‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

No..........they aren't living in man camps for farm workers.......and they aren't living 20 to 40 to one house either.........That's how the immigrants do it.....
simply being legal, helps people find work easier.
The Farmers don't care about being illegal.........and most of them are big boys.......they want the cheap labor..........They put up bunk houses and stuff....or the immigrants all jam into a small home...........Last article showed one that had 40 in it with 2 bathrooms
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage may cure some capital defects.

Fill us in on these capital defects.
quality of life studies claim it is the high cost of living that causes California to rank at the bottom.

And whos fault is that?
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‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

Dear Senate Democrats, good effort, but tax credits won’t solve this crisis. Working people need Housing-For-All: 10 million homes in 10 years.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed can solve this problem for us, via market friendly means. applied capitalism, what concept.

You think 15 bucks an hour will allow someone to live in the Bay Area, aren't you special.
i am not the one arguing in a vacuum of special pleading. I think you can find some accommodation on fifteen an hour; and, higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

Higher paid labor can afford to pay for more infrastructure.
I always laugh when I hear uneducated people talk about fifteen dollars an hour.
They seem to think that companies will just give them the raise without increasing the cost of their product.
If you get fifteen then the price of what they sell will go up. Soon others see that it is costing them more to live so they increase their wage. I am speaking of doctors, mechanics and others. Within a few years fifteen is now the new nine dollars an hour.
So what did you gain. Why a few years in which to amass the large screen tv, the iPhone 15, and the hummer 6. Then you won't be able to pay for food and a roof over your head but you will have all those nifty things.
Some people commute to less expensive neighborhoods.

Yes, several to many hours each way.

If I go into the office, it takes me fifteen or twenty minutes to drive to my office. With computers, I can work on my office computer from home using any and all functions and print what I need at home.
Last time the government got involved with housing, it did not work out well.

Here's a thought:

How about making Banks sell off all the properties at pennies on the dollar that they bought up with government money to private

citizens only?
In Detroit you can buy a house for a dollar.
Exactly, and Baltimore can't give them away fast enough.

Problem is, you own the house, but not the property.
You and I footing the bill.
quit and go on welfare since it is so fun; don't whine, right wingers. just quit your day job.
Fucking hilarious.

What's the difference between Welfare and sitting on your lazy ass, breeding offspring you have no ability to support, demanding 15 dollars an hour for what you refer to is "at will" unemployment?

I'm not a right winger, but you're still a clueless fucking Moron.
you are the one whining about it.
Making a statement is not whining.
just complaining is just whining. where are your better solutions at lower cost.
My solution?

Get off of your lazy fucking ass and provide for "YOU," your lazy fucking offspring. Yes, I said Your "LAZY FUCKING" offspring and quit expecting someone else to provide you with your basic necessities.

There. My better solution.

And it doesn't cost me a thing.

No complaining, no whining... on my behalf...


All you have to offer is a funny and demands for someone to support you and the lazy ***** you refuse to support.

I'll feed your dog... but not your children.
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Horseshit! Forced higher wages will lead to more unemployment!
Where? Capitalists need labor to do the work. And, higher paid labor pays more in Taxes and creates more in Demand.
so what; we Want to Lose low wage jobs.

Almost Six Million Unfilled Jobs In America - Question Is Why? - Halbert Wealth Management - Commentaries - Advisor Perspectives

Of course you want to lose low wage jobs so the unemployed vote Democrat.

To bad most of those 6 million jobs are in the red States , why is that ?
did you know, Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

We want to lose low wage jobs because they are being subsidized at public expense. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage means more people will be paying more in taxes and creating more in demand.

The unemployment canard of the right wing, has already been disproved.

You still have that ass backwards, those low wage jobs subsidize the government welfare program.with out them the government would be paying 100% instead of 25%



The first video the lady made 2000 a month........daughter was working as a life guard..........

If you'd have watched the video they would have told you how high the prices are there............but you didn't watch the videos........

You are only here to deflect.

