House passes bill banning abortions after 20 weeks, President Trump has promised to sign it

Unconstitutional and will be struck down. Cons just have a real animosity to the Constitution. They prefer everyone follow their rules.
20 trillion in debt and they are still jerking off on abortion.....
Theater matters more than country.
What's sad is I could come up with 25 more things that are more important than what an individual does with their body.
Probably more than that
The testimony of the abortionist really got to a lot of Congress critters. As well it should.

The baby suffers. This bill is based on pain.

“Overwhelming majorities of Americans—some 60-64% according to pollsters—support legal protection for pain-capable unborn children,” said pro-life Congressman Chris Smith. “Today we know that unborn babies not only die but suffer excruciating pain during dismemberment abortion—a cruelty that rips arms and legs off a helpless child.”

Smith talked about the gruesome nature of late-term abortions.

A former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino, testified before Congress that he had performed 1,200 abortions—over 100 late-term abortions up to 24 weeks.

Dr. Levatino described what the abortionist actually does to the helpless child. “Imagine if you can that you are a pro-choice obstetrician/gynecologist like I was.”


Using a Sopher 13” clamp with rows of ridges or teeth, “grasp anything you can” inside the womb.

“Once you’ve grasped something inside, squeeze on the clamp to set the jaws and pull hard—really hard.

You feel something let go and out pops a fully formed leg about six inches long. Reach in again and grasp anything you can…and out pops an arm.”

He noted that “a second trimester D&E abortion is a blind procedure.” He said, “Reach in again and again with that clamp and tear out the spine, intestines, heart and lungs.”

House Passes Pro-Life Bill Banning Late-Term Abortions After 20 Weeks |
wow, big government!!!

What happens if the women finds out after 20 weeks that the baby has a serious disabilty? OH'yess, you'll be cutting his disability and making the baby live a shitty fucking life.
If a baby is viable at 20 weeks, I have no problem with it.
Even though I'm pro choice, I'm generally against late term abortions. However, there are cases where a women continuing with a pregnancy is life threatening. So will those women be expememt from this or are they going to be forced to die?

Women do not get late term abortions because they changed their mind. It's almost always because the mother's life is in danger or the child is serverly deformed or some other life threatening condition.

I don't like this one bit. Now they are saying no abortion past 20 weeks. What's going to be next time? 10 weeks and then no abortion at all?
wow, big government!!!

What happens if the women finds out after 20 weeks that the baby has a serious disabilty? OH'yess, you'll be cutting his disability and making the baby live a shitty fucking life.

This is what makes Republicans hypocrites they want a woman to carry a child full term but then don't want to provide things like healthcare to the child.
wow, big government!!!

What happens if the women finds out after 20 weeks that the baby has a serious disabilty? OH'yess, you'll be cutting his disability and making the baby live a shitty fucking life.

This is what makes Republicans hypocrites they want a woman to carry a child full term but then don't want to provide things like healthcare to the child.

Why is that a Republican responsibility? Why isn't that the responsibility of the parents?
wow, big government!!!

What happens if the women finds out after 20 weeks that the baby has a serious disabilty? OH'yess, you'll be cutting his disability and making the baby live a shitty fucking life.

This is what makes Republicans hypocrites they want a woman to carry a child full term but then don't want to provide things like healthcare to the child.

Why is that a Republican responsibility? Why isn't that the responsibility of the parents?

Can you not see your hypocrisy? You're saying parents need to be responsible but you're not giving them the choice of bringing a child into the world or not by creating these restrictions on abortion.
What happens if the women finds out after 20 weeks that the baby has a serious disabilty? OH'yess, you'll be cutting his disability and making the baby live a shitty fucking life.
Guess you've never seen a commercial for
Shriners Hospitals for Children

What if the baby becomes seriously disabled
because of some unfortunate incident
within the first year of their life...
what, just fucking euthanize them
If the death rate for liberal women who chose to murder their unborn were very, very high then, yeah, I could get behind not only allowing them to romp but also to have government pay for it. After all, improving the gene pool is a good thing!

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