House republicans voted to strip kids w cancer of health coverage...

The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.
equating a legal medical procedure to the murder of a living child is sick and twisted. You want to preach that crap go to church.

So the preborn human that is terminated isn't alive? Then why does the preborn human need to be terminated in the first place, if it isn't a living preborn human being?

You leftist make no sense whatsoever. smh
A fetus is not a human being according to our laws, until the point of viability. Don't like abortions? Don't have one. Don't like our laws? Why are you still here?

Well if a law says so it must be true. Why don't we just make cancer illegal and see if it obeys the law?
so you pick and choose what laws to follow. God forbid we bring in undocumented immigrants and all you can say is "its illegal, its illegal, its illegal"
Whether you want to look at the facts or not, is your own problem. It hits retirees that depend on their small investment retirement income hard. And I am not talking about the wealthy retirees.
Honey, they paid tax on that money they used to invest already. Now they are a taxed again. Double taxation, which helps no one, but the govts pockets to spend, spend, spend. And plenty of the middle class are hit. And retirees.

Taxing Dividends and Capital Gains › newsandinfo/features/Pages/kahn_waggoner...
Taxing Dividends and Capital Gains: ... be added to the taxation of dividend income, capital gains, ... retirees will be among those hardest hit by the Fiscal ...
Retirement income hit with highest effective tax rates
the house passed bill will not deprive 30 million people of insurance. The tax plan proposed by Trump cuts taxes for everyone who pays taxes, not just the rich.

In case you forgot, the Bush/Obama tax rate cut did exactly that same thing, cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes. You cannot cut a 0 tax rate. 0 = 0.

Actually, Obama's second round of tax cuts was only the second time in history that taxes were cut on the wealthy while going up on some of the poor. The only other time it happened was under Ronald Reagan. Trump's proposal could result in a tax increase for lower to middle income taxpayers that itemize deductions, especially those in high income tax blue states.
How do taxes go up on those who pay no taxes?

Is it unfair that the poor have never gotten a tax cut?

It was the make work pay credit. It was a credit toward the payroll tax that yes, everyone pays. It was refundable, and it was eliminated during the second round of Obama's tax cut to be replaced by a one percent tax cut. It was four hundred dollars. If you made less than forty grand you ended up with a tax increase.

The whole Obamacare bullshit is only about one thing, the Obamacare taxes, specifically, the Medicare tax on investment income, and the surtax on that same investment income for those making more than a quarter million dollars a year.

Most people in the middle class work for a living. They don't have large investments. In fact, if they have them at all the majority are qualified, in retirement accounts that are tax deferred. And since they work for a living they pay income tax on twenty five cents on every dollar they earn after deductions and exemptions. That is in addition to the payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare.

But some people have large investment accounts that are not tax deferred. They don't pay an income tax on their earnings, they pay a capital gains tax. The absolute most they would have to pay would be twenty percent. Twenty cents on every dollar.

Now if you ask me, that is kind of fubared. If you work for your money you pay 25%. But, if you sit on your ass and let your money work for you, you pay 20%.

Obamacare implemented a surcharge, and a Medicare tax, on that investment income. The surcharge was only for high income taxpayers. You know, the ones that have capped out on Social Security taxes. The Medicare tax was .9%. The surcharge was 3.6%. It almost "leveled the playing field". It almost "made work pay". It had to go.

Double taxation my ass. I will make sure to tell that to the clerk at the grocery store while I get them to remove the sales tax. I already paid tax on that money. And for the super wealthy, well no actually, they haven't paid taxes on that capital gains. Why do you think those professional sport's teams are passed down from generation to generation?

It is dumb, to tax capital gains at a lower rate than earned income. Hell, even the article you linked admitted the Simpson/Boyles commission thought as much. Ah yes, the good old days. But let me quote a bit from that old ass article,

Preventing the super-rich from unduly benefitting from the 15 percent rate on capital gains can take various forms. One obvious form would be to tax capital gains and probably also qualified dividends of high-income taxpayers at a rate in excess of 20 percent or at graduated rates.

