‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

lol. nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. red herrings is all they have.

I double dog dare you, to start a lemonade stand, charge 50 cents a cup and pay your three employees $15 an hour..

What's the matter danielpalos you scared to put your bullshit liberal economics into action ?

why should I play your special pleading game? I am in California. I plan to pay Labor fifteen dollars an hour, minimum, should I start any ventures in Commerce.

Want to see who the biggest Hypocrite is?

What silly little game? It's to teach you about profit margin and labor cost.

I plan to pay Labor fifteen dollars an hour

What labor???? Yup that's what I thought you are a 15 year old little girl.

how does it feel to always lose your arguments, like a wo-man.

Still don't want to take my bet and open a lemonade stand , charge 50 cents a cup and pay your three workers$15 an hour?

Typical liberal all talk and no walk and that's why most companies are run by fiscial conservatives and most college "professor's'' are liberals ( libtard economics don't work in the real world like socialism)

it is Your idea; why don't You go with it.

special pleading is all the right wing has.
You still have that ass backwards, those low wage jobs subsidize the government welfare program.with out them the government would be paying 100% instead of 25%

You don't know what you are talking about. Nobody takes the right wing seriously about mostly anything. Fake news is all they know.

You don't even know what your talking about, like a liberal you don't know math or economics..

Here is an idea since it's almost August start a lemonade stand, charge 50 cents a cup and pay your three workers $15 an hour , report back to us how it worked out.

lol. nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. red herrings is all they have.

I double dog dare you, to start a lemonade stand, charge 50 cents a cup and pay your three employees $15 an hour..

What's the matter danielpalos you scared to put your bullshit liberal economics into action ?

why should I play your special pleading game? I am in California. I plan to pay Labor fifteen dollars an hour, minimum, should I start any ventures in Commerce.

Want to see who the biggest Hypocrite is?
California! That does it!i am overwhelmingly convinced! Knot.
I double dog dare you, to start a lemonade stand, charge 50 cents a cup and pay your three employees $15 an hour..

What's the matter danielpalos you scared to put your bullshit liberal economics into action ?

why should I play your special pleading game? I am in California. I plan to pay Labor fifteen dollars an hour, minimum, should I start any ventures in Commerce.

Want to see who the biggest Hypocrite is?

What silly little game? It's to teach you about profit margin and labor cost.

I plan to pay Labor fifteen dollars an hour

What labor???? Yup that's what I thought you are a 15 year old little girl.

how does it feel to always lose your arguments, like a wo-man.

Still don't want to take my bet and open a lemonade stand , charge 50 cents a cup and pay your three workers$15 an hour?

Typical liberal all talk and no walk and that's why most companies are run by fiscial conservatives and most college "professor's'' are liberals ( libtard economics don't work in the real world like socialism)

it is Your idea; why don't You go with it.

special pleading is all the right wing has.

I already know math, economics/profit margins, alerady ran a lemonade stand 45 years ago and comprehend it...but you don't...

You don't know what you are talking about. Nobody takes the right wing seriously about mostly anything. Fake news is all they know.

You don't even know what your talking about, like a liberal you don't know math or economics..

Here is an idea since it's almost August start a lemonade stand, charge 50 cents a cup and pay your three workers $15 an hour , report back to us how it worked out.

lol. nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. red herrings is all they have.

I double dog dare you, to start a lemonade stand, charge 50 cents a cup and pay your three employees $15 an hour..

What's the matter danielpalos you scared to put your bullshit liberal economics into action ?

why should I play your special pleading game? I am in California. I plan to pay Labor fifteen dollars an hour, minimum, should I start any ventures in Commerce.

Want to see who the biggest Hypocrite is?
California! That does it!i am overwhelmingly convinced! Knot.
too bad, every other State is Worse.
why should I play your special pleading game? I am in California. I plan to pay Labor fifteen dollars an hour, minimum, should I start any ventures in Commerce.

Want to see who the biggest Hypocrite is?

What silly little game? It's to teach you about profit margin and labor cost.

I plan to pay Labor fifteen dollars an hour

What labor???? Yup that's what I thought you are a 15 year old little girl.

how does it feel to always lose your arguments, like a wo-man.

Still don't want to take my bet and open a lemonade stand , charge 50 cents a cup and pay your three workers$15 an hour?

Typical liberal all talk and no walk and that's why most companies are run by fiscial conservatives and most college "professor's'' are liberals ( libtard economics don't work in the real world like socialism)

it is Your idea; why don't You go with it.

special pleading is all the right wing has.

I already know math, economics/profit margins, alerady ran a lemonade stand 45 years ago and comprehend it...but you don't...

so what; you don't understand basic economics.
You still have that ass backwards, those low wage jobs subsidize the government welfare program.with out them the government would be paying 100% instead of 25%

You don't know what you are talking about. Nobody takes the right wing seriously about mostly anything. Fake news is all they know.

