House republicans voted to strip kids w cancer of health coverage...

The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.

And that is the only thin that you got...haaaa

I am a pro-life democrat that believes in protecting and feeding the child after it it born.. Your corrupt ass party made sure poor kids and old people can't get a meal at school if it is the only meal that they will ever see that day..While your rich get richer...I hope that you are proud.
If you can't afford to feed your kids you need to put them up for adoption. Everyone will be better off. Love the arrogance of you socialists. Like your shit doesn't stink.
If only you would realize you have been lied to, and accept it.
Cancer patient’s treatment put on hold over ObamaCare
Woman With Cancer Loses Coverage of Essential Drug Due to Obamacare |
Op-Ed: When Obamacare stops treatment for cancer patients
Coburn loses cancer doc due to ACA
NY Hospital Turns Down Cancer Patient With Obamacare

Millions Are Now Realizing They're Too Poor For Obamacare | HuffPost
From huffington post

Lefties make fun of republicans who don't want to slaughter full term babies and (kids?) about 4 years short of their 30th birthday want to ship human remains to politicians. Who's crazy?

Distract from the real thread ...haaaa you are basically supporting a death sentence for millions
The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.
equating a legal medical procedure to the murder of a living child is sick and twisted. You want to preach that crap go to church.
Science is proving a fetus is a living human being. It will suck for you, when it's proven you supported murder. Only time will prove me right.
Wrong, science and good healthcare is lowering the point at which a fetus is viable.

The human x and y chromosome are life. Human life occurs when sperm fertilize the egg. Its really not that difficult.
I think it wasn't taught the birds and bees. It was taught being gay is okay and that if it thought it was something else it could be it. Gotta feel sorry for people like it.
Yet Obama was president for eight years and made them richer. You're a tool.
Fake news.

Really? then why did wall street pay him 400K to give a speech? Can you say Payback?
You really should read the thread before posting. That's not what were talking about at all.

Seriously these people will turn this into an abortion thread to get off the topic of killing kids with no healthcare..

because the thread OP is total bullshit. NO one in the USA was denied medical care before obamacare, no one was denied medical care after obamacare, no one will be denied medical care under Trumpcare.

The OP is nothing but a far left talking point with zero basis in fact.

Errr WRONG.... Before ACA people sold their homes, life savings and then died when their money ran out... educate yourself...Just like the BIG pharma could careless if you can afford your life saving medicine either..

Study:Uninsured Cancer Patients Twice as Likely to Die

A Kaiser Family Foundation survey last year of 930 households that dealt with cancer found that more than one in four uninsured patients delayed treatment — or decided not to get it — because of the cost.
Researchers then checked records for those patients for the five years following. They found those who were uninsured were 1.6 times more likely to die in five years than those with private insurance.

Cancer Patients: Going Broke to Stay Alive

. Many don't have insurance, or they aren't reimbursed by their insurance company, so they are forced to do without treatment."

The Devastating Process of Dying in America Without Insurance

The Devastating Process of Dying in America Without Insurance

The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.

And that is the only thin that you got...haaaa

I am a pro-life democrat that believes in protecting and feeding the child after it it born.. Your corrupt ass party made sure poor kids and old people can't get a meal at school if it is the only meal that they will ever see that day..While your rich get richer...I hope that you are proud.
If you can't afford to feed your kids you need to put them up for adoption. Everyone will be better off. Love the arrogance of you socialists. Like your shit doesn't stink.
Nevermind the fact that Meals on Wheels and several feed the children food programs such as Backpacks for kids are funded by grants from private charities like the Anderson foundation and United Way not the government. But the left will keep pushing that lie because they think it sounds good...
Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.
equating a legal medical procedure to the murder of a living child is sick and twisted. You want to preach that crap go to church.
Science is proving a fetus is a living human being. It will suck for you, when it's proven you supported murder. Only time will prove me right.
Wrong, science and good healthcare is lowering the point at which a fetus is viable.

The human x and y chromosome are life. Human life occurs when sperm fertilize the egg. Its really not that difficult.

