CDZ How are deaths by terrorism different than deaths by mass shootings?


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2013
Washington State
From 2000 to 2015, 90 people have been killed by terrorists in the UK.

From 2000 to 2012, 246 people have been killed in the US during mass shootings.

Why are Americans so concerned about so called Islamic terrorism and not concerned about mass shootings?

What is the difference?

The likelihood of an American dying of a terrorist attack is 1 in 45,808. You are more likely to die choking on food, 1 in 3, 409.

How likely are foreign terrorists to kill Americans? The odds may surprise you
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From 2000 to 2015, 90 people have been killed by terrorists in the UK.

From 2000 to 2012, 246 people have been killed in the US during mass shootings.

Why are Americans so concerned about so called Islamic terrorism and not concerned about mass shootings?

What is the difference?

The likelihood of an American dying of a terrorist attack is 1 in 45,808. You are more likely to die choking on food, 1 in 3, 409.

How likely are foreign terrorists to kill Americans? The odds may surprise you

"so called Islamic terrorism"? Seems to me that americans are concerned about
both mass shootings and islamic terrorism. The real question is "how many American
muslims have been killed in so called "islamo-phobia hate crimes" " ??? Anyone
got a stat for that imaginary issue?. "choking on food" ----in more than 50 years in working
in inner city hospitals, I have seen only ONE case of death by "choking on food"-----yet the first
patient I declared 'brain dead"-------had a bullet in his brain as a result of islamic terrorism---it was
about 40 years ago One in three people die of choking on food? Why would anyone even
mention the word "islamophobia"? Did ANYONE die of so-called "islamo-phobia"?
In my lifetime-----I had only one patient who died of non-small cell adeno carcinoma of the
lung--------protocols treating that sickness should be obviously be terminated. -----
Islamic terrorism at the hands of FOREIGN BORN MUSLIMS------good point. Most of the
dead bodies as a result of islamic terrorism that I have seen involved muslims born in the USA
Anecdotal examples are not valid as evidence. Whatever your personal experiences as a healthcare worker, they do not stand up to statistics, so they are not valid.
Anecdotal examples are not valid as evidence. Whatever your personal experiences as a healthcare worker, they do not stand up to statistics, so they are not valid.

"statistics"? Number of persons murdered by " 'FOREIGN BORN' MUSLIM TERRORISTS" is a
"statistic" in your puny mind?----------seems to me it is more than those who have died of venomous
snake bite--------time to do away with "anti venom" cures. How many people died last year of the bite
of a CORAL SNAKE? how about deaths in the USA from CYSTICERCOSIS? ----how about
"atypical mycobacterium"---------people are spending a fortune on that one------chuck the modified
Vancomycin-----it is not really a problem in Boston. There are "statistical" studies that indicate
that it is ok to end vaccination programs because there have been no reported cased of poliomyelitis in
Las Vegas in the past 10 years. I am ALL FOR ending security checks at airports. I have seen only ONE case of cysticercosis in the USA in ALL MY LIFE--------lets do away with the Department of Agriculture. Some-
thing like 20 deaths due to Pertussis per year----------yet there is a big push on to get babies
vaccinated -----AND FAMILY members.
From 2000 to 2015, 90 people have been killed by terrorists in the UK.

From 2000 to 2012, 246 people have been killed in the US during mass shootings.

Why are Americans so concerned about so called Islamic terrorism and not concerned about mass shootings?

What is the difference?

The likelihood of an American dying of a terrorist attack is 1 in 45,808. You are more likely to die choking on food, 1 in 3, 409.

How likely are foreign terrorists to kill Americans? The odds may surprise you

The number of 246 is generated by lying. They are taking cases where family members kill their families. Terrible without question, but does not conform to the definition of a active/mass casualty shooter. The reality is the two mass shootings in Norway and Paris, have killed more people than all of the mass shootings in the USA over the last 20 years.

If they wanted to actually reduce the number of murders here in the US it would be comparatively easy, we know that 8-10% of the criminal population commits 60% of the violent crime here in the US. Lock those ultra violent offenders up forever and the murder rate here would plummet. The overwhelming majority of those criminals are gang bangers. Heck, Chicago has 150,000 KNOWN gang bangers. That's insane.
Tell that to the gays that were at Pulse. 15% of the occupants of the club were killed , another 16% injured, for a total of 31% of the occupants that horrific night.
From 2000 to 2015, 90 people have been killed by terrorists in the UK.

From 2000 to 2012, 246 people have been killed in the US during mass shootings.

Why are Americans so concerned about so called Islamic terrorism and not concerned about mass shootings?

What is the difference?

The likelihood of an American dying of a terrorist attack is 1 in 45,808. You are more likely to die choking on food, 1 in 3, 409.

