How can anyone support Hillary or declare Obama was a success?

I will remind everyone that today is Hillary's birthday. It's normal for birthday parties to be held in the evenings. I hope she gets lots of presents and surprises on her special day.
She will get her biggest present in about 13 days

But will she be able to enjoy it?

She is a very sick B.
Trump is the one turning orange......could be fatal

Funny,he manages to do several rallies a day yet hillary cant manage more than one a week.
Doesn't look good

I worked with a guy whose skin turned orange.....he only lived six months
He had this strange habit of grabbing women's pussies

Was he doing multiple rallies a day?
I will remind everyone that today is Hillary's birthday. It's normal for birthday parties to be held in the evenings. I hope she gets lots of presents and surprises on her special day.
She will get her biggest present in about 13 days

But will she be able to enjoy it?

She is a very sick B.
Trump is the one turning orange......could be fatal

Funny,he manages to do several rallies a day yet hillary cant manage more than one a week.
Doesn't look good

I worked with a guy whose skin turned orange.....he only lived six months
He had this strange habit of grabbing women's pussies

Must have been an extreme case of Jaundice,just what kind of trash do you hang out with?
I would say nice dodge ...but it wasn't.

I'm serious. I have deleted a lot of emails. I bet you have too.

So you were the SOS?

No but I heard she has deleted a few emails too. That is why I want to vote for her. We are both a lot alike. She is a republican and so am I. Hillary Clinton should have been John Mccain's running mate back in 2008. That would have been a hoot and a holler.
I would say nice dodge ...but it wasn't.

I'm serious. I have deleted a lot of emails. I bet you have too.

So you were the SOS?

No but I heard she has deleted a few emails too. That is why I want to vote for her. We are both a lot alike. She is a republican and so am I. Hillary Clinton should have been John Mccain's running mate back in 2008. That would have been a hoot and a holler.
What have you been smoking?
I would say nice dodge ...but it wasn't.

I'm serious. I have deleted a lot of emails. I bet you have too.

So you were the SOS?

No but I heard she has deleted a few emails too. That is why I want to vote for her. We are both a lot alike. She is a republican and so am I. Hillary Clinton should have been John Mccain's running mate back in 2008. That would have been a hoot and a holler.

Okey Dokey smokey...............
You go ahead and follow your dreams,the rest of us will take care of business.
I would say nice dodge ...but it wasn't.

I'm serious. I have deleted a lot of emails. I bet you have too.

So you were the SOS?

No but I heard she has deleted a few emails too. That is why I want to vote for her. We are both a lot alike. She is a republican and so am I. Hillary Clinton should have been John Mccain's running mate back in 2008. That would have been a hoot and a holler.
What have you been smoking?

You don't think Mccain could have won if he would have picked Hillary as his running mate? Mccain is a fake republican and Hillary is a fake democrat. They would have made a kick ass team. Obama wouldn't even be in our discussion today.
I would say nice dodge ...but it wasn't.

I'm serious. I have deleted a lot of emails. I bet you have too.

So you were the SOS?

No but I heard she has deleted a few emails too. That is why I want to vote for her. We are both a lot alike. She is a republican and so am I. Hillary Clinton should have been John Mccain's running mate back in 2008. That would have been a hoot and a holler.
What have you been smoking?

You don't think Mccain could have won if he would have picked Hillary as his running mate? Mccain is a fake republican and Hillary is a fake democrat. They would have made a kick ass team. Obama wouldn't even be in our discussion today.
Why would McCain pick Hillary when she herself was a candidate?
I would say nice dodge ...but it wasn't.

I'm serious. I have deleted a lot of emails. I bet you have too.

So you were the SOS?

No but I heard she has deleted a few emails too. That is why I want to vote for her. We are both a lot alike. She is a republican and so am I. Hillary Clinton should have been John Mccain's running mate back in 2008. That would have been a hoot and a holler.
What have you been smoking?

You don't think Mccain could have won if he would have picked Hillary as his running mate? Mccain is a fake republican and Hillary is a fake democrat. They would have made a kick ass team. Obama wouldn't even be in our discussion today.

LOL...yet you're disparaging Trump.
What a fuken tard....
Then we have our current POUS in power for eight years. His devotion declares he was a good POUS or even great. If that doesn't prove we're a dumbed-down country I don't know what can. This is Obama's legacy:

1. Though we've had some correction the period required to do that was historically long. We never had a true correction, because the economy is stagnant..........Fail.

2. National debt doubled on Obama's watch.........Fail.

3. Record number of people left the job market altogether or they're under-employed. These numbers aren't reflected by the unemployment rate.........Fail.

