How can anyone support Hillary or declare Obama was a success?

We know Hillary is a crook and a liar. We know she doesn't mean anything she tells the voters. A vote for her is a mandate for corruption and decay. That's how things work when your reward people for bad behavior.

The Black Lives Matter business was exploited by the Democrats to achieve power. Turns out the opposite was true, and what was the result? Dead cops, disrespect, destruction and a dumbed-down country. Perhaps the real plan is to destroy the black population all-together.

Liberal media and rhetoric is 99% BS. I'm not a fan of Trumps, but for everything he's said or done Hillary has done much worse and more often. I wouldn't say that if I couldn't provide proof. Liberals don't care, most operate on emotions and that's proven too.

Then we have our current POUS in power for eight years. His devotion declares he was a good POUS or even great. If that doesn't prove we're a dumbed-down country I don't know what can. This is Obama's legacy:

1. Though we've had some correction the period required to do that was historically long. We never had a true correction, because the economy is stagnant..........Fail.

2. National debt doubled on Obama's watch.........Fail.

3. Record number of people left the job market altogether or they're under-employed. These numbers aren't reflected by the unemployment rate.........Fail.

4. Standard of living has regressed.........Fail.

5. Obamacare is a disaster..........Fail. If this doesn't demonstrate how socialism is a failure I don't know what can. The ultimate result of socialism is a reduction of everyone to the lowest common denominator. Congratulations on that Obama. He's taken a big step to achieve that goal.

6. We went to war in Syria. Obama is puzzy-footing around because he's a coward, and happy to leave the problem for someone else. If liberals weren't the hypocrites they are they'd see that the only major difference between our Iraqi invasion and our position in Syria is one had a goal, the other is a circus. Joke's on us. Meanwhile Bush is a hack and Obama was great..........That's just core stupidity.

7. Obama led the most corrupt admin. in our history, and now liberals want Hillary? We know the Justice Dept. is corrupt. We know the FBI is corrupt. We know the IRS is corrupt, we know the State Dept. is/was corrupt. We also know the DNC is corrupt, as is the entire effort to elect Hillary Clinton. We also know the media is just a component of the Democrat machine. Seriously, what happened to the American public we've deteriorated to this level?

8. Race relations have regressed 40-60 years, all so the Democrats can achieve power. Obama takes the lion's share of responsibility. It's all BS.

9. Despite historically low interest rates home ownership continues to decline. Then reflect on #1.

10. Cold war with Russia. Reagan managed to win one, Obama managed to build one. Good job Obama, you're the bestest.

Add our trade deficit, our immigration "policy", and a President who's true legacy is weakness and the great divider. Obama is clearly a failure. So what do liberals want to do? Compound the problem. On top of that, they "declare" a fight against the establishment. Once again these are just words, because they do the exact opposite.

This is the legacy we leave for our children. Shame on you, shame on us.

Perspective | Trump’s economy is doing (slightly) worse than Obama’s
We know Hillary is a crook and a liar. We know she doesn't mean anything she tells the voters. A vote for her is a mandate for corruption and decay. That's how things work when your reward people for bad behavior.

The Black Lives Matter business was exploited by the Democrats to achieve power. Turns out the opposite was true, and what was the result? Dead cops, disrespect, destruction and a dumbed-down country. Perhaps the real plan is to destroy the black population all-together.

Liberal media and rhetoric is 99% BS. I'm not a fan of Trumps, but for everything he's said or done Hillary has done much worse and more often. I wouldn't say that if I couldn't provide proof. Liberals don't care, most operate on emotions and that's proven too.

Then we have our current POUS in power for eight years. His devotion declares he was a good POUS or even great. If that doesn't prove we're a dumbed-down country I don't know what can. This is Obama's legacy:

1. Though we've had some correction the period required to do that was historically long. We never had a true correction, because the economy is stagnant..........Fail.

2. National debt doubled on Obama's watch.........Fail.

3. Record number of people left the job market altogether or they're under-employed. These numbers aren't reflected by the unemployment rate.........Fail.

4. Standard of living has regressed.........Fail.

5. Obamacare is a disaster..........Fail. If this doesn't demonstrate how socialism is a failure I don't know what can. The ultimate result of socialism is a reduction of everyone to the lowest common denominator. Congratulations on that Obama. He's taken a big step to achieve that goal.

6. We went to war in Syria. Obama is puzzy-footing around because he's a coward, and happy to leave the problem for someone else. If liberals weren't the hypocrites they are they'd see that the only major difference between our Iraqi invasion and our position in Syria is one had a goal, the other is a circus. Joke's on us. Meanwhile Bush is a hack and Obama was great..........That's just core stupidity.

7. Obama led the most corrupt admin. in our history, and now liberals want Hillary? We know the Justice Dept. is corrupt. We know the FBI is corrupt. We know the IRS is corrupt, we know the State Dept. is/was corrupt. We also know the DNC is corrupt, as is the entire effort to elect Hillary Clinton. We also know the media is just a component of the Democrat machine. Seriously, what happened to the American public we've deteriorated to this level?

8. Race relations have regressed 40-60 years, all so the Democrats can achieve power. Obama takes the lion's share of responsibility. It's all BS.

9. Despite historically low interest rates home ownership continues to decline. Then reflect on #1.

10. Cold war with Russia. Reagan managed to win one, Obama managed to build one. Good job Obama, you're the bestest.

Add our trade deficit, our immigration "policy", and a President who's true legacy is weakness and the great divider. Obama is clearly a failure. So what do liberals want to do? Compound the problem. On top of that, they "declare" a fight against the establishment. Once again these are just words, because they do the exact opposite.

This is the legacy we leave for our children. Shame on you, shame on us.
Dude, you'll do all right here. Keep your powder dry and watch your back. The Progressive Liberal Pukes here are foaming at the mouth and won't take their rabies shots.

Trump's economy looks a lot like Obama's
Try & stay in the now, Hillary lost, she is not involved in any thing congress does. focus on those we hired to work for us, both sides of the isle. focus on persons running agency's that effect the quality of air/ water, schools roads & bridges. increases in costs that hurt not help. get out of the party sack look around take your own party's inventory.
Try & stay in the now, Hillary lost, she is not involved in any thing congress does. focus on those we hired to work for us, both sides of the isle. focus on persons running agency's that effect the quality of air/ water, schools roads & bridges. increases in costs that hurt not help. get out of the party sack look around take your own party's inventory.
well shit man, get your fking guys off their asses and working.

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