‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

So is that the fault of minimum wage or the colleges charging way too much?

Despite their extreme liberal bias, they have taken advantage of supply and demand. When you went to college, only fraction of your class was able or wanted to go. Today over half or more of a graduating class ends up in college.

College doesn't have to draw students to their school like years before. They will come in flocks no matter what.
It’s the fault of minimum wage

For that $2.10 an hour I could buy a brand new car working six months. That $2.10 would buy me seven gallons of gas

It would take $15 to match the buying power I had at $2.10

I see, so what you're telling me is that if you were a kid today making $15.00 per hour, you could easily afford to put yourself through college at 30K a year. Or perhaps a brand new car in six months. Well, I guess if you could go without food and shelter you'd be doing fine. After all, at $15.00 an hour for 40 hours a week, a half year wages would be about 12.5K. What kind of car did you plan on buying anyhow?
Entry level new car
Just like you could buy in 1972. VW, Pinto, Corolla, Vega

$15 an hour will help students pay for college without massive debt.

That is what minimum wage should do

But if the minimum wage has no detrimental effects, why would we stop there? If we made it $40/hr, they could pay for college with cash and get a decent Subaru.
Minimum wage does have detrimental effects
Those struggling to start life or raise a family have to go into debt or go on public assistance. Employers exploit the system for increased profits
/----/ Minimum wage is not designed for those workers. I was a teen living at home and had few expenses when I worked for MW. I didn't get married until I had a career, benefits, a decent paycheck and money in the bank and it was still a struggle.
/——-/ I found a tuition bill from SUNY dated 1971. . A 3 credit course was $35 and I bought used text books for $8. I made about $25 a day and $60 for two nights bartending. Mug of cheap swill beer (Piels) was 50 cents with free peanuts. Those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end....
I went to SUNY Buffalo starting in 1974. My tuition for my first year was $650 (32 credits). I received a Regents Scholarship for $210 a year. We drank Genny Cream for 35 cents and chicken wings were 50 for $5.

I would work summers at $2.10 an hour and that would pay my tuition and books for the next year. My parents paid for my dorm room that was about $375 a year.

Minimum wage used to pay for basics to get started in life. Now, students go deep into debt for the same education

So is that the fault of minimum wage or the colleges charging way too much?

Despite their extreme liberal bias, they have taken advantage of supply and demand. When you went to college, only fraction of your class was able or wanted to go. Today over half or more of a graduating class ends up in college.

College doesn't have to draw students to their school like years before. They will come in flocks no matter what.
It’s the fault of minimum wage

For that $2.10 an hour I could buy a brand new car working six months. That $2.10 would buy me seven gallons of gas

It would take $15 to match the buying power I had at $2.10
/----/ BTW, I only made minimum wage ($1.25 hour) for a month or two. I proved myself to my employer by being productive, reliable and always trying to do my best. After a year or so I was making about $2.50.
i was only working a few months and then would then quit to go back to school. Next summer was like starting all over
/----/ I worked full time in the summer and on Saturday's during the school year. I'm guess it worked out to about $1,800 a year.
Entry level new car
Just like you could buy in 1972. VW, Pinto, Corolla, Vega

$15 an hour will help students pay for college without massive debt.

That is what minimum wage should do

But if the minimum wage has no detrimental effects, why would we stop there? If we made it $40/hr, they could pay for college with cash and get a decent Subaru.

This is a serious question. I think liberals have become desensitized to it over the years, and just blithely ignore it, but it points to a very real flaw in the reasoning. I suspect they'll just steer around it again - tell themselves it's 'crazy talk', not something they should allow themselves to think about.
Typical tactic of conservatives....if you want $15 ...why not $100?

The reality of the situation is that minimum wage has been frozen at $7.25 for ten years
Those minimum wage employers have compensated for increased cost of supplies, rent, electricity, insurance....all have gone up over ten years
They have also increased the price of their product over ten years

But the idea that they would have to pay their employees more would bankrupt them
But if the minimum wage has no detrimental effects, why would we stop there? If we made it $40/hr, they could pay for college with cash and get a decent Subaru.
Minimum wage does have detrimental effects
Those struggling to start life or raise a family have to go into debt or go on public assistance. Employers exploit the system for increased profits

Dodge 'em! Anything but have a serious discussion. That might prove how foolish your opinion is.
Entry level new car
Just like you could buy in 1972. VW, Pinto, Corolla, Vega

$15 an hour will help students pay for college without massive debt.

