How about this: Cut spending and Raise taxes 2-5% on the top 1%

last November Wash. state had a budget proposal on the ballot, I-1098 . It went down BIG, by nearly two thirds. It was;

The ballot measure would have taxed individuals earning more than $200,000 a year or households earning more than $400,000, but cut property taxes and taxes on small businesses. The money raised was to go to schools and health care.
Why Washington’s Tax on the Rich Failed - The Wealth Report - WSJ

So, apparently it was something that the poor and middle class would like and the state could use to raise revenue and drop taxes on the middle class...whats not to love?...right?

Well, it went down depsite massive sppt. from UNIONS, Bill Gates daddy etc...

Why? because people aren't as stupid as the sppters of such wish they were, the knew deep down that that tax like the 16th amend. ostensibly constituted to 'tax' the rich always 'trickles down'....bracket its 200 and year its 150 and 350 etc etc ....
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That way we dont slash programs to the bone that are needed to keep society going and the rich wont be hurt by an extreme tax increase. Then we can climb out of the deficit twice as fast.

Can we do two things at once? Or is any tax increase socialism?

Class warfare aside, how are a bunch more unemployed people going to help the economy exactly?
Let me help you out; FICA is NOT "federal income tax". That's supposed to be an insurance and pension system, not funding for running the government (though politicians raid the "trust fund " regularly. All I'm asking is that EVERY American pay at least $50 in federal income tax annually, and that EVERY American pay federal income tax quarterly, so they can see what they're actually paying, without gimmicks to hide it from them. I'll bet that would give a lot of people a wake up call on the matter of taxation; as it is, a lot of people are paying more than they think they are, while they think their politicians are sticking someone else with the bill. I'm just asking for a little "truth in taxation" here.

"FICA" is not the only withholding tax taken out of paychecks. Federal Income Tax is taken out as well.

Ahh...finally somebody on the Left tells the truth. FICA (SS) is indeed a "tax"...
Thank you so much!
Look, I appreciate the dancing, bobbing and weaving by the Left on this. However when the bottom 50% are referred to as paying no tax, what is being said is their federal income tax liability is ZERO.......
Everyone pay taxes. There are sales taxes form both the state and federal governments. there are taxes on cell phones, land line phones, internet access, federal excise taxes, etc. Once again the issue is federal income tax liability.

Exactly, but liberals will do anything to obfuscate the issue, rather than admit that.
the truth is it was sold by the rich as a bad thing as it would go on and tax the poor later on, even though that couldn't happen without a vote of the people. I bet if you looked at the money that was thrown at this by the right it would be massive and also miss representative of the truth.

this is more of the case.
Antitax voters clearly won a victory on Tuesday. But it would be a stretch to say that they don’t want higher taxes on the wealthy. More likely, they just didn’t want higher taxes on the non wealthy.

I can understand it, it's the same game the rich play everyday in the nation, OH THE WORLD WILL COME TO AN END IF YOU DO IT. The rich got there by being greedy and they are going to use that wealth to stay greedy.
I say let's look at our government. Why not cut Senators to one per state? Hell, the democrats don't even show up to vote in the first place.
It sounds so innocent and sincere: " let's cut spending and raise taxes 'just a tiny bit' on the richest of the rich". Sounds logical too, and if it actually was implemented it would probably work just fine. But it never works out that way. The tax increases happen immediately (or sooner!), but the spending cuts never materialize. or get pushed off until "next year"- which means never. Meanwhile they continue to spend every penny they collect and about 40% more. Voters get upset. Pols blame previous administration and promise that they "really mean it this time" and come back for another "tiny increase" for the richest of rich and the cycle starts again. Screw that.

We do not have an income problem, we have a spending problem. Cut spending, cut it deep. Then cut spending some more. Then pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution that forces the Feds to live within their means. No more deficits. Period. After that is done we can discuss tax rates.
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the truth is it was sold by the rich as a bad thing as it would go on and tax the poor later on, even though that couldn't happen without a vote of the people. I bet if you looked at the money that was thrown at this by the right it would be massive and also miss representative of the truth.

this is more of the case.
Antitax voters clearly won a victory on Tuesday. But it would be a stretch to say that they don’t want higher taxes on the wealthy. More likely, they just didn’t want higher taxes on the non wealthy.

I can understand it, it's the same game the rich play everyday in the nation, OH THE WORLD WILL COME TO AN END IF YOU DO IT. The rich got there by being greedy and they are going to use that wealth to stay greedy.

If by that, you mean I'm going to use every means at my disposal to keep what I worked a lifetime to achieve for myself and my family, you're damn right! I played by the rules, I saved, I invested, I worked, and I achieved, and now, I'm going to enjoy it, not give it to the non-achieving losers to buy votes for politicians who hate me and everything I stand for. You want what I've got? Then earn it for yourself (no one's stopping you) or at least, have the guts to try to steal it yourself, rather than use government to do the stealing for you; that last is about the ultimate in sheer cowardice!
the truth is it was sold by the rich as a bad thing as it would go on and tax the poor later on, even though that couldn't happen without a vote of the people. I bet if you looked at the money that was thrown at this by the right it would be massive and also miss representative of the truth.

this is more of the case.
Antitax voters clearly won a victory on Tuesday. But it would be a stretch to say that they don’t want higher taxes on the wealthy. More likely, they just didn’t want higher taxes on the non wealthy.

