How a One Secular Democratic State solves the problems

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
[ame=]YouTube - 90 b Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx[/ame]
Not going to happen unless:

1. Hamas, Fatah, Extreme Orthodox Jews kept from political power for the same reason radicals such as Neo Nazi's are kept from power in Germany, they are dangerous and promote hatred and violence.

2. Jerusalem city made a state (divided into Christian, Jewish, Muslim zones) with special status like a mega Vatican. Currently only a small area of the city is considered the religious center, much to the anguish of the religious groups that have communities there.

3. Jews and Muslims tone down religion a little aka no more "death to the Jews/Christians",etc and no more religious persecutions or religion related violence and discrimination.

4. Israeli's agree to finance re-construction of Gaza and the west bank and provide employment for the Palestinians, and such an effort is successful. If not the Muslim youths will go back to terrorism and jihad against the Jews.

5. Israel is assured of its right to exist. Certainly under any new state there would have to be at least two provinces/states (Palestinians would agree nothing less than a Palestine, Israeli's would agree to nothing less than an Israel).
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Not going to happen unless:

1. Hamas, Fatah, Extreme Orthodox Jews kept from political power for the same reason radicals such as Neo Nazi's are kept from power in Germany, they are dangerous and promote hatred and violence.

2. Jerusalem city made a state (divided into Christian, Jewish, Muslim zones) with special status like a mega Vatican. Currently only a small area of the city is considered the religious center, much to the anguish of the religious groups that have communities there.

3. Jews and Muslims tone down religion a little aka no more "death to the Jews/Christians",etc and no more religious persecutions or religion related violence and discrimination.

4. Israeli's agree to finance re-construction of Gaza and the west bank and provide employment for the Palestinians, and such an effort is successful. If not the Muslim youths will go back to terrorism and jihad against the Jews.

5. Israel is assured of its right to exist. Certainly under any new state there would have to be at least two provinces/states (Palestinians would agree nothing less than a Palestine, Israeli's would agree to nothing less than an Israel).

The two state solution has been on the table for more than 70 years and we are farther away from a solution now than we were then. Unless someone can pull a miracle out of his hat I don't see it ever happening.

Virtually all the violence and hatred is a response to the occupation. If the occupation ends and compensation is made there will be peace.

Only about 5% of Palestinians want to live in an Islamic state. The chance that a single state will become Islamic is about zero.

One word we never hear in any of the fake peace talks is justice. No justice-no peace.
Not going to happen unless:

1. Hamas, Fatah, Extreme Orthodox Jews kept from political power for the same reason radicals such as Neo Nazi's are kept from power in Germany, they are dangerous and promote hatred and violence.

2. Jerusalem city made a state (divided into Christian, Jewish, Muslim zones) with special status like a mega Vatican. Currently only a small area of the city is considered the religious center, much to the anguish of the religious groups that have communities there.

3. Jews and Muslims tone down religion a little aka no more "death to the Jews/Christians",etc and no more religious persecutions or religion related violence and discrimination.

4. Israeli's agree to finance re-construction of Gaza and the west bank and provide employment for the Palestinians, and such an effort is successful. If not the Muslim youths will go back to terrorism and jihad against the Jews.

5. Israel is assured of its right to exist. Certainly under any new state there would have to be at least two provinces/states (Palestinians would agree nothing less than a Palestine, Israeli's would agree to nothing less than an Israel).

The two state solution has been on the table for more than 70 years
and we are farther away from a solution now than we were then. Unless someone can pull a miracle out of his hat I don't see it ever happening.

Virtually all the violence and hatred is a response to the occupation. If the occupation ends and compensation is made there will be peace.

Only about 5% of Palestinians want to live in an Islamic state. The chance that a single state will become Islamic is about zero.

One word we never hear in any of the fake peace talks is justice. No justice-no peace.
What I mentioned above is not the two state solution, and your stat is bullshit. Most Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank (save the Israeli Arabs) want an Islamic state, don't believe the propaganda the Rachel harpies give you. :cuckoo:
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Not going to happen unless:

1. Hamas, Fatah, Extreme Orthodox Jews kept from political power for the same reason radicals such as Neo Nazi's are kept from power in Germany, they are dangerous and promote hatred and violence.

