How about voting for who would be the best President?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I know that most Democrats only care about winning elections, but should the rest of us buy into that myopic view of our country? Subscribing to that view leads to mediocrity at best and, more likely, a steady march towards oblivion. Is that how you will vote?

On an objective basis (peace, prosperity, etc.), Donald Trump was one of our most successful Presidents. If you understand this, why would you let "electability" propaganda from his opponents alter that fact? Isn't that exactly what they are trying to do?

If you believe in democracy, then you must allow the voters to decide for themselves. But shouldn't that decision be based on their own personal evaluations rather than on how they think others may vote? If you genuinely believe that some other candidate would be a better President than Trump was, go ahead and vote for him/her/it. But don't let yourself be manipulated into voting for second best.
I know that most Democrats only care about winning elections, but should the rest of us buy into that myopic view of our country? Subscribing to that view leads to mediocrity at best and, more likely, a steady march towards oblivion. Is that how you will vote?
That's who we roll here in the US of A.
On an objective basis (peace, prosperity, etc.), Donald Trump was one of our most successful Presidents. If you understand this, why would you let "electability" propaganda from his opponents alter that fact? Isn't that exactly what they are trying to do?
Fear mongering is all Ds and Rs know. And voters fall for it, so why should they change?
If you believe in democracy, then you must allow the voters to decide for themselves.
This is why I don't believe in democracy. The great bulk of voters can't think for themselves. They're just waiting to be herded.
I know that most Democrats only care about winning elections, but should the rest of us buy into that myopic view of our country? Subscribing to that view leads to mediocrity at best and, more likely, a steady march towards oblivion. Is that how you will vote?

On an objective basis (peace, prosperity, etc.), Donald Trump was one of our most successful Presidents. If you understand this, why would you let "electability" propaganda from his opponents alter that fact? Isn't that exactly what they are trying to do?

If you believe in democracy, then you must allow the voters to decide for themselves. But shouldn't that decision be based on their own personal evaluations rather than on how they think others may vote? If you genuinely believe that some other candidate would be a better President than Trump was, go ahead and vote for him/her/it. But don't let yourself be manipulated into voting for second best.

I can't believe you just said "Trump" and "one of our best Presidents" in the same sentence.
Somebody for president that is a combination between Neil DeGrass Tyson and Elon Musk?
Rather than Trump or Biden that are both dumber than bricks.

But first, the American system needs to be blown up and discarded.

If it's going to be taken to the streets with the guns, it really doesn't matter which side does it first.
I think we should all vote for the person we believe will be the best for the job. Following a political party instead of voting for the best person got us where we are today.

Want a simple way to improve our system? Remove political parties from the equation.
I know that most Democrats only care about winning elections, but should the rest of us buy into that myopic view of our country? Subscribing to that view leads to mediocrity at best and, more likely, a steady march towards oblivion. Is that how you will vote?

On an objective basis (peace, prosperity, etc.), Donald Trump was one of our most successful Presidents. If you understand this, why would you let "electability" propaganda from his opponents alter that fact? Isn't that exactly what they are trying to do?

If you believe in democracy, then you must allow the voters to decide for themselves. But shouldn't that decision be based on their own personal evaluations rather than on how they think others may vote? If you genuinely believe that some other candidate would be a better President than Trump was, go ahead and vote for him/her/it. But don't let yourself be manipulated into voting for second best.
I think even many leftwingers are forced to begrudgingly admit Trump was an outstanding president in every way.
I know that most Democrats only care about winning elections, but should the rest of us buy into that myopic view of our country? Subscribing to that view leads to mediocrity at best and, more likely, a steady march towards oblivion. Is that how you will vote?

On an objective basis (peace, prosperity, etc.), Donald Trump was one of our most successful Presidents. If you understand this, why would you let "electability" propaganda from his opponents alter that fact? Isn't that exactly what they are trying to do?

If you believe in democracy, then you must allow the voters to decide for themselves. But shouldn't that decision be based on their own personal evaluations rather than on how they think others may vote? If you genuinely believe that some other candidate would be a better President than Trump was, go ahead and vote for him/her/it. But don't let yourself be manipulated into voting for second best.

I do that every election, which is why I have not voted for an R or D since 1992, they are never the best choice
I know that most Democrats only care about winning elections, but should the rest of us buy into that myopic view of our country? Subscribing to that view leads to mediocrity at best and, more likely, a steady march towards oblivion. Is that how you will vote?

On an objective basis (peace, prosperity, etc.), Donald Trump was one of our most successful Presidents. If you understand this, why would you let "electability" propaganda from his opponents alter that fact? Isn't that exactly what they are trying to do?

If you believe in democracy, then you must allow the voters to decide for themselves. But shouldn't that decision be based on their own personal evaluations rather than on how they think others may vote? If you genuinely believe that some other candidate would be a better President than Trump was, go ahead and vote for him/her/it. But don't let yourself be manipulated into voting for second best.
The left didn't think Trump was so successful. After all, he called a lot of people names.
Republican: Hurd, Haley, Youngkin, in that order.
Democrat: Whitmer, Pritzker in that order.
On an objective basis (peace, prosperity, etc.), Donald Trump was one of our most successful Presidents.
The wreckage of the economy at the end of his term says that's delusional.

And no, "peace through surrender to fascism" is not seen as a good policy by most people.

Plus, there was the fetid corruption at every level of the Trump admin. Trump filled the swamp to overflowing with most putrid slime imaginable, and it spilled out and soiled the rest of the USA.

And don't forget the openly fascist way in which Trump tried to weaponize government against his political opponents.

But hey, the cult can overlook such failures. It's what cults do.
I can't believe you just said "Trump" and "one of our best Presidents" in the same sentence.
Trump has no financial gain to be made from elected office. He’s already wealthy. Most politicians run for office to enrich themselves.
Trump expanded our economy through energy and ditching international commitments designed at hurting the US.
That’s a good thing.
His personality is moot when it comes to policy.
But for ignorant voters it’s a 5th grade student council election.
Trump has no financial gain to be made from elected office. He’s already wealthy.

And yet Trump still accepted any bribe, large or small. From forcing the Secret Service to paying inflated rates at his hotel, to Junior taking $2 billion from the Saudis. His corruption was unprecedented.

Needless to say, all of the Trump cultists are fine with that.
I think we should all vote for the person we believe will be the best for the job. Following a political party instead of voting for the best person got us where we are today.

Want a simple way to improve our system? Remove political parties from the equation.
But who is that? Let's take 2020 for example. Who was the best person for the job?
I think even many leftwingers are forced to begrudgingly admit Trump was an outstanding president in every way.
Are you kidding me? With all the shit gone wrong since Biden took over and 70% of the country thinking that we are heading in the wrong direction, lefties will willingly go to the polls in 2024 and vote for Biden to finish us off.
I do that every election, which is why I have not voted for an R or D since 1992, they are never the best choice
So, who did you vote for in 2020? Some no name that no one ever heard of? The fact is you DO NOT vote for the best person for the job. You simply vote against R's and D's. It doesn't matter if the one you vote for doesn't even have experience as a dog catcher.

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