How Black Were the Moors?

I have heard several times people claim the Moors were not Black. I understand that Muslim Arabs were also part of the Moors but the claim that there were not any Black Africans in positions of power and influence is laughable considering the evidence.

I'd love to see that evidence. Where might I find it?

Flag of Sardina


The Moors: Moor Etymology, Moors Truth, Real Moors, Moor Origins, Moorish History, True Moors, Africans in Europe

OF Course:
1. That is A Flag with Only 3 Simplified Colors.
2. Asclepias' image has been DISHONESTLY MANIPULATED to make the heads look more Black-featured.
a. Note how the heads are Too Close to the vertical center Stripe and how aSleepyAss himself or his 'BlackHistory' website has made the Nose and Lips more sub-Saharan (fatter-lipped and turned up nose) than they actually are the flag.
b. The face Dishonestly and significantly Altered in the image from the aSleepyAss collection.
c. The flag he posted is NOT pictured at his Link.
aSleepyAss is not only a Stupid Dishonest Clown, he is a Black RACIST using or creating False info.

Wiki with the Actual 'Faces-Left' Sardinia Flag (they now face right since 2000)


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OF Course:
1. That is A Flag with Only 3 Simplified Colors.
2. Asclepias' image has been DISHONESTLY MANIPULATED to make the heads look more Black-featured.
a. Note how the heads are Too Close to the vertical center Stripe and how aSleepyAss himself or his 'BlackHistory' website has made the Nose and Lips more sub-Saharan (fatter-lipped and turned up nose) than they actually are the flag.
b. The face Dishonestly and significantly Altered in the image from the aSleepyAss collection.
c. The flag he posted is NOT pictured at his Link.
aSleepyAss is not only a Stupid Dishonest Clown, he is a Black RACIST using or creating False info.

Wiki with the Actual 'Faces-Left' Sardinia Flag (they now face right since 2000)
File:Bandera nacionalista sarda.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Thanks Abu bu for bumping up this thread. Unfortunately I have to clown you again for your efforts. I dont know if you are deliberately being dishonest or just stupid. In light of most of your post I will go with really stupid. The image you found is the current white washed version. I went to a site in Europe and got the orginal one. You can check it out along with the coat of arms. The fact that it is white washed actually lends heavy evidence to the effort to cover up the history.

Royaume de Sardaigne

Here is another look so it can get seared into your brain Abu bu. Thanks for playing.

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The Moors were Black. Thread closed.
The Moors were Darker Skin-toned, some very dark.
But they were clearly a Mix of sub-Saharan Black and Arabo and other Race North African.
It's just another in Aslurpias' nothin-but-stretches to claim the sub-Saharan -sub-IQers did something/anything somewhere ELSE even though they did Nada where they actually live/are 'pure-gened'.
Think 'Huts' forevva.

Most repros do NOT have the MISLEADING Facial Features in aSleepyAss' flag.
In fact, go to his link I quoted, and one can see they are DIFFERENT than Black sub-saharans.

Aborigines are also 'Black'/er.. Dark and NOT sub-saharan.

As to SleepyAss' Slimey Flag attempt?
Take Yo pick:

He really had to SLIME it up to come up with his Fat-lipped version.

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The Moors were Black. Thread closed.
The Moors were Darker Skin-toned, some very dark.
But they were clearly a Mix of sub-Saharan Black and Arabo and other Race North Africa.\

Most repros do NOT have the MISLEADING Facial Features in aSleepyAss' flag.
In fact, go yo his link I quoted, and one can see they are DIFFERNT than Black sub-sahrans.

Aborigines are also 'Black'/dark and NOT sub-saharan.

As to SleepyAss' Slimey Flag attempt?

Take Yo pick:

He really had to SLIME it up to come up with his Fat-lipped version.

They are Black. You are dismissed. :salute:
The Moors were Black. Thread closed.
The Moors were Darker Skin-toned, some very dark.
But they were clearly a Mix of sub-Saharan Black and Arabo and other Race North African.
It's just another in nothin-but-stretches to clain the sub-Saharan -sub-IQers did something/anything even though they did Nada where they actually live/are 'pure-gened'.
Think 'Huts' forevva.

Most repros do NOT have the MISLEADING Facial Features in aSleepyAss' flag.
In fact, go to his link I quoted, and one can see they are DIFFERENT than Black sub-saharans.

Aborigines are also 'Black'/er.. Dark and NOT sub-saharan.

As to SleepyAss' Slimey Flag attempt?
Take Yo pick:

He really had to SLIME it up to come up with his Fat-lipped version.

You have to be some kind of fool to think all Black Africans are sub-saharan. How can you be that stupid?

In the link you posted Abu BU. More Black versions of the flag. Be careful posting links that come back and are used against you dumbass.


