House offers another compromise, to fund govt and delay ACA 1 year: Senate rejects it


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Republicans offer yet another compromise. Democrats again reject it: It's ther way or the highway.

In between voting down compromise after compromise, the Democrat concentrated on telling reporters the shutdown would not be their fault: It's those Republicans who refuse to compromise.


Hours Before Shutdown, Senate Kills House Spending Bill Conditions | House Republicans are scrambling after the Senate rejected their latest attempt to delay Obamacare for a year, sending the government spending bill back to their chamber again. | Na

Hours Before Shutdown, Senate Kills House Spending Bill Conditions

House Republicans are scrambling after the Senate rejected their latest attempt to derail Obamacare on Monday, stripping the House bill of amendments to delay the law for a year and sending the spending measure back just hours before a government shutdown.

The Senate voted largely down party lines in removing the Obamacare amendment, as well as a provision that would have eliminated the tax on medical devices.

House Republicans had added the provisions early Sunday.

The Senate vote came less than 10 hours before the US government was scheduled to shut down for the first time since 1995.

According to Politico and the Washington Post, House Republicans now plan to propose a bill funding the government but delaying the individual mandate portion of Obamacare, rather than the entire health care reform law.


House Votes to Keep Government Running & Stop ObamaCare

September 28, 2013

WASHINGTON, DC – House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement calling on the United States Senate to approve the House’s plan to keep the government running, delay the president’s health care law for all Americans, and repeal the law’s medical device tax:

“The House has again passed a plan that reflects the American people’s desire to keep the government running and stop the president’s health care law. Repealing the medical device tax will save jobs and delaying the president’s health care law for all Americans is only fair given the exemptions the White House has granted to big businesses and insurance companies. We’ve also voted to ensure that our troops will receive their paychecks no matter what. Now that the House has again acted, it’s up to the Senate to pass this bill without delay to stop a government shutdown. Let’s get this done.”
And here are the Liberals saying that Republicans want to shut down the government. It appears to me that THEY are the one's compromising.
The dem are asking for nothing but a clean bill. What if Obama said I will not sign the CR unless it has a background check ammendment for gun control. Same thing.
You guys need a dictionary. Your idea of what constitutes a compromise is fucked.

Does post such drivel give you any pause at all?
Clearly republicans need a civics lesson.

It’s impossible to ‘compromise’ on an existing law in effect for three years.

If republicans want to consider amending the existing Federal law that is the ACA after they’ve approved funding for the government, they’re at liberty to do so.
Clearly republicans need a civics lesson.

It’s impossible to ‘compromise’ on an existing law in effect for three years.

If republicans want to consider amending the existing Federal law that is the ACA after they’ve approved funding for the government, they’re at liberty to do so.

In all of this, not one Republican that I know of has at any point said they have an idea on making some changes to the ACA that would make it more workable or better. Not once. The only thing we have heard is how Republicans will do anything and everything they can to kill the ACA, at any cost. Well, we will see how far they want to carry this out. Saying Democrats are refusing to compromise when the compromise is, in fact, to kill the ACA is absurd. You idiots must think everyone is an imbecile.

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