‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

No, I would have to increase my prices, layoff a few workers, and have the remaining workers work 55 hours a week instead of 40. If I were in a business that could use automation, I would do that since the new wage would make automation more affordable.

You have to remember that when your boss gives you a dollar an our wage, that's only the start of it. It costs him more than a dollar per hour when you figure an increase in workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, matching social security and Medicare contributions, and yes, even vacation and holiday pay.

You keep as few workers as you need to run your business. A business makes a profit off of EVERY worker

Yes they do if government leaves businesses alone. But when government dictates what a business must pay their employees, there goes the profit.
There are many variables that affect profit.
Cost of supplies, rent, power, insurance .....they all go up
Businesses adjust without cutting employees

If you can survive with fewer employees......you already do it

Modest increases in prices are something businesses can handle. For instance: if my water bill goes up, I can increase rents to my tenants by five or ten dollars. Same with property taxes or insurance. If my costs double for some reason, I can't make modest increases. I would have to double the cost of rent to all my tenants which isn't feasible or realistic.

My only other choice would be close down; find something else to do. Nobody makes or keeps investments to be continually robbed. If you have a bad investment, get rid of it and find a good one.
The market adjusts
If your prices go up, so do your competitors

Minimum wage goes up for all
Yep, and after everything adjusts, we end up back at the start. Everybody get's a "raise", but nothing's changed. Just the numbers. We could accomplish the same thing by add a zero to all our bills.

Out of curiosity, how much would be too much for minimum wage? Why only $15/hr?
Rent control would be a better idea. Stop the money grubbers from asking atrocious rents and people could afford to rent a decent place.
You're adorable. But back to your room now, sweetie, the adults are talking.

You keep as few workers as you need to run your business. A business makes a profit off of EVERY worker

Yes they do if government leaves businesses alone. But when government dictates what a business must pay their employees, there goes the profit.
There are many variables that affect profit.
Cost of supplies, rent, power, insurance .....they all go up
Businesses adjust without cutting employees

If you can survive with fewer employees......you already do it

Modest increases in prices are something businesses can handle. For instance: if my water bill goes up, I can increase rents to my tenants by five or ten dollars. Same with property taxes or insurance. If my costs double for some reason, I can't make modest increases. I would have to double the cost of rent to all my tenants which isn't feasible or realistic.

My only other choice would be close down; find something else to do. Nobody makes or keeps investments to be continually robbed. If you have a bad investment, get rid of it and find a good one.
The market adjusts
If your prices go up, so do your competitors

Minimum wage goes up for all
Yep, and after everything adjusts, we end up back at the start. Everybody get's a "raise", but nothing's changed. Just the numbers. We could accomplish the same thing by add a zero to all our bills.

Out of curiosity, how much would be too much for minimum wage? Why only $15/hr?

$15.00 an hour would just return the spending power to what it was the last time minimum wage was raised

It should probably be higher because it will be a long time before it is raised again
Yes they do if government leaves businesses alone. But when government dictates what a business must pay their employees, there goes the profit.
There are many variables that affect profit.
Cost of supplies, rent, power, insurance .....they all go up
Businesses adjust without cutting employees

If you can survive with fewer employees......you already do it

Modest increases in prices are something businesses can handle. For instance: if my water bill goes up, I can increase rents to my tenants by five or ten dollars. Same with property taxes or insurance. If my costs double for some reason, I can't make modest increases. I would have to double the cost of rent to all my tenants which isn't feasible or realistic.

My only other choice would be close down; find something else to do. Nobody makes or keeps investments to be continually robbed. If you have a bad investment, get rid of it and find a good one.
The market adjusts
If your prices go up, so do your competitors

Minimum wage goes up for all
Yep, and after everything adjusts, we end up back at the start. Everybody get's a "raise", but nothing's changed. Just the numbers. We could accomplish the same thing by add a zero to all our bills.

Out of curiosity, how much would be too much for minimum wage? Why only $15/hr?

$15.00 an hour would just return the spending power to what it was the last time minimum wage was raised

It should probably be higher because it will be a long time before it is raised again

How much would be too much, in your view? Why not $25/hr?
They're all over the place here. One guy lost his house because the county doubled taxes. It nauseates me the way things happened. That guy's house is still empty.

