How about some examples of this “socialism” stuff y’all are afraid of?

The people were funding the war with War Bonds
The US was a socialist country in WWII

The government controlled the means of production, who got supplies, where workers went, wages and prices

It worked

We were at WAR and the country mobilized to defeat Hitler and the AXIS. That is not socialism. People will sacrifice for a cause. Socialism is not a 'cause'......
It was socialism. It was a stupid way to fight a war. All it did is harm our economic output.
It turned us into a superpower

Both military and economic
More bullshit. We already had the largest economy in the world by far before the war started.
We were in the worst Depression in our history
Yeah. That's what happens when the government meddles in the economy. We still have the largest economy in the world by far.
Cons seem to love tagging everything they don’t like as “socialism “ . The word has lost all meaning .

How about some real life examples of American socialism? And how it’s hurt us .

I’ll give you an example : US socialism going waaaay back to the 1800s . When the gov purchased and then opened up the west and gave away land to Americans.

It seems in the world of the far right wing, a private company giving things away is now socialism.

crazy how many people do not know what the word means
Name one company that gives things away? Calling the government distribution of land "socialism" is quite a stretch. Would having the government keep the land be less socialist? No it wouldn't. Converting government owned land to privately owned land is the quickest way to get it under market control. That's what the government should do, not retain it and create a government real estate empire.

Yes, the Pilgrims learned that the hard way as they starved when creating a commune for distributing the goods and food they created. Only when they granted private land to individuals to make their own profit did they have bounties. Thanksgiving was the result.
The Pilgrims had no choice but to commune their resources

There was no free market

That is historically in accurate.
We were at WAR and the country mobilized to defeat Hitler and the AXIS. That is not socialism. People will sacrifice for a cause. Socialism is not a 'cause'......
It was socialism. It was a stupid way to fight a war. All it did is harm our economic output.
It turned us into a superpower

Both military and economic
More bullshit. We already had the largest economy in the world by far before the war started.
We were in the worst Depression in our history
Yeah. That's what happens when the government meddles in the economy. We still have the largest economy in the world by far.
Not for much longer. Communist China is closing in.
The Pilgrims had no choice but to commune their resources

There was no free market

Not true....Just like today, you own land, you create a product and sell or trade it for products someone else creates that you need. The part you missed is the private ownership of land (means of production) by individuals. If individuals own no land and are forced to produce without making an individual profit, everyone suffers.
Own land?
In Plymouth?
You could have any land you wanted.

Buy and sell your product? Who is going to buy it? Half the Pilgrims died of starvation

Pilgrims were not prepared for the environment they stumbled in to. Local Indians had to teach them how to survive
The Pilgrims had no choice but to commune their resources

There was no free market

Not true....Just like today, you own land, you create a product and sell or trade it for products someone else creates that you need. The part you missed is the private ownership of land (means of production) by individuals. If individuals own no land and are forced to produce without making an individual profit, everyone suffers.
Own land?
In Plymouth?
You could have any land you wanted.

Buy and sell your product? Who is going to buy it? Half the Pilgrims died of starvation

Pilgrims were not prepared for the environment they stumbled in to. Local Indians had to teach them how to survive

The settlers who established themselves on the shores of New England all belonged to the more independent classes of their native country. Their union on the soil of America at once presented the singular phenomenon of a society containing neither lords nor common people, and we may almost say neither rich nor poor. These men possessed, in proportion to their number, a greater mass of intelligence than is to be found in any European nation of our own time All, perhaps without a single exception, had received a good education, and many of them were known in Europe for their talents and their acquirements. The other colonies had been founded by adventurers without families; the immigrants of New England brought with them the best elements of order and morality; they landed on the desert coast accompanied by their wives and children. But what especially distinguished them from all others was the aim of their undertaking. They had not been obliged by necessity to leave their country; the social position they abandoned was one to be regretted, and their means of subsistence were certain. Nor did they cross the Atlantic to improve their situation or to increase their wealth; it was a purely intellectual craving that called them from the comforts of their former homes; and in facing the inevitable . sufferings of exile their object was the triumph of an idea.

