House releases full report on Russia investigation, NO COLLUSION FOUND

Since they didn't even interview all the witnesses, they could come to any conclusion they wanted.
LOL, what witnesses? who witnessed what?

Keep making up stuff, you are clearly one of the 8 people still watching CNN the cartoon news network
The witnesses who were involved in the Trump tower russia meeting with Jr and son in law meeting with russians ,,,for one
No witnesses needed the Trumps admitted to the meeting, right before the spy bolted back to the Kremlin.

See it is not a crime to meet and to take any amount of information from the enemy, CIA agents do this all the time, the only crime is giving information away, like Hillypoo did with her open server....

Speaking of giving info to enemies remember trump giving russians info that we got from israel? Confidential info?

Maybe you haven't heard, Donald J. Trump is President of the United States of America.

He gets to decide what's confidential.

Also, we aren't at war with Russia so they aren't the enemy.
They hacked our elections giving the presidency to Dump Not our enemy, only in the eyes of trump who knows they can bring him down any time he doesn't kiss Putins butt
McMaster DENIES Trump leaked ‘highly classified’ info | Daily Mail Online

Duller came to the same conclusion two weeks ago, so is what you say true of Duller too?

Since they didn't even interview all the witnesses, they could come to any conclusion they wanted.
LOL, what witnesses? who witnessed what?

Keep making up stuff, you are clearly one of the 8 people still watching CNN the cartoon news network
The witnesses who were involved in the Trump tower russia meeting with Jr and son in law meeting with russians ,,,for one
No witnesses needed the Trumps admitted to the meeting, right before the spy bolted back to the Kremlin.

See it is not a crime to meet and to take any amount of information from the enemy, CIA agents do this all the time, the only crime is giving information away, like Hillypoo did with her open server....

Speaking of giving info to enemies remember trump giving russians info that we got from israel? Confidential info?
LOL, what witnesses? who witnessed what?

Keep making up stuff, you are clearly one of the 8 people still watching CNN the cartoon news network
The witnesses who were involved in the Trump tower russia meeting with Jr and son in law meeting with russians ,,,for one
No witnesses needed the Trumps admitted to the meeting, right before the spy bolted back to the Kremlin.

See it is not a crime to meet and to take any amount of information from the enemy, CIA agents do this all the time, the only crime is giving information away, like Hillypoo did with her open server....

Speaking of giving info to enemies remember trump giving russians info that we got from israel? Confidential info?

Maybe you haven't heard, Donald J. Trump is President of the United States of America.

He gets to decide what's confidential.

Also, we aren't at war with Russia so they aren't the enemy.
They hacked our elections giving the presidency to Dump Not our enemy, only in the eyes of trump who knows they can bring him down any time he doesn't kiss Putins butt

Can you please note the election after computers that the Russians or Soviets didn't hack?

Be specific
LOL, what witnesses? who witnessed what?

Keep making up stuff, you are clearly one of the 8 people still watching CNN the cartoon news network
The witnesses who were involved in the Trump tower russia meeting with Jr and son in law meeting with russians ,,,for one
No witnesses needed the Trumps admitted to the meeting, right before the spy bolted back to the Kremlin.

See it is not a crime to meet and to take any amount of information from the enemy, CIA agents do this all the time, the only crime is giving information away, like Hillypoo did with her open server....

Speaking of giving info to enemies remember trump giving russians info that we got from israel? Confidential info?

Maybe you haven't heard, Donald J. Trump is President of the United States of America.

He gets to decide what's confidential.

Also, we aren't at war with Russia so they aren't the enemy.
They hacked our elections giving the presidency to Dump Not our enemy, only in the eyes of trump who knows they can bring him down any time he doesn't kiss Putins butt

To be more accurate, they only hacked idiots like you.
House panel’s Russia report finds 'no evidence' of collusion, Trump says probe ‘MUST END NOW’

The probe will end right after Trump gets elected again, you mark my words....

Hopefully Duller will keep right on investigating until he gets older and greyer than he is....................

The House Intelligence Committee on Friday declared that it found “no evidence” of collusion between the Russian government and Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, releasing a heavily redacted final report on its yearlong Russia investigation.

Can anyone find a different probe that did find collusion? Dullers probe isn't even looking at Trump anymore.

Why would the committee recommend the changing of a long standing federal law that citizens can't negotiate on behalf of the US govt.?
The witnesses who were involved in the Trump tower russia meeting with Jr and son in law meeting with russians ,,,for one
No witnesses needed the Trumps admitted to the meeting, right before the spy bolted back to the Kremlin.

See it is not a crime to meet and to take any amount of information from the enemy, CIA agents do this all the time, the only crime is giving information away, like Hillypoo did with her open server....

Speaking of giving info to enemies remember trump giving russians info that we got from israel? Confidential info?

Maybe you haven't heard, Donald J. Trump is President of the United States of America.

He gets to decide what's confidential.