That is EXACTLY what Obamacare did. A special surcharge of 3.7% on capital gains for single taxpayers making a QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. Married, higher. And that is EXACTLY what every single bill to repeal Obamacare was all about. The elimination of that surtax. This most recent bill is more of the same.
Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.
equating a legal medical procedure to the murder of a living child is sick and twisted. You want to preach that crap go to church.

So the preborn human that is terminated isn't alive? Then why does the preborn human need to be terminated in the first place, if it isn't a living preborn human being?

You leftist make no sense whatsoever. smh
A fetus is not a human being according to our laws, until the point of viability. Don't like abortions? Don't have one. Don't like our laws? Why are you still here?

Well if a law says so it must be true. Why don't we just make cancer illegal and see if it obeys the law?
so you pick and choose what laws to follow. God forbid we bring in undocumented immigrants and all you can say is "its illegal, its illegal, its illegal"

You don't read very well.
[QThis covers ACA but don't get me wrong your corporate's are just as bad when they get half the chance to take control of every aspect of peoples lives via regulation and stealth of being able to payoff regulators, lawyers and judges.

I have never had a rich person or a corporation take control of my life. On the other hand I have been oppressed by government many times. Everything from having my money taken away and given to somebody else to having my Constitutional Rights infringed.
Okay so you have never had that experience I have and I have seen the government help corporations purposely and willfully break the law. You are fortunate not to have been in that position but don't you dare tell someone else that has been there already in more than one instance how to think about these bastards when you haven't walked in their shoes or had the experience first hand. BTW, when they decide you have 'no rights' you don't.

There are two sides to every story. You get to make your accusations free from challenge from the other party in the anonymity of this forum so who really knows if you are telling a bullshit story, or not?

During the 30 years I worked in a safety and environmental compliance division of a Fortune 15 company I never saw management willfully disobeying the regulations. It was never company policy to do that. I have seen mistakes and sloppy work and people that knew better doing the wrong thing without the company supporting it but I have never seen willful breaking of the law by company policy. It would have been bad business to do that. Occasionally management would get advice or council by experts to do something and later found out it was wrong but was not willful neglect.

I have seen a lot of special snowflake crybabies trying to get something for nothing by claiming they were woefully mistreated but it was usually bullshit. In the instances where there was a legitimate concern the company tried to make it right.

Your enemies are not rich people or corporations or even the employer that gave you money to provide labor for them. Your enemy is this filthy ass government that we have that tries to control every aspects of lives and have put us into slavery with excessive taxation and regulations.
You are free to believe whatever you like but the fact remains the same, if people are abused they are not going to sit idly by in silence. You appear to have a very narrow view of the workplaces people are subjected to.

I owned and operated several companies that I started from scratch through the years. I wrote the safety programs and trained others to train the people that work for us. After semi retiring once I started a second business which I refused to sell or partner with large corporations. We started that last one from scratch too and we spent our own money, efforts, equipment and our labor first. Since I refused to sell out crooks literally took us out by designing equipment to fail from the factory, sabotaging equipment and fuel tanks, plus any other thing they could do to hinder me from getting up and running. That little biz adventure produced $27,000.00 worth of material a day for the three days it was up and running. Those corporate thugs and banking class decided early on to fraud documentation and short loan funds. When I was getting too close to finding out the truth about the one piece equipment that was sent designed to fail from the factory the bank determined to make their move and they got the court to do what couldn't be done with all that equipment sabotage. After the court frauded their certified transcripts to cover up the banker's counterfeiting and I had exhausted all means in an attempt to defend myself I was attempting to help my husband start over. See the bank reached through my corporation and stole his livelihood for he couldn't help me so we had nothing. Even the small hand equipment he had bought almost forty years previously were stolen from his garage with court approval mind you at the bank's request when they all knew that there was extreme hostility from the sheriff whom they wanted empowered to get serial numbers for my husband's equipment. (those altered transcripts from testimony of the one trial that was allowed by the courts here are available if you wanna spend the bucks for the copies, if you do that I'll mail you for free a copy of the fully recorded trial which is very much different in the first two minutes into the trial from what the certified transcripts read)