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[ame=]Family Guy - OMG WHO THE HELL CARES! - YouTube[/ame]
From the Wiki article:

" As critics have established, the term 'Moor' referred to dark-skinned people in general, used interchangeably with similarly ambiguous terms as 'African', 'Ethiopian', 'Negro', and even 'Indian' to designate a figure from Africa (or beyond)."[14][15] Various uses of the word 'black' (for example, "Haply for I am black") are insufficient evidence for any accurate racial classification, Honigmann argues, since 'black' could simply mean 'swarthy' to Elizabethans. Iago twice uses the word 'Barbary' or 'Barbarian' to refer to Othello, seemingly referring to the Barbary coast inhabited by the "tawny" Moors. Roderigo calls Othello 'the thicklips', which seems to refer to European conceptions of Sub-Saharan African physiognomy, but Honigmann counters that, as these comments are all intended as insults by the characters, they need not be taken literally."

If the original poster has any credible evidence that the "Moors" were black African (f/k/a/ "Negro"), the original poster might post a linque or two.

It appears to me that "Moor" was just a term used generically to indicate someone who had darker skin than the Europeans and Brits had. More than likely they were Arab.

But of course to anyone who took seriously the preposterous expression, "Jesus was black," anything is possible.
From the Wiki article:

" As critics have established, the term 'Moor' referred to dark-skinned people in general, used interchangeably with similarly ambiguous terms as 'African', 'Ethiopian', 'Negro', and even 'Indian' to designate a figure from Africa (or beyond)."[14][15] Various uses of the word 'black' (for example, "Haply for I am black") are insufficient evidence for any accurate racial classification, Honigmann argues, since 'black' could simply mean 'swarthy' to Elizabethans. Iago twice uses the word 'Barbary' or 'Barbarian' to refer to Othello, seemingly referring to the Barbary coast inhabited by the "tawny" Moors. Roderigo calls Othello 'the thicklips', which seems to refer to European conceptions of Sub-Saharan African physiognomy, but Honigmann counters that, as these comments are all intended as insults by the characters, they need not be taken literally."

If the original poster has any credible evidence that the "Moors" were black African (f/k/a/ "Negro"), the original poster might post a linque or two.

It appears to me that "Moor" was just a term used generically to indicate someone who had darker skin than the Europeans and Brits had. More than likely they were Arab.

But of course to anyone who took seriously the preposterous expression, "Jesus was black," anything is possible.

It appears to me you have not looked at the links already posted. If your aim is to dispute post your evidence they were not black. I have already posted mine. I will not accept white washed sources as evidence. Regarding your reference to Jesus its pretty clear he was Black. You cant read the Bible and come away with any other conclusion unless you have blinders on.
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The genetic proximity observed between the Berbers and southern Europeans reveals that these groups shared a common ancestor. For example, genetic exchanges could have taken place during prehistory, while European populations retreated from ice sheets and expanded from refuge, around 15,000 years ago (as evidenced by the H and U5b mitochondrial lineages). Alternatively, these exchanges could have occurred during history, with the invasion and the occupation during nearly seven centuries (from the 8th to the 15th century) of the Iberian Peninsula by Almoravide then Almohade Muslim Berber troops.

The differentiation observed between North Africans and sub-Saharan populations shows, first, that settlement of these areas was achieved by different migration waves and, then, that a genetic diversity was already observable in Africa since very old times. However, the Berber genetic heritage consists of a relatively high frequency of L lineages from various parts of Africa (i.e. L0a, L3i, L4, and L5 clades are from East Africa, L1b, L2b, and L3b are from West Africa, and L3e originated in the Sudan). It poses a question about the Sahara desert role in population movements and exchanges. It should be specified that the Sahara was not always a desert, because it also underwent enormous variation between wet and dry, offering green spaces favorable for human occupation and animal domestication (Aumassip et al. 1994; Said & Faure 1990). Thus, this is plausible that exchanges between African prehistoric populations took place; exchanges during which markers typical of sub-Saharan groups would have been introduced into the Berber gene pool. Contacts between North Africa and great sub-Saharan empires (such as those of Ghana, of Mali, or the Songhai Empire) are also reported by history during trans-Saharan trade of gold, salt and slaves.

Overall, it is clear that neither the Strait of Gibraltar nor the Sahara desert appears to have forced the movements and exchanges between South Europeans, North Africans, and sub-Saharans. This interaction took place since prehistory in a human and genetic framework already diversified, and the maternal ancestors of the Berbers were able to exchange some markers with surrounding populations with different cultures and genetic pools. Influences from the Middle East and East Africa are marked in Siwa, while southwestern European influences are observed in the Maghreb. Although the origin of these Eurasian and sub-Saharan lineages in the mitochondrial pool of Berbers is still questionable (whether due to common ancestry or past and/or current gene flow), certainly they were not diluted by the many historical invasions and migrations, leaving a clear maternal footprint in the contemporary populations. We conclude that the origins and diversity of Berber populations are old and complex, and these communities bear genetic characteristics resulting from various events of gene flow with surrounding and migrating populations.

