House republicans voted to strip kids w cancer of health coverage...

A fetus is not a human being according to our laws, until the point of viability. Don't like abortions? Don't have one. Don't like our laws? Why are you still here?
At one point black people were not human according to our laws.... You know the famous Dred scott decision? Boy you democrats sure do like to play the same tune over and over.
Careful, your lack of historical perspective is showing. Might want to cover that up.
Son if you were any more ignorant you would not be able to tie your shoes. Maybe if you actually red a book instead of parroting what left wing blog tells you what to say you would not look so stupid.
I have multiple history degrees.... (that requires a lot of reading)
They must all be written in crayon because you are not just wrong historically but shockingly wrong. Shit you are making wikipedia seem like a valid source.
How so?
As if we needed any more proof the left are insane.
you guys are the ones who block health care for mental patients as a "preexisting condition" but hand them fire arms.

Firearms but no meds... Im sure that will turn out great :cheers2:

/---- complete balderdash
Unsupported opinion or do you have some reasoning?
Under a Trump EO it is now easier for the mentally ill to get firearms. Under trumpcare it would be harder for them to get the treatment the need. = mentally ill with firearms but no meds.
Refute it if you can.
Don't think there intent is to hurt children, its just to make money for them self & the people who pay to keep them in office. kids just a side effect.
As if we needed any more proof the left are insane.
you guys are the ones who block health care for mental patients as a "preexisting condition" but hand them fire arms.

Firearms but no meds... Im sure that will turn out great :cheers2:

/---- complete balderdash
Unsupported opinion or do you have some reasoning?
Under a Trump EO it is now easier for the mentally ill to get firearms. Under trumpcare it would be harder for them to get the treatment the need. = mentally ill with firearms but no meds.
Refute it if you can.
Get a grip nutter.

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