Lets not make this thread about life conception...
Why, because you support killing it?
30 million people losing their insurance so we can cut taxes for billionaires
But the liberals in goverment will keep their health insurance while you let your kids die, because you are to lazy to provide for them. Sucks you rely on goverment.

Another brainwashed rightie... Why do you think that a pill to thin blood for a heart attack is over $500? You are padding the republicans and their rich friends pockets with billions.
They have been lying to you and because you haven't seen the truth,you drink it the kool-aide
Did you know you can actually eat food that will do that and it won't even cost you $500.00 per to do it.
My mothers blood pressure meds cost 4.60 for a 30 day supply. Go figure.

But then that's doesn't sound so good to an out of touch crazy liberal nutjob so...
I know a guy that it cost $1,800.00 a month for just his diabetes shots, not including the other thirty meds he takes everyday, uppers, downers and everything in between. He pays about $250.00 of total pharms cost each month but doesn't try even to mitigate his sugar intake. He just does those shots and keeps eating crap. If he had to pay the whole cost I bet he'd be a bit more careful about it.
30 million people losing their insurance so we can cut taxes for billionaires
But the liberals in goverment will keep their health insurance while you let your kids die, because you are to lazy to provide for them. Sucks you rely on goverment.

Another brainwashed rightie... Why do you think that a pill to thin blood for a heart attack is over $500? You are padding the republicans and their rich friends pockets with billions.
They have been lying to you and because you haven't seen the truth,you drink it the kool-aide
Yet Obama was president for eight years and made them richer. You're a tool.
Fake news.
So your saying they didn't?
Millions dying because of obamacare. What an absolute abomination of a law. one is dying from having obamacare. Before Obamacare the corruption stole basically everything you have and stopped treatment when you are out of money. Well known fact..
Obamacare premiums up 40% this year. You're an idiot.
obamacare is done in Iowa, one insurer in Virginia. It's not about healthcare. It's not about sick children. It's all about the resistence without realizing that Trump is the resistence against liberalism and everything it stands for.
the only things trump resists are the truth, reality, and logic.
And by electing him, we resist you. Trump was the people telling democrats to go fuck themselves. And we will continue to tell democrats to go fuck themselves. All democrats have are their lies.
Another brainwashed rightie... Why do you think that a pill to thin blood for a heart attack is over $500? You are padding the republicans and their rich friends pockets with billions.
They have been lying to you and because you haven't seen the truth,you drink it the kool-aide
Yet Obama was president for eight years and made them richer. You're a tool.
Fake news.

Really? then why did wall street pay him 400K to give a speech? Can you say Payback?
You really should read the thread before posting. That's not what were talking about at all.

Seriously these people will turn this into an abortion thread to get off the topic of killing kids with no healthcare..
If kids didn't die under obamacare they won't die now. Quit spreading lies.
If only you would realize you have been lied to, and accept it.
Cancer patient’s treatment put on hold over ObamaCare
Woman With Cancer Loses Coverage of Essential Drug Due to Obamacare |
Op-Ed: When Obamacare stops treatment for cancer patients
Coburn loses cancer doc due to ACA
NY Hospital Turns Down Cancer Patient With Obamacare

Millions Are Now Realizing They're Too Poor For Obamacare | HuffPost
From huffington post

Lefties make fun of republicans who don't want to slaughter full term babies and (kids?) about 4 years short of their 30th birthday want to ship human remains to politicians. Who's crazy?

Distract from the real thread ...haaaa you are basically supporting a death sentence for millions
There are several medications that I no longer take because the schedules under ocare has made them unaffordable. I used to be able to afford them just fine.
Fake news.

Really? then why did wall street pay him 400K to give a speech? Can you say Payback?
You really should read the thread before posting. That's not what were talking about at all.

Seriously these people will turn this into an abortion thread to get off the topic of killing kids with no healthcare..

because the thread OP is total bullshit. NO one in the USA was denied medical care before obamacare, no one was denied medical care after obamacare, no one will be denied medical care under Trumpcare.

The OP is nothing but a far left talking point with zero basis in fact.

