House to vote on Consumption Tax and abolish the IRS

And let the show begin!.... marching bands... circus clowns... come one come all and watch the show!!

This has about as much chance as getting anywhere as a vote to cut their own salaries.
It might get 100 votes overall.

I have been for a consumption tax for a long time. The current tax code is unfair to the middle class and benefits the rich.
Still posting from a place of ignorance, I see. Try speaking for yourself instead of guessing wrong about my perspective.
He is obsessed with which party you align with. The guy is a moron but does provide entertainment here.
A national consumption tax would result in a big tax cut for the rich and a tax increase for the middle class. Republicans take care of the rich and powerful.
You can't possibly be this dumb.
Wait... did someone on CNN sell this line to you?
I vote for them, but you duopoly lovers do not so we are stuck with more being spent each year.

Maybe one day you people will wake up.
Well enlighten us then. Who have you gotten elected that can verify that any of their budget hawk policies work and aren't just more of the same smoke and mirrors bullshit? Do any of your preferred candidates have a verifiable record of deficit or debt reducing actions that they are responsible for? I'll wait.
Well enlighten us then. Who have you gotten elected that can verify that any of their budget hawk policies work and aren't just more of the same smoke and mirrors bullshit? Do any of your preferred candidates have a verifiable record of deficit or debt reducing actions that they are responsible for? I'll wait.

Gary Johnson cut the state income, gasoline, capital gains and the unemployment tax. He vetoed over 700 spending bills. While spending went up during his time as Gov of NM it is because the state legislature overrode his vetoes.

Then there is Bob Barr who while in Congress was one of the most fiscally conservative members. He pushed for the repeal of the 16th Amendment, and pushed for drastic reductions in government spending.
Gary Johnson cut the state income, gasoline, capital gains and the unemployment tax. He vetoed over 700 spending bills. While spending went up during his time as Gov of NM it is because the state legislature overrode his vetoes.
IOW, He accomplished nothing but smoke and mirrors bullshit.
Then there is Bob Barr who while in Congress was one of the most fiscally conservative members. He pushed for the repeal of the 16th Amendment, and pushed for drastic reductions in government spending.
Pushed for? That accomplished nothing.
You still have not shown one demonstrable action that resulted in any fiscal reduction of any type. BTW, am I supposed to take your word for it? How about links to your assertions.
This is bad policy, not progress.

It would be progress if the tax covered all of our spending and no more deficits. When they spend more, simply increase the consumption tax.

Right now nobody cares how much they spend because it doesn't affect most people. When you have a dog in the race, you will object to stupidity like paying off college loans for people making less than 125K a year that would put us another near half-trillion in the hole for vote buying.
You would think Democrats would leap and jump for joy and can't wait to vote yes.
Why? Because the bottom 55% of the population pay no income tax at all. In fact, then have a negative liability. They get more back then they pay in.
So the government coffer would immediately start getting money from people they actually pay money to now

Democrats are never for shrinking government, only growing it. Statistics show that federal workers overwhelmingly vote Democrat. Closing down the IRS would shrink government and likely Democrat voters, so they would fight this tooth and nail to it's grave.
This is a sick joke. Any first world nation needs to have a system of taxation and investment. Not too is asking to be like Somalia or Mali. It isn't pretty.

Sick nightmare you people live in. The taliban is almost more sane then your beliefs. That is scary shit.
The most regressive idea they could come up with to penalize those at the bottom. Way to show your stripes.

Republicans haven’t had a good idea in 25 years.
2020 spending was $6.6TR. Lets exclude SS and Medicare. That Leaves $4.731TR.

Interesting. If the population is 330mm, that means each person would have to pay $14.3K in sales taxes on average a year.

That would be if each American spent the same amount in purchases, which of course is not reality. If I buy a $250,000 home and a rich guy buys a 1.5 million dollar home, what I don't pay in the consumption tax, the wealthy will.

There are a lot of people that make money doing cash jobs and illegal money making like drugs, prostitution, gambling and so on. With a consumption tax, nobody is able to escape it because no matter how you make money, it will get taxed when you make a purchase.
Democrats are never for shrinking government, only growing it. Statistics show that federal workers overwhelmingly vote Democrat. Closing down the IRS would shrink government and likely Democrat voters, so they would fight this tooth and nail to it's grave.
Shut up. The only responsible party is the democrats. The Republicans are outrageously incompetent. The Democrats are far more balanced albeit not perfect.

That would be if each American spent the same amount in purchases, which of course is not reality. If I buy a $250,000 home and a rich guy buys a 1.5 million dollar home, what I don't pay in the consumption tax, the wealthy will.

There are a lot of people that make money doing cash jobs and illegal money making like drugs, prostitution, gambling and so on. With a consumption tax, nobody is able to escape it because no matter how you make money, it will get taxed when you make a purchase.
Er they still wouldn't get taxed.

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