I can understand it, it's the same game the rich play everyday in the nation, OH THE WORLD WILL COME TO AN END IF YOU DO IT. The rich got there by being greedy and they are going to use that wealth to stay greedy.

you should delineate the quotes from the/an article it saves time, I recognize the wsj snippet you added, others may not.

So,how has the tax the rich gimmick worked in say NYC?

as far as the rest of your post....whatever dude.
the rich have slowly over the years change the tax structure to benefit them and only them and aren't about to give up on being more greedy.

Face it, your greedy and that is what capitalism at the top is all about.

Where the system allows for a few to gather most all the wealth while the rest of the people in a capitalist system gain nothing and for the most part lose, the system isn't good and should be changed.

You cut the wages of people living in the middle class and guys like the Koch bros who sell energy to the people of wisc make 8 billion dollars in one year.

Difference is your middle class is 250,000 in your mind or more, when the truth is that is lower upper income.

There will be an uprising at some time when people finally see that there is an upper class getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
the rich have slowly over the years change the tax structure to benefit them and only them and aren't about to give up on being more greedy

Well, since the top 5% of earners pay 60% of taxes and the bottom half pay virtually none, they haven't been very good at it, have they?
the rich have slowly over the years change the tax structure to benefit them and only them and aren't about to give up on being more greedy.

Face it, your greedy and that is what capitalism at the top is all about.

Where the system allows for a few to gather most all the wealth while the rest of the people in a capitalist system gain nothing and for the most part lose, the system isn't good and should be changed.

You cut the wages of people living in the middle class and guys like the Koch bros who sell energy to the people of wisc make 8 billion dollars in one year.

Difference is your middle class is 250,000 in your mind or more, when the truth is that is lower upper income.

There will be an uprising at some time when people finally see that there is an upper class getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
Uprising? Then bring it! I fancy my chances better in a fight against an armed rabble with no rules, than against the full force of government with my hands tied.
Oh you mean that the second amendment is pure BS where you guys always say you need your guns to defend yourself from your own govt?

an uprising to the normal people is not going to work, not paying their taxes, and refusing to be ordered around. That is your side that thinks guns right away.
Well, since the top 5% of earners pay 60% of taxes and the bottom half pay virtually none, they haven't been very good at it, have they?

Oh yes they have, they has pushed most of the cost onto the states in real estate taxes, sales taxes, state taxes and user fees. the only tax your talking about is fed income tax. You add up what the middle class pays in taxes after their cost of living(home, food, ins, heating, transportation cost and the cost of SS and Med they pay close to 50% or more of their usable income after these cost. The rich pay like 30% total of all taxes on their disposable income.
since their are 30 times as many paying all taxes we pay more in all taxes and fees as a group than the rich do.
Well, since the top 5% of earners pay 60% of taxes and the bottom half pay virtually none, they haven't been very good at it, have they?

Oh yes they have, they has pushed most of the cost onto the states in real estate taxes, sales taxes, state taxes and user fees. the only tax your talking about is fed income tax. You add up what the middle class pays in taxes after their cost of living(home, food, ins, heating, transportation cost and the cost of SS and Med they pay close to 50% or more of their usable income after these cost. The rich pay like 30% total of all taxes on their disposable income.
since their are 30 times as many paying all taxes we pay more in all taxes and fees as a group than the rich do.
So you're aware of taxes buried in what you pay, but you're not aware of all the taxes buried in what the evil greedy rich pay?

Out of curiosity, what constitutes "greed." You liberals throw that word around all the time as if you don't care about money in your endless quest for other people's money.
It sounds so innocent and sincere: " let's cut spending and raise taxes 'just a tiny bit' on the richest of the rich". Sounds logical too, and if it actually was implemented it would probably work just fine. But it never works out that way. The tax increases happen immediately (or sooner!), but the spending cuts never materialize. or get pushed off until "next year"- which means never. Meanwhile they continue to spend every penny they collect and about 40% more. Voters get upset. Pols blame previous administration and promise that they "really mean it this time" and come back for another "tiny increase" for the richest of rich and the cycle starts again. Screw that.

We do not have an income problem, we have a spending problem. Cut spending, cut it deep. Then cut spending some more. Then pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution that forces the Feds to live within their means. No more deficits. Period. After that is done we can discuss tax rates.


The original income tax rate table (married filing jointly) was:

1% on incomes up to $20,000 ($445K today)
2% over $20,000 to $50,000 ($1.1M today)
3% over $50,000 to $75,000 ($1.7M today)
4% over $75,000 to $100,000 ($2.2M today)
5% over $100,000 to $250,000 ($5.6M today)
6% over $250,000 to $500,000 ($11M today)
7% over $500,000 ($11M+ today)

The Tax Foundation - U.S. Federal Individual Income Tax Rates History, 1913-2011
Inflation Calculator | Find US Dollar's Value from 1913-2011

Whenever politicians claim taxes are for The Rich, the definition of Rich continues to be lowered and the rates raised in order to make the tax applicable to the vast working and middle class.
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How about you cut spending and cut taxes on everyone paying them?
How about you cut spending and cut taxes on everyone paying them?

That's where the liberals have us. Only the rich pay taxes anymore, so any cut is a cut for the rich. Then they go back to the same well over and over and over...
How about you cut spending and cut taxes on everyone paying them?

That's where the liberals have us. Only the rich pay taxes anymore, so any cut is a cut for the rich. Then they go back to the same well over and over and over...

See the problem is they consider anyone who has a job as rich for tax purposes.
And how about this?

Cut spending,cut spending,cut spending.....and just to make sure I'm being clear....


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