4. Standard of living has regressed.........Fail.

5. Obamacare is a disaster..........Fail. If this doesn't demonstrate how socialism is a failure I don't know what can. The ultimate result of socialism is a reduction of everyone to the lowest common denominator. Congratulations on that Obama. He's taken a big step to achieve that goal.

6. We went to war in Syria. Obama is puzzy-footing around because he's a coward, and happy to leave the problem for someone else. If liberals weren't the hypocrites they are they'd see that the only major difference between our Iraqi invasion and our position in Syria is one had a goal, the other is a circus. Joke's on us. Meanwhile Bush is a hack and Obama was great..........That's just core stupidity.

7. Obama led the most corrupt admin. in our history, and now liberals want Hillary? We know the Justice Dept. is corrupt. We know the FBI is corrupt. We know the IRS is corrupt, we know the State Dept. is/was corrupt. We also know the DNC is corrupt, as is the entire effort to elect Hillary Clinton. We also know the media is just a component of the Democrat machine. Seriously, what happened to the American public we've deteriorated to this level?

8. Race relations have regressed 40-60 years, all so the Democrats can achieve power. Obama takes the lion's share of responsibility. It's all BS.

9. Despite historically low interest rates home ownership continues to decline. Then reflect on #1.

10. Cold war with Russia. Reagan managed to win one, Obama managed to build one. Good job Obama, you're the bestest.

Add our trade deficit, our immigration "policy", and a President who's true legacy is weakness and the great divider. Obama is clearly a failure. So what do liberals want to do? Compound the problem. On top of that, they "declare" a fight against the establishment. Once again these are just words, because they do the exact opposite.

This is the legacy we leave for our children. Shame on you, shame on us.[/QUOTE]

Just curious. What is your assessment of George W Bush?
How can anyone support Hillary?

She is easily the most qualified candidate to run in 2016 and she is running against the worst candidate for President in US History

Right, sure..........On the surface you could be right. Critical thought and history dictates the opposite, but seriously, liberals love opposites, don't you agree?

Here's some fun, lets pretend you have a point, which is another way of saying we must ignore the obvious. Didn't McCain face Obama in 2004? How come "experience" didn't matter then?

Why? (It was 2008 not 2004)

Because Obama provided a vision for the future that voters were willing to accept over experience. He was also running against a Republican. Republicans were blamed for the Iraq war and the economic collapse. Democrats won at all levels in 2008
and that failed miserably. I heard the premiums for health insurance are going up anywhere from 50% to 200% for next year. ouch. The lie continues.
The national average is 22%. It's more some places, less others. Subsidies are keeping pace so folks won't see much if any increase out of pocket. But don't let facts stop you.

You want to talk facts? Well my inlaws, who use the exchanges will have their amount double ($897.00 paid monthly) and their deductible jumped from 6,800.00 to 10,000.00.. Go blow your lies and smoke up someone elses ass.
I believe Bush is mostly a genuine person. He has good leadership skills and was POUS when we recovered from the economic crash of the Dot.coms, and 9-11, though public debt really climbed on his watch as well.

I also believe 9-11 was due to a fall-out between some organization of which Bin Laden was connected and "business" dealings with the USA. We have a history of relationships, especially by the Republicans. He was an ally in the cold war with Russia, and the Russian-Afgan war. That's certainly not to blame Bush for 9-11, As for the Iraqi war I was never for it, and the admin. was dishonest. But both parties are responsible for that war, look up Democrats and WMD on Youtube, the rhetoric has existed since before Bush was POUS. Perhaps it was oil, $, show of strength post 9-11, reduce a danger or combination of that and more.

Then there's the housing crash. Our govt. since before Bush take some responsibility. It was also the fault of a greedy and corrupt financial system, crooked financiers and much ignorance by the American public. Back to Bush. Compared to Obama I'll take him, but I give Bush a C-. Obama gets a D-. Really he deserves an F, but it's not like he didn't sign onto major problems. If we're just talking his admin. which is historically corrupt, I hope I still live in a country of some free speech, cuz he can get Fkd.
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Good journalism means you corroborate before you report. And the fact that there are emails in there that are fraudlent casts doubts on the whole bit. As for the oversampling? Which polls? Which ones are wrong? Because you are sounding just like McCain and Romney supporters.

New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples" | Zero Hedge
So which polls used oversampling?