You don't even know what your talking about, like a liberal you don't know math or economics..

Here is an idea since it's almost August start a lemonade stand, charge 50 cents a cup and pay your three workers $15 an hour , report back to us how it worked out.

lol. nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. red herrings is all they have.

I double dog dare you, to start a lemonade stand, charge 50 cents a cup and pay your three employees $15 an hour..

What's the matter danielpalos you scared to put your bullshit liberal economics into action ?

why should I play your special pleading game? I am in California. I plan to pay Labor fifteen dollars an hour, minimum, should I start any ventures in Commerce.

Which means a lot of ventures, like the the lemonade stand, will never get started. They will be illegal. Go team!
What silly little game? It's to teach you about profit margin and labor cost.

I plan to pay Labor fifteen dollars an hour

What labor???? Yup that's what I thought you are a 15 year old little girl.

how does it feel to always lose your arguments, like a wo-man.

Still don't want to take my bet and open a lemonade stand , charge 50 cents a cup and pay your three workers$15 an hour?

Typical liberal all talk and no walk and that's why most companies are run by fiscial conservatives and most college "professor's'' are liberals ( libtard economics don't work in the real world like socialism)

it is Your idea; why don't You go with it.

special pleading is all the right wing has.

I already know math, economics/profit margins, alerady ran a lemonade stand 45 years ago and comprehend it...but you don't...

so what; you don't understand basic economics.

No that would be you, the girl that doesn't comprehend California is almost dead last in fisical responsibility, heck Mississippi is more fiscal responsible then California.

You think 15 bucks an hour will allow someone to live in the Bay Area, aren't you special.
i am not the one arguing in a vacuum of special pleading. I think you can find some accommodation on fifteen an hour; and, higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

Higher paid labor can afford to pay for more infrastructure.
I always laugh when I hear uneducated people talk about fifteen dollars an hour.
They seem to think that companies will just give them the raise without increasing the cost of their product.
If you get fifteen then the price of what they sell will go up. Soon others see that it is costing them more to live so they increase their wage. I am speaking of doctors, mechanics and others. Within a few years fifteen is now the new nine dollars an hour.
So what did you gain. Why a few years in which to amass the large screen tv, the iPhone 15, and the hummer 6. Then you won't be able to pay for food and a roof over your head but you will have all those nifty things.
Nobody is saying anything will stay the same. That is just a right wing red herring.

What we are saying, is that the benefit will outweigh the cost.

Nobody takes right wing inflation scenarios seriously.
Lol you really have to be clueless. Do you really think business is really going to go broke just so you can have a rediculous minimum wage?
To give any wage it costs almost two times what that wage is. For example for a five dollar an hour it cost almost ten dollars to your employer. They have to match social security, Medicare, then pay into unemployment, and workers compensation. That number goes up if they pay anything for insurance and any kind of retirement, i.e. 401k.

It is no where near a right wing inflation scenario. It is called basic economics. We all realize that the left are not very bright but the understanding of one and one equals two is something even the left should be able to understand.
The right wing doesn't know anything about basic economics.

Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
Child you really have no idea. Did you even finish grade school? Yes higher wages does create more in taxes. That is the only part of that that is true. It will for a very short time create more demand but that very quickly fades as more people gain a higher income and prices rise. Then demand for goods goes down. Basic economics.
Companies that need employees will increase wages as unemployment goes down. Unless we continue to allow illegals to undercut wages even more.
“.....and money and housing for all.”

The new American Pledge
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.....and money and housing for all.

The new American Pledge

"Once upon a time, "work for welfare" was a pretty accepted notion. In 1996, Bill Clinton signed a strict workfare bill, which was so popular that it helped him get reelected. A Brookings Institute study by welfare scholar Ron Haskins proved those reforms moved more than half of those on welfare (mostly young single moms) into the workforce, and millions eventually gained economic self-sufficiency.

During Barack Obama's first term, those reforms were pretty much eviscerated. ...enrollment in the welfare programs that don't have work requirements, such as food stamps, Medicaid, disability and housing assistance, exploded.

Is it a coincidence that during the Obama presidency, as welfare ballooned, workforce participation rates for those in the prime working ages fell dramatically?"
Liberal War on Work | RealClearPolitics
.....and money and housing for all.

The new American Pledge

"Once upon a time, "work for welfare" was a pretty accepted notion. In 1996, Bill Clinton signed a strict workfare bill, which was so popular that it helped him get reelected. A Brookings Institute study by welfare scholar Ron Haskins proved those reforms moved more than half of those on welfare (mostly young single moms) into the workforce, and millions eventually gained economic self-sufficiency.

During Barack Obama's first term, those reforms were pretty much eviscerated. ...enrollment in the welfare programs that don't have work requirements, such as food stamps, Medicaid, disability and housing assistance, exploded.