Also, we aren't at war with Russia so they aren't the enemy.
They hacked our elections giving the presidency to Dump Not our enemy, only in the eyes of trump who knows they can bring him down any time he doesn't kiss Putins butt

Can you please note the election after computers that the Russians or Soviets didn't hack?

Be specific
House panel’s Russia report finds 'no evidence' of collusion, Trump says probe ‘MUST END NOW’

The probe will end right after Trump gets elected again, you mark my words....

Hopefully Duller will keep right on investigating until he gets older and greyer than he is....................

The House Intelligence Committee on Friday declared that it found “no evidence” of collusion between the Russian government and Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, releasing a heavily redacted final report on its yearlong Russia investigation.

Can anyone find a different probe that did find collusion? Dullers probe isn't even looking at Trump anymore.


Search Results
House ends Russia probe, says no Trump-Kremlin collusion - POLITICO
Mar 12, 2018 - House Intelligence Committee Republicans closed their investigation of Russian election interference Monday, declaring they found no evidence that .... The committee has not interviewed several key Trump associates who have either been indicted or pleaded guilty in the course of Mueller's probe.
The House Intelligence Committee investigation was nothing more than a Trump cheerleading camp to start with.
Naturally, anyone that doesn't find evidence that Trump has committed at least 3 felonies since breakfast and isn't shrieking that he should be locked up is automatically labelled a Trump stooge.

If Mueller doesn't find any, count on him being labelled as such within 10 minutes of the announcement.
The House Intelligence Committee investigation was nothing more than a Trump cheerleading camp to start with.
Naturally, anyone that doesn't find evidence that Trump has committed at least 3 felonies since breakfast and isn't shrieking that he should be locked up is automatically labelled a Trump stooge.

If Mueller doesn't find any, count on him being labelled as such within 10 minutes of the announcement.
Once more

Search Results
House ends Russia probe, says no Trump-Kremlin collusion - POLITICO
Mar 12, 2018 - House Intelligence Committee Republicans closed their investigation of Russian election interference Monday, declaring they found no evidence that .... The committee has not interviewed several key Trump associates who have either been indicted or pleaded guilty in the course of Mueller's probe.
House panel’s Russia report finds 'no evidence' of collusion, Trump says probe ‘MUST END NOW’

The probe will end right after Trump gets elected again, you mark my words....

Hopefully Duller will keep right on investigating until he gets older and greyer than he is....................

The House Intelligence Committee on Friday declared that it found “no evidence” of collusion between the Russian government and Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, releasing a heavily redacted final report on its yearlong Russia investigation.

Can anyone find a different probe that did find collusion? Dullers probe isn't even looking at Trump anymore.

Why would the committee recommend the changing of a long standing federal law that citizens can't negotiate on behalf of the US govt.?
Laws are not changed by committee..............................
No witnesses needed the Trumps admitted to the meeting, right before the spy bolted back to the Kremlin.

See it is not a crime to meet and to take any amount of information from the enemy, CIA agents do this all the time, the only crime is giving information away, like Hillypoo did with her open server....

Speaking of giving info to enemies remember trump giving russians info that we got from israel? Confidential info?

Maybe you haven't heard, Donald J. Trump is President of the United States of America.

He gets to decide what's confidential.

Also, we aren't at war with Russia so they aren't the enemy.
They hacked our elections giving the presidency to Dump Not our enemy, only in the eyes of trump who knows they can bring him down any time he doesn't kiss Putins butt

Can you please note the election after computers that the Russians or Soviets didn't hack?

Be specific
House panel’s Russia report finds 'no evidence' of collusion, Trump says probe ‘MUST END NOW’

The probe will end right after Trump gets elected again, you mark my words....

Hopefully Duller will keep right on investigating until he gets older and greyer than he is....................

The House Intelligence Committee on Friday declared that it found “no evidence” of collusion between the Russian government and Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, releasing a heavily redacted final report on its yearlong Russia investigation.

Can anyone find a different probe that did find collusion? Dullers probe isn't even looking at Trump anymore.


Search Results
House ends Russia probe, says no Trump-Kremlin collusion - POLITICO
Mar 12, 2018 - House Intelligence Committee Republicans closed their investigation of Russian election interference Monday, declaring they found no evidence that .... The committee has not interviewed several key Trump associates who have either been indicted or pleaded guilty in the course of Mueller's probe.

They didn't interview me either
Speaking of giving info to enemies remember trump giving russians info that we got from israel? Confidential info?

Maybe you haven't heard, Donald J. Trump is President of the United States of America.

He gets to decide what's confidential.

Also, we aren't at war with Russia so they aren't the enemy.
They hacked our elections giving the presidency to Dump Not our enemy, only in the eyes of trump who knows they can bring him down any time he doesn't kiss Putins butt

Can you please note the election after computers that the Russians or Soviets didn't hack?

Be specific
House panel’s Russia report finds 'no evidence' of collusion, Trump says probe ‘MUST END NOW’

The probe will end right after Trump gets elected again, you mark my words....

Hopefully Duller will keep right on investigating until he gets older and greyer than he is....................

