How Biden directly caused Americans to have to spend more of their money!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How many of you would be really angry at Joe Biden if he said while running for the Presidency the following:"I guarantee that the cost of gasoline would go up"
Now most of you would say Biden wouldn't be so stupid to guarantee gas prices would increase! Stupid idea right?
But he said exactly like that but in a different way!
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Because after his election, in the next 18 months from Jan 2021 to Sept 2022, a gallon of gas cost $2.42 increasing at a rate of 102% to June 2022 of $5.032!
While he didn't say that he guaranteed gas prices to increase....
Folks, if you worked in an industry that the president said he was going to get rid of...i.e. fossil fuels, wouldn't you be looking for changing your occupation?

Or if you were an investor, wouldn't you do like these people have done...
"Increasing questions around the future of oil demand are making it harder for oil companies to secure financing from banks and other large investors for drilling projects.""Oil companies are having a harder time finding finance as questions about climate and future oil demand increase. ." Increasing questions around the future of oil demand are making it harder and harder for oil companies to secure financing from banks and other large investors for drilling projects.

When gas prices rise, it can be a drag on the economy—impacting everything from consumer spending to the price of airline tickets to hiring practices.

I heard that back in the 80s

The Earth is on fire at the center. Constantly producing new oil. Joe watches CNN and lives eats and breaths DEM BS. then he spreads it, like a carrier of a disease. A cancer on USA.
Fossil fuels are a dead-end technology. They'll be exhausted in 50 years or less.

Time to find something better.
But in the meantime what will you do? Hey I don't disagree. But here is what idiots like Biden SHOULD have said and I know you would agree with it!
Biden should have said:
"I believe that fossil fuels have a very important role in our economy and the major companies are working on reducing Co2 emissions as we speak.
I can guarantee that we'll work with them on helping reduce Co2 emissions with the goal of Zero emissions by 2050!"

In the above statement , NO where did he guarantee to destroy them! But He did guarantee to rid fossil fuels!

But guess what this idiot said:
"Would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking, in a Biden Administration?
CNN’s Dana Bash asked during a primary debate in July 2019.
No,” Biden flatly answered. “We would work it out; we would make sure it’s eliminated and no more subsidies for either of those.
No more fossil fuels.”

Yes, Biden Is To Blame For The Energy Crisis. Here’s Why. | MacIver Institute

Are you proud of such stupidity ? Come on be realistic! None of the gas price increase would have occurred if Biden wasn't so truly ignorant!
Fossil fuels are a dead-end technology. They'll be exhausted in 50 years or less.
Time to find something better.

Perhaps you should set an example, by refusing to use anything that was produced or distributed using fossil fuels.

Obviously, that means giving up the use of your automobile. No heating or air conditioning in your home, unless you can power it exclusively from non-fossil-fuel sources. No eating any food that was farmed, manufactured, processed, or transported using fossil fuels.

Anything in your home made of petroleum-derived plastics, get rid of it.

You'll have to do much more research that I feel like doing, to identify everything you need to get rid of, or stop using; but surely it's worth it for the principle, right?

Let us know how that works out for you. Or maybe you can't, because getting rid of everything fossil-fuel related probably means giving up your computer, your internet service, and everything related thereto.
Perhaps you should set an example, by refusing to use anything that was produced or distributed using fossil fuels.

Obviously, that means giving up the use of your automobile. No heating or air conditioning in your home, unless you can power it exclusively from non-fossil-fuel sources. No eating any food that was farmed, manufactured, processed, or transported using fossil fuels.

Anything in your home made of petroleum-derived plastics, get rid of it.

You'll have to do much more research that I feel like doing, to identify everything you need to get rid of, or stop using; but surely it's worth it for the principle, right?

Let us know how that works out for you. Or maybe you can't, because getting rid of everything fossil-fuel related probably means giving up your computer, your internet service, and everything related thereto.
Plus here are a partial list of items made from oil, 2 billion tires a year are made from 300 million barrels of oil and 1.4 billion barrels of oil per year is used to make asphalt which 94% of our roads are made from!
But in the meantime what will you do? Hey I don't disagree. But here is what idiots like Biden SHOULD have said and I know you would agree with it!
Biden should have said:
What he said was just fine.

Perhaps you should set an example, by refusing to use anything that was produced or distributed using fossil fuels.

Obviously, that means giving up the use of your automobile. No heating or air conditioning in your home, unless you can power it exclusively from non-fossil-fuel sources. No eating any food that was farmed, manufactured, processed, or transported using fossil fuels.
I make a point of having a fuel efficient car, thanks. Unlike you guys who bought a gas guzzling SUV that gets 3 miles to the gallon and cost you a fortune.
Plus here are a partial list of items made from oil, 2 billion tires a year are made from 300 million barrels of oil and 1.4 billion barrels of oil per year is used to make asphalt which 94% of our roads are made from!
All of which we can find (and need to find) alternatives to.
How many of you would be really angry at Joe Biden if he said while running for the Presidency the following:"I guarantee that the cost of gasoline would go up"
Now most of you would say Biden wouldn't be so stupid to guarantee gas prices would increase! Stupid idea right?
But he said exactly like that but in a different way!
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Because after his election, in the next 18 months from Jan 2021 to Sept 2022, a gallon of gas cost $2.42 increasing at a rate of 102% to June 2022 of $5.032!
While he didn't say that he guaranteed gas prices to increase....
Folks, if you worked in an industry that the president said he was going to get rid of...i.e. fossil fuels, wouldn't you be looking for changing your occupation?

