How Biden directly caused Americans to have to spend more of their money!

Feel free to put your money, and your lifestyle, where your mouth is; and stop using, or otherwise benefitting from any goods or services that are dependent on fossil fuels. Let us all know how that works out for you.

Give me the alternatives, and I'd be happy to.

You can't only offer one product and then fault me for complaining about the one product.
Whatever, guy. Nearly every application of petroleum has a green alternative... more often than not, more cost effective.
Fossil fuels are running out and destroying the planet. We really need to stand up to big oil.

You know what you are now reminding me of?

I grew up in Santa Barbara, California. The beaches of Santa Barbara are notoriously littered with globs of sticky, yucky tar.

Some time in the 1960s or 1970s, a group of mindless leftists (but then I repeat myself) looked out over the ocean, noticed the oil-drilling rigs, and decided that the oil companies were to blame for all the tar on the beaches. Thus began a longstanding enmity on the part of the dumber elements of the Santa Barbara community, against the oil industry. Obviously, it was this big, rich, evil, industry that was polluting our beaches with all this tar, right?

As of when I left Santa Barbara, nearly two decades ago, that bunch still had significant influence, there.

The truth is, this tar was on our beaches long before anyone even began to drill for oil, long before anyone recognized the value of oil, long before Europeans even set foot in the area. The Chumash used it to seal up their boats. There's a point not far away, called Coal Oil Point so named because the first European sailors to explore the area could smell the oil as they sailed near that point.

But luddites of your kind are as immune to historical knowledge, as you are oblivious to what the impact on your own life would be if you got what you demand.
Ozone was a real problem that WAS solved. CFC's were largely banned, and it was RONALD REAGAN of all people who led the charge. You see, that's what happens when you put the rhetoric aside, listen to the science, and come up with solutions.

Nothing has ever been done about Mount Erebus, almost directly below the alleged “Ozone Hole”, that since long before mankind existed, has been, on a daily basis spewing more ozone-depleting crap into the air, than mankind has been able to produce in all of our existence. It is no coincidence that this alleged “hole” was directly above Mount Erebus, even though the vast majority of manmade chlorofluorocarbons have been manufactured and used in the northern hemisphere.
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Nothing has ever been done about Mount Erebus, almost directly below the alleged “Ozone Hole”, that since long before mankind existed, has been, on a daily basis spewing more ozone-depleting crap into the air, than mankind has been able to produce in all of our existence. It is no coincidence that this alleged “hole” was directly above Mount Erebus, even though the vast majority of manmade chlorofluorocarbons have been manufactured and used in the northern hemisphere.
I really don't pay much attention about "Science" from guys who think they are wearing magic underwear.
I really don't pay much attention about "Science" from guys who think they are wearing magic underwear.

That's OK. I do not actually believe any such thing. That's a rather grotesque caricature, rather far removed from the actual belief that it was crafted to mock.

But you do prefer to believe “science” from those who claim that Bruce Jenner is a woman. That is far more batshit crazy than your most extravagant lies, exaggerations, and mockeries of anything that you claim I believe. You cannot even make up crazy bullshit to falsely attribute to me, that is as crazy as what you openly believe.
That's OK. I do not actually believe any such thing. That's a rather grotesque caricature, rather far removed from the actual belief that it was crafted to mock.

Uh, yeah, the whole Magic Underwear thing is silly, I can see why you guys don't want to talk about it.

But you do prefer to believe “science” from those who claim that Bruce Jenner is a woman. That is far more batshit crazy than your most extravagant lies, exaggerations, and mockeries of anything that you claim I believe. You cannot even make up crazy bullshit to falsely attribute to me, that is as crazy as what you openly believe.
Caitlyn Jenner is a woman. It says so on her driver's license.

That you weirdly obsess about it is kind of your problem.
Uh, yeah, the whole Magic Underwear thing is silly, I can see why you guys don't want to talk about it.

Your bizarre mockery is silly.

You do not have the capacity to understand the underlying belief which you are mocking, and therefore no standing to judge whether it is silly or not.

Caitlyn Jenner is a woman. It says so on her driver's license.

Bruce Jenner is a man. It says so in the DNA in every cell nucleus in his body, and in the manner in which eh has passed his DNA down to half a dozen offspring.

