House republicans voted to strip kids w cancer of health coverage...

The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.
equating a legal medical procedure to the murder of a living child is sick and twisted. You want to preach that crap go to church.

So the preborn human that is terminated isn't alive? Then why does the preborn human need to be terminated in the first place, if it isn't a living preborn human being?

You leftist make no sense whatsoever. smh
A fetus is not a human being according to our laws, until the point of viability. Don't like abortions? Don't have one. Don't like our laws? Why are you still here?
The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.
equating a legal medical procedure to the murder of a living child is sick and twisted. You want to preach that crap go to church.

So the preborn human that is terminated isn't alive? Then why does the preborn human need to be terminated in the first place, if it isn't a living preborn human being?

You leftist make no sense whatsoever. smh
A fetus is not a human being according to our laws, until the point of viability. Don't like abortions? Don't have one. Don't like our laws? Why are you still here?

You're saying slavery should never have been overturned?
The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.
equating a legal medical procedure to the murder of a living child is sick and twisted. You want to preach that crap go to church.

So the preborn human that is terminated isn't alive? Then why does the preborn human need to be terminated in the first place, if it isn't a living preborn human being?

You leftist make no sense whatsoever. smh
A fetus is not a human being according to our laws, until the point of viability. Don't like abortions? Don't have one. Don't like our laws? Why are you still here?

Our laws are wrong. A fetus is a human and it is a being from the moment it's fertilized and implanted into the womb. That's how new human beings start. Science, it's not hard.
30 million people losing their insurance so we can cut taxes for billionaires
But the liberals in goverment will keep their health insurance while you let your kids die, because you are to lazy to provide for them. Sucks you rely on goverment.

Another brainwashed rightie... Why do you think that a pill to thin blood for a heart attack is over $500? You are padding the republicans and their rich friends pockets with billions.
They have been lying to you and because you haven't seen the truth,you drink it the kool-aide
Yet Obama was president for eight years and made them richer. You're a tool.
Fake news.
The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.
equating a legal medical procedure to the murder of a living child is sick and twisted. You want to preach that crap go to church.

So the preborn human that is terminated isn't alive? Then why does the preborn human need to be terminated in the first place, if it isn't a living preborn human being?

You leftist make no sense whatsoever. smh
A fetus is not a human being according to our laws, until the point of viability. Don't like abortions? Don't have one. Don't like our laws? Why are you still here?

You're saying slavery should never have been overturned?
African Americans are fully capable of sustaining life outside the womb.
After about 20-24 weeks a black fetus is considered viable just like a white fetus. Idiot.

Do you have comprehension problems, should I use smaller words?
The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.
equating a legal medical procedure to the murder of a living child is sick and twisted. You want to preach that crap go to church.

So the preborn human that is terminated isn't alive? Then why does the preborn human need to be terminated in the first place, if it isn't a living preborn human being?

You leftist make no sense whatsoever. smh
A fetus is not a human being according to our laws, until the point of viability. Don't like abortions? Don't have one. Don't like our laws? Why are you still here?

Hillary Clinton supported abortions up to the time of birth (partial birth abortion). In case you don't know what this is: as the head of the child emerges from the birth canal a "doctor" punches a hole in the top of its head and sucks its brains out. then the rest of the body is "delivered" and disposed of.

Abortion is murder. But if you are an advocate like Hillary, why not extend it up to 2 years of age? if the kid becomes too much of a burden, just kill it, right?
30 million people losing their insurance so we can cut taxes for billionaires
But the liberals in goverment will keep their health insurance while you let your kids die, because you are to lazy to provide for them. Sucks you rely on goverment.

Another brainwashed rightie... Why do you think that a pill to thin blood for a heart attack is over $500? You are padding the republicans and their rich friends pockets with billions.
They have been lying to you and because you haven't seen the truth,you drink it the kool-aide
Yet Obama was president for eight years and made them richer. You're a tool.
Fake news.

