How Are We Gonna Pay for the $7.9 Trillion that Obama Added to the National Debt?

Predictably, liberals here are screaming about how we're gonna "pay for" the $1.4 trillion that the Trump tax cuts are returning to the American people, while they refuse to admit that federal revenue has increased after every major tax cut since the early 1900s.

Well, I would like liberals to explain how we're gonna pay for the $7.9 trillion that Obama added to the national debt. Just to be extra fair, this is not counting Obama's first year, because, technically, it was operating under Bush's last budget (even though Congress jacked up spending in Bush's last year over his objections, even though Obama approved a huge spending boost to the FY 2009 budget right after coming to office, and even though Obama would have added much more debt had it not been for Republican-imposed sequestration). National debt increases by president in dollar amounts and percentages:

Obama: $7.9 trillion/68 percent
Bush Jr.: $5.8 trillion/101 percent
Clinton: $0/0 percent
Bush Sr.: $2.8 trillion/54 percent
Reagan: $1.8 trillion/186 percent

Again, if Obama had not been modestly restrained by a Republican-controlled Congress, he would have added a lot more debt. Without Obama's and the Democrats' pressure for higher and higher spending, spending would have been substantially less after the Republicans took control of Congress.

Presidents didn't used to increase the debt by such large percentages. Debt increases used to be in low double digits or in single digits in terms of the percent of the increase, which is the most important number. Dollar values change over time because of inflation, which is why the percent of the increase is the most important figure:

LBJ: $42 billion/13 percent
JFK: $23 billion/8 percent
Eisenhower: $23 billion/9 percent
Truman: $7 billion/3 percent

So, liberals, how are we gonna pay for the $7.9 trillion that Obama added to the debt? How? Or do you only worry about "paying for" something when it involves letting Americans keep more of their own money?

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
When Eisenhower and Truman were president the tax rate on the wealthiest Americans was like 90%. And they still got to be billionaires. And all the Republicans huge debt together and subtract the Obamas and you still have over 4 trillion in debt. And remember Republican said they would do anything to keep Obama from one term even if it hurt the country. And that includes in enormous debt. RePublicans didn’t just screw Obama they screwed America. And they’re doing it now even worse.

And remember Republican said they would do anything to keep Obama from one term even if it hurt the country.

You're full of shit.

The GOP's no-compromise pledge


Now do you have any links that support dean's claim?
Apparently no facts righties don't understand that Obama had to send a lot of money to get this country running again so Trump could try and take credit for the economy. Bush and the republicans tanked the economy
and left Obama with the mess which he did one hell of a good job repairing all the problems that Bush and the republicans caused this country. A lot of Obama/s debt came from Bush and the republicans. Tax cuts while starting another war on the credit card, throwing in part d of SS without any funding. And can't even barter with the drug companies to reduce costs. So when you look at Obama's debt you are just to fucking dishonest to admit it was Bush and the republicans who spent the money. For once it would be nice to see a rightie tell the truth using true facts.

Are you that stupid? Obama QUADRUPLED the bailout.
The Bush spending affected ONE year of the Barry spending, everything after that was Barry's.
You mean to pay for Bush's two wars and unprecedented tax cuts during wartime?
You mean the 2 wars that Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden voted for and that Obama added to ? Same with the tax cuts and the Patriot Act and the trillion dollar a year police state we allowed them to create ?
No, the wars that the Commander-in-Chief at the time, started.
Predictably, liberals here are screaming about how we're gonna "pay for" the $1.4 trillion that the Trump tax cuts are returning to the American people, while they refuse to admit that federal revenue has increased after every major tax cut since the early 1900s.

Well, I would like liberals to explain how we're gonna pay for the $7.9 trillion that Obama added to the national debt. Just to be extra fair, this is not counting Obama's first year, because, technically, it was operating under Bush's last budget (even though Congress jacked up spending in Bush's last year over his objections, even though Obama approved a huge spending boost to the FY 2009 budget right after coming to office, and even though Obama would have added much more debt had it not been for Republican-imposed sequestration). National debt increases by president in dollar amounts and percentages:

Obama: $7.9 trillion/68 percent
Bush Jr.: $5.8 trillion/101 percent
Clinton: $0/0 percent
Bush Sr.: $2.8 trillion/54 percent
Reagan: $1.8 trillion/186 percent

Again, if Obama had not been modestly restrained by a Republican-controlled Congress, he would have added a lot more debt. Without Obama's and the Democrats' pressure for higher and higher spending, spending would have been substantially less after the Republicans took control of Congress.