BTW: Internal polling oversamples all the damn time. It helps to gather information on groups you want to target for campaign initiatives. But you're the one claiming poll rigging in the media. So make with it. List names. Point to examples. Most polling firms are pretty public with the make up and methods of their surveys. Find me the rigged ones. But keep in mind, on the GOP side the polls were pretty bang on during the primaries. So were those oversampled too?

New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples" | Zero Hedge
So which polls used oversampling?

Read the article dumbass.
I've read quite a few articles on it. Again, what polls are oversampling this election? If you claim the polls are wrong, back it up. Dive in, examine the methods. Look at sample sizes. have you done that? If the rigging is as clear as you claim then it's easily found. So find it.

A lot of folks simply don't understand how polling works period. If they did they'd see right through the oversampling BS quickly. This is the 2016 version of "unskewing" and is equally full of BS.
So which polls used oversampling?

BTW: Internal polling oversamples all the damn time. It helps to gather information on groups you want to target for campaign initiatives. But you're the one claiming poll rigging in the media. So make with it. List names. Point to examples. Most polling firms are pretty public with the make up and methods of their surveys. Find me the rigged ones. But keep in mind, on the GOP side the polls were pretty bang on during the primaries. So were those oversampled too?

New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples" | Zero Hedge
So which polls used oversampling?

Read the article dumbass.
I've read quite a few articles on it. Again, what polls are oversampling this election? If you claim the polls are wrong, back it up. Dive in, examine the methods. Look at sample sizes. have you done that? If the rigging is as clear as you claim then it's easily found. So find it.

A lot of folks simply don't understand how polling works period. If they did they'd see right through the oversampling BS quickly. This is the 2016 version of "unskewing" and is equally full of BS.

Read the article.
I will remind everyone that today is Hillary's birthday. It's normal for birthday parties to be held in the evenings. I hope she gets lots of presents and surprises on her special day.
She will get her biggest present in about 13 days

But will she be able to enjoy it?

She is a very sick B.
Trump is the one turning orange......could be fatal

Funny,he manages to do several rallies a day yet hillary cant manage more than one a week.
Doesn't look good

I worked with a guy whose skin turned orange.....he only lived six months
He had this strange habit of grabbing women's pussies
I knew of guy named vince foster. he went to testify against the clintons. on his way, he ended up with a bullet in his head. I knew of another guy who turned in evidence of a rigged election for corrupt hillary and that dude ended up with a bullet in his back. hmmmm seems to be a connection.
She will get her biggest present in about 13 days

But will she be able to enjoy it?

She is a very sick B.
Trump is the one turning orange......could be fatal

Funny,he manages to do several rallies a day yet hillary cant manage more than one a week.
Doesn't look good

I worked with a guy whose skin turned orange.....he only lived six months
He had this strange habit of grabbing women's pussies
I knew of guy named vince foster. he went to testify against the clintons. on his way, he ended up with a bullet in his head. I knew of another guy who turned in evidence of a rigged election for corrupt hillary and that dude ended up with a bullet in his back. hmmmm seems to be a connection.
If Hiliary loses the election there will be a string of suicides from DC to Idaho, she'll divorce Bubba, marry Yoko Ono and adopt Huma.
But will she be able to enjoy it?

She is a very sick B.
Trump is the one turning orange......could be fatal

Funny,he manages to do several rallies a day yet hillary cant manage more than one a week.
Doesn't look good

I worked with a guy whose skin turned orange.....he only lived six months
He had this strange habit of grabbing women's pussies
I knew of guy named vince foster. he went to testify against the clintons. on his way, he ended up with a bullet in his head. I knew of another guy who turned in evidence of a rigged election for corrupt hillary and that dude ended up with a bullet in his back. hmmmm seems to be a connection.
If Hiliary loses the election there will be a string of suicides from DC to Idaho, she'll divorce Bubba, marry Yoko Ono and adopt Huma.
Not "IF" but "WHEN" Hildabeast loses, I don't want to be close to any big city. Baltimore burned because a drug addict who resisted arrest arrived dead at the hospital. Ferguson burned when a 6 foot 6 thug stole from a convenient store then picked a fight with an armed police man. If you guys don't think more cities will burn when they realize they are going to lose their Uncle Sugar daddy, wont be there to give them FREE stuff anymore, then you are nuts. Shame the US has turned into a Socialist 3rd world country.

I'm serious. I have deleted a lot of emails. I bet you have too.

So you were the SOS?

No but I heard she has deleted a few emails too. That is why I want to vote for her. We are both a lot alike. She is a republican and so am I. Hillary Clinton should have been John Mccain's running mate back in 2008. That would have been a hoot and a holler.
What have you been smoking?

