How am I am threat to Democracy?

you are, brainwashed functional moron... Invest in education, you people are ignoramuses.

up your nose with a rubber hose, ignoramus lol
Well, anytime you wish to see who is more educated you can step up to the plate and engage in conversation instead of proving the democrats are filled with, hate, violence, and insults
Yes, I voted for DJT. What else? I have a job and pay taxes. I have a lawful license to carry. I have a wife and two kids and no criminal record. I support low taxes, a strong police force, secure border, energy independence and a powerful military to act as a deterrent to our enemies. I support women’s sports as I have two daughters. I believe that gender dysphoria is a disease and not something we should accept as the norm. Meaning biological boys should not be allowed to compete in physical sports against biological girls no matter what gender they identify as.

I believe in fair elections where one should have to present ID to vote and REQUEST a mail in ballot if one cannot vote in person due to being out of state or medically unable to only.

How the HELL does that make me the enemy of America and Democracy? Joe Biden needs to explain this.
If the shoe fits, wear it.
I'm dying laughing at this meme.....I'm sorry, we CAN meme.

The Left sucks at it...and everything really lol

(Except whining and being victims)

You really don't want to get me started. Not only can a find just about each and every meme I can create them. And I have a really sick sense of humor. If you want to continue to feel superior I suggest you act superior.
Wait, so if you don't believe the outcome of the election, that makes you an insurrectionist?
It was the first in a line of questions I was going to ask if he were an election denier.

But I'll ask you. If you don't believe Biden won the election...why? What iron clad evidence do you have to continue to believe the big lie.
So, is Hillary an insurrectionist?
No. Don't be silly. She conceded the election. She stated that there was interference on behalf of Trump by the Russians. There was.
Is Stacy Abrams and insurrectionist?
Again, don't be silly.
Are all the dems who claimed Trump was not the legitimate president, insurrectionists?
Not at all. A claim can be made. When you try to stop the peaceful transfer of power based on the false dice.
Yet again you are mistaken. I’m simply being complete and accurate. You are being dishonest.

The quotes below are from the speech you are quoting… your problem is you only tune into sound bites and ignore context and explanation that contradicts your agenda.

"not every Republican, not even a majority Republicans are MAGA Republicans."

"Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology," he continued. "I know because I've been able to work with these mainstream Republicans."

Biden received pushback following his Thursday night address, and seemed to soften his stance when pressed by Doocy Friday.
"Everything we stand for rests on the platform of democracy," he told Fox News. "The people who voted for Donald Trump, support him now, they weren’t voting for attacking the Capitol, they weren’t voting for overthrowing the election – they were voting for a philosophy he put forward."
"I am not talking about anything other than, it is inappropriate…the failure to recognize and condemn violence when it is used for political purposes. Failure to condemn the manipulation [of] election outcomes," Biden said.
"Failure to acknowledge when elections were won or lost," he added.
Which mainstream Republicans? He didn’t clarify when Doocy pressed him. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger? Mitt Romney? That’s 3. Most of the GOP is MAGA. Again. You’re a dishonest person.
Get real you’re just trading one group of entitlements for another. Republicans blow up the deficit more than democrats. The economy does worse under them. Your choice is between cruel elitist democracy assaulters and compassionate woke protectors of democracy.
Let the woke part bother you so much you vote to destroy democracy. Excellent.
No it doesn’t. These aren’t the JFK or even the BHO Dems. These are woke losers. This isn’t the party of Bush it’s the party of Trump now. History means zero. There has been a reset. Guess you slept through it
Yes, I voted for DJT. What else? I have a job and pay taxes. I have a lawful license to carry. I have a wife and two kids and no criminal record. I support low taxes, a strong police force, secure border, energy independence and a powerful military to act as a deterrent to our enemies. I support women’s sports as I have two daughters. I believe that gender dysphoria is a disease and not something we should accept as the norm. Meaning biological boys should not be allowed to compete in physical sports against biological girls no matter what gender they identify as.

I believe in fair elections where one should have to present ID to vote and REQUEST a mail in ballot if one cannot vote in person due to being out of state or medically unable to only.

How the HELL does that make me the enemy of America and Democracy? Joe Biden needs to explain this.
Depends on if you are willing to accept a loss to the opposition party or if your candidate declares the election was a fraud with nothing but allegations so flimsily that their lawyers dare not mention them in court, and you support any means to overturn the results of that election including violence.
That is a lie. What the violent portion of the protest group did included some criminality including some use of force on people and property. However, it appears that their effort (whether or not they were correct) was to prevent a fraudulent election from getting certified. And idiots, such as you, refer to that small group in a way that includes virtually everyone of those who disagree with you and your side. Stop lying, corny.

I — and many of my brothers and sisters — disapprove of the use of force at that place and time by that small group. So, you’re wrong again, corny. Idiots like you always tend to overgeneralize. It’s a shit tactic, but completely expected from you and your filthy ilk.

It’s not the truth. You lied. You don’t recognize truth and you instinctively hate it. That’s why you persist in lying so much, corny.

It's all they have, they can't defend what's going on right now under their party's control, so they try to turn you to defending yourself and people you don't even know (1/6) to try to change the topic of the conversation. You'll notice from both that poster you quoted and a few others in here that they state the same post over and over again in any thread that calls out what their party is doing to destroy the country. They have been answered a million times on here, but they'll keep inserting it to obfuscate from the current convo about their party's 'leadership', they just simply need to be ignored when they bring up 1/6, as if they never posted anything.
Depends on if you are willing to accept a loss to the opposition party or if your candidate declares the election was a fraud with nothing but allegations so flimsily that their lawyers dare not mention them in court, and you support any means to overturn the results of that election including violence.
Even if I do and in this case I do not. But let’s play Devils Advocate. That’s my opinion. So if I believe the election was not 100% on the level and just continue my life, never protest, never threaten anyone, don’t burn down businesses, never come close to breaking any law, I am still a threat to America? Why?

Explain this.

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