Really? then why did wall street pay him 400K to give a speech? Can you say Payback?
The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.
equating a legal medical procedure to the murder of a living child is sick and twisted. You want to preach that crap go to church.

So the preborn human that is terminated isn't alive? Then why does the preborn human need to be terminated in the first place, if it isn't a living preborn human being?

You leftist make no sense whatsoever. smh
A fetus is not a human being according to our laws, until the point of viability. Don't like abortions? Don't have one. Don't like our laws? Why are you still here?

Hillary Clinton supported abortions up to the time of birth (partial birth abortion). In case you don't know what this is: as the head of the child emerges from the birth canal a "doctor" punches a hole in the top of its head and sucks its brains out. then the rest of the body is "delivered" and disposed of.

Abortion is murder. But if you are an advocate like Hillary, why not extend it up to 2 years of age? if the kid becomes too much of a burden, just kill it, right?
I advocate that before viability a woman should have a choice. After viability no abortion unless the woman is at risk.
The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.
equating a legal medical procedure to the murder of a living child is sick and twisted. You want to preach that crap go to church.

So the preborn human that is terminated isn't alive? Then why does the preborn human need to be terminated in the first place, if it isn't a living preborn human being?

You leftist make no sense whatsoever. smh
A fetus is not a human being according to our laws, until the point of viability. Don't like abortions? Don't have one. Don't like our laws? Why are you still here?

Hillary Clinton supported abortions up to the time of birth (partial birth abortion). In case you don't know what this is: as the head of the child emerges from the birth canal a "doctor" punches a hole in the top of its head and sucks its brains out. then the rest of the body is "delivered" and disposed of.

Abortion is murder. But if you are an advocate like Hillary, why not extend it up to 2 years of age? if the kid becomes too much of a burden, just kill it, right?
it's evicting helpless children from their home
30 million people losing their insurance so we can cut taxes for billionaires
But the liberals in goverment will keep their health insurance while you let your kids die, because you are to lazy to provide for them. Sucks you rely on goverment.

Another brainwashed rightie... Why do you think that a pill to thin blood for a heart attack is over $500? You are padding the republicans and their rich friends pockets with billions.
They have been lying to you and because you haven't seen the truth,you drink it the kool-aide
Yet Obama was president for eight years and made them richer. You're a tool.
Fake news.

Really? then why did wall street pay him 400K to give a speech? Can you say Payback?
You really should read the thread before posting. That's not what were talking about at all.
30 million people losing their insurance so we can cut taxes for billionaires

total bullshit. but considering the source, not surprising.
Then prove him wrong.

the house passed bill will not deprive 30 million people of insurance. The tax plan proposed by Trump cuts taxes for everyone who pays taxes, not just the rich.

In case you forgot, the Bush/Obama tax rate cut did exactly that same thing, cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes. You cannot cut a 0 tax rate. 0 = 0.
But the liberals in goverment will keep their health insurance while you let your kids die, because you are to lazy to provide for them. Sucks you rely on goverment.

Another brainwashed rightie... Why do you think that a pill to thin blood for a heart attack is over $500? You are padding the republicans and their rich friends pockets with billions.
They have been lying to you and because you haven't seen the truth,you drink it the kool-aide
Yet Obama was president for eight years and made them richer. You're a tool.
Fake news.

Really? then why did wall street pay him 400K to give a speech? Can you say Payback?
You really should read the thread before posting. That's not what were talking about at all.

Seriously these people will turn this into an abortion thread to get off the topic of killing kids with no healthcare..
But the liberals in goverment will keep their health insurance while you let your kids die, because you are to lazy to provide for them. Sucks you rely on goverment.

Another brainwashed rightie... Why do you think that a pill to thin blood for a heart attack is over $500? You are padding the republicans and their rich friends pockets with billions.
They have been lying to you and because you haven't seen the truth,you drink it the kool-aide
Yet Obama was president for eight years and made them richer. You're a tool.
Fake news.