That is what minimum wage should do

But if the minimum wage has no detrimental effects, why would we stop there? If we made it $40/hr, they could pay for college with cash and get a decent Subaru.

This is a serious question. I think liberals have become desensitized to it over the years, and just blithely ignore it, but it points to a very real flaw in the reasoning. I suspect they'll just steer around it again - tell themselves it's 'crazy talk', not something they should allow themselves to think about.
Typical tactic of conservatives....if you want $15 ...why not $100?

Typical response of Democrats - ignore the question at all costs! Do not even attempt to answer it! Steer around it and fling shit at the wall. Anything to avoid addressing the fundamental illogic of your views.
It’s the fault of minimum wage

For that $2.10 an hour I could buy a brand new car working six months. That $2.10 would buy me seven gallons of gas

It would take $15 to match the buying power I had at $2.10

I see, so what you're telling me is that if you were a kid today making $15.00 per hour, you could easily afford to put yourself through college at 30K a year. Or perhaps a brand new car in six months. Well, I guess if you could go without food and shelter you'd be doing fine. After all, at $15.00 an hour for 40 hours a week, a half year wages would be about 12.5K. What kind of car did you plan on buying anyhow?
Entry level new car
Just like you could buy in 1972. VW, Pinto, Corolla, Vega

$15 an hour will help students pay for college without massive debt.

That is what minimum wage should do

But if the minimum wage has no detrimental effects, why would we stop there? If we made it $40/hr, they could pay for college with cash and get a decent Subaru.
Minimum wage does have detrimental effects
Those struggling to start life or raise a family have to go into debt or go on public assistance. Employers exploit the system for increased profits
/----/ Minimum wage is not designed for those workers. I was a teen living at home and had few expenses when I worked for MW. I didn't get married until I had a career, benefits, a decent paycheck and money in the bank and it was still a struggle.
Yes...minimum wage is designed for those workers.
Student living at home, saving for college, looking to buy a first car,
Single mother trying to support a child, get a foot in the door

It is not intended to be a wage you earn your entire life but is essential to getting started in life.
Entry level new car
Just like you could buy in 1972. VW, Pinto, Corolla, Vega

$15 an hour will help students pay for college without massive debt.

That is what minimum wage should do

But if the minimum wage has no detrimental effects, why would we stop there? If we made it $40/hr, they could pay for college with cash and get a decent Subaru.

This is a serious question. I think liberals have become desensitized to it over the years, and just blithely ignore it, but it points to a very real flaw in the reasoning. I suspect they'll just steer around it again - tell themselves it's 'crazy talk', not something they should allow themselves to think about.
Typical tactic of conservatives....if you want $15 ...why not $100?

Typical response of Democrats - ignore the question at all costs! Do not even attempt to answer it! Steer around it and fling shit at the wall. Anything to avoid addressing the fundamental illogic of your views.
I have already established the parameters of what I think a minimum wage should be

What it costs to get started in life. $7.25 is ridiculously low
Entry level new car
Just like you could buy in 1972. VW, Pinto, Corolla, Vega

$15 an hour will help students pay for college without massive debt.

That is what minimum wage should do

But if the minimum wage has no detrimental effects, why would we stop there? If we made it $40/hr, they could pay for college with cash and get a decent Subaru.

This is a serious question. I think liberals have become desensitized to it over the years, and just blithely ignore it, but it points to a very real flaw in the reasoning. I suspect they'll just steer around it again - tell themselves it's 'crazy talk', not something they should allow themselves to think about.
Typical tactic of conservatives....if you want $15 ...why not $100?

The reality of the situation is that minimum wage has been frozen at $7.25 for ten years
Those minimum wage employers have compensated for increased cost of supplies, rent, electricity, insurance....all have gone up over ten years
They have also increased the price of their product over ten years

But the idea that they would have to pay their employees more would bankrupt them
/-----/ Minimum wage is $290 a week. Among those paid by the hour, 701,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.5 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers.

Updated July 13, 2018
How much is the average salary for US workers? Salaries vary based on gender, education, occupation, industry, geographical location, ethnicity, and other factors. Here is information on the average salary in a variety of categories, and calculators to use to determine the salary for specific occupations.

Average Salary Information for US Workers
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median wage for workers in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2017 was $857 per week or $44,564 per year for a 40-hour workweek.

Wages were 0.9 percent higher than at the same date for the previous year.