The House Intelligence Committee on Friday declared that it found “no evidence” of collusion between the Russian government and Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, releasing a heavily redacted final report on its yearlong Russia investigation.

Can anyone find a different probe that did find collusion? Dullers probe isn't even looking at Trump anymore.


Search Results
House ends Russia probe, says no Trump-Kremlin collusion - POLITICO
Mar 12, 2018 - House Intelligence Committee Republicans closed their investigation of Russian election interference Monday, declaring they found no evidence that .... The committee has not interviewed several key Trump associates who have either been indicted or pleaded guilty in the course of Mueller's probe.

They didn't interview me either
They should have
House panel’s Russia report finds 'no evidence' of collusion, Trump says probe ‘MUST END NOW’

The probe will end right after Trump gets elected again, you mark my words....

Hopefully Duller will keep right on investigating until he gets older and greyer than he is....................

The House Intelligence Committee on Friday declared that it found “no evidence” of collusion between the Russian government and Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, releasing a heavily redacted final report on its yearlong Russia investigation.

Can anyone find a different probe that did find collusion? Dullers probe isn't even looking at Trump anymore.

The investigations will more likely have the effect of demonstrating that Trump is in fact unfit to be president, contributing to his failure to win reelection.
House panel’s Russia report finds 'no evidence' of collusion, Trump says probe ‘MUST END NOW’

The probe will end right after Trump gets elected again, you mark my words....

Hopefully Duller will keep right on investigating until he gets older and greyer than he is....................

The House Intelligence Committee on Friday declared that it found “no evidence” of collusion between the Russian government and Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, releasing a heavily redacted final report on its yearlong Russia investigation.

Can anyone find a different probe that did find collusion? Dullers probe isn't even looking at Trump anymore.

The investigations will more likely have the effect of demonstrating that Trump is in fact unfit to be president, contributing to his failure to win reelection.

So they're a political hit job then?
House panel’s Russia report finds 'no evidence' of collusion, Trump says probe ‘MUST END NOW’

The probe will end right after Trump gets elected again, you mark my words....

Hopefully Duller will keep right on investigating until he gets older and greyer than he is....................

The House Intelligence Committee on Friday declared that it found “no evidence” of collusion between the Russian government and Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, releasing a heavily redacted final report on its yearlong Russia investigation.

Can anyone find a different probe that did find collusion? Dullers probe isn't even looking at Trump anymore.

The investigations will more likely have the effect of demonstrating that Trump is in fact unfit to be president, contributing to his failure to win reelection.

So they're a political hit job then?
The Republican house investigators? Yes 1000 times,, yes
House panel’s Russia report finds 'no evidence' of collusion, Trump says probe ‘MUST END NOW’

The probe will end right after Trump gets elected again, you mark my words....

Hopefully Duller will keep right on investigating until he gets older and greyer than he is....................

The House Intelligence Committee on Friday declared that it found “no evidence” of collusion between the Russian government and Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, releasing a heavily redacted final report on its yearlong Russia investigation.

Can anyone find a different probe that did find collusion? Dullers probe isn't even looking at Trump anymore.

The investigations will more likely have the effect of demonstrating that Trump is in fact unfit to be president, contributing to his failure to win reelection.

So they're a political hit job then?
The Republican house investigators? Yes 1000 times,, yes

That wasn't in the post, so you're randomly injecting something new, but if you want to run with it, feel free.
Does the Russian lawyer present at Trump tower with moron jr and trumps son in law saying she is an INFORMANT mean anything to you laughable patriots?
House Intelligence Committee releases final report on Russia probe

WASHINGTON — The House Intelligence Committee on Friday released the final full report on its controversial investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, detailing work that led Republicans to conclude there was no evidence of collusion with the Trump campaign.

What no collusion


The committee controlled by GOP and Nunes the orange one's boy.

Naturally, anyone or any group that doesn't find evidence that Trump committed at least 3 felonies since breakfast is to immediately be branded a Trump stooge. Should Mueller fall to shriek loudly that Trump should be in jail, expect him to be so labeled less than 10 minutes after the announcement that there is no evidence.
House Intelligence Committee releases final report on Russia probe

WASHINGTON — The House Intelligence Committee on Friday released the final full report on its controversial investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, detailing work that led Republicans to conclude there was no evidence of collusion with the Trump campaign.

What no collusion


The committee controlled by GOP and Nunes the orange one's boy.

Naturally, anyone or any group that doesn't find evidence that Trump committed at least 3 felonies since breakfast is to immediately be branded a Trump stooge. Should Mueller fall to shriek loudly that Trump should be in jail, expect him to be so labeled less than 10 minutes after the announcement that there is no evidence.
No evidence??? When pigs fly Beaucoup evidence
Mueller has never announced there was no evidence - just Republicans and Trump parrot that horseshit.
This is now the 5th report on this bullshit Clinton paid for and had her cronies start.

Mueller, Comey, Clinton, McCabe and their minions all belong in jail.

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