House repubs to target Social Security and Medicare cuts

raising the cap kicks the can down the road. Elimination the cap fixes it forever
Yeah but Republicans will never vote for an elimination of the cap.
Raising it somewhat is a good compromise that at least 10 Senators could vote for.
Roy is saying CUTS...

Raising the age is a CUT
Raising the age is NOT a cut. For a cut to happen you need to be receiving benefits.
For a fix to happen, a fix has to happen, otherwise SS goes insolvent in 2034.
That means benefits need to be reduced and/or taxes need to be increased.

Look at the lifespans when SS was initiated in 1947 versus today. People are living and working longer.
You either want to fix SS & Medicare or you want them to go bankrupt. Choose.
My post 173 has a very reasonable set of fixes.
Raising the age is NOT a cut. For a cut to happen you need to be receiving benefits.
For a fix to happen, a fix has to happen, otherwise SS goes insolvent in 2034.
That means benefits need to be reduced and/or taxes need to be increased.

Look at the lifespans when SS was initiated in 1947 versus today. People are living and working longer.
You either want to fix SS & Medicare or you want them to go bankrupt. Choose.
My post 173 has a very reasonable set of fixes.
Nope. Raising the age is CUTTING benefits for future beneficiaries.

My KIDS for example
Nope. Raising the age is CUTTING benefits for future beneficiaries.
My KIDS for example
A "cut" is getting less than you are currently getting, duh,
A change in eligibility is NOT a cut.
Would you rather SS go insolvent and your kids get 70% of promised benefits, or they work a year or two longer for full benefits? Choose.

I also want the people currently NOT on SS. like many government employees to pay into SS.
A "cut" is getting less than you are currently getting, duh,
A change in eligibility is NOT a cut.
Would you rather SS go insolvent and your kids get 70% of promised benefits, or they work a year or two longer for full benefits? Choose.

I also want the people currently NOT on SS. like many government employees to pay into SS.
I’d rather they lift the cap and insure my kids get SS
I’d rather they lift the cap and insure my kids get SS
I agree with that, but in politics sometime we need to compromise.
I hope we soon see a real negotiation and get it solved and signed.
It's called "compromise"
Republicans want to raise the full retirement age from 66 to 70. So what? Compromise on 68 with..
What's the proposed early retirement age? Currently its 62. Compromise on 64 with...
How about raising or removing the cap? Double the cap...problem solved.

SS is an easy fix if the DC morons worked on it. Joe would sign it.
So....that is a cut in the benefits of future SS recipients. McCarthy...and you...have a way of spinning a lie.
So....that is a cut in the benefits of future SS recipients. McCarthy...and you...have a way of spinning a lie.
1. A "cut" is getting less than you do now.

2. A change in eligibility is NOT a cut.

3. Do you want to fix SS and Medicare or not?

4. Compromise means getting some of what you want, and accepting some of what you don't.
I agree with that, but in politics sometime we need to compromise.
I hope we soon see a real negotiation and get it solved and signed.
I have an aversion to compromising on my kid's retirement

Well, here we go again. I guess there needs to be room for more tax cuts for the super wealthy.
/——-/ Do you libtards ever read past the headlines?
“Republicans don’t plan to alter benefits for current Social Security and Medicare recipients, according to Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas).

The Republican Study Committee proposed a budget for fiscal 2023 that would gradually increase the eligibility ages for Social Security and Medicare, and change the Social Security benefit formula for people 54 and younger, while not changing it for people closer to receiving benefits.”
Just raise the cap
/———/ geee—-try reading the article before you lash out.
The Republican Study Committee proposed a budget for fiscal 2023 that would gradually increase the eligibility ages for Social Security and Medicare, and change the Social Security benefit formula for people 54 and younger, while not changing it for people closer to receiving benefits.
Raising the cap would place a burden on the repub constituents making $160,000+. That is a non-starter for the repubs. God forbid they pay a penny more in SS tax.
/——/ I remember democRATs fighting any reforms for SS tooth and nail back in the 70s. democRAT Speaker Tip BELCH O’Neil screaming into the TV KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF OF SOCIAL SECURITY.
The republican house majority will be wiped out in 2024 if they fuck with the American people in such a way. SSI should be raised in $ to cover the cost of living considering how greedy the rich are that funds your worthless anti-American party keep raising everything to take more and more from the American people.

I am so fucking sick of this talk of fucking over our old and disabled.

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