However, salaries can vary significantly based on both occupation and location. What's a good salary in one location, may not be somewhere else. For example, people working in professional, management, and related occupations earned an average of $64,220 annually, while those working in service occupations earned an average of $28,028 annually. Jobs in large metropolitan cities, which have a higher cost of living, also tend to pay more than jobs in more rural areas. Read below for more information on average salaries based on factors like gender, education, and
Entry level new car
Just like you could buy in 1972. VW, Pinto, Corolla, Vega

$15 an hour will help students pay for college without massive debt.

That is what minimum wage should do

But if the minimum wage has no detrimental effects, why would we stop there? If we made it $40/hr, they could pay for college with cash and get a decent Subaru.

This is a serious question. I think liberals have become desensitized to it over the years, and just blithely ignore it, but it points to a very real flaw in the reasoning. I suspect they'll just steer around it again - tell themselves it's 'crazy talk', not something they should allow themselves to think about.
Typical tactic of conservatives....if you want $15 ...why not $100?

Typical response of Democrats - ignore the question at all costs! Do not even attempt to answer it! Steer around it and fling shit at the wall. Anything to avoid addressing the fundamental illogic of your views.
I have already established the parameters of what I think a minimum wage should be

What it costs to get started in life. $7.25 is ridiculously low

Alright. I know it's painful to face flaws in your thinking. Let's focus on something simple and direct: Do you think there are any detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
Entry level new car
Just like you could buy in 1972. VW, Pinto, Corolla, Vega

$15 an hour will help students pay for college without massive debt.

That is what minimum wage should do

But if the minimum wage has no detrimental effects, why would we stop there? If we made it $40/hr, they could pay for college with cash and get a decent Subaru.

This is a serious question. I think liberals have become desensitized to it over the years, and just blithely ignore it, but it points to a very real flaw in the reasoning. I suspect they'll just steer around it again - tell themselves it's 'crazy talk', not something they should allow themselves to think about.
Typical tactic of conservatives....if you want $15 ...why not $100?

The reality of the situation is that minimum wage has been frozen at $7.25 for ten years
Those minimum wage employers have compensated for increased cost of supplies, rent, electricity, insurance....all have gone up over ten years
They have also increased the price of their product over ten years

But the idea that they would have to pay their employees more would bankrupt them
/-----/ Minimum wage is $290 a week. Among those paid by the hour, 701,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.5 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers.

Updated July 13, 2018
How much is the average salary for US workers? Salaries vary based on gender, education, occupation, industry, geographical location, ethnicity, and other factors. Here is information on the average salary in a variety of categories, and calculators to use to determine the salary for specific occupations.

Average Salary Information for US Workers
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median wage for workers in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2017 was $857 per week or $44,564 per year for a 40-hour workweek.

Wages were 0.9 percent higher than at the same date for the previous year.

However, salaries can vary significantly based on both occupation and location. What's a good salary in one location, may not be somewhere else. For example, people working in professional, management, and related occupations earned an average of $64,220 annually, while those working in service occupations earned an average of $28,028 annually. Jobs in large metropolitan cities, which have a higher cost of living, also tend to pay more than jobs in more rural areas. Read below for more information on average salaries based on factors like gender, education, and
There is no mechanism to set the average salary for workers

Minimum wage is the only way......$7.25 is woefully inadequate
But if the minimum wage has no detrimental effects, why would we stop there? If we made it $40/hr, they could pay for college with cash and get a decent Subaru.

This is a serious question. I think liberals have become desensitized to it over the years, and just blithely ignore it, but it points to a very real flaw in the reasoning. I suspect they'll just steer around it again - tell themselves it's 'crazy talk', not something they should allow themselves to think about.
Typical tactic of conservatives....if you want $15 ...why not $100?

Typical response of Democrats - ignore the question at all costs! Do not even attempt to answer it! Steer around it and fling shit at the wall. Anything to avoid addressing the fundamental illogic of your views.
I have already established the parameters of what I think a minimum wage should be

What it costs to get started in life. $7.25 is ridiculously low

Alright. I know it's painful to face flaws in your thinking. Let's focus on something simple and direct: Do you think there are any detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
I think employers have benefitted from ten years of ridiculously low minimum wage

Time to pay the piper

Conservatives whine about the impacts on employers if wages are increased while they ignore the impacts that low wages have on employees and the taxpayer
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This is a serious question. I think liberals have become desensitized to it over the years, and just blithely ignore it, but it points to a very real flaw in the reasoning. I suspect they'll just steer around it again - tell themselves it's 'crazy talk', not something they should allow themselves to think about.
Typical tactic of conservatives....if you want $15 ...why not $100?

