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How can anyone send Isreal?

I also love that anybody who points out that the Jews are wrong on something is anti Semitic. YOU WERE BUTCHERED BY THE NAZIS THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN DO THE FUCK AS YOU PLEASE AND THEN ATTACK ANYBODY WHO DISAGREES AS ANTI SEMITIC.

You have not dealt with a single point, just supplied arrogance and claims of anti semitism. Can we also clarify if anybody who has responded on here is neither Jewish or Muslim.

Woody---just about every word you have posted has been standard and WIDELY PROMULGATED propaganda -----I have been reading it since early childhood
and I am not young. In your own words----you have proved yourself to be
virtually completely uninformed ----and easily misled. The fact that you so incessantly parrot propaganda----disproves your statement that the "media" is controlled by jews------how did you manage to get your hands on the standard propaganda that has been going around since before the internet was invented?
I just don't get why Americans are so totally ignorant, well I do it's because your government and media need you to be so ignorant.

Hamas did not start this violence. Israel carried out 20 attacks on Gaza killing 6 people including a Hamas Official.

Let's put the boot on the other foot. Hamas kills 6 Isralies including Ehud Barak, what would the Israeli response have been? A darn site more than the 3 people killed in total by the Hamas rockets launched in retaliation that is absolutely for certain.

For the act of killing half the number of people that Israel did in its completely illegal strike on Gaza Israel thinks a suitable response is to use the might of its sophisticated military to then kill another 110 Palestinians.

It's not proportionate, it's not legal and it sure as hell shouldn't be tolerated by the rest of the world.

When the IRA were attacking the UK we didn't bomb the IRA, or attack Dublin. if you are the ones with the military might it is up to you to be the ones that act with restraint and to try to have some semblance of order. All the Zionists are doing is killing people.

on the subject of retaliation. To my mind NOTHING the Palestinians do can be seen as starting anything. Whilst the Israelies continue to occupy Palestinian land illegally I do not see why they think they should be immune from attack. They should leave all land that was not part of the original territory and return it to the Palestinians.

The next time anybody Jewish thinks about the holocaust they should remember the people who died fighting the Nazi oppression and then they should look at how the Israeli state has behaved towards Palestine. it is disgusting to think that a people that should be so grateful that others fought the oppression and laid down their lives trying to free captured Jewish prisoners now seek out war and conflict.

Whilst Israel and American Jews exploits its military advantage and the basic blackmailing of the US presidency there can be only one way to have peace in Palestine. Arm the Palestinians to the hilt, so that Israel cannot keep carrying out air strikes at will and threatening ground invasion.

If the Israelis left the stolen land and stopped killing Hamas officials then i could have some sympathy. But as they are nothing but aggressors and bullies I personally would be happy to see Israel wiped of the map. Please note I am not anti Semitic. I do not hate Jews, I hate Israel and their complete disregard for humanity.

Yet you seem to lack humanity yourself, otherwise you won't blaim leaders who simply are fed up of civilians being targeted by rockets, for simply defending their people.

If they didn't want Israel attacking them, they should have stopped Hamas of launching rockets. Not only they didn't stop them from commiting war crimes against Israeli women and children for more than 12 years, they cheared.

Now the Israeli leadership is all "Jews gone wild" and you have the Islamic terror to thank for that.
OK serious question,

When the current round of attacks was stared by Isreal openly targeting Palestinian Leaders for assassination how can anybody defend their murder of 105 people. 3, yes 3 Israelis have been killed.

There are only 3 ways the situation unless the US takes it's head out of its arse and stops supporting heavily armed state terrorism by the Isrealis.


The Muslim population and Hispanic/black population grow so large that you don't need to appease Jewish money to be president. Tis is unlikely to happen.

The world tells the US to fuck the hell off until it allows them to arm the Palestinians and lets them attack any isreali on land that has been taken since 1957. Possibly assisting them in this by bombing the shit out of every isreali air base.

somebody actually does drop a bomb on Isreal.

Isreal is not defending itself, it is defending its illegal occupation of lands they stole from the Palestinians.

