How About This...Even if Russia Colluded With Trump...

I assume this is parody trolling?
I don't believe the collusion allegations for a second. But I would have voted for that whack job who got high on bath salts and ate the homeless guy's face off before I would cast a vote for Hillary for any office. Our nation was on the edge of disaster with that bitch so close to the WH. Thank God that Comey came out at the last second and sent that letter to Congress.

Your country can't even import goods because nobody's working at Commerce on import licenses. State is a shadow Department. Airline and hotel bookings are down 30%, and millions are about to lose their health care.

Good thing you believe all of those lies you posted about the Clintons. Remember how bad things were when Bill was in office. It could have been like that again.

Becoming the laughing stock of the world is so much better.
It still is preferable to having Hillary in the White House. Hillary and Bill are both crooks and will sell us out any chance they get. We know this. So, given how close Hillary was to becoming President, if the Russians helped out Trump, then I say "Thanks, Putin!!"

Besides, Russian is a much easier language to learn than Chinese.
I never expected that of you. Seriously I respected you until just now.
I have never endorsed the two party paradigm.


You haven't figured it out yet? Hillary Clinton is the reason Trump won the election. As much as you hate Trump, we hated Hitlery even more. It's your fault.

Hillary made Republicans elect Trump as their nominee?

Last one standing. We are not responsible for what or when candidates drop out.

Yea yea, you Republican idiots are never responsible for anything.

Sure we are. We are directly responsible for your candidate losing the election. :eusa_dance:
It still is preferable to having Hillary in the White House. Hillary and Bill are both crooks and will sell us out any chance they get. We know this. So, given how close Hillary was to becoming President, if the Russians helped out Trump, then I say "Thanks, Putin!!"

Besides, Russian is a much easier language to learn than Chinese.

only to rightwingnut morons.
You haven't figured it out yet? Hillary Clinton is the reason Trump won the election. As much as you hate Trump, we hated Hitlery even more. It's your fault.

Hillary made Republicans elect Trump as their nominee?

Last one standing. We are not responsible for what or when candidates drop out.

Yea yea, you Republican idiots are never responsible for anything.

Sure we are. We are directly responsible for your candidate losing the election. :eusa_dance:

And nominating Trump.

I'd say you are playing stupid, but I know better.
If Russia is an existential threat, why did Hillary and BO sell them our uranium, and it isn't news? What did Trump do that is worse than that????
If Russia is an existential threat, why did Hillary and BO sell them our uranium, and it isn't news? What did Trump do that is worse than that????

As many times as I have asked that question, not one libtard is willing to address it. They just pretend there was no love affair between Putin/Obama/Clinton and gloss right over the truth.
If Russia is an existential threat

Straw-man Warning Alert!

Facts are persistent things...if Russia is so bad for Trump, why wasn't as bad for Hillary and Obama??

Umm because they didn't collude with Russia to commit crimes in America?

Crimes: Hillary mishandled classified information

What collusion and what crimes?? (hint: anyone can talk to the Russians, that is not a crime)
It still is preferable to having Hillary in the White House. Hillary and Bill are both crooks and will sell us out any chance they get. We know this. So, given how close Hillary was to becoming President, if the Russians helped out Trump, then I say "Thanks, Putin!!"

Besides, Russian is a much easier language to learn than Chinese.

only to rightwingnut morons.
ummmm..... no Shrillian. Dynasties are bad mkay? Especially corrupt ones like T3h hiLIARy Foundation
If Russia is an existential threat

Straw-man Warning Alert!

Facts are persistent things...if Russia is so bad for Trump, why wasn't as bad for Hillary and Obama??

Umm because they didn't collude with Russia to commit crimes in America?

Crimes: Hillary mishandled classified information

What collusion and what crimes?? (hint: anyone can talk to the Russians, that is not a crime)

Hillary: FBI looked into the charge and cleared Hillary, adding that no prosecutor would take up the charge.

Russian crime - breaking in and stealing emails of American political operatives.

Trump's campaign possible crime - conspiring with Russians to commit said crime.
Idiot, you voted for losers and against Obama twice.

By the time Trump gets done, Obamy will be nothing more than a bad after taste in America's mouth.

Nice dodge...into pathetic, glitzy Trumpism.


Speaking of dodges, how about that Clinton/Putin/Obama flexibility to sell off our uranium mines, huh? Any thoughts on something that actually does scream collusion?

How about bullshit. You have no clue what Obama meant by "flexibility", but here is what everyone knows - when Russia stepped out of line and attacked in Ukraine Obama/Clinton smaked them really hard with sanctions.
It still is preferable to having Hillary in the White House. Hillary and Bill are both crooks and will sell us out any chance they get. We know this. So, given how close Hillary was to becoming President, if the Russians helped out Trump, then I say "Thanks, Putin!!"

Besides, Russian is a much easier language to learn than Chinese.

Once again, just as we have the poster Steve McGarrett openly express the kind of racism that the rest of USMB's RW'ers only secretly support,

now we have this Rob guy to openly express the kind of treason that the rest of USMB RW'ers only secretly support.

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