How are you handling the snow?

Not getting it.

My sisters grandsons on the other hand...

are building igloos


and having sled races

Things are a little cool here in Nevada. I had to wear a coat over my sweater. The sky is overcast so we may get rain, but probably not.
After every blizzard, more and more people in the Northeast are going to figure out it's just not worth it, and they will move to the West, the South, or the Southwest.

Also, Nevada doesn't have an income tax, so that makes things a little nicer.
I've stayed inside all day.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Yeah I could go out side and play, but I don't want to increase my chances of getting sick when I haven't been sick with anything in over two years now.
Somewhere...out my car. At least it's stopped here. It's around 30" but we kept power and fortunately didn't get the high winds predicted. I stayed home (like I had a choice ;) )...kind of nice :)

We need to ask Al Gore if this blizzard was caused by "global warming."
I'm hearing from NJ dog friends that they are getting even more - plus, coastal flooding :(

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