How About This Voter ID Alternative?

we have lots of real problems in this country.

why does the right invent bullshit like this and pretend its a problem?
we have lots of real problems in this country.

why does the right invent bullshit like this and pretend its a problem?

Because democrats commit some type of voter fraud every election.
Long ago, in Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 370, the Court referred to "the political franchise of voting" as a "fundamental political right, because preservative of all rights." Recently, in 118 U.S. 356, 370, the Court referred to "the political franchise of voting" as a "fundamental political right, because preservative of all rights." Recently, in Reynolds v. Sims, 377 U.S. 533, 561-562, we said,

Undoubtedly, the right of suffrage is a fundamental matter in a free and democratic society. Especially since the right to exercise the franchise in a free and unimpaired manner is preservative of other basic civil and political rights, any alleged infringement of the right of citizens to vote must be carefully and meticulously scrutinized.
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Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections
I doubt either party commits FRAUD every election; the RIGHT to vote it the paramount concern.
Let's make it clear, you're worried about entitlement folks getting a vote, yet militiary personnel get screwed election after election. Nice.

Is that clear? Or is it something you made up?

I guess you could look it up or just continue to babble. Its a message board, so you have both options.

Listen jackass, you claimed that someone else here was not concerned with military personnel being disenfranchised while being overly concerned about "entitlement folks". That is bullshit that you just made up in a lame, fabricated attempt at equating two different issues.

Real Americans are concerned with all cases of disenfranchisement. Denying an eligible citizen the right to vote is WORSE than allowing an ineligible voter do cast a ballot. All injustices are not equal.

BTW....coming from a military family...I can tell you that entitlements are a huge part of what makes military personnel tick.
That is EXACTLY what is going on here. Over concern for entitlement folks and no mention of servicemen and women. I don't consider what military personnel receive an entitilement.
any alleged infringement of the right of citizens to vote must be carefully and meticulously scrutinized.
Is that clear? Or is it something you made up?

I guess you could look it up or just continue to babble. Its a message board, so you have both options.

Listen jackass, you claimed that someone else here was not concerned with military personnel being disenfranchised while being overly concerned about "entitlement folks". That is bullshit that you just made up in a lame, fabricated attempt at equating two different issues.

Real Americans are concerned with all cases of disenfranchisement. Denying an eligible citizen the right to vote is WORSE than allowing an ineligible voter do cast a ballot. All injustices are not equal.

BTW....coming from a military family...I can tell you that entitlements are a huge part of what makes military personnel tick.
Denying an eligible citizen the right to vote is WORSE than allowing an ineligible voter do cast a ballot. All injustices are not equal.
Thank you Lone.
That is EXACTLY what is going on here. Over concern for entitlement folks and no mention of servicemen and women. I don't consider what military personnel receive an entitilement.

You are delusional. The discussion is not about servicemen and they were not mentioned.

And.....what YOU consider entitlements is not important. You compartmentalize in order to justify socialism when you like it. Simple.
That is EXACTLY what is going on here. Over concern for entitlement folks and no mention of servicemen and women. I don't consider what military personnel receive an entitilement.

You are delusional. The discussion is not about servicemen and they were not mentioned.

And.....what YOU consider entitlements is not important. You compartmentalize in order to justify socialism when you like it. Simple.

What I say is important enough for you to respond.
Electronic Poll Roster Suggested as Voter ID Alternative

Electronic Poll Roster Suggested as Voter ID Alternative
I thought of ID issued at registration, this is better. Great idea.

I'm 77 years old. I registered to vote the first time in 1955. What about folks who have long since registered with their election commission.

and I crossed the Delaware with Washington
That is EXACTLY what is going on here. Over concern for entitlement folks and no mention of servicemen and women. I don't consider what military personnel receive an entitilement.

You are delusional. The discussion is not about servicemen and they were not mentioned.

And.....what YOU consider entitlements is not important. You compartmentalize in order to justify socialism when you like it. Simple.

What I say is important enough for you to respond. thought I meant important in the general, cosmic sense? How cute.
You are delusional. The discussion is not about servicemen and they were not mentioned.

And.....what YOU consider entitlements is not important. You compartmentalize in order to justify socialism when you like it. Simple.

What I say is important enough for you to respond. thought I meant important in the general, cosmic sense? How cute.

I've collected a lot of straws from other liberals. You want one? It seems you're grasping at them pretty hard. :eusa_whistle:
Electronic Poll Roster Suggested as Voter ID Alternative

ST. PAUL, Minn. - Gov. Mark Dayton and Secretary of State Mark Ritchie say they have found an alternative to the voter identification push at the state Capitol, unveiling an electronic roster system that would utilize the photographs that are already in the state's file system instead of a physical ID.

"There are 84,000 people who don't carry a photo ID -- don’t' need it, but their photo could be inside of the system and right there," Ritchie said. "The individual who simply lost their wallet -- or had their wallet stolen, their photo is inside the system."

Ritchie says this alternative would eliminate the need for voters to present an ID at the polls.

Electronic Poll Roster Suggested as Voter ID Alternative

This shit will be way to expensive. If the government buys a system to do this it will cost $Billions & still not work.

Everyone will be allowed to vote regardless of ID. If they have no ID they will simply cast a provisional ballot that will be counted after their identity has been verified. Simple, fare, cheap & accurate. thought I meant important in the general, cosmic sense? How cute.

I've collected a lot of straws from other liberals. You want one? It seems you're grasping at them pretty hard. :eusa_whistle:

Are you high or something? You have been bullshitting for so long may have actually convinced yourself that you matter.

So prove the military vote is counted accurately and included as it should be. These are valid voters being disenfranchised. Where is your outrage? Stay on topic, if you dare.
Everyone will be allowed to vote regardless of ID. If they have no ID they will simply cast a provisional ballot that will be counted after their identity has been verified. Simple, fare, cheap & accurate.
If THAT is done in ALL states, there is little concern. There may be a few instances wherein poll workers turn people away. Errors will happen, that I accept.

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