How About We Elect Our Presidents By Popular Vote?

For those who are not aware of it, this dumb power grab to steal elections idea is already well under way, and it would not require a Constitutional Amendment to implement it.

Dumb idea because it would totally disenfranchise millions of voters. Even if their state voted for a candidate who did not win the popular vote, the state would still award its votes to the candidate who did not win the state.

Plus, there would be not much reason for people in states with a small population to vote.

The Dems are working on implementing it. Each state is allowed to award its Electoral College votes in the manner it chooses.

States with a total of 195 electoral votes have already approved it. Additionally, states with another 68 EVs are working on it (already passed one state house, for example.)

And the Dems claim Republicans are a thread to the Democracy and the Constitution. Hrmmmpf!

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The Interstate Compact is a load of shit, you know.

If the Republicans won the popular vote do you really think that California and New York electors would honor their commitment to stab the Democrats in the back and vote against what their own voters wanted? The "pact" like so much of liberalism is unenforceable and thus useless.
Not talking about eliminating the Electoral College here necessarily. Just bypassing it for the Presidential races. This is an initiative that's proven popular and non-partisan. Why do we still tolerate them only having to campaign in a few "swing" states?

Listen to a great discussion by clicking the play button at the bottom here:
OK but it doesn’t work very well unless we change our entire form of Govt.
The electoral college has produced two of the worst presidents this nation has ever seen: W. and Trump.
Dont forget clinton, obama and biden

Its not the EC’s fault that the Baby Boom generation was such a failure
Not at all. That's why the framers designed a two house legislature with one house reflecting the population and the other reflecting the states with each states getting two votes regardless of population. BOTH houses had to agree to pass legislation. It was an effort to balance the interests of both the majority and the minority.
The legislature has nothing to do electing a president.
Sure if you want California and all high population states to decide who the POTUS will be every year. LOL
About 12% of the US population lives in California and 0.17% in Wyoming. Both have 2 Senators. Wyoming is obviously way overrepresented in the Senate. Now have a cow about that why don't ya!
It's a start.
So let’s say there is a vote and I ll use small numbers. 100 people and the final vote is 51-49. So by 2 votes a candidate wins. The 49 people who voted against them now have zero representation. In other countries those 49 would be represented by a minority Govt but not so here. So if you want to change our voting rules we need to go all the way and figure that part out. Otherwise you’re begging for a civil war. IMO
If the Republicans won the popular vote do you really think that California and New York electors would honor their commitment to stab the Democrats in the back and vote against what their own voters wanted?
Yes. It's a messy business for sure, but one that's apparently worked over the long run. Hopefully, we can eventually, mercifully rid ourselves of this artificial, deliberately divisive, corrosive, mutually sustaining construct -- Republicans vs Democrats.
Taking an either liberal or conservative stance is perfectly reasonable depending upon the specifics of the issues being considered. One's party affiliation should have no bearing upon these things. Issues are what should matter. Artificial divisions only help those with the most to keep pushing us all around like pawns for kicks and giggles.
Nope. All those heavily populated states would determine the presidential election. That's why the FF came up with the electoral college.
Then if equal representation should be something other than one man / one vote, it's not working. California still has far more say than New Jersey or Rhode Island even though they're more densely populated. California still has more say than Texas(?) and Alaska even though they have more land area. California simply has more American voters residing within its borders. If you're really that jealous, I'd suggest moving there, but you know, prices, earthquakes, and fires, oh my!
Then if equal representation should be something other than one man / one vote, it's not working. California still has far more say than New Jersey or Rhode Island even though they're more densely populated. California still has more say than Texas(?) and Alaska even though they have more land area. California simply has more American voters residing within its borders. If you're really that jealous, I'd suggest moving there, but you know, prices and fires, oh my!
by god you got it,,

you just explained why the EC exists and how important it is,,
The Constitution gives states full control over how they allocate their electoral votes. The current winner-take-all method, in which the winner of the statewide popular vote wins all of that state's electoral votes, is a choice—and states can choose differently. Under the National Popular Vote interstate compact, states choose to allocate their electoral votes to the candidate who wins the most popular votes in all 50 states and DC.
Meaning, instead of winner-take-all per State as is the current norm, each State waits until all votes are cast (for President) nationwide, then allocates its electoral votes accordingly. The State's roll is effectively moved to the back burner for, yes, electing our President of the "United" States and everyone's vote counts equally.
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The argument has been made that the electoral college was passed, in part, to protect the slave states.

Yes, you made that argument. You never explained how a popular vote would have ended slavery. How would it have done that?

You also may want to pick up a history book. Why did the founders implement the EC? You don't know that either, do you? Be honest

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