House Wipeout Coming...Bye-Bye Nancy Pelosi


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I don't think they're going to be able to manufacture as many votes as they'll need to overturn the will of the American people. The anger in the public is growing......all you have to do is look at the price on the gas pump to gauge the mood of American voters. The #MeToo movement.....the Cancel Culture movement....massive spending.....Biden causing construction costs to skyrocket....the destruction of the US energy industry while supporting Russian energy......yep......the Democrats won't know what hit them when the votes are done counting November 2022.

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I don't think they're going to be able to manufacture as many votes as they'll need to overturn the will of the American people. The anger in the public is growing......all you have to do is look at the price on the gas pump to gauge the mood of American voters. The #MeToo movement.....the Cancel Culture movement....massive spending.....Biden causing construction costs to skyrocket....the destruction of the US energy industry while supporting Russian energy......yep......the Democrats won't know what hit them when the votes are done counting November 2022.

I hope and pray you are right.
I don’t know. As one example in Georgia all the current and top tier Republicans have said they are not running. So relative unknowns have to win the drawn out Primary fight, and then still defeat better known Democrats for Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State.

That is going to suck up a lot of the donations available and swamp the ad space.

Georgia has a Senator and of course the House. The Senate Seat has a Democrat. Expect a knock down drag out fight there. The Democrats need to hold that seat. And the Republicans need to take it. So more ad time and donations gone.

Now we get to the underfunded races for the house. Where Trumpsters like yourself will have one question. Do the candidates believe the election was stolen? If no, give up now.

So the Republicans will be running nutters who can appeal to 60% of the Republicans and zero percent of the Moderates. This puts the Republicans at a severe disadvantage. First the lack of funds to run a campaign, and second the need to genuflect before the alter of Trump.

It is possible. But I don’t think it is going to be a Yule landslide victory for Republicans. I fear they will lose seats. I know. “Real Patriotic Good Americans” support Trump. But that is about a third of the actual population. And these “Real Patriotic Good God Fearing Americans” were outnumbered last time in Georgia.
As a nation turns it's back on rule of law, and replaces it with corruption, the unrealistic expectation of "fair and transparent" elections becomes increasingly apparent to those really paying attention
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I don't think they're going to be able to manufacture as many votes as they'll need to overturn the will of the American people. The anger in the public is growing......all you have to do is look at the price on the gas pump to gauge the mood of American voters. The #MeToo movement.....the Cancel Culture movement....massive spending.....Biden causing construction costs to skyrocket....the destruction of the US energy industry while supporting Russian energy......yep......the Democrats won't know what hit them when the votes are done counting November 2022.

Biden increased the price of gas???
Jesus Christ. You guys will dream up anything.

You mean just like you didn't know what hit you when the silent majority kicked trump out? There is no way you could possibly know the result this far out.
Hope was never a good contraception and it won't work this time either.

The angry republicans who changed their vote is what cost you the elevtion. There was no fraud. That's bullshit and proven.
But if you get a buzz from believing that, go ahead.
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I don't think they're going to be able to manufacture as many votes as they'll need to overturn the will of the American people. The anger in the public is growing......all you have to do is look at the price on the gas pump to gauge the mood of American voters. The #MeToo movement.....the Cancel Culture movement....massive spending.....Biden causing construction costs to skyrocket....the destruction of the US energy industry while supporting Russian energy......yep......the Democrats won't know what hit them when the votes are done counting November 2022.

Biden increased the price of gas???
Jesus Christ. You guys will dream up anything.

You mean just like you didn't know what hit you when the silent majority kicked trump out? There is no way you could possibly know the result this far out.
Hope was never a good contraception and it won't work this time either.

The angry republicans who changed their vote is what cost you the elevtion. There was no fraud. That's bullshit and proven.
But if you get a buzz from believing that, go ahead.
Uh.....HELLO.......the price of gas goes from $1.50 to $3.00 in a few weeks under Biden, mainly because he shut down the Keystone Pipeline and sent all of our energy production overseas (Russia & Ukraine). Also....another war in the Middle-East, that he helped create, had something to do with it as well. You know.....when he sent millions in foreign aide to Hamas so they could buy more missiles. Funny how terrorism was practically extinct when those folks ran out of money from all of the other Arab states. Trump got an agreement with them to stop supplying them with cash and arms. The only rouge state left seems to be Iran.