The immigrants, or, as they deservedly styled themselves, the Pilgrims, belonged to that English sect the austerity of whose principles had acquired for them the name of Puritans. Puritanism was not merely a religious doctrine, but corresponded in many points with the most absolute democratic and republican theories. It was this tendency that had aroused its most dangerous adversaries. Persecuted by the government of the mother country, and disgusted by the habits of a society which the rigor of their own principles condemned, the Puritans went forth to seek some rude and unfrequented part of the world where they could live according to their own opinions and worship God in freedom.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 2

The people who settled in the South, however, were of a different and much uglier breed...
It was socialism. It was a stupid way to fight a war. All it did is harm our economic output.
It turned us into a superpower

Both military and economic
More bullshit. We already had the largest economy in the world by far before the war started.
We were in the worst Depression in our history
Yeah. That's what happens when the government meddles in the economy. We still have the largest economy in the world by far.
Not for much longer. Communist China is closing in.
China is no longer communist. However, it's still a dictatorship.
It turned us into a superpower

Both military and economic
More bullshit. We already had the largest economy in the world by far before the war started.
We were in the worst Depression in our history
Yeah. That's what happens when the government meddles in the economy. We still have the largest economy in the world by far.
Not for much longer. Communist China is closing in.
China is no longer communist. However, it's still a dictatorship.
Gee, son, tell us what parties are currently running China.

Name all of them.
The Pilgrims had no choice but to commune their resources

There was no free market

Not true....Just like today, you own land, you create a product and sell or trade it for products someone else creates that you need. The part you missed is the private ownership of land (means of production) by individuals. If individuals own no land and are forced to produce without making an individual profit, everyone suffers.
Own land?
In Plymouth?
You could have any land you wanted.

Buy and sell your product? Who is going to buy it? Half the Pilgrims died of starvation

Pilgrims were not prepared for the environment they stumbled in to. Local Indians had to teach them how to survive
You're an idiot. The Pilgrims starved when they ran the colony like a commune. When they allowed them to grow their own crops and do what they liked with them, the output of the colony increased by many orders of magnitude.
More bullshit. We already had the largest economy in the world by far before the war started.
We were in the worst Depression in our history
Yeah. That's what happens when the government meddles in the economy. We still have the largest economy in the world by far.
Not for much longer. Communist China is closing in.
China is no longer communist. However, it's still a dictatorship.
Gee, son, tell us what parties are currently running China.

Name all of them.
It doesn't matter what they call themselves. They aren't communists. Is the Democratit Republic of North Korea a democracy?
We were in the worst Depression in our history
Yeah. That's what happens when the government meddles in the economy. We still have the largest economy in the world by far.
Not for much longer. Communist China is closing in.
China is no longer communist. However, it's still a dictatorship.
Gee, son, tell us what parties are currently running China.

Name all of them.
It doesn't matter what they call themselves. They aren't communists. Is the Democratit Republic of North Korea a democracy?
Okay. So as long as we don't go full China or Venezuela, we aren't communist or socialist.

Got it.
So we have just learned that Communist China isn't communist. But our public schools make us Venezuela.

These tards are positively schizophrenic! How DO their heads not explode?
Cons seem to love tagging everything they don’t like as “socialism “ . The word has lost all meaning .

How about some real life examples of American socialism? And how it’s hurt us .

I’ll give you an example : US socialism going waaaay back to the 1800s . When the gov purchased and then opened up the west and gave away land to Americans.
Planned Parenthood
Public Housing
Food Stamps
Politicizing Public Education
Expanding Medicare
Destruction of American work ethic.
Turning Americans into pussified Europeans.
The Pilgrims had no choice but to commune their resources

There was no free market

Not true....Just like today, you own land, you create a product and sell or trade it for products someone else creates that you need. The part you missed is the private ownership of land (means of production) by individuals. If individuals own no land and are forced to produce without making an individual profit, everyone suffers.
Own land?
In Plymouth?
You could have any land you wanted.