To be honest if the world had known what was going to happen in isreal for the next 70 years I don't think they would have bothered too much about saving the Jews from the nazis.

but the real problem is the US, you are all so incrediblyibly stupid and I'll informed about the rest of the world that you just don't seem to realise that the way to solve the terrorism and issues in the middle east is to stop supporting the murder and theft perpetrated by the Isreali government. You didn't understand Northern Ireland either, you just paid for bombs to be made, to kill British citizens.

Thousands of rockets have rained down on Israel from Gaza and you blame Israel for responding? If someone was shooting thousands of rockets at any other country a response wouldn't be questioned for a second...yet Israel is castigated for doing so?

Your remarks about not bothering to save the Jews from the Nazis shows what an anti-Semite you are. Disgusting comment. I very rarely neg rep here but for posts like your's I'll make an exception.

SOOOOoo... These "thousands of rockets"...HMMMmm... ?? That's how this whole thing got started? The Arabs just ordered food supplies from an Indian reservation in the USA and the dumb Injuns sent the Arabs rockets instead? SOOOoo...naturally with nothing else they could do with all the rockets..they shot em all at Israel. Israel is just these pure innocent victims in all this. Poor Jews. Maybe the Jews are just unlucky. I'm sure they did absolutely nothing to provoke the Arabs.

Or...did they ?????

Of course we did.

We existed.

A Jewish country in the middle of an Arab MidEast.

That is the greatest provocation possible. Islam prohibits this. Itbah Al Yahud!
I came on this board to find out what justification for the occupation of land illegally there was. I gave the perspective of somebody who is neither Jewish or Muslim who lives in a country where there is not massive jewish control of media outlets and where politics is not controlled by donors quite as badly as the US.

Still no reason given. The knife to a gun fight comment is typical. You are proud of Israel killing so many people and you think you should be allowed to continue to do so. The Palestinians didn't bring a knife to a gun fight, the Isrealis invaded their home with a gun and they grabbed a knife to try to defend themselves, because they don't have a gun. If they had a gun maybe the Israelis would think twice. What is even more ridiculous is that in this particular instance the Israelis shot the gun first, carrying out air strikes to assassinate a Hamas official. The rockets were a response to that.

The idea that Israel repelled invaders and gained land is also bollocks. We repelled the Germans. Does that mean that we now occupy Germany. FFS defending yourself doese not include taking other peoples land.

The Isreali occupation of lands they have no right to is causing deaths around the world and justifying terrorism. We could send troops to die around the world defending the Israeli right to kill Palestinians, or the Jews could just stop killing them.

Now you're grasping at straws. you don't send troops for us. you send them to protect American interests. you say we are your friends out of American interests.

Not the other way around.

Hope one day you'll get the difference.

What we have is conflict with Arabs who call themselves "Palestinians", even though there is not such thing as "Palestine". We are not responsible for any deaths around the world, only in minds of haters like yourself who feel the need to blame someone for I don't know what.

The rockets existed for years. Israel left Gaza in hopes of peace, only we got war, 10 times worse then before. So yes, blame us. We won't give lands, because we have learned long ago that we cannot trust the enemy, who translates tributes as cowardice.
There we go, another response with a perfect explanations of why the Israelis should be allowed to go on butchering hundreds of Palestinians.

Not one poster has actually given a reason as to why they should be allowed to occupy land illegally, carry out air strikes and not expect retaliation.

All this talk of thousands of rockets is stupid. The rockets are very ineffective. You seem to think the fact there are thousands means it is more of a problem that the hundreds of deadly air strikes the Isrealis are carrying out. I guess if Hamas had responded with a single nuclear device you would think that was OK as they only used 1 bomb.

They are not occupying land illegally. You might remember that they were invaded by Arab forces and captured that land when they repelled the invaders. Tough shit. The Arabs lost.

You speak of butchering civilians... Hint: If you don't want civilians killed by retaliatory air strikes, do not fire missiles from school yards. Move them away from populated areas, for God's sake!

Of course that is not true. The Arab countries did not invade Israel in 1948 and they did not lose that war.