Really? then why did wall street pay him 400K to give a speech? Can you say Payback?
You really should read the thread before posting. That's not what were talking about at all.

my mistake, how much will big pharma pay Obama for a speech?
30 million people losing their insurance so we can cut taxes for billionaires

total bullshit. but considering the source, not surprising.
Then prove him wrong.

the house passed bill will not deprive 30 million people of insurance. The tax plan proposed by Trump cuts taxes for everyone who pays taxes, not just the rich.

In case you forgot, the Bush/Obama tax rate cut did exactly that same thing, cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes. You cannot cut a 0 tax rate. 0 = 0.

The sicker you are the more you pay..Why you say...? because only congress and the healthy should get healthcare..
So instead of starting up a charity fund to save the kid...

They set up a service that sends the dead bodies to congress?

The left truly has lost it. Although of course, the leftists always sacrifice their children for pretty much any cause.
what are our kids suppose to start a go fund me page for cancer care????

Let them eat cake, says the republicans.

Oh, I forgot, the leftists abandoned their kids and thus the kids need government provided parents, too.

Haaaa... wow :cuckoo:


Typical far leftist, no arguments and even the slander is not worth a shit.

No wonder that you believe free speech needs to be banned, when the arguments are of such inferior quality. Child with cancer could do better, no wonder you believe he is better able to care for his needs than his parents.

Every single parent I know would sell everything they have to save their loved one..

I can actually show you a bill you moron

1 bag of chemotherapy = $20,000 - $50,000 x which 6 to ten is needed = $400,000,00- 16,000,000,00

Surgery including doctors and hospitals = $500.000.00 x several

Tests such as blood,and imaging =$500.000.00 XXXX

Except the guy above who just said that it's the child's job to care for himself. Your attention-span is impressive.

Abortion is a salvation indeed. Death is a much better alternative to being born into a (without a doubt) single parented household like this.
Another brainwashed rightie... Why do you think that a pill to thin blood for a heart attack is over $500? You are padding the republicans and their rich friends pockets with billions.
They have been lying to you and because you haven't seen the truth,you drink it the kool-aide
Yet Obama was president for eight years and made them richer. You're a tool.
Fake news.

Really? then why did wall street pay him 400K to give a speech? Can you say Payback?
You really should read the thread before posting. That's not what were talking about at all.

Seriously these people will turn this into an abortion thread to get off the topic of killing kids with no healthcare..

because the thread OP is total bullshit. NO one in the USA was denied medical care before obamacare, no one was denied medical care after obamacare, no one will be denied medical care under Trumpcare.

The OP is nothing but a far left talking point with zero basis in fact.
30 million people losing their insurance so we can cut taxes for billionaires

total bullshit. but considering the source, not surprising.
Then prove him wrong.

the house passed bill will not deprive 30 million people of insurance. The tax plan proposed by Trump cuts taxes for everyone who pays taxes, not just the rich.

In case you forgot, the Bush/Obama tax rate cut did exactly that same thing, cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes. You cannot cut a 0 tax rate. 0 = 0.

The sicker you are the more you pay..Why you say...? because only congress and the healthy should get healthcare..

another half truth. Yes, if you are sick you probably pay more than a person who has no illnesses. If you are fat you probably pay more for food than a skinny person. That's just the way it is.

I do agree that congress should be subject to whatever health plan that they force on us.
Another brainwashed rightie... Why do you think that a pill to thin blood for a heart attack is over $500? You are padding the republicans and their rich friends pockets with billions.
They have been lying to you and because you haven't seen the truth,you drink it the kool-aide
Yet Obama was president for eight years and made them richer. You're a tool.
Fake news.

Really? then why did wall street pay him 400K to give a speech? Can you say Payback?
You really should read the thread before posting. That's not what were talking about at all.

Seriously these people will turn this into an abortion thread to get off the topic of killing kids with no healthcare..
EVERY time. No matter the topic.

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