When I went and took a little shit for nothing job I was asked to provide an employer with services that I was not hired for nor were they mentioned in the interview. I can provide documents for every step they did along the way but here is where I will put it for you can see a little bit of truth. This is the dr. that the employer had me go to. When you are flat broke from circumstances beyond your control you are at the mercy of thieves and liars. By law according to their law here that insurance company and their employer were responsible for my health care concerning the injury. So the health care provider is their choice. I pleaded with that sob every time my husband took me into his office to actually provide help. This is the document for the second time he had his license pulled He was a danger to his patients and they knew it.

The problem you have is those companies that are not law abiding and that are not abusive will take off and take out the ones who are when you act so ignorantly as to ignore what is going down.

edit: I should have said in that. The doctor in the link is the type of doctor all the twinkle toes who push for corporate, government, and insurance control over their health is what they will get with government mandated health care. He's a prime example of what all those fairies who want government, lawyers, and corporate's deciding they will be the one's who will be deciding the quantity and quality for everyone's "health rights". And you won't be able to sue them no matter how negligent they are.
Last edited:
equating a legal medical procedure to the murder of a living child is sick and twisted. You want to preach that crap go to church.

So the preborn human that is terminated isn't alive? Then why does the preborn human need to be terminated in the first place, if it isn't a living preborn human being?

You leftist make no sense whatsoever. smh
A fetus is not a human being according to our laws, until the point of viability. Don't like abortions? Don't have one. Don't like our laws? Why are you still here?

Well if a law says so it must be true. Why don't we just make cancer illegal and see if it obeys the law?
so you pick and choose what laws to follow. God forbid we bring in undocumented immigrants and all you can say is "its illegal, its illegal, its illegal"

You don't read very well.
"Well if a law says so it must be true"
cafeteria law-abider.
30 million people losing their insurance so we can cut taxes for billionaires

total bullshit. but considering the source, not surprising.
I just went to Walmart and had to lock in the hubs and throw it 4 wheel to get over all of the dead bodies. Then again maybe they weren't dead but crumpled democrat snowflakes curled up crying. Either way I got to use 4 wheel drive in May and that always makes me happy.
30 million people losing their insurance so we can cut taxes for billionaires

So in the Liberal Lost World of endless lies..............................................................

The real story is get a job that offers health care insurance, novel idea...
Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.
equating a legal medical procedure to the murder of a living child is sick and twisted. You want to preach that crap go to church.

So the preborn human that is terminated isn't alive? Then why does the preborn human need to be terminated in the first place, if it isn't a living preborn human being?

You leftist make no sense whatsoever. smh
A fetus is not a human being according to our laws, until the point of viability. Don't like abortions? Don't have one. Don't like our laws? Why are you still here?

Well if a law says so it must be true. Why don't we just make cancer illegal and see if it obeys the law?
so you pick and choose what laws to follow. God forbid we bring in undocumented immigrants and all you can say is "its illegal, its illegal, its illegal"
If you are bringing in undocumented people you are a human smuggler and possibly a sex trafficker as well.
26 year old couch potatoes living in their parents basements want to send cremated human remains to politicians because they are disappointed about a bill that is barely out of the House and the kicker is that angry borderline psychotic lefties think it's a good idea. How crazy is it getting out there?
Whether you want to look at the facts or not, is your own problem. It hits retirees that depend on their small investment retirement income hard. And I am not talking about the wealthy retirees.
Honey, they paid tax on that money they used to invest already. Now they are a taxed again. Double taxation, which helps no one, but the govts pockets to spend, spend, spend. And plenty of the middle class are hit. And retirees.