But that is beside the point. Israel cannot win Palestinian land from Egypt or Jordan. The fact is that Israel has never won any Palestinian land from the Palestinians. The war Israel started with the Palestinians continues today. Israel has won nothing.

Since it is illegal to acquire land through the threat or use of force, I can't see Israel ever legally acquiring any land.
I came on this board to find out what justification for the occupation of land illegally there was. I gave the perspective of somebody who is neither Jewish or Muslim who lives in a country where there is not massive jewish control of media outlets and where politics is not controlled by donors quite as badly as the US.

Still no reason given. The knife to a gun fight comment is typical. You are proud of Israel killing so many people and you think you should be allowed to continue to do so. The Palestinians didn't bring a knife to a gun fight, the Isrealis invaded their home with a gun and they grabbed a knife to try to defend themselves, because they don't have a gun. If they had a gun maybe the Israelis would think twice. What is even more ridiculous is that in this particular instance the Israelis shot the gun first, carrying out air strikes to assassinate a Hamas official. The rockets were a response to that.

The idea that Israel repelled invaders and gained land is also bollocks. We repelled the Germans. Does that mean that we now occupy Germany. FFS defending yourself doese not include taking other peoples land.

The Isreali occupation of lands they have no right to is causing deaths around the world and justifying terrorism. We could send troops to die around the world defending the Israeli right to kill Palestinians, or the Jews could just stop killing them.

Now you're grasping at straws. you don't send troops for us. you send them to protect American interests. you say we are your friends out of American interests.

Not the other way around.

Hope one day you'll get the difference.

What we have is conflict with Arabs who call themselves "Palestinians", even though there is not such thing as "Palestine". We are not responsible for any deaths around the world, only in minds of haters like yourself who feel the need to blame someone for I don't know what.

The rockets existed for years. Israel left Gaza in hopes of peace, only we got war, 10 times worse then before. So yes, blame us. We won't give lands, because we have learned long ago that we cannot trust the enemy, who translates tributes as cowardice.

Lipush, glad to see you back. We were worried there for a while.
Woody---just about every word you have posted has been standard and WIDELY PROMULGATED propaganda -----I have been reading it since early childhood
and I am not young. In your own words----you have proved yourself to be
virtually completely uninformed ----and easily misled. The fact that you so incessantly parrot propaganda----disproves your statement that the "media" is controlled by jews------how did you manage to get your hands on the standard propaganda that has been going around since before the internet was invented?

Oh deary me,

I said that American media is controlled by the Jews. I live in the UK and the "propaganda" that you talk about is reported by such obvious Arab propaganda machines as the British Broadcasting Corporation and the Times and Gaurdian newspapers.

Death toll since Israel assassinated an elected Palestinian official, 5 Israelies and 139 Palestinians. How can anybody begin to defend this?


I don't do anything to send troops to protect American interests. Aside from the fact I am British there is also the fact I protested against the Iraq war, because it appeared to be a political war.

If you want to debate cowardice then let's discuss a country that has massive military arsenals picking a fight with an empowershed people that it has persecuted for decades. I am sure that the Palestinians would rather be flying jets into targeted attacks on Israeli political figures and military targets, but seeing as they don't have any they use the pathetic weapons they do have. how about they get armed and have an army that can actually batter Israel with equivalent force to your attacks on Palestine. Would Israel have stood for Palestine taking out a cabinet member in an air strike as response to their assassination of an elected official?

Personally I think this is all about Isreal wanting to punish the Palestinians for seeking recognition by the UN.
I was born in the USA woody-----and have lived here ALL MY LIFE In the course of my life I have been outside of the USA very very little My entire education from kindergarten thru graduate school had been----STATE SCHOOLS I have had free access to the smut you quote since I was ten years old------my first introduction to it was in my little town library------while mom looked around in the stacks It is true that the town was populated by somewhat nazi types-----but the propaganda was available to me as a ten year old child------some of the stuff so idiotic that I still remembered it whan I heard muslims from pakistan parrot it
is Israle occupying lands over and above the 1967 boundaries? Yes, that is not propaganda.