Is it a coincidence that during the Obama presidency, as welfare ballooned, workforce participation rates for those in the prime working ages fell dramatically?"
Liberal War on Work | RealClearPolitics

Each party wants to "expand their base." Two of the largest bases for Democrats are government dependents and victims. It makes sense for the people of that party to create as many of each as possible.

So why did Clinton not follow the party line? He tried, in fact vetoed Welfare Reform twice before signing it. The Republicans put it in the drawer until just before he ran for reelection, put the bill back in front of him and said "veto it now MF'r. He had no choice but to sign THE REPUBLICAN bill.
.....and money and housing for all.

The new American Pledge

"Once upon a time, "work for welfare" was a pretty accepted notion. In 1996, Bill Clinton signed a strict workfare bill, which was so popular that it helped him get reelected. A Brookings Institute study by welfare scholar Ron Haskins proved those reforms moved more than half of those on welfare (mostly young single moms) into the workforce, and millions eventually gained economic self-sufficiency.

During Barack Obama's first term, those reforms were pretty much eviscerated. ...enrollment in the welfare programs that don't have work requirements, such as food stamps, Medicaid, disability and housing assistance, exploded.

Is it a coincidence that during the Obama presidency, as welfare ballooned, workforce participation rates for those in the prime working ages fell dramatically?"
Liberal War on Work | RealClearPolitics

Each party wants to "expand their base." Two of the largest bases for Democrats are government dependents and victims. It makes sense for the people of that party to create as many of each as possible.

So why did Clinton not follow the party line? He tried, in fact vetoed Welfare Reform twice before signing it. The Republicans put it in the drawer until just before he ran for reelection, put the bill back in front of him and said "veto it now MF'r. He had no choice but to sign THE REPUBLICAN bill.


'Each party wants to "expand their base." '

I believe, Ray, that the point of our discussions here, on the board, is to decide the best public policy, and debate said conclusions.

So....put your 2 cents in.....
.....and money and housing for all.

The new American Pledge

"Once upon a time, "work for welfare" was a pretty accepted notion. In 1996, Bill Clinton signed a strict workfare bill, which was so popular that it helped him get reelected. A Brookings Institute study by welfare scholar Ron Haskins proved those reforms moved more than half of those on welfare (mostly young single moms) into the workforce, and millions eventually gained economic self-sufficiency.

During Barack Obama's first term, those reforms were pretty much eviscerated. ...enrollment in the welfare programs that don't have work requirements, such as food stamps, Medicaid, disability and housing assistance, exploded.

Is it a coincidence that during the Obama presidency, as welfare ballooned, workforce participation rates for those in the prime working ages fell dramatically?"
Liberal War on Work | RealClearPolitics

Each party wants to "expand their base." Two of the largest bases for Democrats are government dependents and victims. It makes sense for the people of that party to create as many of each as possible.

So why did Clinton not follow the party line? He tried, in fact vetoed Welfare Reform twice before signing it. The Republicans put it in the drawer until just before he ran for reelection, put the bill back in front of him and said "veto it now MF'r. He had no choice but to sign THE REPUBLICAN bill.


'Each party wants to "expand their base." '

I believe, Ray, that the point of our discussions here, on the board, is to decide the best public policy, and debate said conclusions.

So....put your 2 cents in.....

To me, pay still sucks

I remember the booming 90s under Clinton. Got pay increases of 4-6 percent a year

This economy is supposed to be the best in a generation. Workers are lucky to see a 2 percent raise

I don’t see worker salaries much higher than they were in the 90 s

Aye, I also enjoyed those years.
Trouble was though RW, it was a mirage.
Robert Rubin/Larry Summers/Alan Greenspan devised the "debt as income" economy.
Without a doubt it created a massive growth in the economy and lead to the 80's booming yuppie culture of materialism and "shopping as entertainment".
Trouble was, of course, it had to end. People were spending money they haven't made yet. Buying homes that were way out of their sane reach. It was common for folfs to be walking around with $15-$30,000 in credit card debt alone. All that buying created the "Reagan/Clinton boom". A Castle Made of Sand.
And this also created Corporatism. Which is destroying America, little by little, day by day.

I think today the problem is college debt for young folks. When I was a young man, few went to college. Out of a class of 40 high school students, perhaps 10 went to college and Lord knows how many graduated.

Today you are a lost soul without education, but that education will set you back ten years of repaying loans.

My nephew graduated with a Masters and has a great paying job, but paying off his debt is something he's counting on until his mid 30's or later, and that's on top of my sisters loans that she took out.

I paid for my college with tutoring and a restaurant job. Yeah, that's messed up, too.

College costs are 5x what they were.

