How About We Elect Our Presidents By Popular Vote?

The bill please.
Okay, here's my hand [<<<LINK<<<] Hold on tight now!
The National Popular Vote bill has now passed a total of 41 state legislative chambers in 24 states. It has also passed at least one legislative chamber in 9 states possessing 88 electoral votes (Arkansas, Arizona, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Nevada, Oklahoma, Virginia). It has been unanimously approved at the committee level in 2 states possessing 27 more electoral votes (GA, MO). The National Popular Vote bill has been introduced in various years in all 50 states. Click here for recently introduced bills in state legislatures.
I'm sorry - this is the most ill-informed OP I've yet to see here, and when one considers the competition...
Yes, you are. You've been here soooo long now.. ", and when one considers the competition..."
But thanks for ignoring my mea culpa like so many others with seemingly nothing else to contribute and especially for making such show of agreeing with Crusader Frank's vacuous nothingness. Please enjoy his company in my trash bin.. Bubbye!
Yes, you are. You've been here soooo long now.. ", and when one considers the competition..."
But thanks for ignoring my mea culpa like so many others with seemingly nothing else to contribute and especially for making such show of agreeing with Crusader Frank's vacuous nothingness. Please enjoy his company in my trash bin.. Bubbye!
Oh no! :eek:

Wait - come back!!!!

Was it something I said?

It's not me - it's you!!!!!!!! :(
Again, thanks for all the comments from those attempting honest arguments for or against the proposal, and not just dropping in to attack the messenger.
Without the Electoral College you would only have to campaign in a few states. Not only that but campaign
in a densely populated city. Portland would take Oregon. Seattle would take Wa.
LA and Frisco would take Ca., etc.
The Founding Fathers were a lot smarter than anyone we have around now, they
knew what a pure Democracy would end up doing. Two wolves and sheep voting on what's for dinner.
As opposed to campaigning mostly in "battleground" States?

Every other office is elected by a majority of the people they represent. Why not the President?
It's worse than that, six or seven CITIES would select a president. Even in the highly populated city states, most counties are conservative while the cities are liberal. Even in California, if electoral college votes were apportioned on the basis of who won each county, the five liberal counties (San Diego, Orange, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Sacramento) wouldn't have a chance against the rest of the state.
Can you name the 6 or 7 cities that make up half of the country's population and where everybody votes the same way?
As opposed to campaigning mostly in "battleground" States?

Every other office is elected by a majority of the people they represent. Why not the President?
Because, and it's been argued to death, it relegates the Presidential Election to ONLY New York and Communistfornia, dumbass! We also need to return to appointing Senators by State legislatures as well.
The electoral college has produced two of the worst presidents this nation has ever seen: W. and Trump. Time to either get rid of if or reform it.

Funny how OTOH, democrats tell us over and over how we need to grow up and just accept Trump's loss! Then in the very same breath, they themselves always want to "reform" everything that doesn't go their way every time like the Supreme Court or the Electoral College! :boobies:

Acceptance for us. Reform for them.

Yep. Something very wrong here.

THEIR way, we NEVER get anything our way and just have to learn to accept it, while if ANYTHING ever doesn't go their way, they want to FIX IT so it NEVER doesn't go their way ever again! :smoke:
As opposed to campaigning mostly in "battleground" States?

Every other office is elected by a majority of the people they represent. Why not the President?
Each state votes for their candidate Senator/Congressman. I can only vote for those in my state.
It's not necessary for the Electoral College.
The President is elected from all 50 states, or 57 states if you want to believe Obama.
That is where the Electoral College is used. Every state, populated or not is represented.

Wouldn't need battleground states, just battleground large cities. Less populated areas could
be disenfranchised.

Now you can keep asking questions all you want, you asked and I answered and won't play
your game. Have a good evening.
Not talking about eliminating the Electoral College here necessarily. Just bypassing it for the Presidential races. This is an initiative that's proven popular and non-partisan. Why do we still tolerate them only having to campaign in a few "swing" states?

Listen to a great discussion by clicking the play button at the bottom here:
You mean mob rule and a system that would make it easier for CHEATING as only one state would have to flood the ballot boxes instead of spreading it out over the country's inner cities in swing states?
Not talking about eliminating the Electoral College here necessarily. Just bypassing it for the Presidential races. This is an initiative that's proven popular and non-partisan. Why do we still tolerate them only having to campaign in a few "swing" states?

Listen to a great discussion by clicking the play button at the bottom here:
What kind of a nation would you have if the disgusting filthy subhumans in Mexifornia and Loon York chose your president?
Not talking about eliminating the Electoral College here necessarily. Just bypassing it for the Presidential races. This is an initiative that's proven popular and non-partisan. Why do we still tolerate them only having to campaign in a few "swing" states?

Listen to a great discussion by clicking the play button at the bottom here:

Why so California can decide everything? I wonder why the California exodus?
Partial List Of Reasons To Support The Proposal:
  1. Every citizen's vote for President would count equally
  2. Anti-democratic, winner-take-all systems finally exposed as farce and eliminated
  3. Same for our embarrassing two-party duopoly
  4. Candidates would have to campaign in far more States in order to win
  5. Dramatically increased voter turnout / participation / national pride
  6. Also increased spirit of belonging, sharing, and community
  7. More can do, less my voice and vote doesn't matter
  8. ..
Partial List Of Reasons To Support The Proposal:
  1. Every citizen's vote for President would count equally
  2. Anti-democratic, winner-take-all systems finally exposed as farce and eliminated
  3. Same for our embarrassing two-party duopoly
  4. Candidates would have to campaign in far more States in order to win
  5. Dramatically increased voter turnout / participation / national pride
  6. Also increased spirit of belonging, sharing, and community
  7. More can do, less my voice and vote doesn't matter
  8. ..
1) It would create more fraud voting---as only one corrupt area would be needed to flood the ballot boxes with fraudulent votes.
2) Our founders never intended a democracy. They knew to well that 1/2 the people were below average thusly limiting voting to those that they thought were the brightest and did the most for their communities.
3) You system would do nothing about the duopoly
4) Your system would also would not mean campaigning in more states, it would be the opposite--fewer states would be needed say California and New York where they could load the ballot boxes with fraud and illegals votes.
5) This would do nothing to turn out more votes, nor participation or community--it would turn out more cheating as one corrupt area after another would create more fraud votes in order to steal elections
6) Where do you come up with such nonsense about sharing and community--again it would simply turn up more fraud votes enabling Ca and NY to flood ballot boxes
7)My voice should matter more than fraud and illegals votes.

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