How Bigly will the Ds lose in 2020?

Actually, the Democrats' behavior is so extreme, so violent, so loathsome,

All those white supremacists slaughtering people in houses of worship were democrats????

Gee.....the things you "learn" on here from right wing fuckheads........LMAO
Rather than try to convince anyone of my opinion I am simply going to say that the DOJ investigation of the attempted coup is beginning to hurt the Ds worse than Watergate hurt the Republicans. Also it will spawn other investigations such as the college admissions scandal that has already broke. The drip, drip, drip of scandals in the clown car has already begun as well. Barr as both more competent and harder nosed than Mueller will kick ass but may not bother taking names. Also it is a coin toss as to whether Sanders or Biden will do more damage to the D franchise. So, how bad will be the perp walks be for state and federal Ds be when the plea bargains start? At a minimum the Ds will not win enough elective offices to get the SALT deduction. What is your opinion?
There will be two years of constant dribbling from the investigation into the deep state coup against Trump. There will be arrests, leaks, and bombshells. I can't imagine a better scenario for a Trump victory.
In the 2018 election, Dems ran on the threat to healthcare. Republicans ran on the threat of an immigrant carivan

Dems got the vote out on a ...we have to stop Trump basis

Dems flocked to the polls and defeated Republican candidates in the House by 9 million votes

Hillary outpolled Trump by 3 million votes
The right wing senators are facing TWENTY-TWO seats up for grabs......TEN may be safe.....the other 12????

Do the simple math, Trump ass kissers.....LOL
As John Dean famously stated, "THERE IS A CANCER ON THE PRESIDENCY".............
What I wonder is who gets the D Franchise. I am assuming that the automatic R and D ballot access has a value in the low billions. if that is the case then a whole lot of people will be fighting for that treasure trove and literally leaving a trail of bodies in their wake will be SOP.
In 2020, Dems will easily win the the popular vote
3 million will not be enough

Probably take 4-10 million to win and take the House and Senate
Rather than try to convince anyone of my opinion I am simply going to say that the DOJ investigation of the attempted coup is beginning to hurt the Ds worse than Watergate hurt the Republicans. Also it will spawn other investigations such as the college admissions scandal that has already broke. The drip, drip, drip of scandals in the clown car has already begun as well. Barr as both more competent and harder nosed than Mueller will kick ass but may not bother taking names. Also it is a coin toss as to whether Sanders or Biden will do more damage to the D franchise. So, how bad will be the perp walks be for state and federal Ds be when the plea bargains start? At a minimum the Ds will not win enough elective offices to get the SALT deduction. What is your opinion?

Current polls show BIDEN ahead of TRUMP in Texas! Yes, TEXAS! With Texas potentially going BLUE in 2020, its pretty much over for Trump. Enjoy the next 18 months.
There will be two years of constant dribbling from the investigation into the deep state coup against Trump. There will be arrests, leaks, and bombshells. I can't imagine a better scenario for a Trump victory.


Rather than try to convince anyone of my opinion I am simply going to say that the DOJ investigation of the attempted coup is beginning to hurt the Ds worse than Watergate hurt the Republicans. Also it will spawn other investigations such as the college admissions scandal that has already broke. The drip, drip, drip of scandals in the clown car has already begun as well. Barr as both more competent and harder nosed than Mueller will kick ass but may not bother taking names. Also it is a coin toss as to whether Sanders or Biden will do more damage to the D franchise. So, how bad will be the perp walks be for state and federal Ds be when the plea bargains start? At a minimum the Ds will not win enough elective offices to get the SALT deduction. What is your opinion?

Current polls show BIDEN ahead of TRUMP in Texas! Yes, TEXAS! With Texas potentially going BLUE in 2020, its pretty much over for Trump. Enjoy the next 18 months.

I think we all remember numerous polls showing Clinton up by 10+ points nationally and in many state polls. Some of the polls were done just a couple weeks before the election.

People looking at the 2018 mid terms are looking at fools gold.

Look at 2010. 1994. 1982. In all 3 cases, the President won reelection in landslides in the following general election.

As for Biden, he is such a mess. After watching him, he is too old now. His mind is not sharp anymore.
Thé key for Dems in 2020 will not just be to win Congress and the White House

They need to stage a strong campaign to win Governorships and the State Houses

They need to reverse the gerrymandering that was done after the 2010 census and ensure fair apportionment in the House and in state legislatures
At least as badly as 2016, since the Democrats' anti-social behavior and openly spewing hatred towards America has gotten exponentially worse. Trump will win, R's will sweep both houses of Congress, there will be plenty of R governers winning.
That will take a lot of common sense, intelligent, and patriotic voters for all that to happen. You are putting more faith in our brainwashed citizenry than I am.

I had faith in the electorate in 2016, but like you, it is eroding.
2020 election is a crossroads for the Nation.
We either ascend with Trump, or begin a quick descending with the current harebrained Democrats.
In 2020, Dems will easily win the the popular vote
3 million will not be enough

Probably take 4-10 million to win and take the House and Senate

With a considerable SURGE of Dem Governors, the old fraud of redistricting and gerrymandering by corrupt state GOPers is no longer that easy......Couple that with a census in 2020, a lot of those "red" states' map will considerably change.....

The Trump Cult the Tea Party dying.........What is happening all over America ....especially with the disgusted independent voters is not reflected in the many Trump ass kissers who hang on in this forum......(hell, they're even losing FOX.)....LOL
In 2020, Dems will easily win the the popular vote
3 million will not be enough

Probably take 4-10 million to win and take the House and Senate
Didn’t you also predict hillary beating Trump? :)

I only ask because I knew Trump was going to kick her ass.
In the 2018 election, Dems ran on the threat to healthcare. Republicans ran on the threat of an immigrant carivan

Dems got the vote out on a ...we have to stop Trump basis

Dems flocked to the polls and defeated Republican candidates in the House by 9 million votes

Hillary outpolled Trump by 3 million votes
Dems actually ran on the "Collusion" witch hunt.

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