Taxing Dividends and Capital Gains › newsandinfo/features/Pages/kahn_waggoner...
Taxing Dividends and Capital Gains: ... be added to the taxation of dividend income, capital gains, ... retirees will be among those hardest hit by the Fiscal ...
Retirement income hit with highest effective tax rates
Actually, Obama's second round of tax cuts was only the second time in history that taxes were cut on the wealthy while going up on some of the poor. The only other time it happened was under Ronald Reagan. Trump's proposal could result in a tax increase for lower to middle income taxpayers that itemize deductions, especially those in high income tax blue states.
How do taxes go up on those who pay no taxes?

Is it unfair that the poor have never gotten a tax cut?

It was the make work pay credit. It was a credit toward the payroll tax that yes, everyone pays. It was refundable, and it was eliminated during the second round of Obama's tax cut to be replaced by a one percent tax cut. It was four hundred dollars. If you made less than forty grand you ended up with a tax increase.

The whole Obamacare bullshit is only about one thing, the Obamacare taxes, specifically, the Medicare tax on investment income, and the surtax on that same investment income for those making more than a quarter million dollars a year.

Most people in the middle class work for a living. They don't have large investments. In fact, if they have them at all the majority are qualified, in retirement accounts that are tax deferred. And since they work for a living they pay income tax on twenty five cents on every dollar they earn after deductions and exemptions. That is in addition to the payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare.

But some people have large investment accounts that are not tax deferred. They don't pay an income tax on their earnings, they pay a capital gains tax. The absolute most they would have to pay would be twenty percent. Twenty cents on every dollar.

Now if you ask me, that is kind of fubared. If you work for your money you pay 25%. But, if you sit on your ass and let your money work for you, you pay 20%.

Obamacare implemented a surcharge, and a Medicare tax, on that investment income. The surcharge was only for high income taxpayers. You know, the ones that have capped out on Social Security taxes. The Medicare tax was .9%. The surcharge was 3.6%. It almost "leveled the playing field". It almost "made work pay". It had to go.

Double taxation my ass. I will make sure to tell that to the clerk at the grocery store while I get them to remove the sales tax. I already paid tax on that money. And for the super wealthy, well no actually, they haven't paid taxes on that capital gains. Why do you think those professional sport's teams are passed down from generation to generation?

It is dumb, to tax capital gains at a lower rate than earned income. Hell, even the article you linked admitted the Simpson/Boyles commission thought as much. Ah yes, the good old days. But let me quote a bit from that old ass article,

Preventing the super-rich from unduly benefitting from the 15 percent rate on capital gains can take various forms. One obvious form would be to tax capital gains and probably also qualified dividends of high-income taxpayers at a rate in excess of 20 percent or at graduated rates.

That is EXACTLY what Obamacare did. A special surcharge of 3.7% on capital gains for single taxpayers making a QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. Married, higher. And that is EXACTLY what every single bill to repeal Obamacare was all about. The elimination of that surtax. This most recent bill is more of the same.

Oh please, if effects them if they make more than a quarter million dollars a year. If not, then only to the extent they have investment income, real investment income, not distributions from qualified accounts. And that income would have to exceed about twenty five grand before it is even taxed. And that does not count Social Security. So, if they make more than twenty five grand from NON-QUALIFED accounts, they pay an additional .9% tax on that income. I know few retired individuals in that situation and know NONE that are even aware of that .9% tax. The surtax only applies to individuals with investment income in excess of a quarter million dollars a year.
Bull. Just because you are ignorant of the facts doesn't make your proclamation correct.
Whether you want to look at the facts or not, is your own problem. It hits retirees that depend on their small investment retirement income hard. And I am not talking about the wealthy retirees.
Honey, they paid tax on that money they used to invest already. Now they are a taxed again. Double taxation, which helps no one, but the govts pockets to spend, spend, spend. And plenty of the middle class are hit. And retirees.