Presidents didn't used to increase the debt by such large percentages. Debt increases used to be in low double digits or in single digits in terms of the percent of the increase, which is the most important number. Dollar values change over time because of inflation, which is why the percent of the increase is the most important figure:

LBJ: $42 billion/13 percent
JFK: $23 billion/8 percent
Eisenhower: $23 billion/9 percent
Truman: $7 billion/3 percent

So, liberals, how are we gonna pay for the $7.9 trillion that Obama added to the debt? How? Or do you only worry about "paying for" something when it involves letting Americans keep more of their own money?

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

I am not a liberal, but it seems to me the only way to erase past mistakes on debt (committed by Obama, GWB, etc.) would be to balance the budget now.

How do you plan to fix the problem when Trump keeps posting one massive deficit after another? Even his latest budget proposal calls for a trillion dollar deficit in two fiscal years?
If Nader had been elected or Perot in '92, we would have gone a totally different economic path --and probably have a surplus of trillions and easily the world's strongest economy- by far.

Ha! We fucking had a surplus in the 90's you god damn idiots. Clinton gave you a fucking surplus and you elected GW Bush. If you fucking idiots would have elected Gore maybe we still would have a surplus.

In fact it was a projected surplus so Gore's Surplus would have bee in 2010-2018. Exactly 10 years after his presidency.

Bush blew Clinton's projected surplus. If Bush didn't fuck up, Obama would have walked into a Surplus

Clinton gave you a fucking surplus

Internet bubbles are cool!
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say Al Gore gave us a surplus?

No it was Clinton’s roaring 90s.

You hate it that Clinton was better than Reagan and Bush was worse than carter. Facts.

And obama was good. Your narrative that he wasn’t is fake news. 80 straight months of job growth. 4% unemployment

Trump was handed a great economy. Obama was handed literally the worst recession since the Great Depression.
If Nader had been elected or Perot in '92, we would have gone a totally different economic path --and probably have a surplus of trillions and easily the world's strongest economy- by far.

Ha! We fucking had a surplus in the 90's you god damn idiots. Clinton gave you a fucking surplus and you elected GW Bush. If you fucking idiots would have elected Gore maybe we still would have a surplus.

In fact it was a projected surplus so Gore's Surplus would have bee in 2010-2018. Exactly 10 years after his presidency.

Bush blew Clinton's projected surplus. If Bush didn't fuck up, Obama would have walked into a Surplus

Clinton gave you a fucking surplus

Internet bubbles are cool!
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say Al Gore gave us a surplus?

No it was Clinton’s roaring 90s.

You hate it that Clinton was better than Reagan and Bush was worse than carter. Facts.

And obama was good. Your narrative that he wasn’t is fake news. 80 straight months of job growth. 4% unemployment

Trump was handed a great economy. Obama was handed literally the worst recession since the Great Depression.

No it was Clinton’s roaring 90s.

Bubbles are awesome!!!

And obama was good.

He was so good, the Dems lost 63 House seats (holy shit!) in 2010.
He added $9.3 trillion to the debt, and his growth was almost exactly what Bush had.
If Nader had been elected or Perot in '92, we would have gone a totally different economic path --and probably have a surplus of trillions and easily the world's strongest economy- by far.

Ha! We fucking had a surplus in the 90's you god damn idiots. Clinton gave you a fucking surplus and you elected GW Bush. If you fucking idiots would have elected Gore maybe we still would have a surplus.

In fact it was a projected surplus so Gore's Surplus would have bee in 2010-2018. Exactly 10 years after his presidency.

Bush blew Clinton's projected surplus. If Bush didn't fuck up, Obama would have walked into a Surplus

Clinton gave you a fucking surplus

Internet bubbles are cool!
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say Al Gore gave us a surplus?

