House releases full report on Russia investigation, NO COLLUSION FOUND

House Intelligence Committee releases final report on Russia probe

WASHINGTON — The House Intelligence Committee on Friday released the final full report on its controversial investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, detailing work that led Republicans to conclude there was no evidence of collusion with the Trump campaign.

What no collusion


Null and void, means nothing. Actually I think Trump is going to get it for obstruction, lying and bribing.

You are an idiot....
House Intelligence Committee releases final report on Russia probe

WASHINGTON — The House Intelligence Committee on Friday released the final full report on its controversial investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, detailing work that led Republicans to conclude there was no evidence of collusion with the Trump campaign.

What no collusion


Null and void, means nothing. Actually I think Trump is going to get it for obstruction, lying and bribing.

"Any day now."



This is what you get when you watch FAKE NEWS.

Those of us that watch FOX and listen to RUSH

have known all along you and yours are full of

House Intelligence Committee releases final report on Russia probe

WASHINGTON — The House Intelligence Committee on Friday released the final full report on its controversial investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, detailing work that led Republicans to conclude there was no evidence of collusion with the Trump campaign.

What no collusion


Null and void, means nothing. Actually I think Trump is going to get it for obstruction, lying and bribing.

and when he DOESNT,you will be doing this-:206:


He will so I'm not worried. He is guilty as sin. Did you hear him blow up on Fox, man they even couldn't get him off the air soon enough, talk about embarrassing.

Do you have any clue how stupid you are?
House Intelligence Committee releases final report on Russia probe

WASHINGTON — The House Intelligence Committee on Friday released the final full report on its controversial investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, detailing work that led Republicans to conclude there was no evidence of collusion with the Trump campaign.

What no collusion


The committee controlled by GOP and Nunes the orange one's boy.

RW's who believe Muellers investigation is over are the delusional ones.

end of story

You should be in a rubber room....
House Intelligence Committee releases final report on Russia probe

WASHINGTON — The House Intelligence Committee on Friday released the final full report on its controversial investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, detailing work that led Republicans to conclude there was no evidence of collusion with the Trump campaign.

What no collusion


The committee controlled by GOP and Nunes the orange one's boy.

it's standard for trumplings
Can you tell me again that Trump will never be president? I need to be reminded by a Billary fan

i don't think i've ever spoken with you, trumpling

if i had, you'd know i'm not a clintonista

you don't have to be a moron to be a trump supporter, but it probably makes it less embarrassing

Rave on you idiot....
House Intelligence Committee releases final report on Russia probe

WASHINGTON — The House Intelligence Committee on Friday released the final full report on its controversial investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, detailing work that led Republicans to conclude there was no evidence of collusion with the Trump campaign.

What no collusion


The committee controlled by GOP and Nunes the orange one's boy.
The republican house report was a most unpatriotic piece of crap Party first country last,,, repub slime bags

lefties are the slime bags...

Get a clue...
House Intelligence Committee releases final report on Russia probe

WASHINGTON — The House Intelligence Committee on Friday released the final full report on its controversial investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, detailing work that led Republicans to conclude there was no evidence of collusion with the Trump campaign.

What no collusion


This smacks of Marlboro's reports that cigarettes are healthy.
Stormy, is it true that Donald taste like Cheetos?

Do your parents know you're using the computer?
They are long dead and buried, but my three kids each have their own computer..........

So tell us, and I'm not trying to be rude, but since we are supposed to take you seriously, did you swallow the Cheetos.......................

That is banal. Try again.
The committee controlled by GOP and Nunes the orange one's boy.

it's standard for trumplings
Can you tell me again that Trump will never be president? I need to be reminded by a Billary fan

He won by 80,000 or less votes in 3 states, and got the EC votes, so you tell me.

Hillary lost.......................get over it, Trump is going to win again in 2020
You think so, honey.
House Intelligence Committee releases final report on Russia probe

WASHINGTON — The House Intelligence Committee on Friday released the final full report on its controversial investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, detailing work that led Republicans to conclude there was no evidence of collusion with the Trump campaign.

