How About We Elect Our Presidents By Popular Vote?

If we had a constitutional fed gov, it wouldnt even really matter who is president as their only real power is with the military.
But alas, our country CONSTANTLY votes our liberties away and gives them to a central govt.
Central govts are the worst thing humanity has ever created.
ONe person one vote.
The Interstate Compact is a load of shit, you know.

If the Republicans won the popular vote do you really think that California and New York electors would honor their commitment to stab the Democrats in the back and vote against what their own voters wanted? The "pact" like so much of liberalism is unenforceable and thus useless.
They would have to if they made it the law of their state. All they could do is change the law after the election.

A new Amendment is the best solution.
The fascist minority -- the Republicans -- knows they'll never win the popular vote again. Hence they won't accept any reform.
Ummmmmmmmmm, fascists are the ones in power now, trying to force Americans to get vaccines that could give them very serious health consequences or even death.
Ummmmmmmmmm, fascists are the ones in power now, trying to force Americans to get vaccines that could give them very serious health consequences or even death.

So are you saying every State in the union is fascist because every one has mandates for vaccines that could give citizens very serious health consequences or ever death?

We have a compensation program specifically for vaccines and their reaction in some people don't we?
About 12% of the US population lives in California and 0.17% in Wyoming. Both have 2 Senators. Wyoming is obviously way overrepresented in the Senate. Now have a cow about that why don't ya!

WY only has 3 EC votes, how many does CA have? Also you don't seem to grasp the founders intent for the Senate that the commies screwed up.

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Because you all but guarantee that ONLY the massive urban shitholes get all the say in deciding the President. No thank you.
You’re really just saying that your ideas suck and the majority don’t want them. Both parties have equal opportunity to persuade voters to vote for them. Stop being a loser and come up with better ideas other than stupid voter suppression and abortion nonsense.
About 12% of the US population lives in California and 0.17% in Wyoming. Both have 2 Senators. Wyoming is obviously way overrepresented in the Senate. Now have a cow about that why don't ya!
California has so many because they encourage and allow illegals and their offspring in---none should have a say in the US and all should be tossed out. California also attracts the homeless and encourages drug abuse dumbing down the populace. All of which makes California the biggest welfare ho state out about we demand higher qualifications for voting and stop lying to ourselves that all are equal voters. (Which should also include the ghost and multivotes that dems do.)
About 12% of the US population lives in California and 0.17% in Wyoming. Both have 2 Senators. Wyoming is obviously way overrepresented in the Senate. Now have a cow about that why don't ya!

Wooosh, senators are not elected by electoral college

Good grief
So are you saying every State in the union is fascist because every one has mandates for vaccines that could give citizens very serious health consequences or ever death?

We have a compensation program specifically for vaccines and their reaction in some people don't we?
People are not threatened to lose their jobs. People are not told they can't go to footballs games, etc.
How would electing the executive by a nation wide popular vote usher in unfettered one party rule?
Because people especially low lives from 3 rd world shit holes, will vote for free shit from as long as one corrupt party promises them freechit they will mob rule for free shit--this is how socialist nations always go down. Its one of the reasons why we are supposed to be a republic and our founders only wanted contributors voting.
The core voting block of the Democrat filth are the inner city Negroes and other scum and there are a bunch of the little shitheads in about a couple of dozen Democrat controlled big city shitholes.

If we do away with the EC those morons (along with the Illegals) will will pick every president and that would be despicable.

Of course this what the Democrat filth want in order to turn the US into a Socialist shithole.

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