How About a Family Pride Day?

Nope. I want the country to understand the value of the nuclear family with a responsible mom and dad in the home and how much that benefits not only the children but the country. I don't care if the father or mother or both are gay, if they're living in the home responsibly raising their kids, that is a good thing.
So then christmas and Thanksgiving.
As a white Christian male I have zero care about the nuclear family. It's all about personal responsibility and we are divided as a citizenry thru our families as it was planned but we take care of our own.
So then christmas and Thanksgiving.

An entirely different thing.

Everybody, gay, straight, single, married, or whatever can celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving however they want to do that if they choose to do that. Neither are designed to promote a nuclear family of mom and dad in the home raising the kids.
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An entirely different thing.

Everybody, gay, straight, single, married, or whatever can celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving however they want to do that if they choose to do that. Neither are designed to promote a nuclear family of mom and dad in the home raising the kids.
Be honest with yourself.
It will set you free from this weak ass "fairness"

You want a holiday for straight people.
So all your imagined grievances can be put out for the world to see.
Trouble is that's what you do each and every day so, logically,
every day is straight day, celebrate as you please but do try to keep the sexual violence amongst yourselves.
I think anything we do is good to restore an understanding and appreciation of the value not only to the children but to the country as a whole of the traditional nuclear family consisting of a responsible mother and father in the home raising their family.
I know at least 10 female couples, with their biological children.
Each and every one of them has raised quality children and are successful in business, community, family, and life.

Tell me that every lesbian couple you know is a detriment to our society.
Cuz it isn't remotely close to being true.

Your belief of traditional nuclear family is great, but it's not reality, and many of those traditional nuclear families contain abuse, alcoholism, poor relationships, and thus end in divorce. It's not the utopia you present.
I know at least 10 female couples, with their biological children.
Each and every one of them has raised quality children and are successful in business, community, family, and life.

Tell me that every lesbian couple you know is a detriment to our society.
Cuz it isn't remotely close to being true.

Your belief of traditional nuclear family is great, but it's not reality, and many of those traditional nuclear families contain abuse, alcoholism, poor relationships, and thus end in divorce. It's not the utopia you present.
But they are still families.
Be honest with yourself.
It will set you free from this weak ass "fairness"

You want a holiday for straight people.
So all your imagined grievances can be put out for the world to see.
Trouble is that's what you do each and every day so, logically,
every day is straight day, celebrate as you please but do try to keep the sexual violence amongst yourselves.
I have stated my position quite clearly and choose not to bore myself by repeating myself by those trying to pick a fight. Most especially when they are completely non sequitur, ad hominem, and are trying to change the subject. Thanks for understanding
I know at least 10 female couples, with their biological children.
Each and every one of them has raised quality children and are successful in business, community, family, and life.

Tell me that every lesbian couple you know is a detriment to our society.
Cuz it isn't remotely close to being true.

Your belief of traditional nuclear family is great, but it's not reality, and many of those traditional nuclear families contain abuse, alcoholism, poor relationships, and thus end in divorce. It's not the utopia you present.
Show me where I said anybody is a detriment to this society on this thread other than pedophiles and child abusers/groomers.

Car A may be a good car.
Car B may be a better car.
Car C may be the best car.

Recognizing Car C as the best car takes nothing away from Car A and Car B.

Many people in many different circumstances have done credible jobs in parenting. Nevertheless, a responsible mother and father in the home remains the very best circumstance/situation for children and smart people not pushing a woke agenda know it.
I have stated my position quite clearly and choose not to bore myself by repeating myself by those trying to pick a fight. Most especially when they are completely non sequitur, ad hominem, and are trying to change the subject. Thanks for understanding
Christmas is for families
Thanksgiving is for families

Labor Day, Memorial Day are also for families.

Be honest with yourself or someone will have to be honest for you.
Like I said welfare destroyed the black family 57% without their father. Compared to 20% to whites. Liberals did that.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan saw this coming a long time ago (1965 to be exact).


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