The Complex and Diversified Mitochondrial Gene Pool of Berber Populations - Coudray - 2008 - Annals of Human Genetics - Wiley Online Library
I have heard several times people claim the Moors were not Black. I understand that Muslim Arabs were also part of the Moors but the claim that there were not any Black Africans in positions of power and influence is laughable considering the evidence.

Moors were black. The problem is that Afrocentric types like to ascribe the accomplishments of North Africa to blacks as to make themselves feel better about the lack of African accomplishment anywhere else. In truth,the Arabs invaded North Africa , kicked their tails in the Arab Conquest of the Maghreb, and told them to "convert or die." Yes they were blacks. However, they were cultural Muslims/Arabs. They wrote in Arabic, they were educated at madrassas, they prayed toward Mecca, and they were stripped of their relatively worthless cultural identity very long ago. As compared to the blacks in North Africa, the Muslims were relatively liberal for their day. They were African in genetics and Arab in everything else. Getting their tails kicked in the Arab Conquest of the Maghreb was indeed the best thing to have ever happened to them.
I have heard several times people claim the Moors were not Black. I understand that Muslim Arabs were also part of the Moors but the claim that there were not any Black Africans in positions of power and influence is laughable considering the evidence.

Moors were black. The problem is that Afrocentric types like to ascribe the accomplishments of North Africa to blacks as to make themselves feel better about the lack of African accomplishment anywhere else. In truth,the Arabs invaded North Africa , kicked their tails in the Arab Conquest of the Maghreb, and told them to "convert or die." Yes they were blacks. However, they were cultural Muslims/Arabs. They wrote in Arabic, they were educated at madrassas, they prayed toward Mecca, and they were stripped of their relatively worthless cultural identity very long ago. As compared to the blacks in North Africa, the Muslims were relatively liberal for their day. They were African in genetics and Arab in everything else. Getting their tails kicked in the Arab Conquest of the Maghreb was indeed the best thing to have ever happened to them.

It seem more like the problem is that you have no facts to back up your misquided and illiterate statement regarding African history whatsoever. That discussion would be a bit off topic but I would love to thrash you like the wimp you are over this. Why don't you start another thread regarding the accomplishments of Africans civilizations and post the link here. If you don do so i will take it as you admitting to being merely angry and bitter the Moors had to reeducate Europe. What do you say to the challenge angry guy?

I have heard several times people claim the Moors were not Black. I understand that Muslim Arabs were also part of the Moors but the claim that there were not any Black Africans in positions of power and influence is laughable considering the evidence.

Moors were black. The problem is that Afrocentric types like to ascribe the accomplishments of North Africa to blacks as to make themselves feel better about the lack of African accomplishment anywhere else. In truth,the Arabs invaded North Africa , kicked their tails in the Arab Conquest of the Maghreb, and told them to "convert or die." Yes they were blacks. However, they were cultural Muslims/Arabs. They wrote in Arabic, they were educated at madrassas, they prayed toward Mecca, and they were stripped of their relatively worthless cultural identity very long ago. As compared to the blacks in North Africa, the Muslims were relatively liberal for their day. They were African in genetics and Arab in everything else. Getting their tails kicked in the Arab Conquest of the Maghreb was indeed the best thing to have ever happened to them.

It seem more like the problem is that you have no facts to back up your misquided and illiterate statement regarding African history whatsoever. That discussion would be a bit off topic but I would love to thrash you like the wimp you are over this. Why don't you start another thread regarding the accomplishments of Africans civilizations and post the link here. If you don do so i will take it as you admitting to being merely angry and bitter the Moors had to reeducate Europe. What do you say to the challenge angry guy?

All North African accomplishments can be attributed to the below events. What about sub-Saharan Africa? It was the relatively barren uneducated and uncivilized wasteland of Africa until it was colonized. Minus, of course, those who converted to Islam and opened trade with the Arabs. In any case, why deny it? Are you so shallow as to ascribe your accomplishments and intellectual capacity to the trash heap of pre Arab Africa?
Muslim conquest of the Maghreb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Moors were black. The problem is that Afrocentric types like to ascribe the accomplishments of North Africa to blacks as to make themselves feel better about the lack of African accomplishment anywhere else. In truth,the Arabs invaded North Africa , kicked their tails in the Arab Conquest of the Maghreb, and told them to "convert or die." Yes they were blacks. However, they were cultural Muslims/Arabs. They wrote in Arabic, they were educated at madrassas, they prayed toward Mecca, and they were stripped of their relatively worthless cultural identity very long ago. As compared to the blacks in North Africa, the Muslims were relatively liberal for their day. They were African in genetics and Arab in everything else. Getting their tails kicked in the Arab Conquest of the Maghreb was indeed the best thing to have ever happened to them.