I talk to a lot of people, and it just pains me to hear their stories. Bush and Obama were both a couple of real assholes.

I use to flip houses with a group of guys back in the late 90's.
At that time you never stopped looking for houses. It took a while to find one, there just wasn't a lot of empty houses out there.
Today, good God.... they are everywhere. Cheap...crappy little 2 brdm homes to 4-5 bdrm homes in good neighborhoods.
It is unbelievable.

The truth is nobody wants to own a home anymore. Rental is a big thing today. People don't want the hassle of repairs, government, increasing costs. Working couples just want to come home and relax after a hard days work.

I use Craigs List for my tenants and have had reasonably good luck. I used to put out an ad and get one or two replies in the first couple of days. Now if I put out an ad, I get over a dozen on day one.
I think the problem is too much personal debt and bad credit ratings

Kids used to come out of college, work a couple of years and then look for a starter home

Now they are stuck with ten or more years of student loan payments and high credit card debt

That's part of it, but it seems to extend beyond those with college loans. My bosses son works with us and one day while on dead time, he told me of how his piers thought, and said he was embarrassed of his generation.

He said they want no responsibility whatsoever. They don't want to own a home, a car, appliances, none of that. Some don't even own their television set. They rent everything and just pay the bills at the end of the month.

Some of it has to do with government. Nobody wants do deal with those assholes anymore, and I can't blame them; I'm sick of dealing with them too.

My cousin was cited for having some cracks in her driveway, so when she went to get an estimate on a new one, they wanted over 10K. She was living check to check as it was. How could she afford that and what business is it of the cities how many Fn cracks she has?

Her kids were grown and gone, so she just left the house and rented one from somebody else. She said she's never been happier. She doesn't have to worry about major repairs, she doesn't have to worry about government, she doesn't have to worry what she will do if HUD moves in their lowlifes and the neighborhood goes to hell. She can just pack up and leave.

Some of that is true. They don't wanna mow the grass, or do anything, really. I don't understand it.
I got sick of the unpaid part time job. I didn't realize how much work a house was until I stopped doing it.
There are many variables that affect profit.
Cost of supplies, rent, power, insurance .....they all go up
Businesses adjust without cutting employees

If you can survive with fewer employees......you already do it

Modest increases in prices are something businesses can handle. For instance: if my water bill goes up, I can increase rents to my tenants by five or ten dollars. Same with property taxes or insurance. If my costs double for some reason, I can't make modest increases. I would have to double the cost of rent to all my tenants which isn't feasible or realistic.

My only other choice would be close down; find something else to do. Nobody makes or keeps investments to be continually robbed. If you have a bad investment, get rid of it and find a good one.
The market adjusts
If your prices go up, so do your competitors

Minimum wage goes up for all
Yep, and after everything adjusts, we end up back at the start. Everybody get's a "raise", but nothing's changed. Just the numbers. We could accomplish the same thing by add a zero to all our bills.

Out of curiosity, how much would be too much for minimum wage? Why only $15/hr?

$15.00 an hour would just return the spending power to what it was the last time minimum wage was raised

It should probably be higher because it will be a long time before it is raised again

How much would be too much, in your view? Why not $25/hr?

the usual *crickets*
There are many variables that affect profit.
Cost of supplies, rent, power, insurance .....they all go up
Businesses adjust without cutting employees

If you can survive with fewer employees......you already do it

Modest increases in prices are something businesses can handle. For instance: if my water bill goes up, I can increase rents to my tenants by five or ten dollars. Same with property taxes or insurance. If my costs double for some reason, I can't make modest increases. I would have to double the cost of rent to all my tenants which isn't feasible or realistic.

My only other choice would be close down; find something else to do. Nobody makes or keeps investments to be continually robbed. If you have a bad investment, get rid of it and find a good one.
The market adjusts
If your prices go up, so do your competitors

Minimum wage goes up for all
Yep, and after everything adjusts, we end up back at the start. Everybody get's a "raise", but nothing's changed. Just the numbers. We could accomplish the same thing by add a zero to all our bills.

Out of curiosity, how much would be too much for minimum wage? Why only $15/hr?

$15.00 an hour would just return the spending power to what it was the last time minimum wage was raised

It should probably be higher because it will be a long time before it is raised again

How much would be too much, in your view? Why not $25/hr?
I would like to see it raised to $15 an hour over a three year period
After that, I would like to see it automatically raised based on cost of living parameters.

