House Votes To Send President Biden's Impeachment To Committee

Whatever happens with this it will certainly come back to bite the GOP. Biden would be impeached, not because he committed treason or the like but because the GOP doesn't like his policies.. Dangerous partisanship that sets a horrible precedent. Whatever you may think of the Trump impeachments, at least they identified a crime, not just a policy.
He's a pedophile who let the Chinese spy on us.
I have no clue what Harris has to do with this?
You said about GOP not liking his policies, that can't be the true reason with Kamala in line to make those policies further's most definitely the fact a compromised president does things that make no sense and harms the country because he has to appease his puppet masters.
That's why open borders letting China Fentanyl in, why he ordered to remove the new placed container built wall (made no sense), and whyvit made no sense to give China our gas or oil reserves that were low especially in a time of war rattling. MAKES NO SENSE unless you realize he has to=compromised.
You said about GOP not liking his policies, that can't be the true reason with Kamala in line to make those policies further's most definitely the fact a compromised president does things that make no sense and harms the country because he has to appease his puppet masters.
That's why open borders letting China Fentanyl in, why he ordered to remove the new placed container built wall (made no sense), and whyvit made no sense to give China our gas or oil reserves that were low especially in a time of war rattling. MAKES NO SENSE unless you realize he has to=compromised.
So it is NOT about his policies? Then why did you list several of his policies, immigration, border security, and energy? It can't be both.
So it is NOT about his policies? Then why did you list several of his policies, immigration, border security, and energy? It can't be both.
What part of Chinas policies for us are you not grasping is a problem?
There are 208 dems in the House who are pro corruption, pro China pulling our strings, and zero that have U.S. and it's citizens best interest in mind.
Reminder: Biden's compromise cost 184,000 lives (Fentanyl deaths recently)
Bin Laden killed little over 4,000
Cuomo killed more than Bin Laden.
You knew enough to bring Bin Laden to justice, so why are you protecting something worse than Bin Laden?
Answer: affiliation pride, the human ego, irrational group social behavior, TDS, Ideocracy.
What part of Chinas policies for us are you not grasping is a problem?
Which policy do you object to and what would you do if you were Biden? There is an old saying: Nothing is impossible if you're not the one who has to do it.

There are 208 dems in the House who are pro corruption, pro China pulling our strings, and zero that have U.S. and it's citizens best interest in mind.

Reminder: Biden's compromise cost 184,000 lives (Fentanyl deaths recently)
Biden or the horrible state of our healthcare system?
Which policy do you object to and what would you do if you were Biden? There is an old saying: Nothing is impossible if you're not the one who has to do it.


Biden or the horrible state of our healthcare system?
You are going off the rail (out of context again) and not taking responsibility while asking questions that have been answered already.
1st: most of the problems could have been prevented if the left listened to conservative logic of the affects their policies would have: Example don't legalize drugs, regions that were pro drugs, drew the people to their region and the result was spiked homelessness.
Notice liberal run cities have the drug problems and then the resulting mental health and crime and homelessness. You don't see that in Conservative towns and cities in Florida and most other red states.
Then it took years before they saw the resulting homlessness to impliment my helpful solutions like finally some Cali cities and Portland instituted the tiny shed home idea, but still have not made it efficient a program or community because the affiliation pride, pits Dems against ideas and assistance of Republicans (can't ever give them credit or validation, so they fail their plans by not doing for the people instead of their party.)
All through the forum archives you can find preventative commentary and then "you didn't listen" solutions to messing up by not understanding the affects of bad policies. 😏

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You are going off the rail (out of context again) and not taking responsibility while asking questions that have been answered already.
I know I should read every post in every thread but...

1st: most of the problems could have been prevented if the left listened to conservative logic of the affects their policies would have: Example don't legalize drugs, regions that were pro drugs, drew the people to their region and the result was spiked homelessness.
Notice liberal run cities have the drug problems and then the resulting mental health and crime and homelessness. You don't see that in Conservative towns and cities in Florida and most other red states.
Of course the inverse is also true. If drugs were never illegal, users would never be drawn to other places and their problems would remain their problems. Essentially they have exported their problems to places with more freedoms. Regardless of what conservatives say, they don't have a monopoly on freedoms.
I wish people would stop calling him "Biden". His name is Potatohead.
What part of Chinas policies for us are you not grasping is a problem?
There are 208 dems in the House who are pro corruption, pro China pulling our strings, and zero that have U.S. and it's citizens best interest in mind.
If any of you BDS-afflicted sore-losers could provide any evidence for your weepy claims, you wouldn't come across as a propaganda-spouting Stalinist traitors. But you can't, so you do. You're operating on Stalin's "conviction first, invent a crime later" policy.

Now, how do your commie masters tell you to respond to that? Run and check. You each wouldn't want to be the last commie stooge to repeat the latest commie talking points. That would be so embarrassing for you.
If any of you BDS-afflicted sore-losers could provide any evidence for your weepy claims, you wouldn't come across as a propaganda-spouting Stalinist traitors. But you can't, so you do. You're operating on Stalin's "conviction first, invent a crime later" policy.

Now, how do your commie masters tell you to respond to that? Run and check. You each wouldn't want to be the last commie stooge to repeat the latest commie talking points. That would be so embarrassing for you.
So your response to Biden killing more than 46x the people than Bin Laden is to blame voters who never voted for him?
Not one mention of this at Faux Noise.
Absolutely no mention.....but it's all over Twitter.

Sure wish I knew WTF you were talking about.

I sure wish people here would stop linking everything to a service that only allows viewing and reading for its signed up registered members!

Screen Shot 2023-07-03 at 1.01.10 AM.png
So your response to Biden killing more than 46x the people than Bin Laden
I asked how your commie masters told you to respond.

And you've answered. It seems they told you to just babble like a lunatic.

I suppose those were good instructions. You couldn't handle anything more complicated.
I know I should read every post in every thread but...

Of course the inverse is also true. If drugs were never illegal, users would never be drawn to other places and their problems would remain their problems. Essentially they have exported their problems to places with more freedoms. Regardless of what conservatives say, they don't have a monopoly on freedoms.

I asked how your commie masters told you to respond.

And you've answered. It seems they told you to just babble like a lunatic.

I suppose those were good instructions. You couldn't handle anything more complicated.
So if the Al Queda supported Bin Laden then what do you call your group who supports Biden who killed more & is worse than Bin Laden? Do you call yourself The Shanay-Nays, The Shanahnahs, or the Shishkabrandons, what's the name of your terrorist org?
Do you call yourself The Shanay-Nays, The Shanahnahs, or the Shishkabrandons, what's the name of your terrorist org?
Dang. He's busted me. He's learned that I really am Bowser from Sha na na.

Dang. He's busted me. He's learned that I really am Bowser from Sha na na.

Still in High School I was asked to play keys for similar Philly 50's bands both Danny and Juniors and the Dovells on their oldies revival tours, oh the days of having enough hair to grease it into a Pompadour.

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