What no collusion

‘As always with Trump, the question is whether he is doing what he is doing on purpose or simply because he is absolutely and totally fixated on the idea that he did not collude with the Russian government during the 2016 election.

No matter why Trump says what he says, it's important to remember a few things:

The House Intelligence Committee findings were roundly rejected by the Democrats on the panel

The Senate Intelligence Committee continues its probe into Russian meddling

Mueller's special counsel investigation into meddling and the possibility of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia continues

Collusion isn't the only thing at play here. Obstruction of justice -- in regards the firing of FBI director James Comey and national security adviser Michael Flynn -- is also in the mix

In the face of that hugely complex thicket of legal, criminal and political issues, the President of the United States just keeps shouting "No Collusion."’

Donald Trump's answer on Russian collusion is a real doozy - CNNPolitics

The OP is as ridiculous as Trump.
House GOP finds no collusion.....

Shocked! Shocked I tell you!

You would be shocked if you found your little pee pee on the first try
Detailing your own thread? I know you don’t want to talk about it, but maybe you should stick to the subject. If you want to talk about genitals, I’m sure there’s a thread on the Grand Canyon somewhere that you’d fit right into. Or should I say, it and your entire computer would fit right into you with room to spare.... for another Grand Canyon
You had your mom help you with that.........................I can tell because grand canyon was always her nickname
You might want to leave my mom out of it, skank
House panel’s Russia report finds 'no evidence' of collusion, Trump says probe ‘MUST END NOW’

The probe will end right after Trump gets elected again, you mark my words....

Hopefully Duller will keep right on investigating until he gets older and greyer than he is....................

The House Intelligence Committee on Friday declared that it found “no evidence” of collusion between the Russian government and Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, releasing a heavily redacted final report on its yearlong Russia investigation.

Can anyone find a different probe that did find collusion? Dullers probe isn't even looking at Trump anymore.

House Intelligence Committee releases final report on Russia probe

WASHINGTON — The House Intelligence Committee on Friday released the final full report on its controversial investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, detailing work that led Republicans to conclude there was no evidence of collusion with the Trump campaign.

What no collusion


The committee controlled by GOP and Nunes the orange one's boy.
The republican house report was a most unpatriotic piece of crap Party first country last,,, repub slime bags

lefties are the slime bags...

Get a clue...
Yeah When Dems get into the WH they don't put slime bags in powerful positions ,giving 100,000 dollar raises out ,buy 41k telephones 35k desks and trying to dismantle the departments they're the head of
They also don't see many leave because their leader is an AH
The Republican Party cmte report put Party far before Country.

For shame.
Republitards - their investigation - :auiqs.jpg:

after a day of sifting through the details of "said investigation" looks like they forgot to investigate around 30 people that could have had a bearing in the final results .... ya know like the Russian lawyer meeting in Trump Tower with Jr that was really a self proclaimed Kremlin informant.

Maybe Mueller wont notice. :abgg2q.jpg:
The House Intelligence Committee investigation was nothing more than a Trump cheerleading camp to start with.
The House Intelligence Committee investigation was nothing more than a Trump cheerleading camp to start with.

Yeah, they are all lying.

I happen to be a friend of one of the committee members and I know him to be a man of honesty and integrity.
The House Intelligence Committee investigation was nothing more than a Trump cheerleading camp to start with.

Yeah, they are all lying.

I happen to be a friend of one of the committee members and I know him to be a man of honesty and integrity.
ANYONE responsible for that BULLSHIT probe is a lying pos Trying to protect the president is more important than finding the truth?? Only in repub heads
The House Intelligence Committee investigation was nothing more than a Trump cheerleading camp to start with.

Yeah, they are all lying.

I happen to be a friend of one of the committee members and I know him to be a man of honesty and integrity.
ANYONE responsible for that BULLSHIT probe is a lying pos Trying to protect the president is more important than finding the truth?? Only in repub heads
Duller came to the same conclusion two weeks ago, so is what you say true of Duller too?

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