Congress has the responsibility to raise the minimum wage. They are no longer capable of doing it
Modest increases in prices are something businesses can handle. For instance: if my water bill goes up, I can increase rents to my tenants by five or ten dollars. Same with property taxes or insurance. If my costs double for some reason, I can't make modest increases. I would have to double the cost of rent to all my tenants which isn't feasible or realistic.

My only other choice would be close down; find something else to do. Nobody makes or keeps investments to be continually robbed. If you have a bad investment, get rid of it and find a good one.
The market adjusts
If your prices go up, so do your competitors

Minimum wage goes up for all
Yep, and after everything adjusts, we end up back at the start. Everybody get's a "raise", but nothing's changed. Just the numbers. We could accomplish the same thing by add a zero to all our bills.

Out of curiosity, how much would be too much for minimum wage? Why only $15/hr?

$15.00 an hour would just return the spending power to what it was the last time minimum wage was raised

It should probably be higher because it will be a long time before it is raised again

How much would be too much, in your view? Why not $25/hr?
I would like to see it raised to $15 an hour over a three year period
After that, I would like to see it automatically raised based on cost of living parameters.

Congress has the responsibility to raise the minimum wage. They are no longer capable of doing it

They have the responsibility to raise minimum wage? Where in the Constitution does it say that?
Yep, and after everything adjusts, we end up back at the start

Not quite. After the domino effect completes it's circle, true, we are all back to where we were before, except what we did would be price ourselves further from the world market.
The market adjusts
If your prices go up, so do your competitors

Minimum wage goes up for all
Yep, and after everything adjusts, we end up back at the start. Everybody get's a "raise", but nothing's changed. Just the numbers. We could accomplish the same thing by add a zero to all our bills.

Out of curiosity, how much would be too much for minimum wage? Why only $15/hr?

$15.00 an hour would just return the spending power to what it was the last time minimum wage was raised

It should probably be higher because it will be a long time before it is raised again

How much would be too much, in your view? Why not $25/hr?
I would like to see it raised to $15 an hour over a three year period
After that, I would like to see it automatically raised based on cost of living parameters.

Congress has the responsibility to raise the minimum wage. They are no longer capable of doing it

They have the responsibility to raise minimum wage? Where in the Constitution does it say that?
Article 1, Section 1
Yep, and after everything adjusts, we end up back at the start

Not quite. After the domino effect completes it's circle, true, we are all back to where we were before, except what we did would be price ourselves further from the world market.

Drama Queen
A minimum wage increase is not going to price us out of the world market
No, I would have to increase my prices, layoff a few workers, and have the remaining workers work 55 hours a week instead of 40. If I were in a business that could use automation, I would do that since the new wage would make automation more affordable.

You have to remember that when your boss gives you a dollar an our wage, that's only the start of it. It costs him more than a dollar per hour when you figure an increase in workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, matching social security and Medicare contributions, and yes, even vacation and holiday pay.

You keep as few workers as you need to run your business. A business makes a profit off of EVERY worker

Yes they do if government leaves businesses alone. But when government dictates what a business must pay their employees, there goes the profit.
There are many variables that affect profit.
Cost of supplies, rent, power, insurance .....they all go up
Businesses adjust without cutting employees

If you can survive with fewer employees......you already do it

Modest increases in prices are something businesses can handle. For instance: if my water bill goes up, I can increase rents to my tenants by five or ten dollars. Same with property taxes or insurance. If my costs double for some reason, I can't make modest increases. I would have to double the cost of rent to all my tenants which isn't feasible or realistic.

My only other choice would be close down; find something else to do. Nobody makes or keeps investments to be continually robbed. If you have a bad investment, get rid of it and find a good one.
The market adjusts
If your prices go up, so do your competitors

Minimum wage goes up for all

Eierbody's wages go up, and then more business leave the country because labor is too expensive in the US. It's the exact same thing that unions caused.
Why are you sending me on wild goose chases

Who the fuk cares how many are on minimum wage

If you were a true advocate for, basically anything, I expect you to know about the topic for which you are an advocate. You're ignorant of the subject, totally ignorant or, as I suspect, you know the answers and know they destroy your position.

Step up for a change and face the facts. Why is that so hard for you?

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