Some people commute to less expensive neighborhoods.

Plenty of the same stories I posted........if you want to look..........but you don't want to.

Google is your friend.......

New Cities!

Is it just me, or does it feel that a grapefruit is smarter then this girl...
‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

Dear Senate Democrats, good effort, but tax credits won’t solve this crisis. Working people need Housing-For-All: 10 million homes in 10 years.
Show me the part of the Constitution that covers housing.

Third Amendment. Bang!
Context. Bang

You'll have to work the context out for yourself. The only thing the Constitution says about housing is that the government can't require us to house soldiers. They tell me it "made sense at the time".
simply being legal, helps people find work easier.
The Farmers don't care about being illegal.........and most of them are big boys.......they want the cheap labor..........They put up bunk houses and stuff....or the immigrants all jam into a small home...........Last article showed one that had 40 in it with 2 bathrooms
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage may cure some capital defects.

Fill us in on these capital defects.
quality of life studies claim it is the high cost of living that causes California to rank at the bottom.

And whos fault is that?
It really is an Institutional problem not an Individual problem.
The Farmers don't care about being illegal.........and most of them are big boys.......they want the cheap labor..........They put up bunk houses and stuff....or the immigrants all jam into a small home...........Last article showed one that had 40 in it with 2 bathrooms
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage may cure some capital defects.

Fill us in on these capital defects.
quality of life studies claim it is the high cost of living that causes California to rank at the bottom.

And whos fault is that?
It really is an Institutional problem not an Individual problem.

No shit Sherlock.
‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

Dear Senate Democrats, good effort, but tax credits won’t solve this crisis. Working people need Housing-For-All: 10 million homes in 10 years.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed can solve this problem for us, via market friendly means. applied capitalism, what concept.

You think 15 bucks an hour will allow someone to live in the Bay Area, aren't you special.
i am not the one arguing in a vacuum of special pleading. I think you can find some accommodation on fifteen an hour; and, higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

Higher paid labor can afford to pay for more infrastructure.
I always laugh when I hear uneducated people talk about fifteen dollars an hour.
They seem to think that companies will just give them the raise without increasing the cost of their product.
If you get fifteen then the price of what they sell will go up. Soon others see that it is costing them more to live so they increase their wage. I am speaking of doctors, mechanics and others. Within a few years fifteen is now the new nine dollars an hour.
So what did you gain. Why a few years in which to amass the large screen tv, the iPhone 15, and the hummer 6. Then you won't be able to pay for food and a roof over your head but you will have all those nifty things.
Nobody is saying anything will stay the same. That is just a right wing red herring.

What we are saying, is that the benefit will outweigh the cost.

Nobody takes right wing inflation scenarios seriously.
quit and go on welfare since it is so fun; don't whine, right wingers. just quit your day job.
Fucking hilarious.

What's the difference between Welfare and sitting on your lazy ass, breeding offspring you have no ability to support, demanding 15 dollars an hour for what you refer to is "at will" unemployment?

I'm not a right winger, but you're still a clueless fucking Moron.
you are the one whining about it.
Making a statement is not whining.
just complaining is just whining. where are your better solutions at lower cost.
My solution?

Get off of your lazy fucking ass and provide for "YOU," your lazy fucking offspring. Yes, I said Your "LAZY FUCKING" offspring and quit expecting someone else to provide you with your basic necessities.

There. My better solution.

And it doesn't cost me a thing.

No complaining, no whining... on my behalf...


All you have to offer is a funny and demands for someone to support you and the lazy ***** you refuse to support.

I'll feed your dog... but not your children.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. Special pleading and appeals to ignorance of economics, is all they know.
The left wants to build big housing projects and place them in the middle of rural communities. It's how they infect us with the mentally ill voting block slaves they have created.

Fight it at the local level like I do. There is no *affordable housing* for crazy, non working people. This is all about building tenements in places like Eastern Oregon and filling them up with wall eyed lunatics who will vote the way they're told.

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