How Barack Obama Is Paving the Way for a Palin Presidency

CaféAuLait;1943282 said:
Run along and try to read someone elses mind-- because you failed here. I am done trying to explain something so simple to you.

The only failure is you and your attempt to perpetuate lies.

Racist, luddite, hillbilly, truck driving, gun totting, bible totting, etc. is the norm, from you and the administration, They, meaning the administration is backing off, you, because you are so much smarter are not. Good luck with that.

There are many more of us that are not so smart, not so strong than you. I'll give you the superior position, where the liberals belong. Much higher IQ's. Many more of the physically superior. Your numbers v. ours. The 'not so superior IQ's and/or BMI's v. those with less than stellar IQ's/BMI's. Who'll win?

Do you recognize the question? Demonstrate you mental acuity.
CaféAuLait;1943282 said:
Run along and try to read someone elses mind-- because you failed here. I am done trying to explain something so simple to you.

The only failure is you and your attempt to perpetuate lies.

Racist, luddite, hillbilly, truck driving, gun totting, bible totting, etc. is the norm, from you and the administration, They, meaning the administration is backing off, you, because you are so much smarter are not. Good luck with that.

There are many more of us that are not so smart, not so strong than you. I'll give you the superior position, where the liberals belong. Much higher IQ's. Many more of the physically superior. Your numbers v. ours. The 'not so superior IQ's and/or BMI's v. those with less than stellar IQ's/BMI's. Who'll win?

Who cares?

What are you looking for? A war?

Not gonna happen.
Racist, luddite, hillbilly, truck driving, gun totting, bible totting, etc. is the norm, from you and the administration, They, meaning the administration is backing off, you, because you are so much smarter are not. Good luck with that.

There are many more of us that are not so smart, not so strong than you. I'll give you the superior position, where the liberals belong. Much higher IQ's. Many more of the physically superior. Your numbers v. ours. The 'not so superior IQ's and/or BMI's v. those with less than stellar IQ's/BMI's. Who'll win?

[ame=]YouTube - Gnarls Barkley - Crazy[/ame]
The article I posted proved I did not post any lies.

'Racist' claims defuse once powerful word

The word is being sprayed in all directions, creating a hall of mirrors that is draining the scarlet R of its meaning and its power, turning it into more of a spitball than a stigma.

"It gets to the point where we don't have a word that we use to call people racist who actually are," said John McWhorter, who studies race and language at the conservative Manhattan Institute.

Here are more:

The Boys Who Cry Racism

The Boys Who Cry Racism by Harry Stein, City Journal 15 October 2009

Carter again cites racism as factor in Obama's treatment

Carter again cites racism as factor in Obama's treatment -

Maureen Dowd does so much to prove what I claimed:
CaféAuLait;1943282 said:
Run along and try to read someone elses mind-- because you failed here. I am done trying to explain something so simple to you.

You moved the goalpost after crying that people were calling you racist. You offered absolutely no proof, and yet you want to keep crying there chicken little.

Oh no, I only offered articles from , MSNBC, the AP and the New York Times. Scroll back a few pages for the first.
The lie was that if you dare criticize Obama's policies you get called a racist.
CaféAuLait;1943324 said:
CaféAuLait;1943282 said:
Run along and try to read someone elses mind-- because you failed here. I am done trying to explain something so simple to you.

You moved the goalpost after crying that people were calling you racist. You offered absolutely no proof, and yet you want to keep crying there chicken little.

Oh no, I only offered articles from CNN, MSNBC, the AP and the New York Times.

And your posting record proves that your assertion is wrong.
CaféAuLait;1943324 said:
You moved the goalpost after crying that people were calling you racist. You offered absolutely no proof, and yet you want to keep crying there chicken little.

Oh no, I only offered articles from CNN, MSNBC, the AP and the New York Times.

And your posting record proves that your assertion is wrong.

AND AGAIN my statement about myself was NOT based on any experience here, so how can you say it is a lie? Your arrogance in claiming to know what I meant is scary.
Yo, Cafe' ...

Here's a link to a bunch of threads in which Obama's policies are being criticized:

Healthcare/Insurance/Govt Healthcare - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Somehow a whole mess of threads criticizing his policies are lacking accusations of racism.


Do you see the difference here? You keep linking to this board and I keep linking elsewhere. The small amount of time I spend here does not define what my political beliefs are.

ETA Or any belief for that matter
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CaféAuLait;1943354 said:
Yo, Cafe' ...

Here's a link to a bunch of threads in which Obama's policies are being criticized:

Healthcare/Insurance/Govt Healthcare - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Somehow a whole mess of threads criticizing his policies are lacking accusations of racism.


Do you see the difference here? You keep linking to this board and I keep linking elsewhere. The small amount of time I spend here does not define what my political beliefs are.

What does this have to do with your political beliefs? This has to do with being unable to criticize Obama without being called a racist ... yet ... those are real live people, the brave souls that they are, DARING to criticize Obama's policies and *gasp* they aren't being called a racist for doing so.