Are the Palestinians right to be angry that these lands have been stolen? Yes.

Did the Israelis assassinate a democratically elected Hamas official? Yes.

Have Palestinians since killed 5 Israelis in attacks? Yes.

have the Israelis killed 139 Palestinians? Yes.

None of that is propaganda. Now explain to me why Israel is right to occupy lands they have no right to and kill so many Palestinians. Surely they should havend back the land taken and stop using their military to attack Palestine.
is Israle occupying lands over and above the 1967 boundaries? Yes, that is not propaganda.

Wjat are tje 1967 boundaries? are you referring to the 1948 truce lines
which were breached in 1967 first by Egyptian aggression and then Jordanian
and syrian -----and even Lebanon joined the fray. Did not Nasser and arab diplomats
openly stated both in the UN and in interviews that the objective of the
Egyptian aggression was the ANNHILATION OF ISRAEL?

Are the Palestinians right to be angry that these lands have been stolen? Yes.

No lands have been stolen----in fact in the 1940s much of the lands that
arabs claimed to be THEIRS ----were owned by jews-----in some cases
taken over by arabs thru the method of gross massacre ---(think Hebron
and east jerusalem)

Did the Israelis assassinate a democratically elected Hamas official? Yes.

No Israelis assassinated a terrorist who among other actions
had blown up----buses in Israel ----not even during a time
of battle------simply for the purpose of murdering jews for the
glory of allah like your other hero-----Osama bin Laden.

Have Palestinians since killed 5 Israelis in attacks? Yes.
I do not know how many Israelis have died so far from the
incessant bombing using those bombs SPECIFICALLY
useful in blowing the brains out of children----yet. When
I have the stats I will let you know----some of the kids are
hospitalized------from past experience the brain injuries you
and yours love to much are virtually impossible to treat because
of the POISON (coumadin) your heros put on the "nails"

have the Israelis killed 139 Palestinians? Yes.
so far the arabs claim 139 lost in return fire----whilst the
bombing of Israel continues

None of that is propaganda. Now explain to me why Israel is right to occupy lands they have no right to and kill so many Palestinians. Surely they should havend back the land taken and stop using their military to attack Palestine.

Israel has ever right to attempt to stop the ongoing violence, murder
rape and pillage which muslims commenced against jews 1400 years
ago ------and never stopped---just as the people of SOUTH SUDAN had
the right to secede from the oppressive muslims of Khartoum and live
WITHOUT THEM in peace.

wing----it is you who are the victim of propaganda not me
I learned about the history of many countries from people
from those countries. I learned the history hindus consider
their history, from hindus... I learned the history muslims
consider their history from muslims... I learned the history
christians consider their history---from christians... I learned
the history that jews consider their history from jews.

I also read the propaganda which you parrot------LONG AGO
right here in the USA where jews "control the media"
In fact I learned about "jews controlling the media" from
the same sources that I read the crap you parrot
Firstly the Palestinians are not Jordan or Egypt. They talk about the annihilation of Isreal, when they actually act to do it then the world should stand up and protect you, but they aren't trying to annihilate Israel. If you give the land back that you stole then any aggression could be seen as aggression against Israel as it stands it just looks like trying to get rid of a country that is illegally occupying their land.

so this terrorist is responsible for how many deaths, Whatever you say it will be less deaths he is responsible for than the Israli leaders, just because you use an air force it doesn't mean that the deaths do not count. as I say give the Arabs the equipment and I am sure that tey would rather bomb you using planes and then they would kill more israelis but obviously that wouldn't be terrorism would it. Your leaders were once classed as terrorists when you were fighting oppression.

You are a disgusting individual claiming Bin Laden is a hero of mine. I despise killing, which is why. I despise the acts of Israel more than those of the palestinians, the scale is just completely wrong, it shows Israel as bullies not victims.

he independant figures reported here in the uk say 5 and 139, it is particularly interesting that you say you need to wait to see how many of the injured Israelis die, but not the injured Palestinians who are far more numerous. these double standards on the value of human life are exactly what the Nazis preached. Funny how things come full circle isn't it.
Firstly the Palestinians are not Jordan or Egypt.