It seem more like the problem is that you have no facts to back up your misquided and illiterate statement regarding African history whatsoever. That discussion would be a bit off topic but I would love to thrash you like the wimp you are over this. Why don't you start another thread regarding the accomplishments of Africans civilizations and post the link here. If you don do so i will take it as you admitting to being merely angry and bitter the Moors had to reeducate Europe. What do you say to the challenge angry guy?

All North African accomplishments can be attributed to the below events. What about sub-Saharan Africa? It was the relatively barren uneducated and uncivilized wasteland of Africa until it was colonized. Minus, of course, those who converted to Islam and opened trade with the Arabs. In any case, why deny it? Are you so shallow as to ascribe your accomplishments and intellectual capacity to the trash heap of pre Arab Africa?
Muslim conquest of the Maghreb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I will happy to correct your misguided understanding of history but not in this thread. Like I said start another thread and post the link or i will report your ass for attempting to derail the thread. Does that make sense?
It seem more like the problem is that you have no facts to back up your misquided and illiterate statement regarding African history whatsoever. That discussion would be a bit off topic but I would love to thrash you like the wimp you are over this. Why don't you start another thread regarding the accomplishments of Africans civilizations and post the link here. If you don do so i will take it as you admitting to being merely angry and bitter the Moors had to reeducate Europe. What do you say to the challenge angry guy?

All North African accomplishments can be attributed to the below events. What about sub-Saharan Africa? It was the relatively barren uneducated and uncivilized wasteland of Africa until it was colonized. Minus, of course, those who converted to Islam and opened trade with the Arabs. In any case, why deny it? Are you so shallow as to ascribe your accomplishments and intellectual capacity to the trash heap of pre Arab Africa?
Muslim conquest of the Maghreb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I will happy to correct your misguided understanding of history but not in this thread. Like I said start another thread and post the link or i will report your ass for attempting to derail the thread. Does that make sense?

I addressed the merits of the thread and gave an explanation of why people hold this topic so dear to them combined with an explanation of why they are wrong. You responded to it. Indeed, the Moors were both black and Arab. I not only agreed with you but I explained why this is the case. If you disagree then you disagree with your own premise. I cannot help it if you object to the manner of which I agree with you.
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All North African accomplishments can be attributed to the below events. What about sub-Saharan Africa? It was the relatively barren uneducated and uncivilized wasteland of Africa until it was colonized. Minus, of course, those who converted to Islam and opened trade with the Arabs. In any case, why deny it? Are you so shallow as to ascribe your accomplishments and intellectual capacity to the trash heap of pre Arab Africa?
Muslim conquest of the Maghreb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I will happy to correct your misguided understanding of history but not in this thread. Like I said start another thread and post the link or i will report your ass for attempting to derail the thread. Does that make sense?

I addressed the merits of the thread and gave an explanation of why people hold this topic so dear to them combined with an explanation of why they are wrong. You responded to it. Indeed, the Moors were both black and Arab. I not only agreed with you but I explained why this is the case. If you disagree then you disagree with your own premise. I cannot help it if you object to the manner of which I agree with you.

Thank you for your opinion on why this subject is so dear to me. I understand why some white people get all antsy about it as well. Its disturbing for them. My point is if you want to learn something about the history of Africa free of white washing then start another thread. I will be happy to school you.

Are you talking about Mary Tyler Moor or Dudley Moor?
All North African accomplishments can be attributed to the below events. What about sub-Saharan Africa? It was the relatively barren uneducated and uncivilized wasteland of Africa until it was colonized. Minus, of course, those who converted to Islam and opened trade with the Arabs. In any case, why deny it? Are you so shallow as to ascribe your accomplishments and intellectual capacity to the trash heap of pre Arab Africa?
Muslim conquest of the Maghreb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I will happy to correct your misguided understanding of history but not in this thread. Like I said start another thread and post the link or i will report your ass for attempting to derail the thread. Does that make sense?

I addressed the merits of the thread and gave an explanation of why people hold this topic so dear to them combined with an explanation of why they are wrong. You responded to it. Indeed, the Moors were both black and Arab. I not only agreed with you but I explained why this is the case. If you disagree then you disagree with your own premise. I cannot help it if you object to the manner of which I agree with you.

Asslickias is on this kick lately to declare that everything of value in the history of the world only ever came from black people in Africa. There is no end to how ridiculous he is willing to make himself look over this fetish of his. I think the unrepentant white racists around here just snapped his mind and turned him all Harvey Dent.

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