How likely are foreign terrorists to kill Americans? The odds may surprise you

The number of 246 is generated by lying. They are taking cases where family members kill their families. Terrible without question, but does not conform to the definition of a active/mass casualty shooter. The reality is the two mass shootings in Norway and Paris, have killed more people than all of the mass shootings in the USA over the last 20 years.

If they wanted to actually reduce the number of murders here in the US it would be comparatively easy, we know that 8-10% of the criminal population commits 60% of the violent crime here in the US. Lock those ultra violent offenders up forever and the murder rate here would plummet. The overwhelming majority of those criminals are gang bangers. Heck, Chicago has 150,000 KNOWN gang bangers. That's insane.
I took the number from legitimate mass shootings: school shootings, workplace shootings, mall shootings, and theatre shooting. No family shootings.
For me, there is a big difference between one nutcase guy with a gun who is mad at the world and a guy who is indoctrinated by his so called church to go out and kill on their behalf. The numbers and stats are only a small part of it.
From 2000 to 2015, 90 people have been killed by terrorists in the UK.

From 2000 to 2012, 246 people have been killed in the US during mass shootings.

Why are Americans so concerned about so called Islamic terrorism and not concerned about mass shootings?

What is the difference?

The likelihood of an American dying of a terrorist attack is 1 in 45,808. You are more likely to die choking on food, 1 in 3, 409.

How likely are foreign terrorists to kill Americans? The odds may surprise you
Preaching to the choir. But ( always a but), more Americans die from heart disease, cancer or car accidents than mass shootings or terrorism . People make bad decisions about smoking, diet or driving. Terrorism or a mass shooting is way down on the list. And the most of the ones at the top are preventable or bad lifestyle choices.
From 2000 to 2015, 90 people have been killed by terrorists in the UK.

From 2000 to 2012, 246 people have been killed in the US during mass shootings.

Why are Americans so concerned about so called Islamic terrorism and not concerned about mass shootings?

What is the difference?

The likelihood of an American dying of a terrorist attack is 1 in 45,808. You are more likely to die choking on food, 1 in 3, 409.

How likely are foreign terrorists to kill Americans? The odds may surprise you
Preaching to the choir. But ( always a but), more Americans die from heart disease, cancer or car accidents than mass shootings or terrorism . People make bad decisions about smoking, diet or driving. Terrorism or a mass shooting is way down on the list. And the most of the ones at the top are preventable or bad lifestyle choices.

Very true.

And yet we've chosen to blame a religion.


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From 2000 to 2015, 90 people have been killed by terrorists in the UK.

From 2000 to 2012, 246 people have been killed in the US during mass shootings.

Why are Americans so concerned about so called Islamic terrorism and not concerned about mass shootings?

What is the difference?

The likelihood of an American dying of a terrorist attack is 1 in 45,808. You are more likely to die choking on food, 1 in 3, 409.

How likely are foreign terrorists to kill Americans? The odds may surprise you
Preaching to the choir. But ( always a but), more Americans die from heart disease, cancer or car accidents than mass shootings or terrorism . People make bad decisions about smoking, diet or driving. Terrorism or a mass shooting is way down on the list. And the most of the ones at the top are preventable or bad lifestyle choices.

Very true.

And yet we've chosen to blame a religion.


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We are? You mean the hysteria about Islam? Well, Muslims aren't immune from criticism, either. Islam isn't a friend to freethinking liberals any more than they are hard headed conservatives. Islam is a major concern. And it's anyone's guess what the future may bring given the nihilistic behavior Muslim extremists are capable of.
From 2000 to 2015, 90 people have been killed by terrorists in the UK.

From 2000 to 2012, 246 people have been killed in the US during mass shootings.

Why are Americans so concerned about so called Islamic terrorism and not concerned about mass shootings?

What is the difference?

The likelihood of an American dying of a terrorist attack is 1 in 45,808. You are more likely to die choking on food, 1 in 3, 409.

How likely are foreign terrorists to kill Americans? The odds may surprise you

Assuming you ask your question in good faith, I think it has to do with terrorist attacks making people feel more likely that they too could have been or will be a victim as opposed to a mass shooting which, for better or worse, it still more mentally linked to schools, gangs, and blacks.
From 2000 to 2015, 90 people have been killed by terrorists in the UK.

From 2000 to 2012, 246 people have been killed in the US during mass shootings.

Why are Americans so concerned about so called Islamic terrorism and not concerned about mass shootings?

What is the difference?

The likelihood of an American dying of a terrorist attack is 1 in 45,808. You are more likely to die choking on food, 1 in 3, 409.

How likely are foreign terrorists to kill Americans? The odds may surprise you

The population of the UK (65 million) is 1/5 that of the USA (320 million).
Deaths due to UK terrorism are a 1/3 those of USA mass shootings.