Typical response of Democrats - ignore the question at all costs! Do not even attempt to answer it! Steer around it and fling shit at the wall. Anything to avoid addressing the fundamental illogic of your views.
I have already established the parameters of what I think a minimum wage should be

What it costs to get started in life. $7.25 is ridiculously low

Alright. I know it's painful to face flaws in your thinking. Let's focus on something simple and direct: Do you think there are any detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
I think employers have benefitted from ten years of ridiculously low minimum wage

Time to pay the piper

Conservatives whine about the impacts if wages are increased while they ignore the impacts that low wages have on employees and the taxpayer

Uh... not sure what you're going on about there. Let's try again: Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage? I assume you do, and you just don't want to acknowledge them. Otherwise, why wouldn't we raise the minimum wage so that we are all well off?
Entry level new car
Just like you could buy in 1972. VW, Pinto, Corolla, Vega

$15 an hour will help students pay for college without massive debt.

That is what minimum wage should do

But if the minimum wage has no detrimental effects, why would we stop there? If we made it $40/hr, they could pay for college with cash and get a decent Subaru.

This is a serious question. I think liberals have become desensitized to it over the years, and just blithely ignore it, but it points to a very real flaw in the reasoning. I suspect they'll just steer around it again - tell themselves it's 'crazy talk', not something they should allow themselves to think about.
Typical tactic of conservatives....if you want $15 ...why not $100?

The reality of the situation is that minimum wage has been frozen at $7.25 for ten years
Those minimum wage employers have compensated for increased cost of supplies, rent, electricity, insurance....all have gone up over ten years
They have also increased the price of their product over ten years

But the idea that they would have to pay their employees more would bankrupt them
/-----/ Minimum wage is $290 a week. Among those paid by the hour, 701,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.5 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers.

Updated July 13, 2018
How much is the average salary for US workers? Salaries vary based on gender, education, occupation, industry, geographical location, ethnicity, and other factors. Here is information on the average salary in a variety of categories, and calculators to use to determine the salary for specific occupations.

Average Salary Information for US Workers
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median wage for workers in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2017 was $857 per week or $44,564 per year for a 40-hour workweek.

Wages were 0.9 percent higher than at the same date for the previous year.

However, salaries can vary significantly based on both occupation and location. What's a good salary in one location, may not be somewhere else. For example, people working in professional, management, and related occupations earned an average of $64,220 annually, while those working in service occupations earned an average of $28,028 annually. Jobs in large metropolitan cities, which have a higher cost of living, also tend to pay more than jobs in more rural areas. Read below for more information on average salaries based on factors like gender, education, and
There is no mechanism to set the average salary for workers

Minimum wage is the only way......$7.25 is woefully inadequate
/----/ It depends on where you live and your individual circumstances. Forced Minimum Wage, one size fits all, is woefully inadequate.
Typical tactic of conservatives....if you want $15 ...why not $100?

Typical response of Democrats - ignore the question at all costs! Do not even attempt to answer it! Steer around it and fling shit at the wall. Anything to avoid addressing the fundamental illogic of your views.
I have already established the parameters of what I think a minimum wage should be

What it costs to get started in life. $7.25 is ridiculously low

Alright. I know it's painful to face flaws in your thinking. Let's focus on something simple and direct: Do you think there are any detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
I think employers have benefitted from ten years of ridiculously low minimum wage

Time to pay the piper

Conservatives whine about the impacts if wages are increased while they ignore the impacts that low wages have on employees and the taxpayer

Uh... not sure what you're going on about there. Let's try again: Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage? I assume you do, and you just don't want to acknowledge them. Otherwise, why wouldn't we raise the minimum wage so that we are all well off?
How about we mitigate the impacts?

Employers just received close to a 50 percent cut in taxes
Has there ever been a better time to raise minimum wages?
But if the minimum wage has no detrimental effects, why would we stop there? If we made it $40/hr, they could pay for college with cash and get a decent Subaru.

This is a serious question. I think liberals have become desensitized to it over the years, and just blithely ignore it, but it points to a very real flaw in the reasoning. I suspect they'll just steer around it again - tell themselves it's 'crazy talk', not something they should allow themselves to think about.
Typical tactic of conservatives....if you want $15 ...why not $100?

