House to kill immigration bill?


Jun 19, 2013
The Senate immigration bill: Do we finally have a deal?

With this new deal on enforcing the border with 20,000 more troops, hundreds of miles of new fences, drones, and robot death machines, its possible that the Senate vote on the bill could approach 70 votes.

However, it is possible, however insane, that the House won't even let the bill come to a vote.

If the Senate passes this bill with even 65 votes, but the House doesn't even let it come to the floor for a vote, the GOP will look HORRIBLE and will truly reap the whirlwind in 2014's elections.

As much as I hate the GOP and want the Dems to take back the House, I pray the GOP doesn't do this.

This bill would be great for America and great for securing our Mexican border.

We need this bill. I pray the GOP doesn't kill it. It would be horrible for America if they do.
If the Senate passes this bill with even 65 votes, but the House doesn't even let it come to the floor for a vote, the GOP will look HORRIBLE and will truly reap the whirlwind in 2014's elections.


Not necessarily. If the Senate bill does not have border security first and foremost the bill can be killed - the majority of Americans do not want amnesty without border security FIRST - check the polls.
Build the fence first.

Just like in medicine- You stop the spread before you deal with the issue

The Senate immigration bill: Do we finally have a deal?

With this new deal on enforcing the border with 20,000 more troops, hundreds of miles of new fences, drones, and robot death machines, its possible that the Senate vote on the bill could approach 70 votes.

However, it is possible, however insane, that the House won't even let the bill come to a vote.

If the Senate passes this bill with even 65 votes, but the House doesn't even let it come to the floor for a vote, the GOP will look HORRIBLE and will truly reap the whirlwind in 2014's elections.

As much as I hate the GOP and want the Dems to take back the House, I pray the GOP doesn't do this.

This bill would be great for America and great for securing our Mexican border.

We need this bill. I pray the GOP doesn't kill it. It would be horrible for America if they do.

We have been promised that the border would be secured before... 1986, and it didn't happen. This bill will not be great for america nor will it secure the border.
If the Senate passes the bill with 63 to 70 votes, and the House does not bring it up, the gerrymandered majority in my GOP House will be at serious risk next year. But more importantly, the Hispanics will, with their Dem allies, began taking back the southwest for the Democratic Party. By 2024 at the very latest, Texas will be blue, and the GOP will be in the deep minority.
The Senate immigration bill: Do we finally have a deal?

With this new deal on enforcing the border with 20,000 more troops, hundreds of miles of new fences, drones, and robot death machines, its possible that the Senate vote on the bill could approach 70 votes.

However, it is possible, however insane, that the House won't even let the bill come to a vote.

If the Senate passes this bill with even 65 votes, but the House doesn't even let it come to the floor for a vote, the GOP will look HORRIBLE and will truly reap the whirlwind in 2014's elections.

As much as I hate the GOP and want the Dems to take back the House, I pray the GOP doesn't do this.

This bill would be great for America and great for securing our Mexican border.

We need this bill. I pray the GOP doesn't kill it. It would be horrible for America if they do.

This bill will be worse for America than Obamacare. At least if you get enough real Americans elected into office, we can repeal Obamacare. Once the amnesty bill is passed, there is no going back and repealing that.

This bill is not great for America, it is great for Democrats. Any bill that has so many pages it weighs over 20 pounds can not be good for America. Any bill Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer are trying to rush through because they are panicking about more Americans opposing it can't be good. Hopefully the GOP for once gets it right and won't bring it to vote.

Of course you want this to pass, with all the future Democrats it will bring in, it greatly increases the chances of Democrats gaining control and doing what they want unopposed. Then when they increase all their free handouts and entitlements, a freeloader like you can get money off of other people's hard work all while you lay on your sofa doing the knuckle shuffle on your piss pump to Chris Matthews.
If the Senate passes the bill with 63 to 70 votes, and the House does not bring it up, the gerrymandered majority in my GOP House will be at serious risk next year. But more importantly, the Hispanics will, with their Dem allies, began taking back the southwest for the Democratic Party. By 2024 at the very latest, Texas will be blue, and the GOP will be in the deep minority.

Take a look at Hispanic vote during past elections back to the early 80's. Don't mean jack squat for the most part

Not one time when the Republicans cave did it ever pay dividends at the polling place

They can win with a small percentage


The Hispanic Vote in Presidential Elections, 1980-2012
Pew Research Center ^ | 11/7/2012
Posted on 11/12/2012 7:58:29 AM by ReaganÜberAlles

--1980 Jimmy Carter, 56% Ronald Reagan, 35% +21

--1984 Walter Mondale, 61% Ronald Reagan, 37% +24

--1988 Michael Dukakis, 69% George H.W. Bush, 30% +39

--1992 Bill Clinton, 61% George H.W. Bush, 25% +36

--1996 Bill Clinton, 72% Bob Dole, 21% +51

--2000 Al Gore, 62% George W. Bush, 35% +27

--2004 John Kerry, 58% George W. Bush, 40% +18

--2008 Barack Obama, 67% John McCain, 31% +36

--2012 Barack Obama, 71% Mitt Romney, 27% +44
That possible % now grows smaller every election for the GOP. The heyday was 2004, the mayday was 2012, the final day will be 2024.
The Senate immigration bill: Do we finally have a deal?

