How Awesome Would the U.S. Economy Be If It Were Set Free from Massive Government Regulations?

A few people may have died from accidents or ignorance, but no businessman ever tried to make a dime by selling food he knew to be tainted. That's pure leftist propaganda.

Yes, you can't change human nature, and the nature of businessmen is that they want to stay in business. They don't want to go bankrupt from lawsuits or from frightening all their customers away. Regulations haven't stopped the occasional case of tainted food, as you well know. These occur because people aren't perfect, not because anyone is trying to make a buck.

All these absolutes just make you look like an idiot. All I'd have to do is find one person who knowingly sold tainted food and your argument goes down the drain. The sales don't even have to be intentional to make regulation important. The few instances we still see don't prove that regulation doesn't work, they're lessons about how bad things could be if there were no regulation at all.

Yes, the sales do have to be intentional. That was your claim, that businessmen knowingly sold tainted food to make a buck. It's an idiotic claim, so I understand why you're running away from it now.

The examples we see today do indeed show the regulations don't work. Such incidents are no less frequent now than they were in the past.
Murder is a crime and inuring people is a crime. Knowingly selling meat that kills people or makes them sick would therefore also be a crime. It's also not a good business decision. Food companies that have sold products that caused sickness or death have gone bankrupt.

The kind of regulations we are discussing here are, for example, the kind that make gasoline canisters totally unusable because of the "safety" mechanism that is now required on the spout. When I have to use such a container, I usually just remove the "safety" cap and dispense from the open container. I purchased a pre-regulation gas can on the internet because I despise the new containers so much.

You can easily(excuse the ancient regime use of vocabulary) Afro-American engineer a new funnel...

Your point?
A stick...

It's actually illegal to use anything other than the government approved spout.

You still haven't stated what your point is.
That you can change the funnel to be much for keepin' it on the down-lo...

That's still illegal.
You can easily(excuse the ancient regime use of vocabulary) Afro-American engineer a new funnel...

Your point?
A stick...

It's actually illegal to use anything other than the government approved spout.

You still haven't stated what your point is.
That you can change the funnel to be much for keepin' it on the down-lo...

That's still illegal.
I am sure it is..

It's actually illegal to use anything other than the government approved spout.

You still haven't stated what your point is.
That you can change the funnel to be much for keepin' it on the down-lo...

That's still illegal.
I am sure it is..

Then what's your point?
Yes, the sales do have to be intentional. That was your claim, that businessmen knowingly sold tainted food to make a buck. It's an idiotic claim, so I understand why you're running away from it now.

The examples we see today do indeed show the regulations don't work. Such incidents are no less frequent now than they were in the past.

I'm not running away from anything, son. That wasn't an either/or statement. Regulation helps suppress both the intentional and accidental selling of tainted food. You're the one that's running away from your thesis. You admitted some tainted food has been sold. Now you're trying to distract us with bogus claims about what I said. Nice try, pitypat, but you're going to have to do a lot better to win this argument.
Have you ever stopped to consider that regulations actually spur business on? Think about it!

I'll give you one small example out of thousands. Fire regulations require sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, etc. All of those business that make and install those items would never have flourished in the first place and could be put out of business if they were no longer required.
Isn't saintly corporate America more than willing and capable of policing themselves without government interference?
"How Awesome Would the U.S. Economy Be If It Were Set Free from Massive Government Regulations?"

That depends what you consider to be 'awesome.'

Do you consider American workers being injured and killed on the job 'awesome.'

Do you consider American consumers being injured and killed by unsafe goods and services 'awesome.'

Do you consider the environment polluted to the point where it jeopardizes the health of Americans 'awesome.'

For well over a century business and industry have proven they will do anything to maximize profit – including put at risk the health and safety of employees and consumers alike.

As a consequence of the naïve stupidity exhibited by you and others on the right, you've contrived this myth of 'government regulation' that manifested solely as a result of capricious, unwarranted regulatory dogma.

The fact is that business and industry have only themselves to blame for being subject to regulation, where necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures, as authorized by the Commerce Clause, are in place as a direct result of businesses and employers abusing employees, willfully selling to the consuming public unsafe goods and services, and seeking to exact irreparable harm to the environment all in the pursuit of profit.

For businesses that act in a responsible manner, that treat their employees and consumers with respect, and are responsible stewards of the environment, they'll not run afoul of regulatory policy, and will be profitable as a consequence of that responsible conduct.

Isn't saintly corporate America more than willing and capable of policing themselves without government interference?

LOL! You want to know what American business would look like if regulations were removed? Take a look at the products advertised on conservative talk radio if you want to see and hear what it would be like. Overnight, America would be turned into one big vitamin supplement scam with every product promising miracles while delivering nothing but a temporary placebo effect. But don't bother trying to sue them. The chances are that Republicans would restrict lawsuits because that would be considered a nuisance to business in their effort to bring "value" (but certainly not family values) to their customers.
Isn't saintly corporate America more than willing and capable of policing themselves without government interference?

LOL! You want to know what American business would look like if regulations were removed? Take a look at the products advertised on conservative talk radio if you want to see and hear what it would be like. Overnight, America would be turned into one big vitamin supplement scam with every product promising miracles while delivering nothing but a temporary placebo effect. But don't bother trying to sue them. The chances are that Republicans would restrict lawsuits because that would be considered a nuisance to business in their effort to bring "value" (but certainly not family values) to their customers.

It's like you read my mind...except I immediately thought of phony Rx.

Due to the incredibly lax regulations on physicians, BritPat should check out all the pain clinics that are thriving in south Florida and all the Oxy addicts they are creating. I guess that's nirvana to him.
It would be so awesome for Duke Energy because they wouldn't have to clean up the 50,000 to 82,000 tons of coal ash they dumped into the Dan River in North Carolina. Totally awesome, dude. Wish that was where you got your drinking water. Glad I don't.
Isn't saintly corporate America more than willing and capable of policing themselves without government interference?

LOL! You want to know what American business would look like if regulations were removed? Take a look at the products advertised on conservative talk radio if you want to see and hear what it would be like. Overnight, America would be turned into one big vitamin supplement scam with every product promising miracles while delivering nothing but a temporary placebo effect. But don't bother trying to sue them. The chances are that Republicans would restrict lawsuits because that would be considered a nuisance to business in their effort to bring "value" (but certainly not family values) to their customers.

It's like you read my mind...except I immediately thought of phony Rx.

Due to the incredibly lax regulations on physicians, BritPat should check out all the pain clinics that are thriving in south Florida and all the Oxy addicts they are creating. I guess that's nirvana to him.

That's the conservatives' idea of freedom from gov't intrusion.
Saddest thing is, many Nations have moved past us in encouraging Entrepreneurship. Steve Wynn recently said he found that it's actually easier to start a business in Communist China than it is here. And that's a pretty sad indictment of our current system. It's time for revolutionary change in how we manage taxation. We desperately need less Government intrusion.

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