I paid for college making $2.10 an hour summer jobs.
Price of college has escalated while minimum wage has not
/——-/ I found a tuition bill from SUNY dated 1971. . A 3 credit course was $35 and I bought used text books for $8. I made about $25 a day and $60 for two nights bartending. Mug of cheap swill beer (Piels) was 50 cents with free peanuts. Those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end....
I went to SUNY Buffalo starting in 1974. My tuition for my first year was $650 (32 credits). I received a Regents Scholarship for $210 a year. We drank Genny Cream for 35 cents and chicken wings were 50 for $5.

I would work summers at $2.10 an hour and that would pay my tuition and books for the next year. My parents paid for my dorm room that was about $375 a year.

Minimum wage used to pay for basics to get started in life. Now, students go deep into debt for the same education
$15 an hour minimum wage would pay for what I used to get for $2.10 an hour
Aye, I also enjoyed those years.
Trouble was though RW, it was a mirage.
Robert Rubin/Larry Summers/Alan Greenspan devised the "debt as income" economy.
Without a doubt it created a massive growth in the economy and lead to the 80's booming yuppie culture of materialism and "shopping as entertainment".
Trouble was, of course, it had to end. People were spending money they haven't made yet. Buying homes that were way out of their sane reach. It was common for folfs to be walking around with $15-$30,000 in credit card debt alone. All that buying created the "Reagan/Clinton boom". A Castle Made of Sand.
And this also created Corporatism. Which is destroying America, little by little, day by day.

I think today the problem is college debt for young folks. When I was a young man, few went to college. Out of a class of 40 high school students, perhaps 10 went to college and Lord knows how many graduated.

Today you are a lost soul without education, but that education will set you back ten years of repaying loans.

My nephew graduated with a Masters and has a great paying job, but paying off his debt is something he's counting on until his mid 30's or later, and that's on top of my sisters loans that she took out.

I paid for my college with tutoring and a restaurant job. Yeah, that's messed up, too.

College costs are 5x what they were.

I paid for college making $2.10 an hour summer jobs.
Price of college has escalated while minimum wage has not
/——-/ I found a tuition bill from SUNY dated 1971. . A 3 credit course was $35 and I bought used text books for $8. I made about $25 a day and $60 for two nights bartending. Mug of cheap swill beer (Piels) was 50 cents with free peanuts. Those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end....
I went to SUNY Buffalo starting in 1974. My tuition for my first year was $650 (32 credits). I received a Regents Scholarship for $210 a year. We drank Genny Cream for 35 cents and chicken wings were 50 for $5.

I would work summers at $2.10 an hour and that would pay my tuition and books for the next year. My parents paid for my dorm room that was about $375 a year.

Minimum wage used to pay for basics to get started in life. Now, students go deep into debt for the same education

So is that the fault of minimum wage or the colleges charging way too much?

Despite their extreme liberal bias, they have taken advantage of supply and demand. When you went to college, only fraction of your class was able or wanted to go. Today over half or more of a graduating class ends up in college.

College doesn't have to draw students to their school like years before. They will come in flocks no matter what.
I think today the problem is college debt for young folks. When I was a young man, few went to college. Out of a class of 40 high school students, perhaps 10 went to college and Lord knows how many graduated.

Today you are a lost soul without education, but that education will set you back ten years of repaying loans.

My nephew graduated with a Masters and has a great paying job, but paying off his debt is something he's counting on until his mid 30's or later, and that's on top of my sisters loans that she took out.

I paid for my college with tutoring and a restaurant job. Yeah, that's messed up, too.

College costs are 5x what they were.

I paid for college making $2.10 an hour summer jobs.
Price of college has escalated while minimum wage has not
/——-/ I found a tuition bill from SUNY dated 1971. . A 3 credit course was $35 and I bought used text books for $8. I made about $25 a day and $60 for two nights bartending. Mug of cheap swill beer (Piels) was 50 cents with free peanuts. Those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end....
I went to SUNY Buffalo starting in 1974. My tuition for my first year was $650 (32 credits). I received a Regents Scholarship for $210 a year. We drank Genny Cream for 35 cents and chicken wings were 50 for $5.

I would work summers at $2.10 an hour and that would pay my tuition and books for the next year. My parents paid for my dorm room that was about $375 a year.

Minimum wage used to pay for basics to get started in life. Now, students go deep into debt for the same education

So is that the fault of minimum wage or the colleges charging way too much?

Despite their extreme liberal bias, they have taken advantage of supply and demand. When you went to college, only fraction of your class was able or wanted to go. Today over half or more of a graduating class ends up in college.

College doesn't have to draw students to their school like years before. They will come in flocks no matter what.
/——-/ I graduated HS in 1969 and 1/2 ended their education, 1/4 went to trade school and the rest went to college.
Demolosers trying to build back the unemployed and food stampers eh. Yep, ruin the country, it’s who they are 60 years now. Get all the blacks back on plantations

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