Buy and sell your product? Who is going to buy it? Half the Pilgrims died of starvation

Pilgrims were not prepared for the environment they stumbled in to. Local Indians had to teach them how to survive

The settlers who established themselves on the shores of New England all belonged to the more independent classes of their native country. Their union on the soil of America at once presented the singular phenomenon of a society containing neither lords nor common people, and we may almost say neither rich nor poor. These men possessed, in proportion to their number, a greater mass of intelligence than is to be found in any European nation of our own time All, perhaps without a single exception, had received a good education, and many of them were known in Europe for their talents and their acquirements. The other colonies had been founded by adventurers without families; the immigrants of New England brought with them the best elements of order and morality; they landed on the desert coast accompanied by their wives and children. But what especially distinguished them from all others was the aim of their undertaking. They had not been obliged by necessity to leave their country; the social position they abandoned was one to be regretted, and their means of subsistence were certain. Nor did they cross the Atlantic to improve their situation or to increase their wealth; it was a purely intellectual craving that called them from the comforts of their former homes; and in facing the inevitable . sufferings of exile their object was the triumph of an idea.

The immigrants, or, as they deservedly styled themselves, the Pilgrims, belonged to that English sect the austerity of whose principles had acquired for them the name of Puritans. Puritanism was not merely a religious doctrine, but corresponded in many points with the most absolute democratic and republican theories. It was this tendency that had aroused its most dangerous adversaries. Persecuted by the government of the mother country, and disgusted by the habits of a society which the rigor of their own principles condemned, the Puritans went forth to seek some rude and unfrequented part of the world where they could live according to their own opinions and worship God in freedom.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 2

The people who settled in the South, however, were of a different and much uglier breed...

Only half the settlers were Pilgrims and half died the first year

They landed in Plymouth instead of NY like they planed. They also landed in November , not the most pleasant weather in New England

Capitalism was not going to save them
The Pilgrims had no choice but to commune their resources

There was no free market

Not true....Just like today, you own land, you create a product and sell or trade it for products someone else creates that you need. The part you missed is the private ownership of land (means of production) by individuals. If individuals own no land and are forced to produce without making an individual profit, everyone suffers.
Own land?
In Plymouth?
You could have any land you wanted.

Buy and sell your product? Who is going to buy it? Half the Pilgrims died of starvation

Pilgrims were not prepared for the environment they stumbled in to. Local Indians had to teach them how to survive
According to the charter, the colonists had to take orders from the colonial government. Initially the rules required the harvest to be shared communally. There were no plots allocated to individuals. After starving over a winter, they changed that rule so that each person could farm his own plot and keep the results. The harvest increased by several orders of magnitude.

The bottom line is that socialism doesn't work. You're just trying to divert attention from the facts.
The Pilgrims had no choice but to commune their resources

There was no free market

Not true....Just like today, you own land, you create a product and sell or trade it for products someone else creates that you need. The part you missed is the private ownership of land (means of production) by individuals. If individuals own no land and are forced to produce without making an individual profit, everyone suffers.
Own land?
In Plymouth?
You could have any land you wanted.