Secondly I never suggested that the arab muslims
who started calling themselves "palestinians" some
time in the 1960s are Jordan or Egypt. They are
arab (by virtue of the fact that they speak arabic) muslims
(by religion) living in the middle east----just as the
people called "JORDANIANS" are arab muslims.
Egyptians are also called "arabs" because they speak
arabic and not the ancient egyptian language which
is completely unrelated to the language-----'arabic'
imposed upon them by invaders from arabia.. You made
no point

They talk about the annihilation of Isreal, when they actually act to do it then the world should stand up and protect you, but they aren't trying to annihilate Israel.

wrong again who is "they"? I have known and have interacted
with muslims from dozens of different countries over the past 50
years The entire population of muslims in the world is inculcated
with the notion that MUSLIMS MUST DESTROY ISRAEL You will stand up
and defend whom? You will stand up and defend yourself and your own
but you will not stand up and defend Israel anymore than you stood up
defended the two million Biafrans who were murdered in the early 1970s
or the millions murdered in Sudan

"they" actually is ---muslims just as "jews" is "jews" If you knew any-
thing about history----you would know that OSAMA BIN LADEN preached
the STANDARD ISLAMIC IDEOLOGY----he was no innovator. I learned
it from muslims long before I knew the name Osama bin Laden---I even
learned it in a mosque. In fact "they" have been very actively trying
to destroy Israel

If you give the land back that you stole then any aggression could be seen as aggression against Israel as it stands it just looks like trying to get rid of a country that is illegally occupying their land.

you are parroting propaganda Perhaps you do not realize it. and you
are vulgar I STOLE NOTHING when did you stop mugging little
old ladies?
Israel stole nothing------you may or may not know. According
to islamic ideology------neither jews nor christians nor any non muslims have
a right to OWN "muslim land" Do you know what "muslim land" is?
When jews began buying land in palestine in the 1800s ----according to muslim
clerics they were STEALING IT My own husband was born to a community
of jews that resided in a middle eastern country for about 2500 years or more.
With the conquest of that land by muslims-----none of his fellow jews could
legally own land------in fact, neither could the christians but they vanished
from that land long ago. In islamic ideology and in mosques around the world
THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST is "muslim land" In fact,, so is India. Talk
to a pakistani or indian muslim

so this terrorist is responsible for how many deaths, Whatever you say it will be less deaths he is responsible for than the Israli leaders, just because you use an air force it doesn't mean that the deaths do not count. as I say give the Arabs the equipment and I am sure that tey would rather bomb you using planes and then they would kill more israelis but obviously that wouldn't be terrorism would it.

you are parroting propaganda again-----an aspect of which is the
and the poor muslims have nothing Not true again-------in fact arab
countries and Iran have highly sophisticated armies, air forces and navies
and had them in 1967 when Nasser fomented a war with the help
of Russia, Russian armaments and even Russian military personnel
in the field. "TERRORISM" is not---as you have been taught"---the
desperate efforts of the weak. TERRORISM is exactly what it says it is
a method of INCESSANT HARASSMENT that is aimed to breaking a nation
into surrender. It is very PURPOSEFULLY not an "army"------because
not being an "army" the nation for which it is killing children and beheading
little girls TAKES NO RESPONSIBLITY Today----muslims in Kenya
are comitting acts of terrorism upon CHRISTIANS AND HINDUS ----in
order to get rid of them. -----it consists of a few heads in the dust,
rapes of little girls etc etc <<< that is the nature of terrorism.
The nail bombs which terrorists use have ABSOLUTELY NO MILITARY
value------their only "value" is ----the terroristic murder of children.
They almost never kill an adult------would you like me to describe what
they do to children? The ENTIRE motive in the use of Kassam rockets
is DEAD CHILDREN IN THE GUTTERS Muslims are still launching
them into Israel--------the good news is that the bombs that muslims
had intended to use on Hindu children during the recent "DIWALI" holiday
in New Dehli were confiscated

Your leaders were once classed as terrorists when you were fighting oppression.


