How “authentic feminist” candidate Delaine Eastin funded a violent Stalinist and cheated parents, st


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Oh my how shocking, californification...

How “authentic feminist” candidate Delaine Eastin funded a violent Stalinist and cheated parents, students and taxpayers.
April 7, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley



That is Bay Area Democrat Delaine Eastin in the April 5 San Jose Mercury News. The piece notes that she is a candidate for governor and a former state education superintendent but says nothing of her record in that powerful post. From 1995 to 2003 Eastin showcased the kind of values she would deploy as governor of California.

K-12 education gets the biggest share of the budget and the state education department (CDE) serves as a clearing house for state and federal funds, a gold mine for California’s far left. On Eastin’s watch, an interlocking directorate of “Community Based Organizations” (CBOs) sought money intended for the education of immigrant children, citizenship classes, and English language instruction. The leading CBO was Hermandad Mexicana Nacional, founded by Bert Corona, an old-line Stalinist of considerable ferocity.


His Hermandad Mexicana registered non-citizens to vote in U.S. elections, a serious violation of federal law. Hermandad registered hundreds of illegals in 1996 and that contributed to the loss of Orange County Republican Bob Dornan, the outcome Corona sought. Democrat Loretta Sanchez was the beneficiary of the illegal votes.


Like the powerful California Teachers Association, Eastin also opposes another Trump initiative, parental choice in education. In the candidate’s scale of values, African American and Hispanic students from low-income families should remain confined in dysfunctional and dangerous government schools.

With the reactionary CTA behind her, the “authentic feminist” has more than a fighting chance to make the sanctuary state of California even worse than it has become under recurring governor Jerry Brown.


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