‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

Uh... not sure what you're going on about there. Let's try again: Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage? I assume you do, and you just don't want to acknowledge them. Otherwise, why wouldn't we raise the minimum wage so that we are all well off?
How about we mitigate the impacts?

Employers just received close to a 50 percent cut in taxes
Has there ever been a better time to raise minimum wages?
Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
Why don’t you explain them to me?
It's a simple question. Why are you dodging it? Think about that.
If you want to make a point about the evils of minimum wage....make it

Don’t expect me to do it for you

It's seriously a very simple question. You either recognize that there are detrimental effects of minimum wages laws, or you don't. I'm not asking you to prove it one way or another. I just want to understand what you're advocating. Are you saying that we should raise minimum wage despite the negative impact, or are you saying there will be no negative impact? If you're saying there is no negative impact, then why in the world wouldn't we raise it until we're all content?

I'm not trying to "trick" you. Just trying to understand your position. Do you understand it?
How about we mitigate the impacts?

Employers just received close to a 50 percent cut in taxes
Has there ever been a better time to raise minimum wages?
Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
Why don’t you explain them to me?
It's a simple question. Why are you dodging it? Think about that.
If you want to make a point about the evils of minimum wage....make it

Don’t expect me to do it for you

It's seriously a very simple question. You either recognize that there are detrimental effects of minimum wages laws, or you don't. I'm not asking you to prove it one way or another. I just want to understand what you're advocating. Are you saying that we should raise minimum wage despite the negative impact, or are you saying there will be no negative impact? If you're saying there is no negative impact, then why in the world wouldn't we raise it until we're all content?

I'm not trying to "trick" you. Just trying to understand your position. Do you understand it?
You have yet to identify a negative impact
Uh... not sure what you're going on about there. Let's try again: Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage? I assume you do, and you just don't want to acknowledge them. Otherwise, why wouldn't we raise the minimum wage so that we are all well off?
How about we mitigate the impacts?

Employers just received close to a 50 percent cut in taxes
Has there ever been a better time to raise minimum wages?
Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
Why don’t you explain them to me?
It's a simple question. Why are you dodging it? Think about that.
If you want to make a point about the evils of minimum wage....make it

Don’t expect me to do it for you

Allow me. And don't complain about the source, it's one of your own:

Column: Raising the minimum wage lowers employment for teens and low-skill workers
Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
Why don’t you explain them to me?
It's a simple question. Why are you dodging it? Think about that.
If you want to make a point about the evils of minimum wage....make it

Don’t expect me to do it for you

It's seriously a very simple question. You either recognize that there are detrimental effects of minimum wages laws, or you don't. I'm not asking you to prove it one way or another. I just want to understand what you're advocating. Are you saying that we should raise minimum wage despite the negative impact, or are you saying there will be no negative impact? If you're saying there is no negative impact, then why in the world wouldn't we raise it until we're all content?

I'm not trying to "trick" you. Just trying to understand your position. Do you understand it?
You have yet to identify a negative impact

The reality is minimum wage workers are a very small percentage of the work force. They are primarily young, uneducated, and unmarried, and work in the hospitality and leisure industry, despite what the Dems would have you believe.
2017, 80.4 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing 58.3 percent of all wage and salary workers. Among those paid by the hour, 542,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.3 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 1.8 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.3 percent of all hourly paid workers.

The following are highlights from the 2017 data:
Age. Minimum wage workers tend to be young. Although workers under age 25 represented only about one-fifth of hourly paid workers, they made up about half of those paid the federal minimum wage or less. Among employed teenagers (ages 16 to 19) paid by the hour, about 8 percent earned the minimum wage or less, compared with about 1 percent of workers age 25 and older. (See tables 1 and 7.)
Gender. Among workers who were paid hourly rates in 2017, about 3 percent of women and about 2 percent of men had wages at or below the prevailing federal minimum. (See table 1.)
Race and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity. The percentage of hourly paid workers with wages at or below the federal minimum differed little among the major race and ethnicity groups. About 3 percent of African American or Black workers earned the federal minimum wage or less. Among White, Asian, and Hispanic workers, the percentage was about 2 percent. (See table 1.)
Education. Among hourly paid workers age 16 and older, about 4 percent of those without a high school diploma earned the federal minimum wage or less, compared with about 2 percent of those who had a high school diploma
Typical response of Democrats - ignore the question at all costs! Do not even attempt to answer it! Steer around it and fling shit at the wall. Anything to avoid addressing the fundamental illogic of your views.
I have already established the parameters of what I think a minimum wage should be

What it costs to get started in life. $7.25 is ridiculously low

Alright. I know it's painful to face flaws in your thinking. Let's focus on something simple and direct: Do you think there are any detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
I think employers have benefitted from ten years of ridiculously low minimum wage

Time to pay the piper

Conservatives whine about the impacts if wages are increased while they ignore the impacts that low wages have on employees and the taxpayer

Uh... not sure what you're going on about there. Let's try again: Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage? I assume you do, and you just don't want to acknowledge them. Otherwise, why wouldn't we raise the minimum wage so that we are all well off?
How about we mitigate the impacts?