Who were 'my leaders"???? even Mahatma Gandhi was considered a "terrorist"
by the brits-----so was George Washington I am not interested
in the British world view


You are a disgusting individual claiming Bin Laden is a hero of mine. I despise killing, which is why. I despise the acts of Israel more than those of the palestinians, the scale is just completely wrong, it shows Israel as bullies not victims.

Nothing disgusting about me----as to your allusion to "scale" that
is amusing I believe you are british------your disgusting RAF killed
a lot more Germans citizens including lots of children than died in the blitz
over London obviously the Brits are BULLIES In fact you even
OCCUPIED GERMANY. Bin Laden is a hero to muslims----very much
including the Gazans who call themselves "palestinians" Did you know
that OSAMA has become one the most popular muslim names for new born
boys?-----it used to be fairly uncommon. Osama was not innovative---he
preached the STANDARD ISLAMIC IDEOLOGY He advocated the kind of
killing that muslims describe as THE DEFENSE OF ISLAM -----I happened
to be in Brooklyn NY 9-11-01 and did observe the muslims of "ATLANTIC
AVE. " Dancing in the streets and did experience the propaganda tney
parroted over the next few weeks

he independant figures reported here in the uk say 5 and 139, it is particularly interesting that you say you need to wait to see how many of the injured Israelis die, but not the injured Palestinians who are far more numerous. these double standards on the value of human life are exactly what the Nazis preached.

you continue to parrot propaganda There is a reason I mentioned waiting
for final counts -----it is based on what I know about the nature of poison
nail bombs and what they do to children Your CONCLUSION about
me regarding something I did not say-----is truly HILARIOUS. Your allusion
to being like nazis ----is lifted directly from the propaganda written by escaped
nazi war criminals who wrote much of the propaganda you parrot------in SYRIA
and EGYPT Much of it was devoted to their attempt to claim that the horrors
of the concentration camps were "REALLY DONE BY JEWS---UPON GENTILES"
Some of the literature actually captioned pictures of piles of dead jews as
"GENTILES KILLED BY JEWS" ------the stuff was written in the 40s and 50s when
people were more receptive to that sort of crap------some people still are

Funny how things come full circle isn't it.

oh gee----now you have descended into meaningless platitudes
Your brain is truly fried
i find the objections of the terrorist supporters to be a bit specious

Your terrorists, or theirs?

With all due respect, Jos? Why did Israel occupy those lands in the first place? Were they not attacked repeatedly by their Arab neighbors from the very beginning of their existence? When you start a war with someone you run the risk of losing. Israel's Arab neighbors have started numerous wars with Israel and in the process of losing those wars they have had territory taken from them. In large part, Israel takes that land to protect itself from future attacks.
Except that I am not Muslim, I am a white European brought up in Christianity. So perhaps you need to get your head out of your arse and realise how the rest of the world sees this.
Except that you're a neo nazi fuckwit. Or lying or sucking Muslim dick. Or all of the above.
Where did this Woodywong disappear to? Did he crash during take-off?Did Sherri grab onto his coat tail? An interesting specimen, this guy. He's not a Muslim, He doesn't hate Jews (some of his best friends are Jews), he doesn't hate Zionists, (he bowls on a team of Rabbis) he doesn't hate Israelis, he just hates Israel. I've never met one of these critters before. It's almost scary. If anyone can corner him, please check if he has a pulse.
I see Woodywing is back in full bloom. Tell us Woddywing, what makes you tick? Inquiring minds want to know.
Woody---just about every word you have posted has been standard and WIDELY PROMULGATED propaganda -----I have been reading it since early childhood
and I am not young. In your own words----you have proved yourself to be
virtually completely uninformed ----and easily misled. The fact that you so incessantly parrot propaganda----disproves your statement that the "media" is controlled by jews------how did you manage to get your hands on the standard propaganda that has been going around since before the internet was invented?

Oh deary me,

I said that American media is controlled by the Jews. I live in the UK and the "propaganda" that you talk about is reported by such obvious Arab propaganda machines as the British Broadcasting Corporation and the Times and Gaurdian newspapers.

