How am I am threat to Democracy?

Depends on if you are willing to accept a loss to the opposition party or if your candidate declares the election was a fraud with nothing but allegations so flimsily that their lawyers dare not mention them in court, and you support any means to overturn the results of that election including violence.

So is the press secretary a threat to Democracy?
When did Joe call you a threat to democracy??

Do you promote and push the lie of a stolen election?
So are all the a democrats and MSM who pushed that the 2016 election was illegitimate and stolen “enemies to democracy”?

If not, why not. If so, isn’t Joe a hypocrite?

I don’t expect a straight answer, just the usual dancing btw
Even if I do and in this case I do not. But let’s play Devils Advocate. That’s my opinion. So if I believe the election was not 100% on the level and just continue my life, never protest, never threaten anyone, don’t burn down businesses, never come close to breaking any law, I am still a threat to America? Why?

Explain this.
It sounds like you are willing to wait for the next election, someone who wouldn't support a effort to overturn the results beyond the final decision by the courts. Sound like the American way to me.
It sounds like you are willing to wait for the next election, someone who wouldn't support a effort to overturn the results beyond the final decision by the courts. Sound like the American way to me.
Yet Biden says otherwise. Hence you ll see a red wave in a few days. You can’t just point fingers and then say “my bad”. Happened in VA now the whole country will see it.
Yet again you are mistaken. I’m simply being complete and accurate. You are being dishonest.

The quotes below are from the speech you are quoting… your problem is you only tune into sound bites and ignore context and explanation that contradicts your agenda.

"not every Republican, not even a majority Republicans are MAGA Republicans."

"Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology," he continued. "I know because I've been able to work with these mainstream Republicans."

Biden received pushback following his Thursday night address, and seemed to soften his stance when pressed by Doocy Friday.
"Everything we stand for rests on the platform of democracy," he told Fox News. "The people who voted for Donald Trump, support him now, they weren’t voting for attacking the Capitol, they weren’t voting for overthrowing the election – they were voting for a philosophy he put forward."
"I am not talking about anything other than, it is inappropriate…the failure to recognize and condemn violence when it is used for political purposes. Failure to condemn the manipulation [of] election outcomes," Biden said.
"Failure to acknowledge when elections were won or lost," he added.
"Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology," he continued.

What's their 'extreme ideology'? And pretty much every republican was a Trump voter, that's how he won.

His comment was bullshit.
Potatohead and the Democrat filth thinks you are a "threat to Democracy" if you say anything about them stealing elections.

The Democrats are going to try and steal Senate seats next week. They know they can't steal the House because too many of their candidates are going to lose so they are going to concentrate on the Senate races.

They definitely already have the fraudulent ballots boxed up and ready to be opened when their candidate is behind, just like they did in 2020.

The speech last night by Potatohead is to give the Moon Bats something to to when we Americans protest the thievery of our Democracy with the stolen election. Just like all Leftest they will accuse their opponents of doing what they do.
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So is the press secretary a threat to Democracy?
So now out of left field you want me to defend what somebody else said, not address what I just said? Okay, Par for the course. How was Abrams approach to objecting to the results similar/different to the Trumpyberra's? Did she have a so called 'Militia' on stand by? Was her objection rhetorical or did she demand action from her colleagues and followers to overturn the results?
So now out of left field you want me to defend what somebody else said, not address what I just said? Okay, Par for the course. How was Abrams approach to objecting to the results similar/different to the Trumpyberra's? Did she have a so called 'Militia' on stand by? Was her objection rhetorical or did she demand action from her colleagues and followers to overturn the results?
It wasn’t. Denying results isn’t a threat to democracy unless you go all BLM and burn and loot innocent small businesses. You made my point.
The answer is you dumb leftist sheep, I am not. It’s a Democratic Party spin and you fell for it.
Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.

If you hired an unrepentant child abuser to nanny your kids, you’d be a threat to your kids.

Trump is and was openly hostile to democratic principles.
Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.

If you hired an unrepentant child abuser to nanny your kids, you’d be a threat to your kids.

Trump is and was openly hostile to democratic principles.
Your false conflations are humorous. I disagree with you. Funny how you can’t understand that. Biden is the one declaring war on half of America. If you don’t vote for him you ain’t black. If you vote Red you’re a threat to Democracy. Spare me your leftist rationale. It’s stupid. Like you.
Your false conflations are humorous. I disagree with you. Funny how you can’t understand that. Biden is the one declaring war on half of America. If you don’t vote for him you ain’t black. If you vote Red you’re a threat to Democracy. Spare me your leftist rationale. It’s stupid. Like you.
It’s an apt analogy.

There are plenty of Republicans that aren’t openly hostile to democratic principles. In fact, the vast majority of the party is quite rational.
Did you support the 1/6 insurrection attempt?

Do all of your fellow militia members think the same way...
The capitol incident wasn't an insurrection and I don't belong to a militia. You are a nut job.
Yet Biden says otherwise. Hence you ll see a red wave in a few days. You can’t just point fingers and then say “my bad”. Happened in VA now the whole country will see it.

Your interpretation of what the President said is incorrect at least with respects to the role of the devils advocate you were doing.
There are plenty of Republicans that aren’t openly hostile to democratic principles. In fact, the vast majority of the party is quite rational.
Most all of them embrace democracy but can you say the same for Democrats?

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