Employers just received close to a 50 percent cut in taxes
Has there ever been a better time to raise minimum wages?

50%? Who had their taxes slashed in half?
Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
Why don’t you explain them to me?
It's a simple question. Why are you dodging it? Think about that.
If you want to make a point about the evils of minimum wage....make it

Don’t expect me to do it for you

It's seriously a very simple question. You either recognize that there are detrimental effects of minimum wages laws, or you don't. I'm not asking you to prove it one way or another. I just want to understand what you're advocating. Are you saying that we should raise minimum wage despite the negative impact, or are you saying there will be no negative impact? If you're saying there is no negative impact, then why in the world wouldn't we raise it until we're all content?

I'm not trying to "trick" you. Just trying to understand your position. Do you understand it?
You have yet to identify a negative impact

C'mon rightwinger - I know you play an idiot as your schtick, but you're not really that stupid, are you? I"m not asking for a specific negative impact. I'm asking if you think there are any. If you don't think there are any, all you have to say is "no". Is that so hard?
How about we mitigate the impacts?

Employers just received close to a 50 percent cut in taxes
Has there ever been a better time to raise minimum wages?
Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
Why don’t you explain them to me?
It's a simple question. Why are you dodging it? Think about that.
If you want to make a point about the evils of minimum wage....make it

Don’t expect me to do it for you

Allow me. And don't complain about the source, it's one of your own:

Column: Raising the minimum wage lowers employment for teens and low-skill workers
We see that bullshit every time they raise minimum wage.....it never comes to be. The market adjusts

If raising wages causes layoffs, how come raising the price of supplies, taxes, rents, insurance ....doesn’t cause layoffs
Why don’t you explain them to me?
It's a simple question. Why are you dodging it? Think about that.
If you want to make a point about the evils of minimum wage....make it

Don’t expect me to do it for you

It's seriously a very simple question. You either recognize that there are detrimental effects of minimum wages laws, or you don't. I'm not asking you to prove it one way or another. I just want to understand what you're advocating. Are you saying that we should raise minimum wage despite the negative impact, or are you saying there will be no negative impact? If you're saying there is no negative impact, then why in the world wouldn't we raise it until we're all content?

I'm not trying to "trick" you. Just trying to understand your position. Do you understand it?
You have yet to identify a negative impact

C'mon rightwinger - I know you play an idiot as your schtick, but you're not really that stupid, are you? I"m not asking for a specific negative impact. I'm asking if you think there are any. If you don't think there are any, all you have to say is "no". Is that so hard?
If you want to make a point...make it
Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
Why don’t you explain them to me?
It's a simple question. Why are you dodging it? Think about that.
If you want to make a point about the evils of minimum wage....make it

Don’t expect me to do it for you

Allow me. And don't complain about the source, it's one of your own:

Column: Raising the minimum wage lowers employment for teens and low-skill workers
We see that bullshit every time they raise minimum wage.....it never comes to be. The market adjusts

If raising wages causes layoffs, how come raising the price of supplies, taxes, rents, insurance ....doesn’t cause layoffs

How do you know it doesn't? And what do you bean bullshit? It's from one of your very own, PBS.

I have a hardware store with six employees, I have X amount of money I can use for labor. Now their wages double which I cannot control, but I still only have X amount of money for labor. How am I going to deal with that if not get rid of half of my workers?
Entry level new car
Just like you could buy in 1972. VW, Pinto, Corolla, Vega

$15 an hour will help students pay for college without massive debt.

That is what minimum wage should do

You, nor any of the other free money advocates will answer this simple question. I wonder why.

If the worker earning minimum wage, say $7.50 per hour has their pay increased 100% to $15.00 what will the worker earning $10.00 receive? $15.00 per hour? Oh no, they're not going to settle for $15.00, obviously, they're entitled to the same rate of an increase. So their pay goes from $10.00 per hour to $20.00 per hour and so forth.

How does that help the minimum wage worker when they are still going to be at the bottom of the ladder. If a carpenter earns $40.00 before the increase, where does his pay go? Obviously, it should go to $80.00 per hour. Same with the plumbers and he roofers. What happens to the price of the house?

Please explain how $15.00 per hour will help the minimum wage worker?

Also, what is the typical income of a household where one worker earns the minimum wage?
It's a simple question. Why are you dodging it? Think about that.
If you want to make a point about the evils of minimum wage....make it

Don’t expect me to do it for you

It's seriously a very simple question. You either recognize that there are detrimental effects of minimum wages laws, or you don't. I'm not asking you to prove it one way or another. I just want to understand what you're advocating. Are you saying that we should raise minimum wage despite the negative impact, or are you saying there will be no negative impact? If you're saying there is no negative impact, then why in the world wouldn't we raise it until we're all content?

