House Oversight Chair James Comer: We Have Evidence of a $200,000 'Direct Payment' to Joe Biden

Look at the Commee flock to this one. That is an early indicator that of course, this is a valid issue....apparently caught red-handed. Of they could show the out-going loan? Explain the reason. Should be a deposit into the FAGS account from the explain re-payment.
Dog whistle emergency declared in last 30 minutes
uh....yep. der it is. Loan repayment. how convienent. Then there must be an older ~200K outgoing from the corpse to the FAG? Does it all add up? LOL! Interest?

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Interesting check…..March 1 2018
What “favors” was Joe Biden supposed to provide over a year after he was no longer VP?
The memo field on the check could have said 'This is not pay to play' and the fucking retards would be pointing at it saying "see it wasn't pay to play"

The memo field does not mean shit, you abject morons.
Uh. You mother fucking dumb fucks. If I loan you $100,000 and you give it back to me... i didnt make any money. How stupid do you think people are

True, much like if I let you keep the 200k you owe more, for two years, then you pay it…say after I leave office and don’t have to disclose on Fin Records,…I didn’t make any money

Nobody believes this “loan” was xiden making money off his brother
Biden could be seen on video accepting a bribe and would still not be prosecuted.

Americore health solutions develops rural healthcare and manages small hospitals like Health Trust in Nashville. His brother borrowed money to do some business with Americore and then paid it back. God, you're stupid.
I suppose that sounds intelligent to those who can't refute an argument.

Why was Americore lending money to James?

  1. Bankruptcy

James Biden Settles Loan Lawsuit Tied to Rural Hospitals’ Bankruptcy​

Brother of President Biden was sued earlier this year by a chapter 11 trustee for Americore Health over $600,000 in payments he received​


Still, to some experts in government ethics, the family has been guilty of at least one thing: Poor judgment. While it may be legal for public officials’ family members to invoke their names in private business deals, it “undermines ideas of equality, equal access and the idea that government power is supposed to be used for the public good,” said Kathleen Clark, a law professor at Washington University in St. Louis who specializes in government ethics.

During the Trump presidency, for example, foreign and US government officials spent big at Trump hotels, Ivanka Trump scored trademarks in China, Jared Kushner’s family used his official role to lure foreign investors, and President Trump floated the idea of hosting the G7 summit at his Miami resort, among other questionable activities.

The allegations about the Bidens aren’t “anywhere near to what Trump did,” said Richard Painter, the chief White House ethics lawyer during George W. Bush’s presidency. “Under Trump, it was outrageous what was going on – this doesn’t rise to that level. But for Democrats to say there’s no problem at all for any of this, I think that goes too far in the other direction.”
In July 2022, a trustee representing Americore in a bankruptcy case sought to recoup $600,000 in loans James Biden took out in 2018 “based upon representations that his last name, ‘Biden’ could ‘open doors’” and that he could get “a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.” The suit states that that investment never materialized, and that James Biden never repaid the loans.

James Biden contested the suit’s allegations, records show. He and his company later agreed to pay $350,000 to settle the suit.


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