Buy and sell your product? Who is going to buy it? Half the Pilgrims died of starvation

Pilgrims were not prepared for the environment they stumbled in to. Local Indians had to teach them how to survive

The settlers who established themselves on the shores of New England all belonged to the more independent classes of their native country. Their union on the soil of America at once presented the singular phenomenon of a society containing neither lords nor common people, and we may almost say neither rich nor poor. These men possessed, in proportion to their number, a greater mass of intelligence than is to be found in any European nation of our own time All, perhaps without a single exception, had received a good education, and many of them were known in Europe for their talents and their acquirements. The other colonies had been founded by adventurers without families; the immigrants of New England brought with them the best elements of order and morality; they landed on the desert coast accompanied by their wives and children. But what especially distinguished them from all others was the aim of their undertaking. They had not been obliged by necessity to leave their country; the social position they abandoned was one to be regretted, and their means of subsistence were certain. Nor did they cross the Atlantic to improve their situation or to increase their wealth; it was a purely intellectual craving that called them from the comforts of their former homes; and in facing the inevitable . sufferings of exile their object was the triumph of an idea.

The immigrants, or, as they deservedly styled themselves, the Pilgrims, belonged to that English sect the austerity of whose principles had acquired for them the name of Puritans. Puritanism was not merely a religious doctrine, but corresponded in many points with the most absolute democratic and republican theories. It was this tendency that had aroused its most dangerous adversaries. Persecuted by the government of the mother country, and disgusted by the habits of a society which the rigor of their own principles condemned, the Puritans went forth to seek some rude and unfrequented part of the world where they could live according to their own opinions and worship God in freedom.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 2

The people who settled in the South, however, were of a different and much uglier breed...

Only half the settlers were Pilgrims and half died the first year

They landed in Plymouth instead of NY like they planed. They also landed in November , not the most pleasant weather in New England

Capitalism was not going to save them

the bottom line is that you're a fucking moron. Socialism is what caused them to starve. Socialism and starvation go together like peas in a pod.
The Pilgrims had no choice but to commune their resources

There was no free market

Not true....Just like today, you own land, you create a product and sell or trade it for products someone else creates that you need. The part you missed is the private ownership of land (means of production) by individuals. If individuals own no land and are forced to produce without making an individual profit, everyone suffers.
Own land?
In Plymouth?
You could have any land you wanted.

Buy and sell your product? Who is going to buy it? Half the Pilgrims died of starvation

Pilgrims were not prepared for the environment they stumbled in to. Local Indians had to teach them how to survive
You're an idiot. The Pilgrims starved when they ran the colony like a commune. When they allowed them to grow their own crops and do what they liked with them, the output of the colony increased by many orders of magnitude.
You slept through American History didn’t you Finger Boy?

The Pilgrims were clueless on how to grow crops. The Indians had to save their asses
We were in the worst Depression in our history
Yeah. That's what happens when the government meddles in the economy. We still have the largest economy in the world by far.
Not for much longer. Communist China is closing in.
China is no longer communist. However, it's still a dictatorship.
Gee, son, tell us what parties are currently running China.

Name all of them.
It doesn't matter what they call themselves. They aren't communists. Is the Democratit Republic of North Korea a democracy?

China has gone Corporate-Fascist-Slave-State, with the authoritarians being largely members of the Communist Party.
So we have just learned that Communist China isn't communist. But our public schools make us Venezuela.

These tards are positively schizophrenic! How DO their heads not explode?
If it wasn't for misstating what other forum members post, what would you have to criticize?
The Pilgrims had no choice but to commune their resources

There was no free market

Not true....Just like today, you own land, you create a product and sell or trade it for products someone else creates that you need. The part you missed is the private ownership of land (means of production) by individuals. If individuals own no land and are forced to produce without making an individual profit, everyone suffers.
Own land?
In Plymouth?
You could have any land you wanted.

Buy and sell your product? Who is going to buy it? Half the Pilgrims died of starvation

Pilgrims were not prepared for the environment they stumbled in to. Local Indians had to teach them how to survive
You're an idiot. The Pilgrims starved when they ran the colony like a commune. When they allowed them to grow their own crops and do what they liked with them, the output of the colony increased by many orders of magnitude.
You slept through American History didn’t you Finger Boy?

The Pilgrims were clueless on how to grow crops. The Indians had to save their asses
ROFL! What you learned is propaganda, not history.

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