I'm not trying to "trick" you. Just trying to understand your position. Do you understand it?
You have yet to identify a negative impact

C'mon rightwinger - I know you play an idiot as your schtick, but you're not really that stupid, are you? I"m not asking for a specific negative impact. I'm asking if you think there are any. If you don't think there are any, all you have to say is "no". Is that so hard?
If you want to make a point...make it

The point is that your logic is either idiotic, or dishonest. If you truly believed that raising the minimum wage has no negative repercussions on society you wouldn't ask for such minor increases. We could all be millionaires with an act of Congress.

But I don't think you're an idiot, so I'm going with dishonest. You know damned well that it will have negative impacts, but you think the benefits will outweigh the damage done. Maybe you're right. But we'll never know because you aren't honest enough to debate it at the real level of the tradeoffs involved. You just make snide, distracting comments that pretend that any opposition to minimum wage is preposterous.
Wait. "Free" College, Universal Healthcare, A Living Wage, Universal Income, "Free" Housing. Where does it end for the Democrats? How about we stop making political office a paying job, and also have TERM LIMITS?
Typical tactic of conservatives....if you want $15 ...why not $100?

The reality of the situation is that minimum wage has been frozen at $7.25 for ten years
Those minimum wage employers have compensated for increased cost of supplies, rent, electricity, insurance....all have gone up over ten years
They have also increased the price of their product over ten years

But the idea that they would have to pay their employees more would bankrupt them

There has been precious little inflation since failed former President Barack Hussein Obama took office. That's the reason interest rates from the Fed. stayed at 0.0%-0.25% for his entire term.

I think employers have benefitted from ten years of ridiculously low minimum wage

Time to pay the piper

Conservatives whine about the impacts on employers if wages are increased while they ignore the impacts that low wages have on employees and the taxpayer

How many households exist solely on one worker earning minimum wage?
Wait. "Free" College, Universal Healthcare, A Living Wage, Universal Income, "Free" Housing. Where does it end for the Democrats? How about we stop making political office a paying job, and also have TERM LIMITS?

I'm with you on everything except not paying anyone in elected office. In my opinion, that would simply lead to far more graff and corruption. Term limits are something that is desperately needed. How we can accomplish that goal, I have no clue.
Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
Why don’t you explain them to me?
It's a simple question. Why are you dodging it? Think about that.
If you want to make a point about the evils of minimum wage....make it

Don’t expect me to do it for you

It's seriously a very simple question. You either recognize that there are detrimental effects of minimum wages laws, or you don't. I'm not asking you to prove it one way or another. I just want to understand what you're advocating. Are you saying that we should raise minimum wage despite the negative impact, or are you saying there will be no negative impact? If you're saying there is no negative impact, then why in the world wouldn't we raise it until we're all content?

I'm not trying to "trick" you. Just trying to understand your position. Do you understand it?
You have yet to identify a negative impact

I did, which you invariably ignore.
Why don’t you explain them to me?
It's a simple question. Why are you dodging it? Think about that.
If you want to make a point about the evils of minimum wage....make it

Don’t expect me to do it for you

Allow me. And don't complain about the source, it's one of your own:

Column: Raising the minimum wage lowers employment for teens and low-skill workers
We see that bullshit every time they raise minimum wage.....it never comes to be. The market adjusts

If raising wages causes layoffs, how come raising the price of supplies, taxes, rents, insurance ....doesn’t cause layoffs

How do you know it doesn't? And what do you bean bullshit? It's from one of your very own, PBS.

I have a hardware store with six employees, I have X amount of money I can use for labor. Now their wages double which I cannot control, but I still only have X amount of money for labor. How am I going to deal with that if not get rid of half of my workers?
Not how it works
You have a hardware store with six employees
You have as few employees as you can operate your store.

If you could run your business with four or five, that is what you would do
I think employers have benefitted from ten years of ridiculously low minimum wage

Time to pay the piper

Conservatives whine about the impacts on employers if wages are increased while they ignore the impacts that low wages have on employees and the taxpayer

How many households exist solely on one worker earning minimum wage?

Those households that need the taxpayer to cover the difference for crappy wages
We see that bullshit every time they raise minimum wage.....it never comes to be. The market adjusts

If raising wages causes layoffs, how come raising the price of supplies, taxes, rents, insurance ....doesn’t cause layoffs

Yes, the market adjusts, prices for goods increase and the minimum wage worker ends up in poverty. No different than before the increase.

Your sentence "If raising wages causes layoffs, how come raising the price of supplies, taxes, rents, insurance....doesn't cause layoffs". Make NO SENSE WHATSOEVER. It's just goofy.
Wait. "Free" College, Universal Healthcare, A Living Wage, Universal Income, "Free" Housing. Where does it end for the Democrats? How about we stop making political office a paying job, and also have TERM LIMITS?

We could do that or give major tax breaks to billionaires

Guess what we did?

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