Only a mentally- and morally-fucked-up freak such as yourself is confused the way you are, about the distinction between men and women.
Whatever, guy. Nearly every application of petroleum has a green alternative... more often than not, more cost effective.

Fossil fuels are running out and destroying the planet. We really need to stand up to big oil.
OK... name the alternative for these items!
Ahem... tires are made out of rubber AND 7 gallons of oil! Again you are showing your ignorance.
An average tire contains well over 100 separate components.
Tires can include natural rubber, synthetic rubber, steel, nylon, silica (derived from sand), polyester, carbon black, petroleum, etc.
According to the Rubber Manufacturers Association, it takes “approximately seven gallons” of oil to produce a single tire. “Five gallons are used as feedstock (from which the substances that combine to form synthetic rubber are derived), while two gallons supply the energy necessary for the manufacturing process.”
Now as far as ALL concrete...
The costs of concrete roads are also higher than that of asphalt, both in installation and repair.
Concrete is not as "grippy" as asphalt, either. Spills, vehicle chemicals, and other pollutants do not absorb into concrete as well as asphalt.
This material is also more prone to slippage during rain or snow.

But again... people that use the internet such as I did seem to know more than people like you!
OK... name the alternative for these items!
Ahem... tires are made out of rubber AND 7 gallons of oil! Again you are showing your ignorance.
An average tire contains well over 100 separate components.
Tires can include natural rubber, synthetic rubber, steel, nylon, silica (derived from sand), polyester, carbon black, petroleum, etc.
According to the Rubber Manufacturers Association, it takes “approximately seven gallons” of oil to produce a single tire. “Five gallons are used as feedstock (from which the substances that combine to form synthetic rubber are derived), while two gallons supply the energy necessary for the manufacturing process.”
Now as far as ALL concrete...
The costs of concrete roads are also higher than that of asphalt, both in installation and repair.
Concrete is not as "grippy" as asphalt, either. Spills, vehicle chemicals, and other pollutants do not absorb into concrete as well as asphalt.
This material is also more prone to slippage during rain or snow.

But again... people that use the internet such as I did seem to know more than people like you!
View attachment 818571

My guess is that JoeB131 would be quite happy to impose on others “sacrifices” that would seriously affect everyone's quality of life, as long as he believes that he can somehow himself be exempt from those same impacts.
Your bizarre mockery is silly.

You do not have the capacity to understand the underlying belief which you are mocking, and therefore no standing to judge whether it is silly or not.

No, it's just fucking silly to start with. The idea that magic underwear protects you from evil... is just absurd. Even sillier that Joseph Smith couldn't get into the Freemasons so decided to make up his own.

Bruce Jenner is a man. It says so in the DNA in every cell nucleus in his body, and in the manner in which eh has passed his DNA down to half a dozen offspring.

Okay, and now she's a woman... legally.

Only a mentally- and morally-fucked-up freak such as yourself is confused the way you are, about the distinction between men and women.

Not confused at all... I spend exactly zero time thinking about Mrs. Jenner and her lifestyle.

OK... name the alternative for these items!
Ahem... tires are made out of rubber AND 7 gallons of oil! Again you are showing your ignorance.

Yawn, so Big Oil has imposed itself into the creation of a product, making themselves indispensible.

The ONLY reason why petroleum is used in tires today was because in WWII, the Japanese cut off the world's supply of rubber (or a large part of it.)

My guess is that @JoeB131 would be quite happy to impose on others “sacrifices” that would seriously affect everyone's quality of life, as long as he believes that he can somehow himself be exempt from those same impacts.
I've already made more sacrifices for this country than you ever will, Bob.
No, it's just fucking silly to start with. The idea that magic underwear protects you from evil... is just absurd. Even sillier that Joseph Smith couldn't get into the Freemasons so decided to make up his own.

Okay, and now she's a woman... legally.

Not confused at all... I spend exactly zero time thinking about Mrs. Jenner and her lifestyle.

Yawn, so Big Oil has imposed itself into the creation of a product, making themselves indispensible.

The ONLY reason why petroleum is used in tires today was because in WWII, the Japanese cut off the world's supply of rubber (or a large part of it.)

I've already made more sacrifices for this country than you ever will, Bob.