Taxing Dividends and Capital Gains › newsandinfo/features/Pages/kahn_waggoner...
Taxing Dividends and Capital Gains: ... be added to the taxation of dividend income, capital gains, ... retirees will be among those hardest hit by the Fiscal ...
Retirement income hit with highest effective tax rates
How do taxes go up on those who pay no taxes?

Is it unfair that the poor have never gotten a tax cut?

It was the make work pay credit. It was a credit toward the payroll tax that yes, everyone pays. It was refundable, and it was eliminated during the second round of Obama's tax cut to be replaced by a one percent tax cut. It was four hundred dollars. If you made less than forty grand you ended up with a tax increase.

The whole Obamacare bullshit is only about one thing, the Obamacare taxes, specifically, the Medicare tax on investment income, and the surtax on that same investment income for those making more than a quarter million dollars a year.

Most people in the middle class work for a living. They don't have large investments. In fact, if they have them at all the majority are qualified, in retirement accounts that are tax deferred. And since they work for a living they pay income tax on twenty five cents on every dollar they earn after deductions and exemptions. That is in addition to the payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare.

But some people have large investment accounts that are not tax deferred. They don't pay an income tax on their earnings, they pay a capital gains tax. The absolute most they would have to pay would be twenty percent. Twenty cents on every dollar.

Now if you ask me, that is kind of fubared. If you work for your money you pay 25%. But, if you sit on your ass and let your money work for you, you pay 20%.

Obamacare implemented a surcharge, and a Medicare tax, on that investment income. The surcharge was only for high income taxpayers. You know, the ones that have capped out on Social Security taxes. The Medicare tax was .9%. The surcharge was 3.6%. It almost "leveled the playing field". It almost "made work pay". It had to go.

Double taxation my ass. I will make sure to tell that to the clerk at the grocery store while I get them to remove the sales tax. I already paid tax on that money. And for the super wealthy, well no actually, they haven't paid taxes on that capital gains. Why do you think those professional sport's teams are passed down from generation to generation?

It is dumb, to tax capital gains at a lower rate than earned income. Hell, even the article you linked admitted the Simpson/Boyles commission thought as much. Ah yes, the good old days. But let me quote a bit from that old ass article,

Preventing the super-rich from unduly benefitting from the 15 percent rate on capital gains can take various forms. One obvious form would be to tax capital gains and probably also qualified dividends of high-income taxpayers at a rate in excess of 20 percent or at graduated rates.

That is EXACTLY what Obamacare did. A special surcharge of 3.7% on capital gains for single taxpayers making a QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. Married, higher. And that is EXACTLY what every single bill to repeal Obamacare was all about. The elimination of that surtax. This most recent bill is more of the same.

Oh please, if effects them if they make more than a quarter million dollars a year. If not, then only to the extent they have investment income, real investment income, not distributions from qualified accounts. And that income would have to exceed about twenty five grand before it is even taxed. And that does not count Social Security. So, if they make more than twenty five grand from NON-QUALIFED accounts, they pay an additional .9% tax on that income. I know few retired individuals in that situation and know NONE that are even aware of that .9% tax. The surtax only applies to individuals with investment income in excess of a quarter million dollars a year.
Bull. Just because you are ignorant of the facts doesn't make your proclamation correct.
Whether you want to look at the facts or not, is your own problem. It hits retirees that depend on their small investment retirement income hard. And I am not talking about the wealthy retirees.
Honey, they paid tax on that money they used to invest already. Now they are a taxed again. Double taxation, which helps no one, but the govts pockets to spend, spend, spend. And plenty of the middle class are hit. And retirees.

Taxing Dividends and Capital Gains › newsandinfo/features/Pages/kahn_waggoner...
Taxing Dividends and Capital Gains: ... be added to the taxation of dividend income, capital gains, ... retirees will be among those hardest hit by the Fiscal ...
Retirement income hit with highest effective tax rates
It was the make work pay credit. It was a credit toward the payroll tax that yes, everyone pays. It was refundable, and it was eliminated during the second round of Obama's tax cut to be replaced by a one percent tax cut. It was four hundred dollars. If you made less than forty grand you ended up with a tax increase.