But besides the apple vs oranges debate of mass shootings vs terrorism. the primary difference between terrorism and mass shooting is motivation. Mass shootings are invariably a form of suicide by which a psychotic person wishes to go out in some spectacular way, the rarely if ever have a political motivation.

Terrorism on the other hand is the physical manifestation of a political ideology. Terrorism is designed to force capitulation to a political ideology.

One thing they have in common is the emotion reaction each invokes. The fear and feelings of powerlessness that forces us to substitute panic for reason. To pass gun laws or patriot acts in without regard to consequences simply to be seen to 'do something'.
Tell that to the 3,000 Americans who died on 9/11.

Or the thousands killed by Muslims since then, right?

Oh wait, it's white domestic terrorists that kill Americans.

If you RWNJs cared about Americans dying, you would demand sensible gun laws.


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Oh, I see. If we don't count 9/11 it's not so bad, right? The lengths you LWNJs will go to to defend Islamic terrorists is profound indeed.
From 2000 to 2015, 90 people have been killed by terrorists in the UK.

From 2000 to 2012, 246 people have been killed in the US during mass shootings.

Why are Americans so concerned about so called Islamic terrorism and not concerned about mass shootings?

What is the difference?

The likelihood of an American dying of a terrorist attack is 1 in 45,808. You are more likely to die choking on food, 1 in 3, 409.

How likely are foreign terrorists to kill Americans? The odds may surprise you

The terrorists could be more deadly than they are if we were less vigilant.

Its something newsworthy we can fight against.

People also like to be hypocritical. I can never get the DHS fellows to fight against as much against drunk drivers than terrorists.
From 2000 to 2015, 90 people have been killed by terrorists in the UK.

From 2000 to 2012, 246 people have been killed in the US during mass shootings.

Why are Americans so concerned about so called Islamic terrorism and not concerned about mass shootings?

What is the difference?

The likelihood of an American dying of a terrorist attack is 1 in 45,808. You are more likely to die choking on food, 1 in 3, 409.

How likely are foreign terrorists to kill Americans? The odds may surprise you

Assuming you ask your question in good faith, I think it has to do with terrorist attacks making people feel more likely that they too could have been or will be a victim as opposed to a mass shooting which, for better or worse, it still more mentally linked to schools, gangs, and blacks.
Good point. The purpose of a terrorist attack is to strike fear into us, while the mass shooting is someone getting even with the world, at least in his mind. But the result is the same: dead innocent people.
From 2000 to 2015, 90 people have been killed by terrorists in the UK.

From 2000 to 2012, 246 people have been killed in the US during mass shootings.

Why are Americans so concerned about so called Islamic terrorism and not concerned about mass shootings?

What is the difference?

The likelihood of an American dying of a terrorist attack is 1 in 45,808. You are more likely to die choking on food, 1 in 3, 409.

How likely are foreign terrorists to kill Americans? The odds may surprise you

The terrorists could be more deadly than they are if we were less vigilant.

Its something newsworthy we can fight against.

People also like to be hypocritical. I can never get the DHS fellows to fight against as much against drunk drivers than terrorists.
This is a good point.

"How big is the problem? In 2014, 9,967 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States."

Far more people are killed by drunk drivers than by mass shootings or terrorism. One of my points is to put things in perspective. We should be more diligent in preventing drunk driving.
From 2000 to 2015, 90 people have been killed by terrorists in the UK.

From 2000 to 2012, 246 people have been killed in the US during mass shootings.

Why are Americans so concerned about so called Islamic terrorism and not concerned about mass shootings?

What is the difference?

The likelihood of an American dying of a terrorist attack is 1 in 45,808. You are more likely to die choking on food, 1 in 3, 409.

How likely are foreign terrorists to kill Americans? The odds may surprise you

The number of 246 is generated by lying. They are taking cases where family members kill their families. Terrible without question, but does not conform to the definition of a active/mass casualty shooter. The reality is the two mass shootings in Norway and Paris, have killed more people than all of the mass shootings in the USA over the last 20 years.

If they wanted to actually reduce the number of murders here in the US it would be comparatively easy, we know that 8-10% of the criminal population commits 60% of the violent crime here in the US. Lock those ultra violent offenders up forever and the murder rate here would plummet. The overwhelming majority of those criminals are gang bangers. Heck, Chicago has 150,000 KNOWN gang bangers. That's insane.
I took the number from legitimate mass shootings: school shootings, workplace shootings, mall shootings, and theatre shooting. No family shootings.

And, like I said, they screw with those statistics. They will count a random gang shooting on the street as a school shooting if it is within three blocks of a school. Gang on gang shootings are likewise not considered to be mass shootings (but the anti gun groups DO count them) as they are technically at war with each other. They just don't care that innocent people might be in the way.

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