2. Jerusalem city made a state (divided into Christian, Jewish, Muslim zones) with special status like a mega Vatican. Currently only a small area of the city is considered the religious center, much to the anguish of the religious groups that have communities there.

3. Jews and Muslims tone down religion a little aka no more "death to the Jews/Christians",etc and no more religious persecutions or religion related violence and discrimination.

4. Israeli's agree to finance re-construction of Gaza and the west bank and provide employment for the Palestinians, and such an effort is successful. If not the Muslim youths will go back to terrorism and jihad against the Jews.

5. Israel is assured of its right to exist. Certainly under any new state there would have to be at least two provinces/states (Palestinians would agree nothing less than a Palestine, Israeli's would agree to nothing less than an Israel).

The two state solution has been on the table for more than 70 years
and we are farther away from a solution now than we were then. Unless someone can pull a miracle out of his hat I don't see it ever happening.

Virtually all the violence and hatred is a response to the occupation. If the occupation ends and compensation is made there will be peace.

Only about 5% of Palestinians want to live in an Islamic state. The chance that a single state will become Islamic is about zero.

One word we never hear in any of the fake peace talks is justice. No justice-no peace.
What I mentioned above is not the two state solution, and your stat is bullshit. Most Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank (save the Israeli Arabs) want an Islamic state, don't believe the propaganda the Rachel harpies give you. :cuckoo:

I don't believe you are correct about the Islamic state. I depends on what is meant by an Islamic state. There are a few extremists who want a fundamentalist Islamic state. Those are the ones who get all the air time on propaganda sites like MEMRI. Then there is the Islamic state that is like the Christian nation of the US. The religion is used as the basic moral compass but there is complete freedom of religion and there are no laws imposing religion. There are a very small number of people who want a Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan like state but they have no political support from the people.

You talk about dividing Jerusalem. What is the point in that?

The two state solution has been on the table for more than 70 years
and we are farther away from a solution now than we were then. Unless someone can pull a miracle out of his hat I don't see it ever happening.

Virtually all the violence and hatred is a response to the occupation. If the occupation ends and compensation is made there will be peace.

Only about 5% of Palestinians want to live in an Islamic state. The chance that a single state will become Islamic is about zero.

One word we never hear in any of the fake peace talks is justice. No justice-no peace.
What I mentioned above is not the two state solution, and your stat is bullshit. Most Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank (save the Israeli Arabs) want an Islamic state, don't believe the propaganda the Rachel harpies give you. :cuckoo:

I don't believe you are correct about the Islamic state. I depends on what is meant by an Islamic state. There are a few extremists who want a fundamentalist Islamic state. Those are the ones who get all the air time on propaganda sites like MEMRI. Then there is the Islamic state that is like the Christian nation of the US. The religion is used as the basic moral compass but there is complete freedom of religion and there are no laws imposing religion. There are a very small number of people who want a Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan like state but they have no political support from the people.

You talk about dividing Jerusalem. What is the point in that?
You mean all the Muslim nations calling for an Islamic theocracy in Palestine, mean a Secular state? Last I checked Islamic state meant Islamic state ruled by Sharia or Islamic law not "man-made laws".:disbelief:

By all means Muslims there could believe in a perfect Islamic state where everyone lives in peace and harmony (even Jews and Christians), but they don't believe in a state where Islam isn't central and in control of their lives (and where non-Muslims are not secondary to Muslims).
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What I mentioned above is not the two state solution, and your stat is bullshit. Most Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank (save the Israeli Arabs) want an Islamic state, don't believe the propaganda the Rachel harpies give you. :cuckoo:

I don't believe you are correct about the Islamic state. I depends on what is meant by an Islamic state. There are a few extremists who want a fundamentalist Islamic state. Those are the ones who get all the air time on propaganda sites like MEMRI. Then there is the Islamic state that is like the Christian nation of the US. The religion is used as the basic moral compass but there is complete freedom of religion and there are no laws imposing religion. There are a very small number of people who want a Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan like state but they have no political support from the people.