No it was Clinton’s roaring 90s.

You hate it that Clinton was better than Reagan and Bush was worse than carter. Facts.

And obama was good. Your narrative that he wasn’t is fake news. 80 straight months of job growth. 4% unemployment

Trump was handed a great economy. Obama was handed literally the worst recession since the Great Depression.

Obama was handed literally the worst recession since the Great Depression.

And it was over by June 2009, before he could do much of anything.

You're not giving him credit for turning a deep recession into a recovery in 5 months, are you?

Because that would be hilarious!!!
If Nader had been elected or Perot in '92, we would have gone a totally different economic path --and probably have a surplus of trillions and easily the world's strongest economy- by far.

Ha! We fucking had a surplus in the 90's you god damn idiots. Clinton gave you a fucking surplus and you elected GW Bush. If you fucking idiots would have elected Gore maybe we still would have a surplus.

In fact it was a projected surplus so Gore's Surplus would have bee in 2010-2018. Exactly 10 years after his presidency.

Bush blew Clinton's projected surplus. If Bush didn't fuck up, Obama would have walked into a Surplus

Clinton gave you a fucking surplus

Internet bubbles are cool!
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say Al Gore gave us a surplus?

No it was Clinton’s roaring 90s.

You hate it that Clinton was better than Reagan and Bush was worse than carter. Facts.

And obama was good. Your narrative that he wasn’t is fake news. 80 straight months of job growth. 4% unemployment

Trump was handed a great economy. Obama was handed literally the worst recession since the Great Depression.

Obama was handed literally the worst recession since the Great Depression.

And it was over by June 2009, before he could do much of anything.

You're not giving him credit for turning a deep recession into a recovery in 5 months, are you?

Because that would be hilarious!!!

The republicans failed to implement any democrat "shovel ready jobs". That is why gdp was so low.
You mean to pay for Bush's two wars and unprecedented tax cuts during wartime?
You mean the 2 wars that Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden voted for and that Obama added to ? Same with the tax cuts and the Patriot Act and the trillion dollar a year police state we allowed them to create ?
We voted for it because Bush lied to us.

Trump hits Bush: Invading Iraq 'the single worst decision ever made'

View attachment 250226
I know. This guy is so scuzzy one wonders how Republicans could be so willing to follow someone so despicable.

Now, which one am I talking about?
If Nader had been elected or Perot in '92, we would have gone a totally different economic path --and probably have a surplus of trillions and easily the world's strongest economy- by far.

Ha! We fucking had a surplus in the 90's you god damn idiots. Clinton gave you a fucking surplus and you elected GW Bush. If you fucking idiots would have elected Gore maybe we still would have a surplus.

In fact it was a projected surplus so Gore's Surplus would have bee in 2010-2018. Exactly 10 years after his presidency.

Bush blew Clinton's projected surplus. If Bush didn't fuck up, Obama would have walked into a Surplus

Clinton gave you a fucking surplus

Internet bubbles are cool!
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say Al Gore gave us a surplus?

No it was Clinton’s roaring 90s.

You hate it that Clinton was better than Reagan and Bush was worse than carter. Facts.

And obama was good. Your narrative that he wasn’t is fake news. 80 straight months of job growth. 4% unemployment

Trump was handed a great economy. Obama was handed literally the worst recession since the Great Depression.

No it was Clinton’s roaring 90s.

Bubbles are awesome!!!

And obama was good.

He was so good, the Dems lost 63 House seats (holy shit!) in 2010.
He added $9.3 trillion to the debt, and his growth was almost exactly what Bush had.

In the end so wil trump.


So why did Obama run up such big debt?


Even is it would hurt the country. That's what he's saying. Republicans would hurt the country to hurt Obama.
If Nader had been elected or Perot in '92, we would have gone a totally different economic path --and probably have a surplus of trillions and easily the world's strongest economy- by far.

Ha! We fucking had a surplus in the 90's you god damn idiots. Clinton gave you a fucking surplus and you elected GW Bush. If you fucking idiots would have elected Gore maybe we still would have a surplus.