The reality of the situation is that minimum wage has been frozen at $7.25 for ten years
Those minimum wage employers have compensated for increased cost of supplies, rent, electricity, insurance....all have gone up over ten years
They have also increased the price of their product over ten years

But the idea that they would have to pay their employees more would bankrupt them
/-----/ Minimum wage is $290 a week. Among those paid by the hour, 701,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.5 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers.

Updated July 13, 2018
How much is the average salary for US workers? Salaries vary based on gender, education, occupation, industry, geographical location, ethnicity, and other factors. Here is information on the average salary in a variety of categories, and calculators to use to determine the salary for specific occupations.

Average Salary Information for US Workers
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median wage for workers in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2017 was $857 per week or $44,564 per year for a 40-hour workweek.

Wages were 0.9 percent higher than at the same date for the previous year.

However, salaries can vary significantly based on both occupation and location. What's a good salary in one location, may not be somewhere else. For example, people working in professional, management, and related occupations earned an average of $64,220 annually, while those working in service occupations earned an average of $28,028 annually. Jobs in large metropolitan cities, which have a higher cost of living, also tend to pay more than jobs in more rural areas. Read below for more information on average salaries based on factors like gender, education, and
There is no mechanism to set the average salary for workers

Minimum wage is the only way......$7.25 is woefully inadequate
/----/ It depends on where you live and your individual circumstances. Forced Minimum Wage, one size fits all, is woefully inadequate.
Do you support a $7.25 minimum wage?
Typical response of Democrats - ignore the question at all costs! Do not even attempt to answer it! Steer around it and fling shit at the wall. Anything to avoid addressing the fundamental illogic of your views.
I have already established the parameters of what I think a minimum wage should be

What it costs to get started in life. $7.25 is ridiculously low

Alright. I know it's painful to face flaws in your thinking. Let's focus on something simple and direct: Do you think there are any detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
I think employers have benefitted from ten years of ridiculously low minimum wage

Time to pay the piper

Conservatives whine about the impacts if wages are increased while they ignore the impacts that low wages have on employees and the taxpayer

Uh... not sure what you're going on about there. Let's try again: Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage? I assume you do, and you just don't want to acknowledge them. Otherwise, why wouldn't we raise the minimum wage so that we are all well off?
How about we mitigate the impacts?

Employers just received close to a 50 percent cut in taxes
Has there ever been a better time to raise minimum wages?
Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
I have already established the parameters of what I think a minimum wage should be

What it costs to get started in life. $7.25 is ridiculously low

Alright. I know it's painful to face flaws in your thinking. Let's focus on something simple and direct: Do you think there are any detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
I think employers have benefitted from ten years of ridiculously low minimum wage

Time to pay the piper

Conservatives whine about the impacts if wages are increased while they ignore the impacts that low wages have on employees and the taxpayer

Uh... not sure what you're going on about there. Let's try again: Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage? I assume you do, and you just don't want to acknowledge them. Otherwise, why wouldn't we raise the minimum wage so that we are all well off?
How about we mitigate the impacts?

Employers just received close to a 50 percent cut in taxes
Has there ever been a better time to raise minimum wages?
Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
Why don’t you explain them to me?
Alright. I know it's painful to face flaws in your thinking. Let's focus on something simple and direct: Do you think there are any detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
I think employers have benefitted from ten years of ridiculously low minimum wage

Time to pay the piper

Conservatives whine about the impacts if wages are increased while they ignore the impacts that low wages have on employees and the taxpayer

Uh... not sure what you're going on about there. Let's try again: Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage? I assume you do, and you just don't want to acknowledge them. Otherwise, why wouldn't we raise the minimum wage so that we are all well off?
How about we mitigate the impacts?

Employers just received close to a 50 percent cut in taxes
Has there ever been a better time to raise minimum wages?
Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
Why don’t you explain them to me?
It's a simple question. Why are you dodging it? Think about that.
I think employers have benefitted from ten years of ridiculously low minimum wage

Time to pay the piper

Conservatives whine about the impacts if wages are increased while they ignore the impacts that low wages have on employees and the taxpayer

Uh... not sure what you're going on about there. Let's try again: Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage? I assume you do, and you just don't want to acknowledge them. Otherwise, why wouldn't we raise the minimum wage so that we are all well off?
How about we mitigate the impacts?

Employers just received close to a 50 percent cut in taxes
Has there ever been a better time to raise minimum wages?
Do you think there are ANY detrimental effects to raising the minimum wage?
Why don’t you explain them to me?
It's a simple question. Why are you dodging it? Think about that.
If you want to make a point about the evils of minimum wage....make it

Don’t expect me to do it for you

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