House Votes To Repeal 2002 Iraq War Authorization


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
I never supported that vote in the first place and was attacked for not supporting it. So was everyone else who didn't support it.

The bush boy and Cheney lied through their teeth and intimidated congress people to get that vote.

I am glad the House voted to repeal it.

Unfortunately like most legislation, it will go to the Senate to die because of republican filibuster.

I never supported that vote in the first place and was attacked for not supporting it. So was everyone else who didn't support it.

The bush boy and Cheney lied through their teeth and intimidated congress people to get that vote.

I am glad the House voted to repeal it.

Unfortunately like most legislation, it will go to the Senate to die because of republican filibuster.

Actually FBI scum Robert Mueller and military industrial complex stooge Colin Powell were the big liars.
I never supported that vote in the first place and was attacked for not supporting it. So was everyone else who didn't support it.

The bush boy and Cheney lied through their teeth and intimidated congress people to get that vote.

I am glad the House voted to repeal it.

Unfortunately like most legislation, it will go to the Senate to die because of republican filibuster.

That’s going to be pretty awkward for Biden, Kerry, and Hillary who all voted for it.

Bush and Cheney didn’t create the war, the Deep State and Washington Establishment did. Just like they got us involved in Libya and Syria when the Hussein did exactly as they demanded. Only President Trump has had the balls to tell them to fuck off and not start a new war. That’s why the media hated him, and that’s why you hate him. So spare us your phony outrage.
Worthless time and money spent.

We are no longer at war with Iraq.

Yeah, no kidding.

Then again, you don't expect this Congress to actually do anything meaningful, do you?
Maybe if we keep quiet they'll continue wasting their time on meaningless crap like this, and do less damage to the nation before we kick all their asses to the curb next year.
I never supported that vote in the first place and was attacked for not supporting it. So was everyone else who didn't support it.

The bush boy and Cheney lied through their teeth and intimidated congress people to get that vote.

I am glad the House voted to repeal it.

Unfortunately like most legislation, it will go to the Senate to die because of republican filibuster.

It’s only 19 years TOO LATE, I guess now we know that exact lag time between Democrat stupidity and Democrats recognizing their own stupidity. :cool:
Totally irrelevant unless the 1991 AUMF and 2001 AUMF are also repealed.

Those who are not ignorant of military history know that we have been at war in Iraq continuously since 1991. It's the longest war in US history. 30 years now.

GWB did not even have to get the 2002 AUMF because the 1991 AUMF was, and still is, in effect. He merely requested the 2002 AUMF to make damn sure congress was backing him.

That's the same reason he kept the war budget separate from the regular military budget. He wanted make damn sure that each new congress was backing him. Which they did.
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How much did Congress authorize for research into a Time Machine so that this exercise wasn't a complete waste of taxpayer money?

The bush boy and Cheney lied through their teeth and intimidated congress people to get that vote.
And like all BDS afflicted morons, you cannot quote the alleged lies and prove that they are lies.
That’s going to be pretty awkward for Biden, Kerry, and Hillary who all voted for it.

Bush and Cheney didn’t create the war, the Deep State and Washington Establishment did. Just like they got us involved in Libya and Syria when the Hussein did exactly as they demanded. Only President Trump has had the balls to tell them to fuck off and not start a new war. That’s why the media hated him, and that’s why you hate him. So spare us your phony outrage.
Incorrect. People hate your Orange Baboon-God because he broke faith with the Republic and the Constitution and tried to grab power on January 6, 2021.

It's really easy to despise traitors like that.
Incorrect. People hate your Orange Baboon-God because he broke faith with the Republic and the Constitution and tried to grab power on January 6, 2021.

It's really easy to despise traitors like that.
Oh riiiight, because y’all didn’t hate him before.
Oh riiiight, because y’all didn’t hate him before.
No... other than the Hard Left, most non-Rumpians simply didn't trust him, and thought him a lecherous, arrogant, ignorant buffon.

That's not "hate"... that's accuracy...

No... I think the real-life genuine USDA Grade-A "hate" started when he summoned, incited and aimed that crowd at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

He broke his sacred oath and he broke faith with the broader American People and the Constitution.

For that, he will now be prosecuted with anything and everything that they can find, that can be made to stick... he must never again attain the White House.

Couldn't happen to a nicer modern-day Benedict Arnold... or was that Judas Iscariot?
Couldn't happen to a nicer modern-day Benedict Arnold... or was that Judas Iscariot?
Who exactly did he betray?

Calling out an obviously stolen election was the right thing to do. Telling the truth is the right thing to do.
Who exactly did he betray?

Calling out an obviously stolen election was the right thing to do. Telling the truth is the right thing to do.
By virtue of the fact that you had to ask the question, you will not understand the answer...

There was no stolen election...

You fools made sixty-two (62) court challenges in the weeks following the November 2020 general election...

Many of those cases were brought before Republican - and even Rump -appointed judges and justices - and they were all laughed out of court...

You didn't have bopkess... you didn't have diddly-squat... you didn't have $hit... because there was "no there there"... you fell victim to Rump's Big Lie...

As to Truth... your Orange Baboon-God wouldn't know Truth if it came up and bit him in the a$$... he is a consummate con-man and the Liar-in-Chief...

I can't believe there are re-tards out there who actually think the Rump's Big Lie was the Truth...

Such people are either too stupid or too conniving and dishonest and cowardly to admit that they were wrong and that they had been suckered by Rump...

Rump betrayed the American People at large, his sacred oath, the Constitution, and the time-honored tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power...

Your boy is scum... LYING scum... voters will never again give him power... and American history will portray him in that shameful and disgraceful light...

You've backed the wrong horse... it's time to dismount... take a moral-and-intellectual shower, so to speak... let him go, and begin moving into the future.

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