And election fraud is being found in AZ and, many states are doing an audit of the results to find out exactly what happened. Of course the guilty parties (Democrats) are pulling out all of the stops to prevent discovery thru lawsuits and threats......but of course you still think they aren't trying to hide anything, like a rube, the useful idiot that you are. Try selling it to some other idiot cuck. I'm not buying.
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View attachment 495275

I don't think they're going to be able to manufacture as many votes as they'll need to overturn the will of the American people. The anger in the public is growing......all you have to do is look at the price on the gas pump to gauge the mood of American voters. The #MeToo movement.....the Cancel Culture movement....massive spending.....Biden causing construction costs to skyrocket....the destruction of the US energy industry while supporting Russian energy......yep......the Democrats won't know what hit them when the votes are done counting November 2022.

The GOP just took the house last nov.

Until the fraud that was the steal is fully busted and fixed, there is no reason for a topic like this...
View attachment 495275

I don't think they're going to be able to manufacture as many votes as they'll need to overturn the will of the American people. The anger in the public is growing......all you have to do is look at the price on the gas pump to gauge the mood of American voters. The #MeToo movement.....the Cancel Culture movement....massive spending.....Biden causing construction costs to skyrocket....the destruction of the US energy industry while supporting Russian energy......yep......the Democrats won't know what hit them when the votes are done counting November 2022.

You assume we still have Free and Fair elections.
View attachment 495275

I don't think they're going to be able to manufacture as many votes as they'll need to overturn the will of the American people. The anger in the public is growing......all you have to do is look at the price on the gas pump to gauge the mood of American voters. The #MeToo movement.....the Cancel Culture movement....massive spending.....Biden causing construction costs to skyrocket....the destruction of the US energy industry while supporting Russian energy......yep......the Democrats won't know what hit them when the votes are done counting November 2022.

Biden increased the price of gas???
Jesus Christ. You guys will dream up anything.

You mean just like you didn't know what hit you when the silent majority kicked trump out? There is no way you could possibly know the result this far out.
Hope was never a good contraception and it won't work this time either.

The angry republicans who changed their vote is what cost you the elevtion. There was no fraud. That's bullshit and proven.
But if you get a buzz from believing that, go ahead.

Someone that doesn't know how corrupt politicians work, much less know how to spell simple words, as well as spewing hate instead of facts, doesn't really intimidate anyone. Just makes us laugh at your failed comedy routine.

Democrats truly believe that they can manufacture as many votes as they need, just like they did in 2020.
That's why they're screaming racism without even looking at the election reforms going into law in several key states.
It's pretty clear they never read them.....but they assume that any change will hurt their chances to repeat their malfeasance.
View attachment 495275

I don't think they're going to be able to manufacture as many votes as they'll need to overturn the will of the American people. The anger in the public is growing......all you have to do is look at the price on the gas pump to gauge the mood of American voters. The #MeToo movement.....the Cancel Culture movement....massive spending.....Biden causing construction costs to skyrocket....the destruction of the US energy industry while supporting Russian energy......yep......the Democrats won't know what hit them when the votes are done counting November 2022.

Biden increased the price of gas???
Jesus Christ. You guys will dream up anything.

You mean just like you didn't know what hit you when the silent majority kicked trump out? There is no way you could possibly know the result this far out.
Hope was never a good contraception and it won't work this time either.

The angry republicans who changed their vote is what cost you the elevtion. There was no fraud. That's bullshit and proven.
But if you get a buzz from believing that, go ahead.
Uh.....HELLO.......the price of gas goes from $1.50 to $3.00 in a few weeks under Biden, mainly because he shut down the Keystone Pipeline and sent all of our energy production overseas (Russia). Also....another war in the Middle-East that he helped create had something to do with it as well. You know.....when he sent millions in foreign aide to Hamas so they could buy more missiles.

And election fraud is being found in AZ and, many states are doing an audit of the results to find out exactly what happened. Of course the guilty parties (Democrats) are pulling out all of the stops to prevent discovery thru lawsuits and threats......but of course you still think they aren't trying to hide anything, like a rube, the useful idiot that you are. Try selling it to some other idiot cuck. I'm not buying.
To expand on what you said........

Gas prices did NOT need to rise at all, as the government sits on a stockpile of gas and oil for any kind of emergency that may happen. Biden had no intention of sending out the supplies to help anyone........thats how he is. He ALLOWED this to happen, in order to drive up prices. And I'm not so sure that it was any kind of outside hacker group that did this........seems WAY to convenient that these "hackers" have seemed to easily and quickly shut down ONLY one small area. If it is THAT easy, why not the whole state? Or the whole country? It stinks of the DNC's communism for sure. Another communist plot from Biden and his puppeteers to drive up gas prices even more.

Election fraud has been found only weeks after the election itself. States taking it upon themselves to find out the truth, and going through the votes with a microscope, are only backing up the findings of earlier in the year!

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