How About This...Even if Russia Colluded With Trump...

It still is preferable to having Hillary in the White House. Hillary and Bill are both crooks and will sell us out any chance they get. We know this. So, given how close Hillary was to becoming President, if the Russians helped out Trump, then I say "Thanks, Putin!!"

Besides, Russian is a much easier language to learn than Chinese.
OK, you are the third one here to say you are in bed with the Russians. Thank you. So noted.

Pence needs to become President today.
I said no such thing, Jake-off. Hillary would be worse, far worse.
It still is preferable to having Hillary in the White House. Hillary and Bill are both crooks and will sell us out any chance they get. We know this. So, given how close Hillary was to becoming President, if the Russians helped out Trump, then I say "Thanks, Putin!!"

Besides, Russian is a much easier language to learn than Chinese.

Once again, just as we have the poster Steve McGarrett openly express the kind of racism that the rest of USMB's RW'ers only secretly support,

now we have this Rob guy to openly express the kind of treason that the rest of USMB RW'ers only secretly support.
Treasonous acts from the WH was coming with Hillary, buddy. Of course, Trump has not nothing wrong, so it is academic.
If Russia is an existential threat, why did Hillary and BO sell them our uranium, and it isn't news? What did Trump do that is worse than that????
Great question. They were not a threat for the left 4 yrs ago. What changed?
It still is preferable to having Hillary in the White House. Hillary and Bill are both crooks and will sell us out any chance they get. We know this. So, given how close Hillary was to becoming President, if the Russians helped out Trump, then I say "Thanks, Putin!!"

Besides, Russian is a much easier language to learn than Chinese.

Once again, just as we have the poster Steve McGarrett openly express the kind of racism that the rest of USMB's RW'ers only secretly support,

now we have this Rob guy to openly express the kind of treason that the rest of USMB RW'ers only secretly support.
I would much rather live in a world of Steve McGarretts than you leftist Fuck bags.
If Russia is an existential threat

Straw-man Warning Alert!

Facts are persistent things...if Russia is so bad for Trump, why wasn't as bad for Hillary and Obama??

Umm because they didn't collude with Russia to commit crimes in America?

Crimes: Hillary mishandled classified information

What collusion and what crimes?? (hint: anyone can talk to the Russians, that is not a crime)

Hillary: FBI looked into the charge and cleared Hillary, adding that no prosecutor would take up the charge.

Russian crime - breaking in and stealing emails of American political operatives.

Trump's campaign possible crime - conspiring with Russians to commit said crime.
Hillary was never cleared. The political appointees chose not to prosecute. There is a big difference, Spunky.
It still is preferable to having Hillary in the White House. Hillary and Bill are both crooks and will sell us out any chance they get. We know this. So, given how close Hillary was to becoming President, if the Russians helped out Trump, then I say "Thanks, Putin!!"

Besides, Russian is a much easier language to learn than Chinese.
OK, you are the third one here to say you are in bed with the Russians. Thank you. So noted.

Pence needs to become President today.
I said no such thing, Jake-off. Hillary would be worse, far worse.
Yes, RussianRob, yes you have. You want Putin and the Russians to take over America, just like Tipsy and Frank.
It still is preferable to having Hillary in the White House. Hillary and Bill are both crooks and will sell us out any chance they get. We know this. So, given how close Hillary was to becoming President, if the Russians helped out Trump, then I say "Thanks, Putin!!"

Besides, Russian is a much easier language to learn than Chinese.

I absolutely believe that many Trump supporters are fine with the idea that if Trump colluded with Russia to win the election, that is perfectly okay.
It still is preferable to having Hillary in the White House. Hillary and Bill are both crooks and will sell us out any chance they get. We know this. So, given how close Hillary was to becoming President, if the Russians helped out Trump, then I say "Thanks, Putin!!"

Besides, Russian is a much easier language to learn than Chinese.
Those are the words of an American traitor.
And you don't even see it.
You want to divert to your fantasy of the Clinton's selling out America when Trump and his cronies are doing it right now! ! !
He's in violation of the Emoluments clause of the Constitution for not divesting ALL his business interests while president..
Do you even remember the Constitution?
There is a mountain of evidence that he and his billionaire swamp boys are making money while on the American dime...
But you laughably default to the Clinton's?
Russia has been an existential threat before either of us was born. But I noticed you dodged the question that essentially asked whether you are a traitor.
I dodge nothing, dog.
You're right. Nothing to dodge. You've already proven you're a traitor to America taking our mortal enemy's side over America's.
You should be shot in a small town square to be made an example of.

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