Oh wait ... this is about you being unable to criticize Obama's policies without being called a racist ... but when you criticize him here and don't get called a racist it doesn't count :cuckoo:
CaféAuLait;1943354 said:
Yo, Cafe' ...

Here's a link to a bunch of threads in which Obama's policies are being criticized:

Healthcare/Insurance/Govt Healthcare - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Somehow a whole mess of threads criticizing his policies are lacking accusations of racism.


Do you see the difference here? You keep linking to this board and I keep linking elsewhere. The small amount of time I spend here does not define what my political beliefs are.

ETA Or any belief for that matter

This board and the activity on it do a great job at debunking your lie.

This discussion was never about your beliefs.
CaféAuLait;1942924 said:
The world has gone tabloid thanks to Rupert Murdoch among others. Don't assume that the tiny minority of vocal morons known as tea baggers and truthers are going to sway anyone with half a brain. The media tries to make a big deal out of everything that happens. That is how they get ratings. Sara Palin has no chance of becoming president. There is just too much to use against her. What the republican party should look for is someone that has comon sense, a good moral foundation that is not rooted in fundimentalism. Unfortunately that person does not exist. Most intelligent people see right through the wack jobs that have infiltrated and taken over the GOP. People cast in the mold of a Dwight David Eisenhower that see our infrastructure and our ability to manufacture here right at home as a national security issue have been driven out of the party. Now the GOP gravitates towards clowns...

So are you saying the the Huffington Post and The Root are taking after Tea Partiers? Or did they FINALLY recogonize that Obama has made some big mistakes?

I don't read either of those outlets. I have heard and seen Arianna Huffinton on several occasions. She seems fairly grounded. Her dislike for Bush and Cheney was clear and for good reason. Obama is not the root of all evil as those that have had thier power wrestled from them by tru and fair election. Most if not all of Obamas failure has been the negativity and obstruction laid in his path by those who place polotics above the good of our country. His biggest mistake has been trying to be bi-partisan. It has been a total failure to meet them half way or any way for that matter. The loss of his luster has been due to his unwillingness to advance the platform that got him elected..republicans be damned as they do when given any opportunity to advance thier causes. Basically what it comes down to is that democrats are closet cowards and deserve no more respect for themselves than they offer to those that elected them into office.

I agree with you completely. Why he keeps trying is a mystery to me. I think it has cost him dearly. He needs to toughen up and forget trying to make nice with the Republicans.
CaféAuLait;1943354 said:
Yo, Cafe' ...

Here's a link to a bunch of threads in which Obama's policies are being criticized:

Healthcare/Insurance/Govt Healthcare - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Somehow a whole mess of threads criticizing his policies are lacking accusations of racism.


Do you see the difference here? You keep linking to this board and I keep linking elsewhere. The small amount of time I spend here does not define what my political beliefs are.

ETA Or any belief for that matter

This board and the activity on it do a great job at debunking your lie.

This discussion was never about your beliefs.

Baloney, because I said ‘I' that is my belief. And again I have linked to several articles which report the term racist being overused by the left regards Obama—so much so it has lost its sting.

Do you have any comment on the topic of this thread?
only a neophyte would think palin could run successfully for president.
CaféAuLait;1943400 said:
CaféAuLait;1943354 said:
Do you see the difference here? You keep linking to this board and I keep linking elsewhere. The small amount of time I spend here does not define what my political beliefs are.

ETA Or any belief for that matter

This board and the activity on it do a great job at debunking your lie.

This discussion was never about your beliefs.

Baloney, because I said ‘I' that is my belief. And again I have linked to several articles which report the term racist being overused by the left regards Obama—so much so it has lost its sting.

Do you have any comment on the topic of this thread?

Your belief is wrong.


Sure. Palin is wicked retahded and I hope that she runs and wins the GOP nomination for 2012.
CaféAuLait;1943400 said:
This board and the activity on it do a great job at debunking your lie.

This discussion was never about your beliefs.

Baloney, because I said ‘I' that is my belief. And again I have linked to several articles which report the term racist being overused by the left regards Obama—so much so it has lost its sting.

Do you have any comment on the topic of this thread?

Your belief is wrong.


Sure. Palin is wicked retahded and I hope that she runs and wins the GOP nomination for 2012.

I hope she does not --- and that Mass will give Obama pause and move himself back to center.
the fact that Obama's approval rating is only five points higher than Palins should scare the hell out of the democrats.
the fact that Obama's approval rating is only five points higher than Palins should scare the hell out of the democrats.

Approval ratings are meaningless compared to whether you'd actually vote for the person.

Did people miss the recent poll where Palin got trounced in a election analysis against Obama?
only a neophyte would think palin could run successfully for president.

I do not believe that was the point of the article from The Root or Huffpo. It was about Obama taking Mass turing Brown as a course correction point and how much he is failing to lead.

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