The whole Obamacare bullshit is only about one thing, the Obamacare taxes, specifically, the Medicare tax on investment income, and the surtax on that same investment income for those making more than a quarter million dollars a year.

Most people in the middle class work for a living. They don't have large investments. In fact, if they have them at all the majority are qualified, in retirement accounts that are tax deferred. And since they work for a living they pay income tax on twenty five cents on every dollar they earn after deductions and exemptions. That is in addition to the payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare.

But some people have large investment accounts that are not tax deferred. They don't pay an income tax on their earnings, they pay a capital gains tax. The absolute most they would have to pay would be twenty percent. Twenty cents on every dollar.

Now if you ask me, that is kind of fubared. If you work for your money you pay 25%. But, if you sit on your ass and let your money work for you, you pay 20%.

Obamacare implemented a surcharge, and a Medicare tax, on that investment income. The surcharge was only for high income taxpayers. You know, the ones that have capped out on Social Security taxes. The Medicare tax was .9%. The surcharge was 3.6%. It almost "leveled the playing field". It almost "made work pay". It had to go.

Double taxation my ass. I will make sure to tell that to the clerk at the grocery store while I get them to remove the sales tax. I already paid tax on that money. And for the super wealthy, well no actually, they haven't paid taxes on that capital gains. Why do you think those professional sport's teams are passed down from generation to generation?

It is dumb, to tax capital gains at a lower rate than earned income. Hell, even the article you linked admitted the Simpson/Boyles commission thought as much. Ah yes, the good old days. But let me quote a bit from that old ass article,

Preventing the super-rich from unduly benefitting from the 15 percent rate on capital gains can take various forms. One obvious form would be to tax capital gains and probably also qualified dividends of high-income taxpayers at a rate in excess of 20 percent or at graduated rates.

That is EXACTLY what Obamacare did. A special surcharge of 3.7% on capital gains for single taxpayers making a QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. Married, higher. And that is EXACTLY what every single bill to repeal Obamacare was all about. The elimination of that surtax. This most recent bill is more of the same.

Oh please, if effects them if they make more than a quarter million dollars a year. If not, then only to the extent they have investment income, real investment income, not distributions from qualified accounts. And that income would have to exceed about twenty five grand before it is even taxed. And that does not count Social Security. So, if they make more than twenty five grand from NON-QUALIFED accounts, they pay an additional .9% tax on that income. I know few retired individuals in that situation and know NONE that are even aware of that .9% tax. The surtax only applies to individuals with investment income in excess of a quarter million dollars a year.

Under the Affordable Care Act, single taxpayers with incomes above $200,000 and couples making more than $250,000 annually have paid an additional 0.9% Medicare payroll tax on the amount they earn above those thresholds. Another 3.8% tax applies to investment income above those income levels. The two taxes have been in place since 2013

GOP Obamacare repeal bill is a windfall for the wealthy
The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.

And that is the only thin that you got...haaaa

I am a pro-life democrat that believes in protecting and feeding the child after it it born.. Your corrupt ass party made sure poor kids and old people can't get a meal at school if it is the only meal that they will ever see that day..While your rich get richer...I hope that you are proud.

Nature and natures God has already given those children parents to take care of all those very things
That is part of the problem. Many of those parents don't want that responsibility and the farther along it goes the worse it gets. I had some gal tell me how she had to have ACA because her grown daughter needed to be on her insurance. I listened while she told the story about how her daughter fried her brains on drugs and now couldn't cope without meds and without ACA they just didn't know what they would do.

