanglements, allegations they say show a pay-to-play scheme when the elder Biden was vice president, even as they have yet to corroborate that provocative allegation.

But the accusations alone, they say, are worthy of opening up a formal impeachment inquiry, which McCarthy and top Republicans argue would strengthen the House’s oversight power in legal battles to obtain more documents and testimony – potentially from Hunter Biden himself

Accusations, sufficiently oft repeated....

Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been messin' around

So? This affects me in what way? Since not only have you tagged me in it you have also stalked me to other threads begging and demanding I comment.

How does I really don't care work?
It is quite clear on the duties of the President and Vice President
Then Explain Biden with a demonstrably Open Border policy.
I mean,at this period in the Biden shenanigans ...
it's In Our Face.Biden is purposedly wiping every citizens
face with his untold suffering of duty.
What he swore to.To Serve and Protect the Country.
Republicans say if they don’t move forward with an impeachment inquiry now, it will create the impression that House Republicans have essentially cleared Biden of any wrongdoing over his ties to his son Hunter Biden’s business entanglements, allegations they say show a pay-to-play scheme when the elder Biden was vice president, even as they have yet to corroborate that provocative allegation.

But the accusations alone, they say, are worthy of opening up a formal impeachment inquiry, which McCarthy and top Republicans argue would strengthen the House’s oversight power in legal battles to obtain more documents and testimony – potentially from Hunter Biden himself

Accusations, sufficiently oft repeated....

Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been messin' around

I smell rotten fish with respect to the Biden family and corruption, so I would not be overly upset to see a Congressional inquiry unfold.

There are too many questions that have surfaced in recent times courtesy of the media and some of those simply need to be explored vigorously.

But I would suggest that extreme caution be used when actually executing an Impeachment.

If the Inquiry uncovers actionable findings, then, yeah, sadly, progressing to actual Impeachment would be righteous.

But DO keep in-mind just how much the Democrats made themselves look like jackasses with their knee-jerk Impeachments of the Orange Baboon-God.

It's bad enough when you doubt that you have the votes in the Senate to convict... and sometimes that's blame to lay at the feet of the Opposition Party.

But when you rush to a vote on an ill-prepared case that even the few people of Good Consciences on the other side of the aisle won't take seriously...

Then you're grandstanding and wasting everybody's time and your impeachment is doomed to failure on the other side of the Capitol Building...

If you find enough meat-and-potatoes (legal/criminal substance)_on the President himself then you are Constitutionally obliged to move to Impeachment.

But if you go off half-cocked like the idiot Democrats did and stand in front of the cameras foaming at the mouth over it, then you'll look like jackasses, too.

Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.
Now, oh no, we plan on waiting till mid-late October.....Let's see how the dems like election interference when the shoe is on the other foot.

I say that we should raise the black flag and (figuratively) start slitting dem throats.....That "high road" is paved with the bones of nice guys.
The waiting is maddening.
Then Explain Biden with a demonstrably Open Border policy.
I mean,at this period in the Biden shenanigans ...
it's In Our Face.Biden is purposedly wiping every citizens
face with his untold suffering of duty.
What he swore to.To Serve and Protect the Country.
Now we know why he let the Chinese spy balloon fly across the whole country, taking photos of our military installations.

And that right there is treason. He swore to protect us from enemies, both foreign and domestic, and he takes action to allow our #1 adversary to gather military intelligence on us.

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