Or if you were an investor, wouldn't you do like these people have done...
"Increasing questions around the future of oil demand are making it harder for oil companies to secure financing from banks and other large investors for drilling projects.""Oil companies are having a harder time finding finance as questions about climate and future oil demand increase. ." Increasing questions around the future of oil demand are making it harder and harder for oil companies to secure financing from banks and other large investors for drilling projects.

When gas prices rise, it can be a drag on the economy—impacting everything from consumer spending to the price of airline tickets to hiring practices.

View attachment 813825

Same old spam but a week later.
Same old spam but a week later.
So what do you call "Bideneconomics"?
Are you proud of an economy that costs today $3.71/gallon of gas all due to this dumb ass comment by Biden!
Biden "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

No one seems especially on this forum AND in the MSM does the simple FACT that Obama and Biden have signed the fewest leases for oil and gas exploration
versus what Trump did! Federal oil &gas provide 24% of our nation's oil.

And so when the CEO of Chevron , Mike Wirth's response:
"You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’

So yes, if someone guarantees to put you out of business you have the excuse to raise your prices for as long as you can, sell off as much of your assets, shut down expensive facilities that are "guaranteed" to be rid of by the President of the United States! Only good business! Get it while you can!

So Trump got gas prices down by killing a million people and wrecking the economy?
I'd rather had expensive gas.
So Trump got gas prices down by killing a million people and wrecking the economy?
I'd rather had expensive gas.
A) So Trump contracted with China to develop Covid just to lower gas prices? That's what you are saying right?
B) According to the below FACTS.. gas prices had been going down from a highest of $2.987 in May 2018 long before Covid.
C) Remember Biden guaranteed to :
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

D) Trump increased oil/gas leases on Federal lands which proved 24% of oil/gas and Biden has signed fewer!
FACTS are hard to refute!

A) So Trump contracted with China to develop Covid just to lower gas prices? That's what you are saying right?

No, Trump's gross fucking incompetence dealing with Covid caused that. The Chinese actually handled Covid properly. They locked down the effected regions, and they had Wuhan up and running again within weeks.

B) According to the below FACTS.. gas prices had been going down from a highest of $2.987 in May 2018 long before Covid.

Actually they fluctuated all over the place... until the economy recovered and Big Oil decided to screw us all.

Why do you like taking it up the ass from Big Oil?
In the seven years I’ve been on this board these rabid left-wing lunatics will never bend, understand, or apologize for the nonsense they wholeheartedly support. No matter how many economic collapses, virus Launch, suspicious fires, accidents murders, all from the deep state, all from the leftist, wars started, political harassment, false charges-arrests. They will swim in all of it and revel in it. They are disgusting creatures that have turned me into a hard-core hater. I want them dead, into wood chippers, I want them in a slow dull blade.

Brought to you by voice, text and an extreme mode of discussed with these maggots filthy, dirty maggots.
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In the seven years I’ve been on this board these rabid left-wing lunatics will never bend, understand, or apologize for the nonsense they wholeheartedly support. No matter how many economic collapses, virus Launch, suspicious fires, accidents murders, all from the deep state, all from the leftist, wars started, political harassment, false charges-arrests. They will swim in all of it and revel in it. They are disgusting creatures that have turned me into a hard-core hater. I want them dead, into wood chippers, I want them in a slow dull blade.

Brought to you by voice, text and an extreme mode of discussed with these maggots filthy, dirty maggots.
Well re-construction should also mean the biased MSM which with your solution would definitely be affected!
How can anyone believe the truly biased MSM when the facts are so clear.
1) But when one considers the following $2.6 Billion in advertising dollars spent on Biden's behalf by ABC,CBS,NBC from the following there is no conclusion to be drawn other than the BIASED MSM truly hates America!
Proof of the biased MSM that ABC,CBS/NBC alone donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS"!
Over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20). Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs
The average commercial costs $105,000 for a 30 sec. spot. Therefore in 32.7 hours , two 30 second commercials in a minute or total of 25,440 30- second commercials @ $105,000 or $2,671,200,000 In television advertising value. Used in NEGATIVE TRUMP coverage!
"What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage
of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive
from July 29 through October 20"
Broadcast networks deliver 92% negative coverage for Trump, 66% positive for Biden: Study

2) The attached two articles were never meant for the leftists, minions who truly can't decipher facts.
In the seven years I’ve been on this board these rabid left-wing lunatics will never bend, understand, or apologize for the nonsense they wholeheartedly support. No matter how many economic collapses, virus Launch, suspicious fires, accidents murders, all from the deep state, all from the leftist, wars started, political harassment, false charges-arrests. They will swim in all of it and revel in it. They are disgusting creatures that have turned me into a hard-core hater. I want them dead, into wood chippers, I want them in a slow dull blade.

You see, there's the thing.

We didn't have viruses or riots or economic collapses before Trump got there.

Funny how that works.

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