Errr WRONG.... Before ACA people sold their homes, life savings and then died when their money ran out... educate yourself...Just like the BIG pharma could careless if you can afford your life saving medicine either..

Study:Uninsured Cancer Patients Twice as Likely to Die

A Kaiser Family Foundation survey last year of 930 households that dealt with cancer found that more than one in four uninsured patients delayed treatment — or decided not to get it — because of the cost.
Researchers then checked records for those patients for the five years following. They found those who were uninsured were 1.6 times more likely to die in five years than those with private insurance.

Cancer Patients: Going Broke to Stay Alive

. Many don't have insurance, or they aren't reimbursed by their insurance company, so they are forced to do without treatment."

The Devastating Process of Dying in America Without Insurance

The Devastating Process of Dying in America Without Insurance
If you have the money and you want medical care you pay for it. If not you apply for Medicaid. That is the way it should be as you can't take it with you and you can't keep saving it for your posterity expecting others to pay your cost and expenses for you can leave your family well off when you should be paying your own expenses if you have the ability to do it.
If only you would realize you have been lied to, and accept it.
Cancer patient’s treatment put on hold over ObamaCare
Woman With Cancer Loses Coverage of Essential Drug Due to Obamacare |
Op-Ed: When Obamacare stops treatment for cancer patients
Coburn loses cancer doc due to ACA
NY Hospital Turns Down Cancer Patient With Obamacare

Millions Are Now Realizing They're Too Poor For Obamacare | HuffPost
From huffington post

Lefties make fun of republicans who don't want to slaughter full term babies and (kids?) about 4 years short of their 30th birthday want to ship human remains to politicians. Who's crazy?

Distract from the real thread ...haaaa you are basically supporting a death sentence for millions

All of your links are laced with Fox news or "The site is noted for its conservative reportin"

Anti Obamacare sites... Fake news . The one factual story woman where the drug was denied was terminal

I paid a lot for my insurance ,but was going to be kicked of for a pre-existing condition before obamacare..

I never once was denied treatment just need to go to a hospital where it is excepted,so the guy crying about a hospital not taking obamacare is bullshit..What there is only one hospital in his area...

All bullshit..

Every single person that I talked to in the chemo rooms were thankful for the new pre-existing laws..
If only you would realize you have been lied to, and accept it.
Cancer patient’s treatment put on hold over ObamaCare
Woman With Cancer Loses Coverage of Essential Drug Due to Obamacare |
Op-Ed: When Obamacare stops treatment for cancer patients
Coburn loses cancer doc due to ACA
NY Hospital Turns Down Cancer Patient With Obamacare

Millions Are Now Realizing They're Too Poor For Obamacare | HuffPost
From huffington post

Lefties make fun of republicans who don't want to slaughter full term babies and (kids?) about 4 years short of their 30th birthday want to ship human remains to politicians. Who's crazy?

Distract from the real thread ...haaaa you are basically supporting a death sentence for millions
There are several medications that I no longer take because the schedules under ocare has made them unaffordable. I used to be able to afford them just fine.
Dang and your still able to post here so you are surviving without those extra pills?
Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.

And that is the only thin that you got...haaaa

I am a pro-life democrat that believes in protecting and feeding the child after it it born.. Your corrupt ass party made sure poor kids and old people can't get a meal at school if it is the only meal that they will ever see that day..While your rich get richer...I hope that you are proud.

Your statement isnt correct. Dems have enslaved and indoctrinated you into believing their lies. You're delusional at this point.

Sorry dude saw it with my own eyes and lived the chemotherapy rooms.. you are the one brainwashed sir .
So you personally saw someone from the Trump gov. walk in and unplug the chemo drip and hand the patient a gun?
Suuuuuure you did.
Fucking moron!