With this new deal on enforcing the border with 20,000 more troops, hundreds of miles of new fences, drones, and robot death machines, its possible that the Senate vote on the bill could approach 70 votes.

However, it is possible, however insane, that the House won't even let the bill come to a vote.

If the Senate passes this bill with even 65 votes, but the House doesn't even let it come to the floor for a vote, the GOP will look HORRIBLE and will truly reap the whirlwind in 2014's elections.

As much as I hate the GOP and want the Dems to take back the House, I pray the GOP doesn't do this.

This bill would be great for America and great for securing our Mexican border.

We need this bill. I pray the GOP doesn't kill it. It would be horrible for America if they do.

This bill will be worse for America than Obamacare. At least if you get enough real Americans elected into office, we can repeal Obamacare. Once the amnesty bill is passed, there is no going back and repealing that.

This bill is not great for America, it is great for Democrats. Any bill that has so many pages it weighs over 20 pounds can not be good for America. Any bill Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer are trying to rush through because they are panicking about more Americans opposing it can't be good. Hopefully the GOP for once gets it right and won't bring it to vote.

Of course you want this to pass, with all the future Democrats it will bring in, it greatly increases the chances of Democrats gaining control and doing what they want unopposed. Then when they increase all their free handouts and entitlements, a freeloader like you can get money off of other people's hard work all while you lay on your sofa doing the knuckle shuffle on your piss pump to Chris Matthews.
I agree. It's a specious hoax in the making.
If the Senate passes the bill with 63 to 70 votes, and the House does not bring it up, the gerrymandered majority in my GOP House will be at serious risk next year. But more importantly, the Hispanics will, with their Dem allies, began taking back the southwest for the Democratic Party. By 2024 at the very latest, Texas will be blue, and the GOP will be in the deep minority.

Yes, Texas is headed towards being a swing state.

Once that happens, the White House will belong to the Dems forever.
If the Senate passes the bill with 63 to 70 votes, and the House does not bring it up, the gerrymandered majority in my GOP House will be at serious risk next year. But more importantly, the Hispanics will, with their Dem allies, began taking back the southwest for the Democratic Party. By 2024 at the very latest, Texas will be blue, and the GOP will be in the deep minority.

Take a look at Hispanic vote during past elections back to the early 80's. Don't mean jack squat for the most part

Not one time when the Republicans cave did it ever pay dividends at the polling place

They can win with a small percentage


The Hispanic Vote in Presidential Elections, 1980-2012
Pew Research Center ^ | 11/7/2012
Posted on 11/12/2012 7:58:29 AM by ReaganÜberAlles

--1980 Jimmy Carter, 56% Ronald Reagan, 35% +21

--1984 Walter Mondale, 61% Ronald Reagan, 37% +24

--1988 Michael Dukakis, 69% George H.W. Bush, 30% +39

--1992 Bill Clinton, 61% George H.W. Bush, 25% +36

--1996 Bill Clinton, 72% Bob Dole, 21% +51

--2000 Al Gore, 62% George W. Bush, 35% +27

--2004 John Kerry, 58% George W. Bush, 40% +18

--2008 Barack Obama, 67% John McCain, 31% +36

--2012 Barack Obama, 71% Mitt Romney, 27% +44
The Hispanic vote is important to me. They're good businessmen. They will benefit more if the Republic remains a fiscally prosperous one. It won't be for long with a 17-trillion dollar national debt.
GOPers act like they could never get Hispanic votes.

There are MANY independent and successful Hispanic businessmen.

If GOPers lighten up on immigration and focus on helping small businessmen and workers, they will get more Hispanic votes.

But if they kill this bill, Hispanics will look passed any fiscal ideas that make sense, and just see the party that killed our best chance at immigration reform and fixing the border in a generation.
Don't fret, the GOP won on this one. You can go cry now.


Cry about what? I want the Senate bill as it currently appears with the new security amendment.

But you're afraid the GOP will block the bill in the house? They have everything they can possibly get out of the Democrats. So why would they willfully shoot themselves in the foot?
The Senate immigration bill: Do we finally have a deal?

With this new deal on enforcing the border with 20,000 more troops, hundreds of miles of new fences, drones, and robot death machines, its possible that the Senate vote on the bill could approach 70 votes.

However, it is possible, however insane, that the House won't even let the bill come to a vote.

If the Senate passes this bill with even 65 votes, but the House doesn't even let it come to the floor for a vote, the GOP will look HORRIBLE and will truly reap the whirlwind in 2014's elections.

As much as I hate the GOP and want the Dems to take back the House, I pray the GOP doesn't do this.

This bill would be great for America and great for securing our Mexican border.

We need this bill. I pray the GOP doesn't kill it. It would be horrible for America if they do.


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