How About a Family Pride Day?

That's what Thanksgiving and Christmas are for.
And, yes even LGBTQ+ people, Jews, Atheists, and even Christians can celebrate "family" on those days.

No, what you really want is "STRAIGHT DAY"
Where people who claim to be "STRAIGHT" can try to convince themselves and others of their "straightitude" by having a day when then can openly hate LGBTQ+ people without shame.
That day is every day.
Look around you.
What I want is recognition and promotion of the traditional family with a responsible mom and dad in the home. ALL children regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or whatever benefit from growing up with a responsible mom and dad in the home. Those growing up with a responsible biological mom and dad in the home do the best of all.
Some more data. And though this article didn't deal with it, if you dig deeper you find that children with at least one college educated parent are statistically more likely to graduate college than those with parents without college degrees.

And that could easily explain the disparity between graduation rates for white students vs black students. But even without that factoring in, far more kids who grow up with mom and dad in the home graduate college as well as benefit in other ways (far less poverty, far less incarceration, far more economic success) than those who do not have that benefit.

What I want is recognition and promotion of the traditional family with a responsible mom and dad in the home. ALL children regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or whatever benefit from growing up with a responsible mom and dad in the home. Those growing up with a responsible biological mom and dad in the home do the best of all.
That's what I said. Straight Day.
I think the breakdown of the traditional American family has been a HUGE factor in the increase in crime, a corrupt self serving government,

A gay couple with kids is not a traditional family with a mom and dad in the home. Certainly gay couples have raised children competently but it is not the same as having a mom and dad in the home.

I'm pretty sure one of those banners recognizing and praising the traditional family would not be allowed into a gay pride parade or other celebration.
I guess step parents are right out too.
In Rome Italy this week there was a huge massively attended "Family Pride Day" to celebrate traditional moms, dads and kids.

I'll admit this warmed by heart. We need this here.

I just wonder what the reaction would be from the left here in the USA if Americans staged such an event? Would the talking heads on television even mention it? Or would they condemn it? Would the Squad protest such an event as anti-LGBTX? Or pretend it didn't happen? Would the media even cover it? (Pro choice/women's rights/women's march demonstrations get much news coverage for example, but a huge pro life demonstration got almost none. See Here's why the media ignore the March for Life but fawn over the Women's March )

Would DC even issue a permit to have it?

Why do you hate black people?
I guess step parents are right out too.
Many, maybe most, step parents are excellent parents and that could be a much better situation for the kids than a single parent.

But, not taking anything away from the responsible, loving step parent, the statistics show that there is a higher risk for children for abuse, especially sexual abuse, from a step parent than from a biological parent. There is also far less stress and more emotionally stability and reinforcement for kids when mom and dad love each other and live together than when their loyalties are divided between separate families.

We need to return to a culture in which marriage before kids is the norm and staying together as a couple is much more common than divorce.
Yes, yet where are all these "gods" today, a distant memory of religions made up by humans.Or are there still more than one God in the world? In my opinion there are none.

People worship all kinds of idols today, same thing as little g gods. Very few, relatively speaking, worship the one living God.
Many, maybe most, step parents are excellent parents and that could be a much better situation for the kids than a single parent.

But, not taking anything away from the responsible, loving step parent, the statistics show that there is a higher risk for children for abuse, especially sexual abuse, from a step parent than from a biological parent. There is also far less stress and more emotionally stability and reinforcement for kids when mom and dad love each other and live together than when their loyalties are divided between separate families.

We need to return to a culture in which marriage before kids is the norm and staying together as a couple is much more common than divorce.
You failed to factor in a big reason for single parents, and that is the death of a spouse.
Would that include the black families ripped apart during slavery or the Indian children that were forcibly removed from their families and made to attend boarding schools where they were beaten for the slightest infraction?

Good thing those people are all dead, huh? Got anything relevant to today or you're just going to whine about what dead people did. Yeah, it sucks that it happened, but we can't do anything about it. It's not like today when you call any black who doesn't think what you tell them to racist names like Uncle Tom. Now that's relevant to today, it shows that nothing has changed in the Democrat party, you're all racists because you all do it or are silent about it
The Supreme Court will be ruling on the ICWA this month. The future of Native CHILDREN hang in the balance. Recent enough?

Not sure what you're talking about since I clearly said you're racist fucks today. You prove it every time you call conservative blacks Uncle Toms, just like I said. You're just babbling bullshit
Quote me calling conservative blacks uncle toms.

Being silent while other Democrats do it is just as bad, racist.

You're in the same party as all American slave owners. You're in the same party as the KKK and Jim Crow. Racism just oozes from you
You are clearly a Democrat, I've been reading your posts. If you want to not be considered a Democrat, stop supporting them all the time
If Republicans would stop accusing me of being a 'drunk fake Indian' and how we got what we deserved among a shitload of other insults, things might be different.

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