I saw many people getting expensive chemo just to live...what will they do ? either die now or kill themselve. You are the ignorant moron..grow up.

please quote the language in the bill passed by the house this week that says that people needing chemo can no longer get it.

this entire thread is bullshit and lies.
Millions dying because of obamacare. What an absolute abomination of a law. one is dying from having obamacare. Before Obamacare the corruption stole basically everything you have and stopped treatment when you are out of money. Well known fact..
Obamacare premiums up 40% this year. You're an idiot.
obamacare is done in Iowa, one insurer in Virginia. It's not about healthcare. It's not about sick children. It's all about the resistence without realizing that Trump is the resistence against liberalism and everything it stands for.
the only things trump resists are the truth, reality, and logic.
Trump should've just let obamacare die off, but he didn't. Because he cares unlike liberals.
If only you would realize you have been lied to, and accept it.
Cancer patient’s treatment put on hold over ObamaCare
Woman With Cancer Loses Coverage of Essential Drug Due to Obamacare |
Op-Ed: When Obamacare stops treatment for cancer patients
Coburn loses cancer doc due to ACA
NY Hospital Turns Down Cancer Patient With Obamacare

Millions Are Now Realizing They're Too Poor For Obamacare | HuffPost
From huffington post

Lefties make fun of republicans who don't want to slaughter full term babies and (kids?) about 4 years short of their 30th birthday want to ship human remains to politicians. Who's crazy?

Distract from the real thread ...haaaa you are basically supporting a death sentence for millions
There are several medications that I no longer take because the schedules under ocare has made them unaffordable. I used to be able to afford them just fine.

now you can just skip a doctors visit and no longer worry about cost because you wont have any insurance PERIOD.

JUST think how much money Trump will save you ?

lucky you !
Oh, the huff is from fox? And politico? And so is usatoday?
The ny post? Once again you lie.

Dilemma over deductibles: Costs crippling middle class
Making a killing under Obamacare: The ACA gets blamed for rising premiums, while insurance companies are reaping massive profits
This one is from salon, guess they are fox, too?

If only you would realize you have been lied to, and accept it.
Cancer patient’s treatment put on hold over ObamaCare
Woman With Cancer Loses Coverage of Essential Drug Due to Obamacare |
Op-Ed: When Obamacare stops treatment for cancer patients
Coburn loses cancer doc due to ACA
NY Hospital Turns Down Cancer Patient With Obamacare

Millions Are Now Realizing They're Too Poor For Obamacare | HuffPost
From huffington post

Lefties make fun of republicans who don't want to slaughter full term babies and (kids?) about 4 years short of their 30th birthday want to ship human remains to politicians. Who's crazy?

Distract from the real thread ...haaaa you are basically supporting a death sentence for millions

All of your links are laced with Fox news or "The site is noted for its conservative reportin"

Anti Obamacare sites... Fake news . The one factual story woman where the drug was denied was terminal

I paid a lot for my insurance ,but was going to be kicked of for a pre-existing condition before obamacare..

I never once was denied treatment just need to go to a hospital where it is excepted,so the guy crying about a hospital not taking obamacare is bullshit..What there is only one hospital in his area...

All bullshit..

Every single person that I talked to in the chemo rooms were thankful for the new pre-existing laws..
30 million people losing their insurance so we can cut taxes for billionaires
But the liberals in goverment will keep their health insurance while you let your kids die, because you are to lazy to provide for them. Sucks you rely on goverment.

Another brainwashed rightie... Why do you think that a pill to thin blood for a heart attack is over $500? You are padding the republicans and their rich friends pockets with billions.
They have been lying to you and because you haven't seen the truth,you drink it the kool-aide
Did you know you can actually eat food that will do that and it won't even cost you $500.00 per to do it.
My mothers blood pressure meds cost 4.60 for a 30 day supply. Go figure.

But then that's doesn't sound so good to an out of touch crazy liberal nutjob so...
I know a guy that it cost $1,800.00 a month for just his diabetes shots, not including the other thirty meds he takes everyday, uppers, downers and everything in between. He pays about $250.00 of total pharms cost each month but doesn't try even to mitigate his sugar intake. He just does those shots and keeps eating crap. If he had to pay the whole cost I bet he'd be a bit more careful about it.
Someone that fucking stupid shouldn't get a dime from the "makers'.
Basic Darwinism 101. The weak and stupid die. The strong and smart survive to strengthen the species.......including humans.

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