You talk about dividing Jerusalem. What is the point in that?
You mean all the Muslim nations calling for an Islamic theocracy in Palestine, mean a Secular state? Last I checked Islamic state meant Islamic state ruled by Sharia or Islamic law not "man-made laws".:disbelief:

By all means Muslims there could believe in a perfect Islamic state where everyone lives in peace and harmony (even Jews and Christians), but they don't believe in a state where Islam isn't central and in control of their lives (and where non-Muslims are not secondary to Muslims).

You mean all the Muslim nations calling for an Islamic theocracy in Palestine, mean a Secular state?

I haven't heard that one before. Could you provide links?
I don't believe you are correct about the Islamic state. I depends on what is meant by an Islamic state. There are a few extremists who want a fundamentalist Islamic state. Those are the ones who get all the air time on propaganda sites like MEMRI. Then there is the Islamic state that is like the Christian nation of the US. The religion is used as the basic moral compass but there is complete freedom of religion and there are no laws imposing religion. There are a very small number of people who want a Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan like state but they have no political support from the people.

You talk about dividing Jerusalem. What is the point in that?
You mean all the Muslim nations calling for an Islamic theocracy in Palestine, mean a Secular state? Last I checked Islamic state meant Islamic state ruled by Sharia or Islamic law not "man-made laws".:disbelief:

By all means Muslims there could believe in a perfect Islamic state where everyone lives in peace and harmony (even Jews and Christians), but they don't believe in a state where Islam isn't central and in control of their lives (and where non-Muslims are not secondary to Muslims).

You mean all the Muslim nations calling for an Islamic theocracy in Palestine, mean a Secular state?
I haven't heard that one before. Could you provide links?
If you need links for something so blatantly obvious your mind is further gone than I thought.
You mean all the Muslim nations calling for an Islamic theocracy in Palestine, mean a Secular state? Last I checked Islamic state meant Islamic state ruled by Sharia or Islamic law not "man-made laws".:disbelief:

By all means Muslims there could believe in a perfect Islamic state where everyone lives in peace and harmony (even Jews and Christians), but they don't believe in a state where Islam isn't central and in control of their lives (and where non-Muslims are not secondary to Muslims).

You mean all the Muslim nations calling for an Islamic theocracy in Palestine, mean a Secular state?
I haven't heard that one before. Could you provide links?
If you need links for something so blatantly obvious your mind is further gone than I thought.

Seriously, I never heard that one.
Just like your bullshit claim that somehow millions of Arab Muslims would allow Jews to live peacefully amongst them. The Government of Gaza DEMANDS an end to Israel and DEMANDS all Jews be killed or driven into the Sea, ya that will make for a good start to a one State solution.

Something else you IGNORE, only the Muslims demand the death of their enemies. Only the Muslims resorted to suicide bombers and TARGETED women and children. Only the Muslims fire indiscriminately into civilian areas. Launching rockets, mortars, missiles and bombs TARGETED specifically at schools and markets.

One State solution, you are an idiot. As for a two State solution that would have happened YEARS ago if the terrorists had not INSISTED on the destruction of Israel. The Israelis have bent over backwards making accommodations so such a situation would exist and every time they do so the Arab Muslims respond by attacking Israel.

The Arab Muslims DEMANDED Israel leave the Gaza strip and when they did they demanded they return. Israel hired thousands of Arabs and the pay back? Suicide bombings. Israel provides state of the art medical care to Arabs in the two areas and the pay back? Missiles, rockets, mortars and bombs.

Go ahead you dumb ass, explain how when Gaza supposedly elected Hamas as their government, how Israel is supposed to coexist with people that want them DEAD. READ the fucking charter. Hamas wants Israel destroyed and all Jews driven out.
Just like your bullshit claim that somehow millions of Arab Muslims would allow Jews to live peacefully amongst them. The Government of Gaza DEMANDS an end to Israel and DEMANDS all Jews be killed or driven into the Sea, ya that will make for a good start to a one State solution.

Nonsense. Jews live in and travel to Palestine all the time without problems.

The Samaritans are considered to be Jews by the Palestinians. Israel considers them to be Jews and has issued them Israeli passports so that they can blow West Bank check points and travel freely to Israel. The Samaritans are Palestinian citizens and some even work in the Palestinian police force.

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