You don't think Mccain could have won if he would have picked Hillary as his running mate? Mccain is a fake republican and Hillary is a fake democrat. They would have made a kick ass team. Obama wouldn't even be in our discussion today.
Why would McCain pick Hillary when she herself was a candidate?

She had already lost to Obama at that point.
Trump is the one turning orange......could be fatal

Funny,he manages to do several rallies a day yet hillary cant manage more than one a week.
Doesn't look good

I worked with a guy whose skin turned orange.....he only lived six months
He had this strange habit of grabbing women's pussies
I knew of guy named vince foster. he went to testify against the clintons. on his way, he ended up with a bullet in his head. I knew of another guy who turned in evidence of a rigged election for corrupt hillary and that dude ended up with a bullet in his back. hmmmm seems to be a connection.
If Hiliary loses the election there will be a string of suicides from DC to Idaho, she'll divorce Bubba, marry Yoko Ono and adopt Huma.
Not "IF" but "WHEN" Hildabeast loses, I don't want to be close to any big city. Baltimore burned because a drug addict who resisted arrest arrived dead at the hospital. Ferguson burned when a 6 foot 6 thug stole from a convenient store then picked a fight with an armed police man. If you guys don't think more cities will burn when they realize they are going to lose their Uncle Sugar daddy, wont be there to give them FREE stuff anymore, then you are nuts. Shame the US has turned into a Socialist 3rd world country.

View attachment 95458
I can't wait to see the faces of these libturds when trump wins.
We know Hillary is a crook and a liar. We know she doesn't mean anything she tells the voters. A vote for her is a mandate for corruption and decay. That's how things work when your reward people for bad behavior.

The Black Lives Matter business was exploited by the Democrats to achieve power. Turns out the opposite was true, and what was the result? Dead cops, disrespect, destruction and a dumbed-down country. Perhaps the real plan is to destroy the black population all-together.

Liberal media and rhetoric is 99% BS. I'm not a fan of Trumps, but for everything he's said or done Hillary has done much worse and more often. I wouldn't say that if I couldn't provide proof. Liberals don't care, most operate on emotions and that's proven too.

Then we have our current POUS in power for eight years. His devotion declares he was a good POUS or even great. If that doesn't prove we're a dumbed-down country I don't know what can. This is Obama's legacy:

1. Though we've had some correction the period required to do that was historically long. We never had a true correction, because the economy is stagnant..........Fail.

2. National debt doubled on Obama's watch.........Fail.

3. Record number of people left the job market altogether or they're under-employed. These numbers aren't reflected by the unemployment rate.........Fail.

4. Standard of living has regressed.........Fail.

5. Obamacare is a disaster..........Fail. If this doesn't demonstrate how socialism is a failure I don't know what can. The ultimate result of socialism is a reduction of everyone to the lowest common denominator. Congratulations on that Obama. He's taken a big step to achieve that goal.

6. We went to war in Syria. Obama is puzzy-footing around because he's a coward, and happy to leave the problem for someone else. If liberals weren't the hypocrites they are they'd see that the only major difference between our Iraqi invasion and our position in Syria is one had a goal, the other is a circus. Joke's on us. Meanwhile Bush is a hack and Obama was great..........That's just core stupidity.

7. Obama led the most corrupt admin. in our history, and now liberals want Hillary? We know the Justice Dept. is corrupt. We know the FBI is corrupt. We know the IRS is corrupt, we know the State Dept. is/was corrupt. We also know the DNC is corrupt, as is the entire effort to elect Hillary Clinton. We also know the media is just a component of the Democrat machine. Seriously, what happened to the American public we've deteriorated to this level?

8. Race relations have regressed 40-60 years, all so the Democrats can achieve power. Obama takes the lion's share of responsibility. It's all BS.

9. Despite historically low interest rates home ownership continues to decline. Then reflect on #1.

10. Cold war with Russia. Reagan managed to win one, Obama managed to build one. Good job Obama, you're the bestest.

Add our trade deficit, our immigration "policy", and a President who's true legacy is weakness and the great divider. Obama is clearly a failure. So what do liberals want to do? Compound the problem. On top of that, they "declare" a fight against the establishment. Once again these are just words, because they do the exact opposite.

This is the legacy we leave for our children. Shame on you, shame on us.

Add to the OP - Obama's administration was SO BAD the GOP now control the house, Senate and POUS. Obama, neat talking guy. Other than that - FAIL. But you libs. continue declaring him a success OK? We don't need a reason.
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