I would believe JoeB did make "sacrifices" but then I have to ask... "was JoeB that totally uniformed then about America that he now believes the Anti-American minions that he defends and believes his "sacrifices" were in vein?
No, it's just fucking silly to start with. The idea that magic underwear protects you from evil... is just absurd. Even sillier that Joseph Smith couldn't get into the Freemasons so decided to make up his own.

Again, that's your bizarre mockery, very far removed from the actual belief that you are trying to mock.

No Mormon actually believes what you are claiming we believe.

And why are you so obsessed about my underwear, anyway? That's not not normal.

It's funny how you've been accusing me of being creepy and obsessive, and yet at the same time, managing yourself to be more creepy and obsessive that what you've been trying to accuse me of being,

I guess this is similar to when you, being known to be morbidly-obese, called me “flabby” even though I have never been overweight in my life, and in fact, sometimes have to struggle against a tendency to be underweght.

Normal men do not obsess over other men's underwear. Perhaps your slip-on footwear is not nearly as massive as you want everyone to believe that it is.
Bruce Jenner is a man. It says so in the DNA in every cell nucleus in his body, and in the manner in which he has passed his DNA down to half a dozen offspring.
Okay, and now she's a woman... legally.

No, he is not.

It is biologically impossible for a man to become a woman. Again, it take someone seriously fucked in the head, as you clearly are, to believe that Bruce Jenner is, in any meaningful sense, female. Perhaps your mental deficiency in that regard is related to your faggoty obsession over my underwear.
Again, that's your bizarre mockery, very far removed from the actual belief that you are trying to mock.

No Mormon actually believes what you are claiming we believe.

And why are you so obsessed about my underwear, anyway? That's not not normal.

It's funny how you've been accusing me of being creepy and obsessive, and yet at the same time, managing yourself to be more creepy and obsessive that what you've been trying to accuse me of being,

Naw, man, your silly beliefs are ripe for mockery.... I mean, I know the Magic Underwear is a big secret and you aren't allowed to talk about it, which makes it even funnier.

It is biologically impossible for a man to become a woman. Again, it take someone seriously fucked in the head, as you clearly are, to believe that Bruce Jenner is, in any meaningful sense, female. Perhaps your mental deficiency in that regard is related to your faggoty obsession over my underwear.

You prove once again that most homophobic people are probably latently gay.
Naw, man, your silly beliefs are ripe for mockery.... I mean, I know the Magic Underwear is a big secret and you aren't allowed to talk about it, which makes it even funnier.
You prove once again that most homophobic people are probably latently gay.

Now that's funny.

A light-loafered faggot that is obsessed with my underwear is suggesting that I might be “latently gay”.

A man obsessing over other men's underwear is not exactly a sign of healthy, normal sexual alignment, no matter what you try to claim.
The people who lost everything including family members in Maui are getting $700 from Biden... as Biden sends billions of dollars to Ukraine... this man is a Manchurian president....
Now that's funny.

A light-loafered faggot that is obsessed with my underwear is suggesting that I might be “latently gay”.

A man obsessing over other men's underwear is not exactly a sign of healthy, normal sexual alignment, no matter what you try to claim.

Where did I say just your underwear is ridiculous... it's all kind of ridiculous.

But I know you go to bed dreaming about me, Bob.
The people who lost everything including family members in Maui are getting $700 from Biden... as Biden sends billions of dollars to Ukraine... this man is a Manchurian president....

The $700 is just for immediate expenses.... they are going to get millions more between FEMA, insurance, etc.
Where did I say just your underwear is ridiculous... it's all kind of ridiculous.

You have to admit that it is not normal at all for a man to be as obsessed as you clearly are, with another man's underwear.

Such an obsession certainly casts serious doubts on the mass of your slip-on footwear.

You have to admit that it is not normal at all for a man to be as obsessed as you clearly are, with another man's underwear.

Such an obsession certainly casts serious doubts on the mass of your slip-on footwear.

naw, what's silly is thinking your underwear protects you from evil, or that you can baptize dead people, or that will rule a planet in the afterlife, or that a secret handshake gets you into heaven... or any of the other absurd shit you guys think.

Your obsession with gay people speaks for itself... they clearly rule your brain, probably because secretly, you are into that kind of thing.

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