I don't know why insurance companies don't offer family plans for adult children who want to stay with their parents insurance. Seems like there should be a market for that

because the obamacare law prohibits any plans that do not include all of the required provisions and does not allow any specially tailored plans. Single males have to have a policy that includes maternity and new born coverages, for example.
The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.

You're in favor of increasing abortions so you might want to shut up.

When you start posting in favor of birth control and pre-natal care for the poor and the minuscule amount it takes to get basic health care to the poor, you MIGHT have the right to pretend to be a human being.

But probably not.


Sent from my iPad using

Another meaningless incoherent rant that makes absolutely no sense at all.
The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.

You're in favor of increasing abortions so you might want to shut up.

When you start posting in favor of birth control and pre-natal care for the poor and the minuscule amount it takes to get basic health care to the poor, you MIGHT have the right to pretend to be a human being.

But probably not.


Sent from my iPad using

Another meaningless incoherent rant that makes absolutely no sense at all.

that dumbass doesn't know that planned parenthood does NOT provide BC pills or pre-natal care. It is an abortion mill, nothing more.
Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.

And that is the only thin that you got...haaaa

I am a pro-life democrat that believes in protecting and feeding the child after it it born.. Your corrupt ass party made sure poor kids and old people can't get a meal at school if it is the only meal that they will ever see that day..While your rich get richer...I hope that you are proud.

Nature and natures God has already given those children parents to take care of all those very things
That is part of the problem. Many of those parents don't want that responsibility and the farther along it goes the worse it gets. I had some gal tell me how she had to have ACA because her grown daughter needed to be on her insurance. I listened while she told the story about how her daughter fried her brains on drugs and now couldn't cope without meds and without ACA they just didn't know what they would do.

I don't know why insurance companies don't offer family plans for adult children who want to stay with their parents insurance. Seems like there should be a market for that

because the obamacare law prohibits any plans that do not include all of the required provisions and does not allow any specially tailored plans. Single males have to have a policy that includes maternity and new born coverages, for example.
Not can get a catastrophic insurance...noting else..

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
And that is the only thin that you got...haaaa

I am a pro-life democrat that believes in protecting and feeding the child after it it born.. Your corrupt ass party made sure poor kids and old people can't get a meal at school if it is the only meal that they will ever see that day..While your rich get richer...I hope that you are proud.

Nature and natures God has already given those children parents to take care of all those very things
That is part of the problem. Many of those parents don't want that responsibility and the farther along it goes the worse it gets. I had some gal tell me how she had to have ACA because her grown daughter needed to be on her insurance. I listened while she told the story about how her daughter fried her brains on drugs and now couldn't cope without meds and without ACA they just didn't know what they would do.

I don't know why insurance companies don't offer family plans for adult children who want to stay with their parents insurance. Seems like there should be a market for that

because the obamacare law prohibits any plans that do not include all of the required provisions and does not allow any specially tailored plans. Single males have to have a policy that includes maternity and new born coverages, for example.
Not can get a catastrophic insurance...noting else..

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

nope, you are wrong. the entire premise of the failed obamacare law was that healthy people would pay high premiums to cover the costs of sick people. Great socialist concept, right? but like all socialist concepts it doesn't work in the real world.
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So the preborn human that is terminated isn't alive? Then why does the preborn human need to be terminated in the first place, if it isn't a living preborn human being?

You leftist make no sense whatsoever. smh
A fetus is not a human being according to our laws, until the point of viability. Don't like abortions? Don't have one. Don't like our laws? Why are you still here?
At one point black people were not human according to our laws.... You know the famous Dred scott decision? Boy you democrats sure do like to play the same tune over and over.
Careful, your lack of historical perspective is showing. Might want to cover that up.
Son if you were any more ignorant you would not be able to tie your shoes. Maybe if you actually red a book instead of parroting what left wing blog tells you what to say you would not look so stupid.
I have multiple history degrees.... (that requires a lot of reading)
They must all be written in crayon because you are not just wrong historically but shockingly wrong. Shit you are making wikipedia seem like a valid source.

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