In fact it was a projected surplus so Gore's Surplus would have bee in 2010-2018. Exactly 10 years after his presidency.

Bush blew Clinton's projected surplus. If Bush didn't fuck up, Obama would have walked into a Surplus

Clinton gave you a fucking surplus

Internet bubbles are cool!
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say Al Gore gave us a surplus?

No it was Clinton’s roaring 90s.

You hate it that Clinton was better than Reagan and Bush was worse than carter. Facts.

And obama was good. Your narrative that he wasn’t is fake news. 80 straight months of job growth. 4% unemployment

Trump was handed a great economy. Obama was handed literally the worst recession since the Great Depression.

Obama was handed literally the worst recession since the Great Depression.

And it was over by June 2009, before he could do much of anything.

You're not giving him credit for turning a deep recession into a recovery in 5 months, are you?

Because that would be hilarious!!!

Yes I am.
If Nader had been elected or Perot in '92, we would have gone a totally different economic path --and probably have a surplus of trillions and easily the world's strongest economy- by far.

Ha! We fucking had a surplus in the 90's you god damn idiots. Clinton gave you a fucking surplus and you elected GW Bush. If you fucking idiots would have elected Gore maybe we still would have a surplus.

In fact it was a projected surplus so Gore's Surplus would have bee in 2010-2018. Exactly 10 years after his presidency.

Bush blew Clinton's projected surplus. If Bush didn't fuck up, Obama would have walked into a Surplus

Clinton gave you a fucking surplus

Internet bubbles are cool!
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say Al Gore gave us a surplus?

No it was Clinton’s roaring 90s.

You hate it that Clinton was better than Reagan and Bush was worse than carter. Facts.

And obama was good. Your narrative that he wasn’t is fake news. 80 straight months of job growth. 4% unemployment

Trump was handed a great economy. Obama was handed literally the worst recession since the Great Depression.

Obama was handed literally the worst recession since the Great Depression.

And it was over by June 2009, before he could do much of anything.

You're not giving him credit for turning a deep recession into a recovery in 5 months, are you?

Because that would be hilarious!!!

The republicans failed to implement any democrat "shovel ready jobs". That is why gdp was so low.

The republicans failed to implement any democrat "shovel ready jobs".

They weren't hallucinating like Obama was.

That is why gdp was so low.

We needed to add more than $9.3 trillion to the debt?
If Nader had been elected or Perot in '92, we would have gone a totally different economic path --and probably have a surplus of trillions and easily the world's strongest economy- by far.

Ha! We fucking had a surplus in the 90's you god damn idiots. Clinton gave you a fucking surplus and you elected GW Bush. If you fucking idiots would have elected Gore maybe we still would have a surplus.

In fact it was a projected surplus so Gore's Surplus would have bee in 2010-2018. Exactly 10 years after his presidency.

Bush blew Clinton's projected surplus. If Bush didn't fuck up, Obama would have walked into a Surplus

Clinton gave you a fucking surplus

Internet bubbles are cool!
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say Al Gore gave us a surplus?

No it was Clinton’s roaring 90s.

You hate it that Clinton was better than Reagan and Bush was worse than carter. Facts.

And obama was good. Your narrative that he wasn’t is fake news. 80 straight months of job growth. 4% unemployment

Trump was handed a great economy. Obama was handed literally the worst recession since the Great Depression.

Obama was handed literally the worst recession since the Great Depression.

And it was over by June 2009, before he could do much of anything.

You're not giving him credit for turning a deep recession into a recovery in 5 months, are you?

Because that would be hilarious!!!

Yes I am.

That is hilarious!!!

He fixed things, just by being a groovy guy.

It was the Peace Prize, wasn't it? DURR.



Too bad every president isn't as bad as Obama. We would be out of debt and would be able to build a fantastic nation.
Too bad Republicans hated his black skin more they they loved America.



Too bad every president isn't as bad as Obama. We would be out of debt and would be able to build a fantastic nation.
Too bad Republicans hated his black skin more they they loved America.

Too bad every president isn't as bad as Obama. We would be out of debt....

Yes, adding $9.3 trillion in debt is just like being out of debt. DURR......

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