Death toll since Israel assassinated an elected Palestinian official, 5 Israelies and 139 Palestinians. How can anybody begin to defend this?


I don't do anything to send troops to protect American interests. Aside from the fact I am British there is also the fact I protested against the Iraq war, because it appeared to be a political war.

If you want to debate cowardice then let's discuss a country that has massive military arsenals picking a fight with an empowershed people that it has persecuted for decades. I am sure that the Palestinians would rather be flying jets into targeted attacks on Israeli political figures and military targets, but seeing as they don't have any they use the pathetic weapons they do have. how about they get armed and have an army that can actually batter Israel with equivalent force to your attacks on Palestine. Would Israel have stood for Palestine taking out a cabinet member in an air strike as response to their assassination of an elected official?

Personally I think this is all about Isreal wanting to punish the Palestinians for seeking recognition by the UN.

This notion that Israel is "picking a fight" with an impoverished people that it has persecuted for decades is sheer nonsense, Woody. First of all, in this latest conflict the Palestinians fired hundreds of rockets into Israel before Israel even responded...rockets that were supplied to them by Syria and Iran specifically to use offensively against Israel.

The truth of the matter is that Israel's Arab neighbors have kept the Palestinians bottled up and impoverished in their little pockets of land to use as their "proxy" in a continuing attempt to wipe Israel off the face of the earth for some sixty years now. The Palestinians ended up where they did because when your country, Great Britain divided Palestine, giving most of it to Arabs and some to the Jews, the surrounding Arab nations immediately attacked Israel. Most of the Palestinians left Israel because they fully expected the Jews to be wiped out and that they would be able to return as soon as that was accomplished. That scenario never played out however because Israel defended itself repeatedly against attacks from far superior forces. You want to make this about Israel being a "bully" and picking on the poor Palestinians when in reality it's been Israel surrounded on all sides by countries that have REPEATEDLY attempted to annihilate them.
Lipush----I think wingy----is very young and very uninformed he is parroting the kind of really cheap propaganda that litters the more rural
areas of the USA I know because I grew up in such an area-----at the time I was a kid-------t
OK serious question,

When the current round of attacks was stared by Isreal openly targeting Palestinian Leaders for assassination how can anybody defend their murder of 105 people. 3, yes 3 Israelis have been killed.

There are only 3 ways the situation unless the US takes it's head out of its arse and stops supporting heavily armed state terrorism by the Isrealis.


The Muslim population and Hispanic/black population grow so large that you don't need to appease Jewish money to be president. Tis is unlikely to happen.

The world tells the US to fuck the hell off until it allows them to arm the Palestinians and lets them attack any isreali on land that has been taken since 1957. Possibly assisting them in this by bombing the shit out of every isreali air base.

somebody actually does drop a bomb on Isreal.

Isreal is not defending itself, it is defending its illegal occupation of lands they stole from the Palestinians.

To be honest if the world had known what was going to happen in isreal for the next 70 years I don't think they would have bothered too much about saving the Jews from the nazis.

but the real problem is the US, you are all so incrediblyibly stupid and I'll informed about the rest of the world that you just don't seem to realise that the way to solve the terrorism and issues in the middle east is to stop supporting the murder and theft perpetrated by the Isreali government. You didn't understand Northern Ireland either, you just paid for bombs to be made, to kill British citizens.

Don't shoot rockets at innocent civilians, then when you get your own asses handed to you in retaliation of those attacks expect a shoulder to cry on. You sleep with dogs you get fleas.
OK I get it.

Israle can occupy their land, blockade them from any trade, restrict their movements and kill their elected officials, but it's the Palestinians who are in the wrong for sending rockets over that have killed 5% of the people the Israelis have. Oh and anybody who thinks is is wrong is an anti Semite.

Luckily I spoke to a synagogue today and they do not share your views. If all Jews shared these views quite frankly I would be an anti Semite because I would want to see anybody with such disdain for human life destroyed. Am only pleased to hear that many jews are actually decent people who oppose what is happening and would agree that the borders at 1967 should be returned and the attacks on Pestinians stopped.

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