House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi -"DREAMERS are americans too."

Like all illegals, Dreamers are criminal invaders who hate america and want to steal jobs and welfare from the actual americans. They are also frauds since they have stolen IDs which makes it impossible to verify when they invaded america.

Nancy Pelosi's SOTU Response: DACA Illegal Aliens 'Are Americans Too' - Breitbart

jan 31 2018 In her response, Pelosi said “DREAMers are Americans too,” in reference to the 3.5 million DACA-enrolled and DACA-eligible illegal aliens. The term “DREAMer” is the term used by the open borders lobby and mainstream media to describe DACA illegal aliens.

Nancy Pelosi

#DREAMers are Americans too. #SOTU

7:29 PM - Jan 30, 2018
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Some don't even speak English.
Juan Williams said that calling Americans dreamers is racist because David Duke is an American. It's racist to call him a dreamer.
They are illegal only because of a bad law. Dreamer kids deserve better than scorn, suspicion, slander and hate. The law has to be changed and the kiln dried attitudes of xenophobes has to be expunged.

Then get the law changed. Until then the law should be enforced and all illegals should be forced to leave. THINK
Juan Williams said that calling Americans dreamers is racist because David Duke is an American. It's racist to call him a dreamer.

HAHAHA. Did he really say that?? Anyway david duke is a fine man. Why can't whites fight for their own race like everyone else.?
Nancy just forgot to put the south before American in her speeches. She is correct they are Americans but theynot citizens of the United States of America.
Illegal aliens are Americans...:eusa_think: that woman is insane.
Technically she's correct she just forgot that South Americans are not United States citizens.
Nancy just forgot to put the south before American in her speeches. She is correct they are Americans but theynot citizens of the United States of America.
Illegal aliens are Americans...:eusa_think: that woman is insane.
Technically she's correct she just forgot that South Americans are not United States citizens.

She is a POS traitor who favors illegals over the American citizens they kill, rape, and assault. Do you think she shed a tear for the young American woman shot to death near Pelosi's home by an illegal she and her fellow traitors were protecting?
These assholes like Pelosi who defend illegals, they seem to think its okay that thousands of Americans are killed and raped by illegals, that some Americans will have to be sacrificed in favor of illegals. If that's not treason I don't know what is.
Section 1324 Title 8 of the US code makes it a a federal felony to encourage illegals to live here and pelosi is clearly in violation.

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